Anybody doing The 21 Day Fix



  • Couponqueenren
    Couponqueenren Posts: 47 Member
    My kit arrived today, so I am anxious to get home and dig through it.

    I think the biggest thing for me is not only know how much but also focusing on quality foods. I can stick to a 1200 calorie day drinking coffee and eating cookies, but that is not what is best for me.

    As to it being a gimmick, it is not a "do nothing and lose" program, you are working out and you are eating better. Isn't that the core of MFP and all other programs.

    As to the amount of weight loss, if look at the promotional tools it says up to 20lbs, and that is entirely feasible and healthy with some people of larger size that big drop of water weight at the beginning from reducing sodium from processed foods, sweating and drinking water.
  • Everyone has a goal and I'm sure it's to be healthy. Can't we all just get along? Lol... At the en of the day, you worked out, you pushed yourself, and you ate right. That's all that matters. Some people don't have time to go to the gym, some people workout at home in their home gyms or workout programs. Everyone has a different lifestyle and May or may not have kids or a family to take care of. There's a lot of bashing about the 21 day fix but I think everyone should understand that the workout is for anyone even those who are just beginning their fitness journey.
  • ang061505
    ang061505 Posts: 2 Member
    I just started the 21 Day Fix yesterday! So far I really like it and it isn't too complicated either.

    Also, in response to the negative comment, the containers are just a tool and not the solution. It is really about the right proportions and types of foods along with a workout plan.

    To those that are doing it as well, little sandwich baggies fit in the containers perfectly! When I use the containers to measure I put the bag in first as like a liner. That way I can use the baggie for storage and don't have to keep cleaning the container!
  • ang061505
    ang061505 Posts: 2 Member
    One more thing.....most of the people that lost larger numbers repeated the program multiple times which it says in the footnote, so the rate of weight loss really isn't crazy dramatic. I am actually taking in more calories on the plan than I was counting calories which scared me at first, but I feel good and do not feel like I am going without at all.
  • amandae79
    amandae79 Posts: 169 Member
    I started the program on Monday! I am enjoying the workouts....the portion control (containers)............trying to get a hang of it. I am actually eating more now, than I was before.
  • are people so idiotic to say that the fitness programs are unhealthy way to lose weight. You are working out. You're not taking any questionable chemicals in pills and drinks, you're not wrapping, and your certainly not starving yourself...find me a doctor who will say exercise is not a healthy way to lose weight. With healthy eating habits, moderate exercise 3-5 days a week and sleep, you are giving your body a healthy way to lose weight. 3-6 lbs a week is not unhealthy if you are doing it this way. Yes I am a beachbody coach but I am also awaiting my group fitness instructor certification. And I bet the ones saying that is not healthy has no idea what they are talking about.
  • HeatherBrookmyer
    HeatherBrookmyer Posts: 41 Member
    I love this tip, starting the fix tomorrow!!! Thanks for posting this:flowerforyou:
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member are people so idiotic to say that the fitness programs are unhealthy way to lose weight. You are working out. You're not taking any questionable chemicals in pills and drinks, you're not wrapping, and your certainly not starving yourself...find me a doctor who will say exercise is not a healthy way to lose weight. With healthy eating habits, moderate exercise 3-5 days a week and sleep, you are giving your body a healthy way to lose weight. 3-6 lbs a week is not unhealthy if you are doing it this way. Yes I am a beachbody coach but I am also awaiting my group fitness instructor certification. And I bet the ones saying that is not healthy has no idea what they are talking about.

    No one said fitness programs are unhealthy. People said that the advertised claims of large amounts of weight lost over the course of 21 days were unrealistic, as the only way a person would be able to create the caloric deficit needed to do so would to be to engage in some very unhealthy activities that the CG do not allow to be promoted on this site. Reading is fundamental.

    Oh, and not a BB coach, but I do have a personal trainer certification and I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    No, I prefer a modest calorie deficit and lose the weight for free. I'd rather spend money on cute new clothes. :smokin: :bigsmile:
  • dannie138
    dannie138 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm excited about this program...and this was enough to push me to sign up as a coach. I adore T25, workout daily, so why no work on portion control too! :)
  • bharris71
    bharris71 Posts: 11 Member
    Sounds seriously gimmicky.....The workouts look fine - but the very expensive little Tupperware holders for "portion" control is just silly..... And testimonies of people losing 10 and 20 pounds in 21 days is so not healthy....
    You are not a Beachbody coach by any chance?

    ^This. It sounds like a bunch of hooey to me. I like BB workouts but I find all their other products to be junk. And the advertised claims of 10-20 lbs in 3 weeks is not only unhealthy but also completely unrealistic for most people. That's essentially 3-6 lbs per week. The only way I know of to make that happen we're not allowed to promote on the boards, which is a huge red flag to me.

    I have been doing this for 1 week now, eating approximately 1300 calories per day and have lost 3 lbs this last week. It has you focus more on how much you are eating and what you are eating. Yes you can get Tupperware containers but with all the workouts you get with the dvd's, it would be about the same price if not less than if I went to the store and bought that any workouts individually. I don't think it is a bad price at all.
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    Anything called "The 21 Day Fix" is probably going to end up being a 21 day disappointment.

    Slow and steady gets you to the goal.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Is a $20 digital kitchen scale included in this package?

