Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - December Challenge!!



  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    No big goals for me. December is hectic, hectic so I'm just going back to basics. I'd LOVE to try some new recipes I've been eying and really want to try to experiment with beans a bit. I hopefully will either settle in before the year's over or move on to a new job so as much as I want to join a gym, I'm not willing to waste money on joining and then move. My biggest goal for December is really to find a new job and tell my boss to suck it, but I'm not sure that relates to this thread :glasses:
    I am now in LOVE with cooking dry beans instead of using canned ones! This is going to be my mission over the next few weeks/months. Love love love. Send me all your recipes!

    Also - Love your goal to tell your boss where to shove it. I definitely think that applies to this challenge :happy: If only because it greatly amuses me!

    Tara - That half sounds awesome! Wish I was closer to IL... :grumble: Hope to find a sweet looking half in my area around the same time. Keep running and sign up for a 5k in March, perhaps. You'll be surprised how quickly you can get there!

    Gonks - I think I may have found a 4th for our Half-Marathon training in Jan. She's a poster on the MFP Runner's Club and she said she'd be interested in joining me/us! Hopefully you, Melissa, Kathryn and I can get in touch during the month to figure out what our plan is for staying in touch throughout training and updating our progress. Let me know what you think!

    K - Off for part 2 of the doggie/kitten experiment. Had a great health + fitness day today and hoping to keep it up! :heart:
  • rai8759
    rai8759 Posts: 296 Member
    Hello Ladies and Gentleman,

    Wow has this thread BLOWN UP!!! I was new in November and this thread made a huge difference to me so I hope you newbies really blossom. :flowerforyou:

    Today was a much better first day of December that I thought it would be. Was feeling super unmotivated and wondering when God would lift me up out of my chair and make me exercise... until I realized.. NOT GONNA HAPPEN!! It took me a few days but I finally got my brain on straight, got up and did something. Did some Turbo Jam and started the first day of my 100 push ups challenge.... holy shnikes batman.. didn't think I could fall down in the middle of a push-up!!! my arms are gonna hurt 2morrow. Have to do knee push ups though since I still cannot do even one regular push-up. Here's to moving forward! :drinker:

    Off to work for the first of three 12 hour shifts. Have more calories than I know what to do with today so I treated myself to some ice cream... yum. Also made pasta with clam sauce for lunch. Turned out awesome. If you are interested click the link
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Where in the world (is Carmen Sandiego, I couldn't resist) do I get off thinking I could run 13.1 miles when I just ran my first mile?? In four months? Sigh...I guess I better get back to looking for a 5K...

    If you are cool with the possibility of walking some of it, I say sign up and do some of the training with us! Spend December working up to running/walking like 4/5 miles and then start one of the training programs. I mean if you think its cool, people have done far crazier things than train to run 13 miles in 4 months- jus sayin. There's a good possibility you could finish w/no walking too.

    Anywho, thats my $0.02 I'm usually a gofor it kinda girl tho :-)

    Yeaaah...I'm pretty sure I have to try. LOL! I'm the type of person that I HAVE to try. My 25th birthday is March 23rd. This would be like YO! I'm 25 and look at where I've come! I have to AT LEAST try! Okay...gotta bump my goals a tinch...

