Lose 5 pounds a month December 2010 CHALLENGE



  • mydoc3
    mydoc3 Posts: 232 Member
    Thanks for posting the December link! See you Dec 1st (my birthday!)...

    Happy early birthday!!!
  • wuwr
    wuwr Posts: 7
    It's the 1st of December!

    I weighed in this morning as 164.8.
    My target for the end of the month is 159.

    Best of luck everyone!
  • I would like to be in this challenge
    Name: etta
    Age: 70
    Starting weight Dec 1 140
    I would like to start the New Year at 135
  • bekylouisex3
    bekylouisex3 Posts: 242 Member
    Hey :smile: Just weighed myself..unfortunately November was abit of a failure for me (N) I lost 2.5lbs altogether..but at least I've lost some!

    Sooo my starting weight for December is 136lbs..aiming to be 131lbs by the end of the the New Year
    I have a mini-goal of 130lbs for Xmas aswell that atm it seems very far off :indifferent:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Great to see so many new faces.

    Starting weight 182.6

    Need to stay motivated this month! I start every month with high hopes and then the weight does not come off and I get frustrated and lose motivation. Lets do it together this month!

  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    Happy December all! It's snowing here this morning :love: I love snow! Possibly more than a child even! My goal for December is fairly lofty (for me) but completely doable! I would LOVE to hit 160 by New Years.

    12/01- 168.2

    Good luck everyone!
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Ok let's do this!
    I don't know what the crap is going on but only I can fix it and now seems like a good time.

    I may have to lose 10lbs because I think I gained 5 looking at ruikuli signature:love:

    Today's weigh in......142.2 :sad:

    I curse 142 and for my new year I want to never see it again!
  • Hello everyone. :smile:

    Well, I didn't quite make the challenge last month. Only lost 4.4 but I'll take it. I'm really going to concentrate on staying under my calorie goal and adding 10 minutes to my workouts cause I really want to end the year on a good note.

    Dec 1 - 194.8 SW

    Good luck everybody.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Wanted to start exercising more again, so I started Dec by getting up an hour early today and doing a yoga DVD followed by some squats and some girly push ups! Burned 183 and feel great about starting my day right.

    As for my weigh in... ARG a gain, but after my new early workout that can't make me sad. I am finishing my TOM so I hope it is going to burn away fast. I will post it anyway and hope this just makes me look really great next week. :devil:

    Dec 1st: 154

    lol, alarm just went off! Time to get up! :laugh:
    Have a nce day ladies
  • mydoc3
    mydoc3 Posts: 232 Member
    Good morning everybody!!! My starting weight for this challenge is 190.8! Good luck to all!!

  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Hopefully this month I'm settled into the 190's instead of coming back to the 200's... hope you have a great week all :)

    Dec 1st 201.6
    Dec 3rd
    Dec 10th
    Dec 17th
    Dec 24th
    Dec 31st
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Finally - a good weigh in this morning to start of the month on a great note! I've finally hit my halfway mark to my goal! 45 down - 45 more to go! :bigsmile:

    Dec 1st: 204.0 lbs
    Dec 6th:
    Dec 13th:
    Dec 20th:
    Dec 27th:
    Dec 31st:
  • alibur85
    alibur85 Posts: 122 Member
    Can't believe it's already December 1st!!!

    I weigh in on Monday's so I will just be using that weigh in number which is 173 for this week! When I started in November, my goal was to be 170 by new years originally (with the loss of 15lbs), why not make it 168 for the loss of 17lbs!!

    We can do it!! Good luck! Eat smart!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    I have been going up and down the same 3 pounds since august. so I hope to do at least the same this month with all the added stress.

    Dec 1st 150.2
    Dec 3rd
    Dec 10th
    Dec 17th
    Dec 24th
    Dec 31st
  • saraegentry
    saraegentry Posts: 81 Member
    I did the challenge for a couple months a couple months ago, but I didn't have time to keep up with it for the last few months. I know I'm not going to have much free time this month, but I also know I'm going to need some extra motivation with all the Christmas goodies that will be calling my name!

    Starting December weight- 166.7
    Goal weight- 161.7

    it'd be awesome to get to my goal weight of 160, but I doubt it, I'll be happy to go into the New Year less than 2lbs from my goal!
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Still a pound up from Thanksgiving - and I didn't think I behaved that badly. Grrrr.

    Oh well. Official starting weight for December: 125.5

    Goal for January 1: 120.5
  • cathyfigueroa
    cathyfigueroa Posts: 36 Member
    I'm starting now, what day is the final day where weighing in?
  • simplyxaddicted
    simplyxaddicted Posts: 292 Member
    I would love to do this :)
    My starting weight is 190 on December 1st
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I'm starting now, what day is the final day where weighing in?

    Well, the final day would be Dec 31st, but as for specific dates, there is none, weigh in throughout the month on whatever day you choose and feel free to cheer everyone on, share your ups and downs and all arounds :) Welcome to the group!
  • I'm in for the 5 pound loss this month!
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