    I think I'd buy one of those before I bought anything else.
  • Couponqueenren
    Couponqueenren Posts: 47 Member
    Way to support someone who is reaching out for solidarity.......

    I am not a beach body coach, so this is not a sales pitch. I come on here for support, to lean on my fellow man when I need encouragement. She asked for support from those doing the program, if you are not and would not, then she does not need your negative feedback. We all internally do enough of that.

    The program is about working out, making better food choices and repairing our out of proportion portion control. There is nothing wrong with that.

    It is called 21 Day fix, not because you are going to magically be thin in 21 Days, but it is a known psychological theory that it takes 21 Days to establish a habit................. but only one negative thought to crush a spirit.
  • To all the positive comments, thank you. To all the negative comments, I'm sorry you feel that way or think that way. Like I said before, everyone has their own way of losing the weight. We all have a goal and it's to get healthy and fit so there is no need for negative comments. FYI, the test group that did The 21 Day Fix program and lost a lot of weight has done the program more than once. If you read then you'll see in their before and after picture that they have done a certain amount of rounds of the program to lose as much weight as they have. And as for the containers, some people have problems with portion control and those containers help with that. I myself have a food scale that I purchased just recently and having those containers just makes it all the more easier to figure out how much I am really eating. Another side note, not all of us have all the time in the world to weigh our food. Like me, I'm on a time limit with a 4 month old and a 2 year old. Being a stay at home parent isn't easy when you want to cook, eat, workout, do homework, or even clean. There is a time limit when you have children which is why I workout at home when my husband is home to help watch the kids. So to sum it all up, The 21 Day Fix may sound like nonsense to some of you but to others, it is a life saver. If you don't have anything nice to say then please don't say anything at all. These forums are meant to be positive and motivating for others, not bashing on a product because of what you think. Thanks :)
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    To all the positive comments, thank you. To all the negative comments, I'm sorry you feel that way or think that way. Like I said before, everyone has their own way of losing the weight. We all have a goal and it's to get healthy and fit so there is no need for negative comments. FYI, the test group that did The 21 Day Fix program and lost a lot of weight has done the program more than once. If you read then you'll see in their before and after picture that they have done a certain amount of rounds of the program to lose as much weight as they have. And as for the containers, some people have problems with portion control and those containers help with that. I myself have a food scale that I purchased just recently and having those containers just makes it all the more easier to figure out how much I am really eating. Another side note, not all of us have all the time in the world to weigh our food. Like me, I'm on a time limit with a 4 month old and a 2 year old. Being a stay at home parent isn't easy when you want to cook, eat, workout, do homework, or even clean. There is a time limit when you have children which is why I workout at home when my husband is home to help watch the kids. So to sum it all up, The 21 Day Fix may sound like nonsense to some of you but to others, it is a life saver. If you don't have anything nice to say then please don't say anything at all. These forums are meant to be positive and motivating for others, not bashing on a product because of what you think. Thanks :)

    Yeah no. These are opinion forums and because someone does not agree with you does not make them negative nor does it mean bashing. There are PLENTY of moms here on the board (including myself) who weigh their food and make it work.
  • FitWithMae
    FitWithMae Posts: 68 Member
    Great idea!
  • First off, I am a Beachbody coach, but I'm not trying to sell anyone anything. I recently started doing the meal plan with the portion containers that came with the 21 Day Fix & I truly feel it is anything but gimmicky. I think there are many people, including myself who have never eaten the right amounts of food in the right portions & I feel that this program provides that for you. I have discovered a lot about my eating in the last few days & why I have struggled in spite of what I have been doing. I honestly feel that this will be huge for people like me who have spent a lot of their lives gaining & losing & trying to find the right balance. This just teaches you the right portions & for those of us who are visual, it's great. Ultimately, you will not have to use the containers all of the time b/c you will have figured it out after doing the program. It just makes a lot of sense to me. :) Good luck to those of you doing the program & to those of you who aren't as well. We are all just working to be healthier & that's fantastic! :)
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    LOL.... Putting food on a scale is surely not as difficult as constantly having to find the right color container - jeez - most people can read....
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    First off, I am a Beachbody coach, but I'm not trying to sell anyone anything. I recently started doing the meal plan with the portion containers that came with the 21 Day Fix & I truly feel it is anything but gimmicky. I think there are many people, including myself who have never eaten the right amounts of food in the right portions & I feel that this program provides that for you. I have discovered a lot about my eating in the last few days & why I have struggled in spite of what I have been doing. I honestly feel that this will be huge for people like me who have spent a lot of their lives gaining & losing & trying to find the right balance. This just teaches you the right portions & for those of us who are visual, it's great. Ultimately, you will not have to use the containers all of the time b/c you will have figured it out after doing the program. It just makes a lot of sense to me. :) Good luck to those of you doing the program & to those of you who aren't as well. We are all just working to be healthier & that's fantastic! :)

    Oh goody. Maybe you can clear something up for me. How did you go more than four years without making a single post in the forums but this thread...this thread right here...somehow compelled you to break that seal?

    I am seriously genuinely interested as it happens surprisingly frequently in threads like this where a very old account with zero prior posts, no friends, a closed diary, and a grey avatar makes their first ever post and I just can't wrap my mind around it. If you can answer this question for me, I will be forever grateful...(and if I ever decide to buy a single BB product...(highly unlikely)'ll be the first person I consider).