    km323 - Reach 185lbs, run 4x per week, get to sleep before 2am each night, avoid french fries and log every day
    kvr414- Lose another 10 lbs. drink 10 cups of water a day, do a 3x to 5x a day routine of situps, pushups, lunges til fatigue.
    roobean33 - Reach 128lbs, drink more H20 daily, try new healthy recipes, avoid most of the holiday treats
    inskydiamonds - Continue my biweekly meal challenges, because they force me to reach outside the box for things to eat for dinner. (December 1-5: Suggestions from MFP friends / December 6-19: Low-Cal Desserts / December 20-31: Meals Under $10). Lose 4 pounds, bringing me to 183.
    Keysr-Cook for myself and become more active outside with fun winter sports
    krishatherley - drop another 3-4 lbs
    wardiemelissa-maintain current weight of 125 lbs.; continue exercise regimine of running 2-3 times a week (with one long run between 7-8 miles), strength training (30 day Shred), and stretching (yoga); plan healthy dinners for the week; and begin to tone those trouble zones (No More Trouble Zones)
    SkierElle: Reach 175 lbs, still limit sweets but allow myself a few if they fit w/in calories, when I'm home for Xmas try to involve family in fun exercise!
    meagalayne - Reach 130lb by 12/11/10 and maintain to 01/01/11, allow myself one cheat meal a week without guilt, try TWO new healthy recipes per week, and maintain my 3 x run/3 x strength per week workout regimen throughout the holidays - NO EXCUSES!
    rai8759 - Go from 167.4 to 162 by 1/3/11 (1.08 lbs/week); Carry a water bottle around with me and drink 8-10 cups of water per day; Be true to my food diary even if i miss a day get right back into it the next day!!
    Tai_88 – continue my no candy streak (limit of one piece of candy per week); stop drinking soda for the month; at least 3 workouts per week; get my 2 mile time under 18:30; logging everyday – especially when I don’t want to.
    Hazeldiva1913---drink at least 12 cups of water a day, loose 10 lbs by christmas. Im at 299 need to be at 289 on xmas day...start incorporating more strength eating out more than once a week!!!
    chawntamarie - Reach 140lbs by Christmas (4 lb. loss), Workout 5 times/week and cook my own meals 2-3 times per week.
    finncmh- lose 5lbs bringing me to 193 by New Years eve, strength training 2x's a week, develop a solid running/walking routine, try one new healthy meal a week!
    Mevan17- lose 3 lbs to get to 141 lb, run 4 days/week, no cookies
    Stuartme123 - DecSW = 161. 30 min of cardio 3x a week, Keep unhealthy snacking to under 200 calories/day, Add veggies that wouldn't normally be there to at least one meal a day, Try one new healthy recipe a week, Lose 1lb a week for a total of 4lbs.
    CaptainJim157 - Dec SW = 172.2 lbs, lose 10 lbs by the end of December (2 lbs a week), control my anxiety a bit better (Can that be one of my goals?)
    Tickyfoxster710- Dec SW=294lbs, goal lose 9lbs by the end of December, finish my 10k running plan, try to get up to 8 miles before the end of the year, start my second round of 6 week triple challenge (finish the first week of January) ( goal 100 push ups, 200 situps, 200 squats consecutive)
    Jourdan_Rystrom - DecSW=136. I want to reach 133 by the end of December and have even more muscle tone! Log on to MFP EVERY DAY and always stay under my calories! I want to drop my BF% to 22%! I also want to include more greens in my diet!
    meggonkgonk: Reach 150 lbs, complete 1 unabridged week of training, Week 4 of pushup challenge and 1 unassisted pullup
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - lose 5 pounds before 2011. Work out twice a week. Continue with my C25K training.
    Losstalykat:* Do one nice relaxing thing for myself once a week. (massage, bath with wine and book, new workout class....)* Focus on Triathlon Training, workout as close to the training schedule as possible. * Only eat 2 sweets a week(it is the holidays after all)*Measure at the beginning and end of the month.
    spellbinder25: (1) Start with week 3 of C25K. From week 4 onwards, do each week twice. (2) Cook twice a week, (3) Have a serving of fruit everyday, (4) Do squats and crunches thrice a week, (5) Weight loss goal - TBD (have yet to check my current weight)
    seripha - Dec SW = 156.5, goal to lose another 5 lbs by the end of December, continue to exercise 4 - 5 times a week, and avoid binging on the weekend!
    miss_amy: current weight loss: 26.4lbs- goal: at least 32lb total loss (5.6lbs)- ultimate goal: 35lb total loss (8.6). NSG: eat less carbs!
    TaraMaria - Ab workout 3x's weekly, 4500 calories burned weekly, 97.5 miles walked/ran by Christmas, build up to running/walking 5 miles and finally no refined sugars for the month of December
    SKINNYACK- Get under 160- ideally 157 by Dec 31st. I'm currently stuck at 161. Be able to hold side arm planks for 90 seconds each arm without shaking. Run my first official 5K. Finish Month 1 of P90X
    Fiore89 -- Go to the gym daily, eat less carbs and more protein, log in MFP daily, pack a healthy lunch to work and stay under my calorie intake!!! :-)
    Allislefttogain: Maintain in 118-123 range; minimum base running of 8-10 miles a week; long run of 13.1; weigh-ins on 10th/ 20th/30th of December; try a new workout (or 2 or 3); 64 oz of water daily (no counting tea water!) and experiment in the kitchen
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    This is so great seeing so many people on board for this month. I am truly inspired by everyone!!! WooHoo go team December!

