I ate 5,877 calories today...



  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,761 Member
    How the hell is that even possible? I don't think I could do that if I tried....maybe if I ate a large pizza...but wow!

    Considering 1 large dairy queen blizzard with snickers and reeses cups has over 2000 calories in it, I would say its easy to eat 10000 calories in a day, nevermind 5000.

    Pffft. Food Amateurs

    holy hell! I can barely make it through a small one of those without getting full
  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    Pork crackling has to be more than 200 calories. Considering I ate half the pork crackling too.

    By now, you've probably pooped out most of what you ate and the episode is behind you.

    On a "one off" day like that, the body can't process all of those extra calories and a lot of it comes out as waste. No need to worry so much. It happens to most of us once in a blue moon.

    If worried, fire up your oven (metabolism) with some nice hot spices on your food for a few days, increase your calorie burn to more than the 300 some odd you did in exercise on the big eating day and you'll be fine.
  • benefiting
    benefiting Posts: 795 Member
    WOWZA. I struggled to eat at maintenance last week at 1930 so tbh I am really shocked you should enter food eating competitions!

    On a serious note its really not that big a deal - you ate it - its done. Onwards and upwards. I ate 700 calories worth of almond croissant today and got emosh! But so frickin what - it's one day and you've been doing so well so far and any way like you said it tasted good - at least it was pork so lots of protein - could've been worse!

    Never thought about that but hey, theres an idea! :P

    I know that and I am. I originally logged my pork to see how much protein it had I believe and I was like "at least I smashed my protein today" or something like that.
  • benefiting
    benefiting Posts: 795 Member
    I'm more defending the fact I ate 2,629 calories worth of pork. I'm not even obsessing over the fact I ate it, by the way. :P
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    How the hell is that even possible? I don't think I could do that if I tried....maybe if I ate a large pizza...but wow!
    What a crappy thing to say. That is EASY. Are you kidding me? Good food is high in calories...girlfriend I LOVE me some pork. Please tell me it was bbq. :-)

    I wouldn't try and reach a goal tomorrow. That's me. I would eat healthy foods, and maybe drop it to 1500-1600 if that filled me for a day or two. If hungry, go up to your "goal", but c'est la vie. I'm sure the pork was worth it. NOM NOM!!
  • pinklinz1977
    WOWZA. I struggled to eat at maintenance last week at 1930 so tbh I am really shocked you should enter food eating competitions!

    On a serious note its really not that big a deal - you ate it - its done. Onwards and upwards. I ate 700 calories worth of almond croissant today and got emosh! But so frickin what - it's one day and you've been doing so well so far and any way like you said it tasted good - at least it was pork so lots of protein - could've been worse!

    Never thought about that but hey, theres an idea! :P

    I know that and I am. I originally logged my pork to see how much protein it had I believe and I was like "at least I smashed my protein today" or something like that.

    Excellent attitude! Crack on :-)
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    How the hell is that even possible? I don't think I could do that if I tried....maybe if I ate a large pizza...but wow!

    Considering 1 large dairy queen blizzard with snickers and reeses cups has over 2000 calories in it, I would say its easy to eat 10000 calories in a day, nevermind 5000.

    Pffft. Food Amateurs

    holy hell! I can barely make it through a small one of those without getting full

    WOW. Good for you.
  • sergio410
    I'm obviously in the minority when I saw 5877 and didn't blink, it's easy done...sounds like my typical Saturday "treat night".

    Agree with the majority though, really wouldn't beat yourself up about it, we're all human and all have off days. Just carry on with your calorie plan tomorrow.
  • GBPackerFan14
    GBPackerFan14 Posts: 55 Member
    Shake it off. If it makes you feel any better I have put down easily over 9-10k on some bad days. Put it behind you and don't try anything to compensate. Just don't let it become a habit, once every few months will have little effect other than high blood sugar.
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    How the hell is that even possible? I don't think I could do that if I tried....maybe if I ate a large pizza...but wow!
    I could do it without breaking a sweat. I used to do it all the time I'm sure but wasn't keeping score back then.
  • helpfit101
    helpfit101 Posts: 347 Member
    Just pick up where you left off. Call it a cheat day. I am eating 4000+ on exercise days and it's not easy. Kudos to you :)
  • KHalseth
    KHalseth Posts: 104 Member
    If you try to eat least than your goal you may start a yo-yo pattern. You will do it for a day or two but be so hungry that you might over eat and then try to make up by going lower again.

    Instead, just go back to your normal pattern. It was a bad day, it is over and done with, life goes on. Now I just need to take my own advice.
  • angdpowers
    angdpowers Posts: 311 Member
    How the hell is that even possible? I don't think I could do that if I tried....maybe if I ate a large pizza...but wow!

    How the hell is this even supportive or constructive?

    It's neither, and I'm not really concerned about it being either.....I"m just in awe of the sheer amount of calories in one day someone can eat!

    She already stated it's done, she's accepted it and moved on....so really, there's nothing left to say about it except...wow.

