Any women over 45 out there trying to lose weight?



  • rondaj05
    rondaj05 Posts: 497 Member
    Turned 49 last month! Put on 20+ pounds in the last 2 years and quit exercising, don't want to go into my 50s at this weight and so out of shape!

    Still tweaking the calorie thing bc I have family history of diabetes and pre-diabetes symptoms, have to say I've felt so much better the last month and half bc I have made better choices. Exercise is my challenge, especially in the winter. When I get home from work and it's cold and dark I just want to put my jammies on and veg.

    Feel free to add me! :flowerforyou:
  • nwoychyshyn
    nwoychyshyn Posts: 11 Member
    Over 50 and not losing. I can't wait til summer to be more active.
  • MeRoHa
    MeRoHa Posts: 95 Member
    53 year old that has lost over 75 pounds since July using this site. I am still hoping to lose another 40 to 50 pounds. It helps me to be accountable and when I am feeling discouraged my friends here give me that little extra support I need to get positive.
  • lynplace
    lynplace Posts: 7 Member
    Hi I am 53 years old and just started my journey to a healthier me. Please feel free to add me as I am new MFP
  • Regan45
    Regan45 Posts: 191 Member
    I am 46 and met my goal weight using MFP. I had never tried to seriously lose weight before. Age and the weight just seemed to sneak up on me. I followed the guidelines and it was easy! Support from MFP friends is so helpful! The way you feel in the end is priceless!
    Good luck! You can do this!
  • Sztheday
    Sztheday Posts: 31 Member
    I'm 49 and have always been super active, never tried to lose weight before. Like another post, I think age has snuck up on me and without noticing I've gained a few extra pounds. I'd like to lose 20 by the time I turn 50, and trying to figure out how. The food diary on MFP is allowing me to isolate when I'm overeating, which I'm hoping will enable me to take control of it.

    Good luck to you!
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    Well at least you're doing it at 40. I waited until I was 50. It is hard. I'm not sure I've totally made peace with exercise, but I know it's necessary. You're going to have 10 more years of enjoying your weight and your strength than me. This is the best thing you've done for yourself.
  • gampsm824
    gampsm824 Posts: 37 Member
    49 here. Need to lose weight to stay healthy. Feel fee to add me.
  • Add me if you'd like... I'm 41 and started my weight loss Mid Oct. I have lost 25lbs so far and have goal of 25 more by my 42nd B-day in June. More friends make it easier to keep the motivation.... its a great to have support
  • Rebstoff14
    Rebstoff14 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi there, I just turned 45 in January, and I was 30 pounds over my goal weight - so I would love to be a part of this great group of people, please feel free to add me - lets go through this journey together :happy:
  • MissSethra
    MissSethra Posts: 16 Member
    44 here. Just joined site last week as I needed a better way to track intake. Started losing on my own August 2013 at 200lbs, down to 160 now, still have 20ish to go. Mainly have been watching intake and I lowered carbs. Still need to up exercise but that is harder to accomplish as I have lower back pain. I try to get in walking when weather/time permits though. Feel free to add me.
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    I didn't need to lose 40, but almost 20% body weight.

    I started at about 45. slowly. I found a zumba class and went with two friends and the first classes we were laughing at our lack of coordination more than working out and I was hooked. working out and fun together???
    It was only once a week so then I started looking for other things. I did a boot camp, used Groupon for various classes and learned what I liked, and didn't. I had a hard time with timing when my two kids were at opposite ends of town and we had to pick up seperate, there went my evening or two to work out after work (we live in the country and its hard to go home and go back out).
    Then I found some home DVD series programs that I liked and I was finally hooked! things I liked from all the other stuff rolled into one. I'm still looking to tone up some more and get the 'best shape of my life' but I think I'm doing ok for 48

    you asked... thats my story.