    I started feeling a little dizzy/anxious today and I am thinking it is because I brought Oatmeal back into my daily diet, I also had some honey in my tea this morning. I have a hard time believe this is the case but I can't say I have felt like this in a long time. I think I am going to have to go back to all veggie breakfasts/eggs and veggies. It sucks because I loooovvveee Oatmea :( so it makes me really sad. Does anyone else battle anxiety?? I thought I saww that Jim has this issue too. Well I hope everyone has a great day. Tomorrow I am back to all veggie all the time apparently to hopefully get my head feeling better. Lets hope my workout goes well tonight.
  • Hey, ya I have anxiety too, get panic attacks all the time :/ Not fun but dealing with it :)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Welcome back everyone!! and welcome to the newbies!

    Kvr-congrats on the 10lbs!
    Roo-congrats on your loss and getting your hubby involved!
    Melissa-congrats on elcome back everyone!! And welcome to all of the newbies so far this month!
    smashing all of your goals!
    Meag-fab job lady!
    Rai-awesome loss and great job on logging!
    Tai-great plan for the month!
    Allis-fab job on all of your goals especially killing the run!
    Chawntamarie-welcome and congrats on your loss!
    Cait-awesome job as usual!
    Gonks-i know boys right???!!!LOL and awesome job on your loss!
    Amy-you are rockin' it!
    QOTD-i love x-mas and decorating the tree with my son, and his b-day is the 15th so I love that too!

    As for me...i didn't reach my goal of 9.6lbs but i did lose 6.6lbs and I am happy with that! I did do all of my days for the push-up challenge though so that's awesome :)

    Goals for December-to lose 8lbs, continue push-up challenge, lose 2" total, and do 3 ab workouts a week!!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member

