
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Gonna be a windy Thursday,

    Just popping in to say HI. No time to read this morning.:sad:

    Congrats to those that have stayed the course:drinker:

    Hang in there for those that are having a hard time of it.:drinker:

    Those caring for others (husbands, friends, children, grandchildren) have a good day and enjoy the time you have together:drinker:

    Those of you dealing with weather (flooding in the UK and snow & ice in the US) I'm sure that the sun and warmer weather is right around the corner so stay warm and safe in the meantime:flowerforyou:

    No time to read today have a lot to complete. Have prelogged for most of my day so that I have a plan to stick with. I always wonder why it takes me so long to get in the habit of logging when I know that it works for me and I always feel better when I do it.

    Work continues to plague me. It looks like my boss is going to lose his property that the business is on and we will be moving our office....just what I wanted another move:grumble: I managed to empty three more boxes last night slowly there are getting to be less and less of them taking up space in the garage.

    Everyone have good day. After my Chiro appt today I get a massage...and then I have to return to the office but I will enjoy it while I'm there:bigsmile:

    Log it ALL ladies it really does make a difference:flowerforyou:

    Laura in Colorado:smile:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,604 Member
    Good afternoon from a windy Hampshire!

    Rivers still rising in the South and more heavy rain this weekend. Horrible.
    Right now the sun is shining. :huh:

    Patty - the goulash is from a book I love called The Prawn Cocktail Years. :laugh: Real old school recipes. Today I have just finished cooking Swedish Meatballs from it. 45 meatballs and sauce! I am worn out. They are a standby lunch for Sunday, but are now in the freezer so I can drag them out any time. Extras for DGS.:love: Luckily, very luckily, my cleaner came today, so I don't have to clean as well. :drinker:
    In a minute I am going to make lime parfaits to have as a dessert for the Valentines meal. I decided we didn't have enough dessert!:blushing: Am I mad? YES!
    We are going to eat 5 meatballs each for dinner tonight so I won't be cooking again. Phew!

    The authorities have opened up a road which has been closed for weeks, which was our route to the motorway to London. So many other roads are closed from flooding they have had to abandon the roadworks. At least my DDIL will be able to find her way here this time. People have been completely lost.

    Sylvia - glad to hear your son is coping. I hope his next procedure goes smoothly. Such a horrible disease. My father had it.
    Just read, so am editing, that you have more worries. Big hugs.:love::heart: :flowerforyou:

    Joyce - well done on the being stroppy!

    Viv - hope all is well with your DH. Thinking of you.

    Gloria - I'm sure you are fully preoccupied at the moment. ((((Hugs)))).

    Meg - glad to hear there has been an improvement. It's going to be a long haul, as I know you know. I'm currently reading INCOGNITO - THE SECRET LIFE OF THE BRAIN. What a complicated business our brains are. In one square centimetre there are more connections than there are stars in our galaxy, the Milky Way. Wow!

    Alison - I don't know how you do all that snow shovelling! I would collapse! I bet you ache!:flowerforyou:

    Stay safe everyone. Eat your greens! :laugh:

    Love Heather in windy Hampshire UK
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Laura in CO: I find myself doing the same old exercises because I like them. I really don’t see a down side. Congrats on the lost pound.:flowerforyou:

    RLawrence: Welcome and good luck. Did you really mean 50 stones? My convert app tells me that 50 stones equals 700 pounds. Five stones is an ambitions goal. I’ve lost that much, but it took more than a year. Slow and steady wins the race.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: I admire all of your entertaining and am delighted you tell us about it. Grand NSV from your DSD! What a lovely compliment. You need to copy it to a safe place where you can revisit it when you need a boost.:flowerforyou:

    Gail: We had that snow and ice recently and all that is left is a little bit of slush and a whole lot of gravel in the streets.:grumble: :flowerforyou:

    Carol in NC: I’m glad to hear that your daughter did well in surgery and will be fine. Yay!:flowerforyou:

    Kayak Cutie: Prayers for Sheri.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: Heart shaped meatloaf is a lovely idea. I don’t even have a card for DH at this point. Guess I’d better find one. :flowerforyou:

    Kay: Enjoy your snow day and jammies.:flowerforyou:

    LadyBeryl: Why did you stop weighing? I cut back from weighing every day to weighing about once a week after I reached my goal and started trying to maintain. So far it is going well.:flowerforyou:

    Amanda: I’m happy you were able to catch the tube to work. Bidding at an art auction sounds exciting. I hope you are able to get some prizes fro your gallery.:flowerforyou:

    I’m out of time for posting, so I need to say sorry to those I missed. Today I get to go to yoga, and then we’re driving to an RV show about 80 or 90 miles away. I’ll stop by later. I had an NSV yesterday. My wedding ring slipped off, and I caught it. I’m going to have the ring made smaller. Before I started this whole adventure I had to have it made larger. I wonder if it will be back to its original size this time.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    February goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Move more: cardio at least 3 days a week and strength training as soon as I am able.
    3. Water: According to an article I saw on facebook, drinking water at certain times maximizes its effectiveness for the body. I’ll work toward following these guidelines:
    * 2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
    * 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
    * 1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
    * 1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    well im waiting....
    it is near white out conditions here now,I dont want to snow blow until it has stopped a bit, I filled the bird feeders yesterday so they are flitting back and forth and I get to watch them,
    and I finally figured out how to download some music into my phone..
    they should have a cell phone book for dummies, gosh these things are complicated...
    you gave me an idea,Think I will do my bedroom closet too.
    dont want to be a lazy duff all day. havent figured out what to make for dinner yet.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,198 Member
    Bump so I can find this again. Working from home today and just as busy as if I was at work!

    Rita from snowy CT
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,990 Member
    Hello to all: Warmer here today, supposed to get to 37 degrees. It will be sloppy but that is okay. One of my goals for February is to get an average of 6000 steps on my Fitbit each week. I got an average of 8,799 for the first week!!:bigsmile: I am finding that if I do more exercise during the day the prednisone is not causing so many problems at night. Fewer night sweats and waking up. I am all for that and it certainly can't hurt me. Got our taxes done today. Will have to pay in some because of the transition to retirement for my DH but that is okay.

    Heather - Nice compliment from DSD:wink:

    Joyce - You are so wise to know just what you and DH need and to advocate for him.

    Must head out to employee forums at work. This should be my last one.:happy:

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    DeeDee - We have lots of snow and there was a lot of sleet around nightfall and after. It's snowing like crazy now--supposed to get another 3-5 inches today. My son's gastro called me from home this morning (they closed the clinics at Duke Hospital) and said that the ultrasound was normal.She is changing his reflux meds and, if that doesn't work, I'm to call back after about 10 days. I have a feeling I will be calling back because I don't believe it is reflux. If the meds don't work, he'll have another endoscopy.

    I have been a total lazybones today. I'm still in jammies and in bed, although I haven't been asleep for hours and hours. It's cold and I just don't feel like doing anything. I will be forced to get up shortly because my stomach is calling for lunch! After I eat, I will get moving and get things done.

    I got my chia seeds and PB2 that I ordered from Amazon. I used the chia seeds in an apple spice smoothie for my daughter and it was awesome! It consisted of oatmeal, chia seeds, yogurt, milk, applesauce, apple butter, and a touch of honey and cinnamon. It tasted like liquid apple pie! I made an overnight oatmeal adding the chia seeds, yogurt, milk, PB2, banana, and a touch of honey. It was great, too. I think we're going to have tomato soup and grilled cheese for lunch since those are perfect cold weather foods.

    I've made myself even hungrier...Off I go to get food!

    Carol in VERY snowy NC
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Hello to all my Vit F buddies! It's snowing like crazy here, though not white out conditions (yet). We will probably end up with more than a foot once it's over. Some areas close by, at slightly higher elevations, may get 18 inches or so. I am REALLY ready for some warmer weather!

    Animika - good to hear from you :flowerforyou: Always enjoy your posts.

    Joyce - glad DH is getting the medical attention he needs - good for you for standing up for him.

    Meg - Mexican sounds wonderful <sigh>. Since we moved back to New England, I do miss really good Mexican food. My work family in Omaha has promised to take me to Guacamaya while I am in the big O. Looking forward to seeing you too!!

    Alison - Be careful with that snow - it's going to get really heavy. My DH is going out to snow blow in a little while. We aren't supposed to get any of the freezing rain and, with luck, may not get any sleet either. A warm up is in the forecast for us here in the Northeast - course that might mean anything above 20 :laugh:

    Stay warm, my MFP sisters!!