    Feel free to friend me if you'd like
  • RagingThespian
    RagingThespian Posts: 21 Member
    Hi there! I'm 47, turning 48 this August and have about 65 lbs to lose. I am really enjoying the journey - discovering new foods, exercising, figuring out what foods to eat to hit all my targets. It's sort of a game - at least that's how I am viewing it - which makes it more fun to do. This is the longest I've stuck with eating better and exercising in a VERY long time. Feel free to add me. :-)
  • leahmarie65
    leahmarie65 Posts: 8 Member
    I am 49 yrs old and am trying to lose 20 pds. I have knee arthritis so I cannot run at all anymore, but bike and lift weights. It will be a challenge, but this app is great! It keeps me on track, and I plan all my meals every night and pack it up as I add to the app. I figure I am worth the time. I wish you well and stay on target can do it!
  • I'm 47 (48 in May) and I aim to lose 40 more lbs. (I've lost 6 so far since the new year.)
  • Simone2373
    Simone2373 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi :) I'm 47. At 45 I started slow and steady with a bit of cardio, mostly elliptical and just walking to work (about a half hr for me) on nice days, and cutting back on carb intake significantly, no snacking at night. Nothing drastic. It was really slow and steady. Six months into it I was down about 15 lb and added some strength training with a personal trainer and that was really the best thing I ever did for myself. That got my metabolism going and the next 15 came off a LOT easier, and I really started loving my workouts even more as I got stronger and started really reaping the results. I've now lost about 33 lb and have another 20 to go, and have plateau'd over the last couple of months due to work and other stress, but I am determined now to push through the last 20, which is why I am here :)

    So, all that to say it is very possible to make these changes at our age but it is important to realize that it really is (and yes we all know this and have heard it a million times , but it is SO TRUE) a lifestyle change, a slow and steady thing that gets you the results. Be patient with yourself and forgiving and try not to think in black and white perfectionistic thinking- that used to be my downfall. If you have that extra piece of cake, don't wallow in it, just make sure you don't do it two days in a row, and don't skip your workout...that sort of thing :) Just get back on that wagon! And try to keep it fun, always!
  • dreambodin2011
    dreambodin2011 Posts: 166 Member
    I'm 46 and have almost reached my goal weight after many years of sabotaging myself. Started the gym more seriously in my late 30's, but still struggled with my diet until recently. I was either full ON or, very naughty! But I am in a great head space now, and have dropped 4 kilos just this year...which I can't believe as I"m in new territory since our wedding 18+ yrs ago.
    I gave up alcohol at the beginning of this year, and have also avoided added sugars, so this has been a huge turning point for me.

    Who would've thought avoiding a few wines each week could change me so much. Now I am viewing eating differently too, and really focusing on nourishing my body with healthy foods, and not overeating which is something I used to do frequently. I just sabotaged myself so much - making it very difficult to win, and easy to fail, continuously being annoyed with the extra weight I was carrying and despairing that I'd never get rid of it -- (and come Friday night munching on chips and drinking my wine) lol. oh dear!

    but all is good today - would love new friends so add me if you like.
  • RockingGranny
    RockingGranny Posts: 64 Member
    Checking in at age 45 with 46 to come in just 2 more months. With age 40 came too many life changes for me to keep up with which resulted in more time in the office and no time in the gym. Before I knew it, my normal healthy weight was obese, 120 pounds too much. The first 20 dropped by just walking a few times a week at lunch. The next 35 dropped by increasing the walking and the salads; I really like salads. I also traded my Starbucks for a self-made protein smoothie every morning. Sadly, I quickly gained it back, when I started spending too much time in the office,again. I started over again in Jan 2013 and dropped 45 by the end of May by getting away from office and walking 3 miles daily and a daily caloric intake of 1,200-1,400. From June - Dec 2013, my pursuit of a healthier me took backseat to a family crisis, so I only lost 10 pounds. Effective Jan 2014, I added walking back into my daily lifestyle. I walk 4.5 miles 6 days a week. I have lost 10 more pounds and I have 35 to go. Next week, I am going to add weight training and the elliptical. The keys for me are preparing my own low calorie meals, walking, and getting away from the office.

    Feel free to add me. We can all support each other and learn from each other.
  • patricias65
    patricias65 Posts: 2 Member
    I am just getting new and just getting started on my weight
    loss journey. I am 48 and my wt loss goal is 55 lbs. as a start, I gave up soda as part of that goal. Feel free to add me. Would like to meet some new friends and help encourage others.
  • lanakat
    lanakat Posts: 22 Member
    Im 48 years old and restarted a few days ago. Anyone feel free to add me as a friend. We are all in this together. I love the phone app. Hello Everyone!