    km323 - Reach 185lbs, run 4x per week, get to sleep before 2am each night, avoid french fries and log every day
    kvr414- Lose another 10 lbs. drink 10 cups of water a day, do a 3x to 5x a day routine of situps, pushups, lunges til fatigue.
    roobean33 - Reach 128lbs, drink more H20 daily, try new healthy recipes, avoid most of the holiday treats
    inskydiamonds - Continue my biweekly meal challenges, because they force me to reach outside the box for things to eat for dinner. (December 1-5: Suggestions from MFP friends / December 6-19: Low-Cal Desserts / December 20-31: Meals Under $10). Lose 4 pounds, bringing me to 183.
    Keysr-Cook for myself and become more active outside with fun winter sports
    krishatherley - drop another 3-4 lbs
    wardiemelissa-maintain current weight of 125 lbs.; continue exercise regimine of running 2-3 times a week (with one long run between 7-8 miles), strength training (30 day Shred), and stretching (yoga); plan healthy dinners for the week; and begin to tone those trouble zones (No More Trouble Zones)
    SkierElle: Reach 175 lbs, still limit sweets but allow myself a few if they fit w/in calories, when I'm home for Xmas try to involve family in fun exercise!
    meagalayne - Reach 130lb by 12/11/10 and maintain to 01/01/11, allow myself one cheat meal a week without guilt, try TWO new healthy recipes per week, and maintain my 3 x run/3 x strength per week workout regimen throughout the holidays - NO EXCUSES!
    rai8759 - Go from 167.4 to 162 by 1/3/11 (1.08 lbs/week); Carry a water bottle around with me and drink 8-10 cups of water per day; Be true to my food diary even if i miss a day get right back into it the next day!!
    Tai_88 – continue my no candy streak (limit of one piece of candy per week); stop drinking soda for the month; at least 3 workouts per week; get my 2 mile time under 18:30; logging everyday – especially when I don’t want to.
    Hazeldiva1913---drink at least 12 cups of water a day, loose 10 lbs by christmas. Im at 299 need to be at 289 on xmas day...start incorporating more strength eating out more than once a week!!!
    chawntamarie - Reach 140lbs by Christmas (4 lb. loss), Workout 5 times/week and cook my own meals 2-3 times per week.
    finncmh- lose 5lbs bringing me to 193 by New Years eve, strength training 2x's a week, develop a solid running/walking routine, try one new healthy meal a week!
    Mevan17- lose 3 lbs to get to 141 lb, run 4 days/week, no cookies
    Stuartme123 - DecSW = 161. 30 min of cardio 3x a week, Keep unhealthy snacking to under 200 calories/day, Add veggies that wouldn't normally be there to at least one meal a day, Try one new healthy recipe a week, Lose 1lb a week for a total of 4lbs.
    CaptainJim157 - Dec SW = 172.2 lbs, lose 10 lbs by the end of December (2 lbs a week), control my anxiety a bit better (Can that be one of my goals?)
    Tickyfoxster710- Dec SW=294lbs, goal lose 9lbs by the end of December, finish my 10k running plan, try to get up to 8 miles before the end of the year, start my second round of 6 week triple challenge (finish the first week of January) ( goal 100 push ups, 200 situps, 200 squats consecutive)
    Jourdan_Rystrom - DecSW=136. I want to reach 133 by the end of December and have even more muscle tone! Log on to MFP EVERY DAY and always stay under my calories! I want to drop my BF% to 22%! I also want to include more greens in my diet!
    meggonkgonk: Reach 150 lbs, complete 1 unabridged week of training, Week 4 of pushup challenge and 1 unassisted pullup
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - lose 5 pounds before 2011. Work out twice a week. Continue with my C25K training.
    Losstalykat:* Do one nice relaxing thing for myself once a week. (massage, bath with wine and book, new workout class....)* Focus on Triathlon Training, workout as close to the training schedule as possible. * Only eat 2 sweets a week(it is the holidays after all)*Measure at the beginning and end of the month.
    spellbinder25: (1) Start with week 3 of C25K. From week 4 onwards, do each week twice. (2) Cook twice a week, (3) Have a serving of fruit everyday, (4) Do squats and crunches thrice a week, (5) Weight loss goal - TBD (have yet to check my current weight)
    seripha - Dec SW = 156.5, goal to lose another 5 lbs by the end of December, continue to exercise 4 - 5 times a week, and avoid binging on the weekend!
    miss_amy: current weight loss: 26.4lbs- goal: at least 32lb total loss (5.6lbs)- ultimate goal: 35lb total loss (8.6). NSG: eat less carbs!
    TaraMaria - Ab workout 3x's weekly, 4500 calories burned weekly, 97.5 miles walked/ran by Christmas, build up to running/walking 5 miles and finally no refined sugars for the month of December
    SKINNYACK- Get under 160- ideally 157 by Dec 31st. I'm currently stuck at 161. Be able to hold side arm planks for 90 seconds each arm without shaking. Run my first official 5K. Finish Month 1 of P90X
    Fiore89 -- Go to the gym daily, eat less carbs and more protein, log in MFP daily, pack a healthy lunch to work and stay under my calorie intake!!! :-)
    Allislefttogain: Maintain in 118-123 range; minimum base running of 8-10 miles a week; long run of 13.1; weigh-ins on 10th/ 20th/30th of December; try a new workout (or 2 or 3); 64 oz of water daily (no counting tea water!) and experiment in the kitchen
    Tjradd73-to lose 8lbs and 2", continue on with the push-up challenge, and do 3 days a week of abs!
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    UGH!!! trying to stay in a postive state right now but VERY hard!!! Health and fitness wise I had a great day...under on calories and managed a 2 mile run (in the FREEZING COLD) tonight even though the drivers out tonight were complete and total JERKS!!! I had two cars that almost hit me because they couldn't wait for me to cross the street even thought I clearly was in the right of way :explode: it just makes me mad that people are that inconsiderate!!
  • spellbinder25
    spellbinder25 Posts: 331 Member
    wardiemelissa - Be very careful when crossing streets. Hate such drivers who don't want to stop or even slow down.