    Jill in Western MA
  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
    Hello all,
    Well I woke up to over a ft of snow this morning, it slacked off for now but
    Another storm is forming and we might get another ft of snow
    later this evening. I am enjoying it because I keep in my mind how horribly hot
    it was this past summer. It's easier for me to get warm than cool off.
    Last summer was so hot the pool water was too warm to enjoy. I'm
    taking pictures of the snow so I can look at them this summer when it's hot.

    Can anyone help me get my wght loss ticker back. I changed it so now it won't
    Come back on my messages. I am so computer illiterate.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    well that was fun, can i do that again?I am so done with this snow did the deck 3 times,the dogs loop 2 times, and both driveways, i got alot of exercise and my arms are really sore.., I can only imagine what ill feel like in the morning.
    Tom(DH) will be able to get home ok,and then I will make him dinner, I did 2 loads of laundry this morning ,so he has fresh sheets on his bed..clean towels for his shower....
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good afternoon.
    Trying to rest to get rid of this cold?
    Daughter is still sick,trying to get to the dr today.They don`t have eve appts,so may take her to the clinic.
    Hugs to all that need them:heart::heart:
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Good afternoon from sunny Ohio. Was the same yesterday,so I got out to do some walking in the mall,then shopped for bras, not a job I enjoy,but it's done.Spent an hour looking for a purse.Finally ,both jobs are finished.

    Today we drove to an Amish bakery & bought some goodies Bad me.....

    Had Dr appt to ask if I can stop meds. She said absolutely not,so very disappointed :cry: I'm convinced they keep me from losing wt.

    Well,nothing to do but accept it.......just don't have to like it:cry:

    We are looking for much warmer temps,near 60 next wk. Walking weather!!!!!
  • For some reason, I had tons of energy this morning. I really killed those invisible zombies in Bodycombat class. Good thing too, since life is dumping stress my way this week. Among other things, DD spilled her vitamin C drink on her computer, the one she needs for online school. RIP computer.:sad:

    Kayzoola (PNW USA)
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    We are home!!!!!!!! Stopped by Sams on our way home. One of the drugs you have to take after a stent is Effient. It can be quite expensive and the company gives a card for one free months prescription. Luckily Charlie's co-pay takes care of it and he pays $45/month. But since he had his first stents last March he can't use this coupon until the 365 days are up. So I need to paper clip it onto my calander for next month. He walked a lot slower in Sam's. I know he is still a little scared to do waht he had been doing before. But we are home.

    Sylvia my C-Pap is very quiet. I don't know about my sister's. We have two completely different machines and masks. I wouldn't want hers, it covers the whole nose, mine is kind of like an oxygen tubing and just fits in the nostrils.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Just wanted to pop in and share this:

    I have a kind of quirky/funny NSV from today. My daughter had surgery Tuesday and is staying with me for a while during recovery. When I went to her apartment yesterday to feed her cats, I couldn't possibly help but notice the dirty clothing lying all around EVERYWHERE, so I picked it all up and brought it home to wash. When I was loading the washer and dryer today, I realized how much less room my clothing takes up in the washer and dryer now that the items are smaller. She is wearing my wardrobe from when I was at my heaviest so it was readily apparent. It just dawned on me how many fewer loads I do now and I had to giggle. :laugh:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    parked in bed with the heated mattress pad on, now im sure I will turn it off before I go to sleep because I sweat and flash alot:grumble:
    Tom(DH) finished up the snowblowing,the ends of the driveway and did the loop again, we will be getting another 2-4 inches overnight so I will snowblow tomorrow before I go to work tomorrow
    then we get a clipper coming through saterday morning and I am supposed to work saterday morning.
    I haven't used any personal time, and I dont want to use it for stupid snow days
    Happy early Valentines Day to all my sweet friends :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Joyce: congrats on being home again!

    My NSV: one of my rings that was a little loose on my ring finger now fits on my middle finger.

    Of course, I had to go and crash and burn with my food today, so I'll probably be bloated tomorrow. But still.

    To all a good night,
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Lady Beryl - welcome! Hope you hear good news from your doc

    Gail - stay safe!

    Sylvia - what a neat idea of a heart shaped meatloaf! And if the kids don't like meatloaf, you can always make them mac & cheese. That usually goes over well. Hope all is well for your hubby and that it's something that can be controlled easily

    Brenda - what is a sh'bam class?

