Shaun T- FOCUS T25....success stories??



  • lightmouse
    lightmouse Posts: 175 Member
    I'm about to start Beta, and I'm finally seeing the definition I didn't quite get with Insanity (which I completed before starting this) I have cleaned up my eating though which probably has a lot to do with it. I love it :-)
  • Perelka77
    Perelka77 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello :) I was just wondering if someone could help me out and send me via email T25 workout weekly diet plan I do have the dvd's but I don't have the diet plan I've been trying to loose weight for a few weeks now and I can't loose a thing :( so maybe if I can workout and follow the diet exactly like the book said I could loose weight. I am planning to start the diet and workout on Monday.Thanks
  • Melissa72187
    Melissa72187 Posts: 68 Member
    My profile pic is my before and after of t25. I lost a total of about 14 lbs, not sure measurements because I didn't do them. I am debating on doing a second round of it, such a great workout!
  • ebayaddict0127
    ebayaddict0127 Posts: 523 Member
    I have given up on Beachbody. It's ridiculously overpriced and the coaches always wanted me to buy the expensive shakes. There are a ton of great free workouts online. I personally like Fitness Blender. Check it out!

    I did T25 for a week.. hated it.
  • WoW!,

    It's great to see so many people are trying T25.
    I started last week, and must say, i feel more strengt in my arms and abs.

    Anyone finished Beta and started Gamma...?
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member

    It's great to see so many people are trying T25.
    I started last week, and must say, i feel more strengt in my arms and abs.

    Anyone finished Beta and started Gamma...?

    On my last week of Gamma. It is mostly strength, but Speed 3.0 will kick your butts. The burpees...OMG the burpees!!
  • stefaniemazz
    stefaniemazz Posts: 179 Member
    I lost 11 pounds with T25 and I didnt even follow it properly. I missed alot of days and had a lot of bad eating days.

    It's great and I plan on doing it again.
  • annetteh145
    annetteh145 Posts: 38 Member
  • annetteh145
    annetteh145 Posts: 38 Member
  • annetteh145
    annetteh145 Posts: 38 Member
    My profile pic is my before and after of t25. I lost a total of about 14 lbs, not sure measurements because I didn't do them. I am debating on doing a second round of it, such a great workout!

    Your profile pic before and after is awesome --- I am still trying to figure out if I want to purchase it. Not sure if it's going to be too insane because I am just starting to work out ans m not fit at all. Did you follow their meal plan, too?
  • Melissa72187
    Melissa72187 Posts: 68 Member
    My profile pic is my before and after of t25. I lost a total of about 14 lbs, not sure measurements because I didn't do them. I am debating on doing a second round of it, such a great workout!

    Your profile pic before and after is awesome --- I am still trying to figure out if I want to purchase it. Not sure if it's going to be too insane because I am just starting to work out ans m not fit at all. Did you follow their meal plan, too?

    Thanks! I was a couch potato and only did Jillian Michaels for a couple week before doing t25, just follow the modifier and you'd be fine! I didn't follow the meal plan, I only watched my calories and tried to keep the not so healthy foods in smaller portions :)
  • WoW!,

    It's great to see so many people are trying T25.
    I started last week, and must say, i feel more strengt in my arms and abs.

    Anyone finished Beta and started Gamma...?

    On my last week of Gamma. It is mostly strength, but Speed 3.0 will kick your butts. The burpees...OMG the burpees!!

    Today i finished the friday of week 2, lower body and abs,,
    started before work at 05:15 am...damn, it was killing.

    i'm not following the dietplan for now, so i hope to see results tommorow at staturday...

    When there are results after the 10 weeks, maybe i will start again with the dietplan.

    But for now...i love the workouts, but they are killing...
  • I start week 3 tomorrow. The first week I gained 8 pounds. Everyone says muscle and water weight. The second week I lost the 8 pounds I gained. My eating habits have improved, but are nowhere near perfect. So I am hovering around the same weight I started. I feel better and look leaner, but I thought with my size I would lose some weight quickly with as hard as I am working and as much as I am sweating. ( 34 years old ...6 foot 3 inches....253 lbs.)

    I am planning on regulating the diet better than I have been. My question: Should I be doing more along with t25? running, weights, etc?

    Also, is it ok to do cardio on the rest day or is the rest important? I have being doing cardio on sundays just because the daily routine seems to help me stick with it.
  • BekaP89
    BekaP89 Posts: 28 Member
    Im starting week 4 tomorrow and so far I haven't lost any weight but I did lose a pant size so to me that is awesome, I love this workout!!!
  • I started week 4 this morning.

    So far a GAINES 8 pounds, and lost about an inch. I like the program, but don't see any real change yet. Maybe with the after picture after 5 weeks i will...
    For now, i'm looking forward to start with the beta cycle.
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    Hello :) I was just wondering if someone could help me out and send me via email T25 workout weekly diet plan I do have the dvd's but I don't have the diet plan I've been trying to loose weight for a few weeks now and I can't loose a thing :( so maybe if I can workout and follow the diet exactly like the book said I could loose weight. I am planning to start the diet and workout on Monday.Thanks

    There are many guides online..try googling if this isn't enough.
  • benefiting
    benefiting Posts: 795 Member
    My profile pic is my before and after of t25. I lost a total of about 14 lbs, not sure measurements because I didn't do them. I am debating on doing a second round of it, such a great workout!

    Your profile pic before and after is awesome --- I am still trying to figure out if I want to purchase it. Not sure if it's going to be too insane because I am just starting to work out ans m not fit at all. Did you follow their meal plan, too?

    Thanks! I was a couch potato and only did Jillian Michaels for a couple week before doing t25, just follow the modifier and you'd be fine! I didn't follow the meal plan, I only watched my calories and tried to keep the not so healthy foods in smaller portions :)

    This. I just started today and I have only recently got into exercise at the beginning of the month and I found it okay. The time flies by I believe. It's a manageable program and you have a modifier if needed. :)
  • started the program today, it was intense... hope to lose a whole lot of weight
  • jahall76
    jahall76 Posts: 328 Member
    I just started the program today. Great workout! I'm excited for T25! Feel free to add me as a friend for anyone else doing this program. We can support each other!
  • manifesturself
    manifesturself Posts: 4 Member
    Great to see that so many people have been successful! I just started today, so anyone who is on the program...feel free to add me! :)