    I went to the gym today after 15 days and feeling good. Hope my legs don't hurt too bad tomorrow. I also weighed myself & I've gained 1.5 lbs --- much better than expected. So, now my weight loss goal for this month is to lose 5.5 lbs & get down to 145lbs.

    km323 - Reach 185lbs, run 4x per week, get to sleep before 2am each night, avoid french fries and log every day
    kvr414- Lose another 10 lbs. drink 10 cups of water a day, do a 3x to 5x a day routine of situps, pushups, lunges til fatigue.
    roobean33 - Reach 128lbs, drink more H20 daily, try new healthy recipes, avoid most of the holiday treats
    inskydiamonds - Continue my biweekly meal challenges, because they force me to reach outside the box for things to eat for dinner. (December 1-5: Suggestions from MFP friends / December 6-19: Low-Cal Desserts / December 20-31: Meals Under $10). Lose 4 pounds, bringing me to 183.
    Keysr-Cook for myself and become more active outside with fun winter sports
    krishatherley - drop another 3-4 lbs
    wardiemelissa-maintain current weight of 125 lbs.; continue exercise regimine of running 2-3 times a week (with one long run between 7-8 miles), strength training (30 day Shred), and stretching (yoga); plan healthy dinners for the week; and begin to tone those trouble zones (No More Trouble Zones)
    SkierElle: Reach 175 lbs, still limit sweets but allow myself a few if they fit w/in calories, when I'm home for Xmas try to involve family in fun exercise!
    meagalayne - Reach 130lb by 12/11/10 and maintain to 01/01/11, allow myself one cheat meal a week without guilt, try TWO new healthy recipes per week, and maintain my 3 x run/3 x strength per week workout regimen throughout the holidays - NO EXCUSES!
    rai8759 - Go from 167.4 to 162 by 1/3/11 (1.08 lbs/week); Carry a water bottle around with me and drink 8-10 cups of water per day; Be true to my food diary even if i miss a day get right back into it the next day!!
    Tai_88 – continue my no candy streak (limit of one piece of candy per week); stop drinking soda for the month; at least 3 workouts per week; get my 2 mile time under 18:30; logging everyday – especially when I don’t want to.
    Hazeldiva1913---drink at least 12 cups of water a day, loose 10 lbs by christmas. Im at 299 need to be at 289 on xmas day...start incorporating more strength eating out more than once a week!!!
    chawntamarie - Reach 140lbs by Christmas (4 lb. loss), Workout 5 times/week and cook my own meals 2-3 times per week.
    finncmh- lose 5lbs bringing me to 193 by New Years eve, strength training 2x's a week, develop a solid running/walking routine, try one new healthy meal a week!
    Mevan17- lose 3 lbs to get to 141 lb, run 4 days/week, no cookies
    Stuartme123 - DecSW = 161. 30 min of cardio 3x a week, Keep unhealthy snacking to under 200 calories/day, Add veggies that wouldn't normally be there to at least one meal a day, Try one new healthy recipe a week, Lose 1lb a week for a total of 4lbs.
    CaptainJim157 - Dec SW = 172.2 lbs, lose 10 lbs by the end of December (2 lbs a week), control my anxiety a bit better (Can that be one of my goals?)
    Tickyfoxster710- Dec SW=294lbs, goal lose 9lbs by the end of December, finish my 10k running plan, try to get up to 8 miles before the end of the year, start my second round of 6 week triple challenge (finish the first week of January) ( goal 100 push ups, 200 situps, 200 squats consecutive)