    Joyce - best of luck to your brother tomorrow. don't you DARE hang clothes on your bike!!!! The end of next week it's supposed to be in the 60's around here. Just my luck, it warms up just as we are leaving for FL!

    Question for those on here- I can't recall everyone, who all is on maintenance?

    Did about 1-1/2 hr of Jillian Michaels Killer Buns and Thighs video today. Yesterday I forgot to mention that one of the things that I like about Gin Miller's videos is that she's "normal" sized. Jillian Michaels looks too skinny, you can see her bones.

    The PLAN was that I was going to go to the deep water class tomorrow. But it's still snowing here and I suspect that the town will be shut down tomorrow (they really don't know how to deal with snow, take care of the roads, even drive in snow) so I might very well do a Rebounder DVD instead.

    Amanda - hope you get some really good stuff at the auction

    Patty in Cincinnati - what movie are you going to see?

    DeeDee - 10 inches of snow is 10 inches too much for me...lol What I really don't like is how EVERYTHING shuts down, how they don't know how to take care of the roads, how people don't know how to drive in it. That really gets me.

    I swear, Vince is getting more and more like his father. When his parents used to visit us, his father always had the Weather channel on. Now Vince always has it on. I like to know what the weather is, but I don't need it all the time. I'd like to do other things.

    katla - congrats on your ring falling off!

    Alison - Vince and I went out and shoveled, probably for about an hour. I DID NOT move to NC to shovel snow!!!! Reminded me of the snow in PA, how after a while it got to the point where the piles you made were so high it got silly. How in the world are you doing it all? I have one pair of snow boots from when we lived in PA. They had a slight crack in them at the time. I last wore them 3 years ago. When I went to get them out last night, the crack was a little bit bigger. One part of me wants to get a new pair, but the other part of me says "why bother for only once every 3 years?". I think that side of me is going to win out on this war unless I find a pair REALLY REALLY cheap. Did a load of laundry today.

    Jane - hope your daughter is feeling better.

    Supposed to get the oil in my car changed tomorrow. Fortunately, the appt is for early afternoon and hopefully, the roads will be a bit clearer by then. Our road is privately owned, and the guy who usually "plows" it didn't do it. I told you they were religious about their snow down here! The place where I get the oil changed is right next to Aldi so I'll probably go there afterwards, then might stop at WalMart to get another gallon of milk

    Joyce - so glad Charlie is home, and I'm sure you and he are, too.

    Carol in NC - great NSV

    Cynthia - great NSV for you, too.

    Michele in NC
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    I have really struggled with being able to see the weight loss. I still see the same image as I did a year ago. But tonight when I was walking to the gym I saw my reflection in the windows and thought wow I do see a difference. My winter coat is hanging off me.

    I'm really looking forward to the weekend. It's a long weekend, Monday is Family day. I'm going out for dinner with DD, DS & DS's GF. It's DS's GFs birthday. We are going to Mongolian Grill restaurant. You pick your food and they cook it in front of you, you pick your meat, veggies & sauces (I won't have any sauce). It's really nice place.

    And of course weigh in on Saturday morning.

    We finally got a bit of a break in the weather today, it was a balmy -3C.

    Have a great night and stay safe & warm.

    :heart: Sandy in ON
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good evening,

    Rain, cold and windy........but it could be SO much worse; I really feel for those of you to the west and north with all that snow. DH wanted his b-day lunch a day early (really wanted to avoid those V-day crowds, I guess) so we went to a steakhouse today. I ordered a glass of ice---got ice water, ordered one steak ---didn't think I got the right one as I had this before and, sure enough, when the bill came--I had been given the wrong cut...........staff member asked DH if he needed more soda (his glass was still half full) and totally ignored my completely empty coffee cup at the tables' edge waiting for a refill............grrrrrrrrrrrr.

    DD has been very quiet lately.........no calls, no emails.........and that's never good. I'm just "off" mood -wise. Sad, and I have no real reason, worried too.......want to eat junk.

    Janemartin.........Hope you feel better soon.

    Katla.........How was the RV show; did you find one you can both agree on?

    Joyce........Good to have Charlie home!!!!............Is any of his karaoke on youtube? I'd love to hear him.

    Sylvia...........Hope your son's tests show no negative changes and he is stable. Best to your DH too. I hear you on the stress eating. Sometimes I'm a rock solid with resolve, but other times???? WHY??? Why should stress and nerves make us eat????

    Gloria........You are in my thoughts......