    ^^^ pretty much a jerk response all around! Probably should just keep to yourself. I think plenty of us are in "sheer awe" by your comments/approach in general.

    Listen girl, its not THAT hard to eat THAT many calories. You can have low-ish volume and still have high calorie sooooo ...

    But yea, I would let it go and move on with a new day. People who try to "make-up" for what they did before? It makes no sense. Its just like if you said or did something yesterday that you wish you would've done different ... you can't go back and change that. Whats done is done and you know what, your body doesn't hate you for it. You might have "gained" a little bit (ie because of sodium, etc) but yesterday doesn't really matter. You're not gonna get "skinny" or "fat" in one day ... trust me! :)

    Today, eat your calories, move that happy little body of yours and carry on sister!! Cheers to logging :drinker: , SEEING it and learning :smile:
  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,533 Member
    I'm more defending the fact I ate 2,629 calories worth of pork. I'm not even obsessing over the fact I ate it, by the way. :P

    Am I the only one who's thinking you can get one heck of a power workout in before all that lovely protein is flushed!? :laugh: Oh sweetie take advantage of all that lovely fat & protein before its all gone!!
  • MissBabyJane
    MissBabyJane Posts: 538 Member
    When I'm over my calories I exercise more and eat a little bit less the next day.
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,761 Member
    How the hell is that even possible? I don't think I could do that if I tried....maybe if I ate a large pizza...but wow!

    How the hell is this even supportive or constructive?

    It's neither, and I'm not really concerned about it being either.....I"m just in awe of the sheer amount of calories in one day someone can eat!

    She already stated it's done, she's accepted it and moved on....so really, there's nothing left to say about it except...wow.

    ^^^ pretty much a jerk response all around! Probably should just keep to yourself. I think plenty of us are in "sheer awe" by your comments/approach in general.

    Listen girl, its not THAT hard to eat THAT many calories. You can have low-ish volume and still have high calorie sooooo ...

    But yea, I would let it go and move on with a new day. People who try to "make-up" for what they did before? It makes no sense. Its just like if you said or did something yesterday that you wish you would've done different ... you can't go back and change that. Whats done is done and you know what, your body doesn't hate you for it. You might have "gained" a little bit (ie because of sodium, etc) but yesterday doesn't really matter. You're not gonna get "skinny" or "fat" in one day ... trust me! :)

    Today, eat your calories, move that happy little body of yours and carry on sister!! Cheers to logging :drinker: , SEEING it and learning :smile:

    Oh internet, how I love thee LOL . I think the OP is the ONLY one who knew what I was saying wasnt negative, ang got the EXACT tone it was meant. But hey....internet.
  • angdpowers
    angdpowers Posts: 311 Member
    How the hell is that even possible? I don't think I could do that if I tried....maybe if I ate a large pizza...but wow!

    How the hell is this even supportive or constructive?

    It's neither, and I'm not really concerned about it being either.....I"m just in awe of the sheer amount of calories in one day someone can eat!

    She already stated it's done, she's accepted it and moved on....so really, there's nothing left to say about it except...wow.

    ^^^ pretty much a jerk response all around! Probably should just keep to yourself. I think plenty of us are in "sheer awe" by your comments/approach in general.

    Listen girl, its not THAT hard to eat THAT many calories. You can have low-ish volume and still have high calorie sooooo ...

    But yea, I would let it go and move on with a new day. People who try to "make-up" for what they did before? It makes no sense. Its just like if you said or did something yesterday that you wish you would've done different ... you can't go back and change that. Whats done is done and you know what, your body doesn't hate you for it. You might have "gained" a little bit (ie because of sodium, etc) but yesterday doesn't really matter. You're not gonna get "skinny" or "fat" in one day ... trust me! :)

    Today, eat your calories, move that happy little body of yours and carry on sister!! Cheers to logging :drinker: , SEEING it and learning :smile:

    Oh internet, how I love thee LOL . I think the OP is the ONLY one who knew what I was saying wasnt negative, ang got the EXACT tone it was meant. But hey....internet.

    Ha! Your right. Just saw ya'll are actually friends.
    Weird. Good thing ya'll "get" each other because it totally comes off different.
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    How the hell is that even possible? I don't think I could do that if I tried....maybe if I ate a large pizza...but wow!
    I could do it without breaking a sweat. I used to do it all the time I'm sure but wasn't keeping score back then.

    I had a day like that once. God, it was wonderful. I ate all the flavors!
  • benefiting
    benefiting Posts: 795 Member
    I'm more defending the fact I ate 2,629 calories worth of pork. I'm not even obsessing over the fact I ate it, by the way. :P

    I like you!

    Everyone else is freaking out and concerned and trying to help or just be snarky...

    And you don't let any of it phase you. You ate the pork, enjoyed it, and you've moved on.

    You don't need any advice. You're gonna be just fine.

    Thanks love. That's right. I wasn't asking for support (but damn did I get some). My question was what they do in my situation and how many calories should I consume for the next few days and that was all I was looking for. :)