    Jourdan_Rystrom - DecSW=136. I want to reach 133 by the end of December and have even more muscle tone! Log on to MFP EVERY DAY and always stay under my calories! I want to drop my BF% to 22%! I also want to include more greens in my diet!
    meggonkgonk: Reach 150 lbs, complete 1 unabridged week of training, Week 4 of pushup challenge and 1 unassisted pullup
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - lose 5 pounds before 2011. Work out twice a week. Continue with my C25K training.
    Losstalykat:* Do one nice relaxing thing for myself once a week. (massage, bath with wine and book, new workout class....)* Focus on Triathlon Training, workout as close to the training schedule as possible. * Only eat 2 sweets a week(it is the holidays after all)*Measure at the beginning and end of the month.
    spellbinder25: (1) Start with week 3 of C25K. From week 4 onwards, do each week twice. (2) Cook twice a week, (3) Have a serving of fruit everyday, (4) Do squats and crunches thrice a week, (5) Lose 5.5 lbs to reach 145lbs.
    seripha - Dec SW = 156.5, goal to lose another 5 lbs by the end of December, continue to exercise 4 - 5 times a week, and avoid binging on the weekend!
    miss_amy: current weight loss: 26.4lbs- goal: at least 32lb total loss (5.6lbs)- ultimate goal: 35lb total loss (8.6). NSG: eat less carbs!
    TaraMaria - Ab workout 3x's weekly, 4500 calories burned weekly, 97.5 miles walked/ran by Christmas, build up to running/walking 5 miles and finally no refined sugars for the month of December
    SKINNYACK- Get under 160- ideally 157 by Dec 31st. I'm currently stuck at 161. Be able to hold side arm planks for 90 seconds each arm without shaking. Run my first official 5K. Finish Month 1 of P90X
    Fiore89 -- Go to the gym daily, eat less carbs and more protein, log in MFP daily, pack a healthy lunch to work and stay under my calorie intake!!! :-)
    Allislefttogain: Maintain in 118-123 range; minimum base running of 8-10 miles a week; long run of 13.1; weigh-ins on 10th/ 20th/30th of December; try a new workout (or 2 or 3); 64 oz of water daily (no counting tea water!) and experiment in the kitchen
    Tjradd73-to lose 8lbs and 2", continue on with the push-up challenge, and do 3 days a week of abs!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    melissa-don't let stupid people make you are doing great and oyour next run will go better!
    spellbinder-not too bad!! great goal!
  • bumpin :) Yay for December!
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Melissa - That so sucks with I've just started running I don't have experience with that however I take walks outside all the time when the weather is nice. I live in the country though so I don't have to worry about crossing the street or two much traffic. The drivers were probably just jealous because A.) Dude how awesome is it that you brave the freezing cold to run and B.) You were running. Period. They were rude and envious of your mad skills but they doesn't mean they get to mow anyone :o) How awful... :o(
  • cruan
    cruan Posts: 13
    My goals for Nov were: stick to 2 shakes a day, lose 5-7 lbs, and try and fit in exercise. For the most part, I got the 2 shakes in, I'd say about 60-70% of November I had my shakes. I didn't lose 5-7 lbs, I only lost 1.6 lbs in Nov. I also wasn't able to get any exercise in.

    Sooo, with those not-so-great results. I'm keeping pretty much the same goals for Dec.

    km323 - Reach 185lbs, run 4x per week, get to sleep before 2am each night, avoid french fries and log every day
    kvr414- Lose another 10 lbs. drink 10 cups of water a day, do a 3x to 5x a day routine of situps, pushups, lunges til fatigue.
    roobean33 - Reach 128lbs, drink more H20 daily, try new healthy recipes, avoid most of the holiday treats
    inskydiamonds - Continue my biweekly meal challenges, because they force me to reach outside the box for things to eat for dinner. (December 1-5: Suggestions from MFP friends / December 6-19: Low-Cal Desserts / December 20-31: Meals Under $10). Lose 4 pounds, bringing me to 183.
    Keysr-Cook for myself and become more active outside with fun winter sports
    krishatherley - drop another 3-4 lbs
    wardiemelissa-maintain current weight of 125 lbs.; continue exercise regimine of running 2-3 times a week (with one long run between 7-8 miles), strength training (30 day Shred), and stretching (yoga); plan healthy dinners for the week; and begin to tone those trouble zones (No More Trouble Zones)
    SkierElle: Reach 175 lbs, still limit sweets but allow myself a few if they fit w/in calories, when I'm home for Xmas try to involve family in fun exercise!
    meagalayne - Reach 130lb by 12/11/10 and maintain to 01/01/11, allow myself one cheat meal a week without guilt, try TWO new healthy recipes per week, and maintain my 3 x run/3 x strength per week workout regimen throughout the holidays - NO EXCUSES!
    rai8759 - Go from 167.4 to 162 by 1/3/11 (1.08 lbs/week); Carry a water bottle around with me and drink 8-10 cups of water per day; Be true to my food diary even if i miss a day get right back into it the next day!!
    Tai_88 – continue my no candy streak (limit of one piece of candy per week); stop drinking soda for the month; at least 3 workouts per week; get my 2 mile time under 18:30; logging everyday – especially when I don’t want to.
    Hazeldiva1913---drink at least 12 cups of water a day, loose 10 lbs by christmas. Im at 299 need to be at 289 on xmas day...start incorporating more strength eating out more than once a week!!!
    chawntamarie - Reach 140lbs by Christmas (4 lb. loss), Workout 5 times/week and cook my own meals 2-3 times per week.
    finncmh- lose 5lbs bringing me to 193 by New Years eve, strength training 2x's a week, develop a solid running/walking routine, try one new healthy meal a week!
    Mevan17- lose 3 lbs to get to 141 lb, run 4 days/week, no cookies
    Stuartme123 - DecSW = 161. 30 min of cardio 3x a week, Keep unhealthy snacking to under 200 calories/day, Add veggies that wouldn't normally be there to at least one meal a day, Try one new healthy recipe a week, Lose 1lb a week for a total of 4lbs.
    CaptainJim157 - Dec SW = 172.2 lbs, lose 10 lbs by the end of December (2 lbs a week), control my anxiety a bit better (Can that be one of my goals?)
    Tickyfoxster710- Dec SW=294lbs, goal lose 9lbs by the end of December, finish my 10k running plan, try to get up to 8 miles before the end of the year, start my second round of 6 week triple challenge (finish the first week of January) ( goal 100 push ups, 200 situps, 200 squats consecutive)
    Jourdan_Rystrom - DecSW=136. I want to reach 133 by the end of December and have even more muscle tone! Log on to MFP EVERY DAY and always stay under my calories! I want to drop my BF% to 22%! I also want to include more greens in my diet!
    meggonkgonk: Reach 150 lbs, complete 1 unabridged week of training, Week 4 of pushup challenge and 1 unassisted pullup
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - lose 5 pounds before 2011. Work out twice a week. Continue with my C25K training.
    Losstalykat:* Do one nice relaxing thing for myself once a week. (massage, bath with wine and book, new workout class....)* Focus on Triathlon Training, workout as close to the training schedule as possible. * Only eat 2 sweets a week(it is the holidays after all)*Measure at the beginning and end of the month.
    spellbinder25: (1) Start with week 3 of C25K. From week 4 onwards, do each week twice. (2) Cook twice a week, (3) Have a serving of fruit everyday, (4) Do squats and crunches thrice a week, (5) Lose 5.5 lbs to reach 145lbs.
    seripha - Dec SW = 156.5, goal to lose another 5 lbs by the end of December, continue to exercise 4 - 5 times a week, and avoid binging on the weekend!
    miss_amy: current weight loss: 26.4lbs- goal: at least 32lb total loss (5.6lbs)- ultimate goal: 35lb total loss (8.6). NSG: eat less carbs!
    TaraMaria - Ab workout 3x's weekly, 4500 calories burned weekly, 97.5 miles walked/ran by Christmas, build up to running/walking 5 miles and finally no refined sugars for the month of December
    SKINNYACK- Get under 160- ideally 157 by Dec 31st. I'm currently stuck at 161. Be able to hold side arm planks for 90 seconds each arm without shaking. Run my first official 5K. Finish Month 1 of P90X
    Fiore89 -- Go to the gym daily, eat less carbs and more protein, log in MFP daily, pack a healthy lunch to work and stay under my calorie intake!!! :-)
    Allislefttogain: Maintain in 118-123 range; minimum base running of 8-10 miles a week; long run of 13.1; weigh-ins on 10th/ 20th/30th of December; try a new workout (or 2 or 3); 64 oz of water daily (no counting tea water!) and experiment in the kitchen
    Tjradd73-to lose 8lbs and 2", continue on with the push-up challenge, and do 3 days a week of abs!
    cruan- Stay on the Herbalife plan, get my protein intake that I need, lose at least 5 lbs, and exercise, exercise, exercise!

    Good luck everyone!!
  • emmarie1630
    emmarie1630 Posts: 58 Member
    So I didn't meet my goal of 5 pounds for November- I only lost 3--which is still progress. I would definitely say I exercised more this past month than I had been but I know I can do even better. It's the end of the school semester so after my exams I'll be heading home which means more temptation food wise but also no school.. so more time to exercise and be active!
    I'm worried that the holidays are going to be pretty tempting but I did a good job resisting over Thanksgiving so hopefully it won't be too bad.
    My December goals are to lose 4 pounds, cook more meals at home using veggies and other fresh foods (basically try not to eat out as much), stay active over the holidays and drink more water.
    Keep it up, everyone! :)

    km323 - Reach 185lbs, run 4x per week, get to sleep before 2am each night, avoid french fries and log every day
    kvr414- Lose another 10 lbs. drink 10 cups of water a day, do a 3x to 5x a day routine of situps, pushups, lunges til fatigue.
    roobean33 - Reach 128lbs, drink more H20 daily, try new healthy recipes, avoid most of the holiday treats
    inskydiamonds - Continue my biweekly meal challenges, because they force me to reach outside the box for things to eat for dinner. (December 1-5: Suggestions from MFP friends / December 6-19: Low-Cal Desserts / December 20-31: Meals Under $10). Lose 4 pounds, bringing me to 183.
    Keysr-Cook for myself and become more active outside with fun winter sports
    krishatherley - drop another 3-4 lbs
    wardiemelissa-maintain current weight of 125 lbs.; continue exercise regimine of running 2-3 times a week (with one long run between 7-8 miles), strength training (30 day Shred), and stretching (yoga); plan healthy dinners for the week; and begin to tone those trouble zones (No More Trouble Zones)
    SkierElle: Reach 175 lbs, still limit sweets but allow myself a few if they fit w/in calories, when I'm home for Xmas try to involve family in fun exercise!
    meagalayne - Reach 130lb by 12/11/10 and maintain to 01/01/11, allow myself one cheat meal a week without guilt, try TWO new healthy recipes per week, and maintain my 3 x run/3 x strength per week workout regimen throughout the holidays - NO EXCUSES!
    rai8759 - Go from 167.4 to 162 by 1/3/11 (1.08 lbs/week); Carry a water bottle around with me and drink 8-10 cups of water per day; Be true to my food diary even if i miss a day get right back into it the next day!!
    Tai_88 – continue my no candy streak (limit of one piece of candy per week); stop drinking soda for the month; at least 3 workouts per week; get my 2 mile time under 18:30; logging everyday – especially when I don’t want to.
    Hazeldiva1913---drink at least 12 cups of water a day, loose 10 lbs by christmas. Im at 299 need to be at 289 on xmas day...start incorporating more strength eating out more than once a week!!!
    chawntamarie - Reach 140lbs by Christmas (4 lb. loss), Workout 5 times/week and cook my own meals 2-3 times per week.
    finncmh- lose 5lbs bringing me to 193 by New Years eve, strength training 2x's a week, develop a solid running/walking routine, try one new healthy meal a week!
    Mevan17- lose 3 lbs to get to 141 lb, run 4 days/week, no cookies
    Stuartme123 - DecSW = 161. 30 min of cardio 3x a week, Keep unhealthy snacking to under 200 calories/day, Add veggies that wouldn't normally be there to at least one meal a day, Try one new healthy recipe a week, Lose 1lb a week for a total of 4lbs.
    CaptainJim157 - Dec SW = 172.2 lbs, lose 10 lbs by the end of December (2 lbs a week), control my anxiety a bit better (Can that be one of my goals?)
    Tickyfoxster710- Dec SW=294lbs, goal lose 9lbs by the end of December, finish my 10k running plan, try to get up to 8 miles before the end of the year, start my second round of 6 week triple challenge (finish the first week of January) ( goal 100 push ups, 200 situps, 200 squats consecutive)
    Jourdan_Rystrom - DecSW=136. I want to reach 133 by the end of December and have even more muscle tone! Log on to MFP EVERY DAY and always stay under my calories! I want to drop my BF% to 22%! I also want to include more greens in my diet!
    meggonkgonk: Reach 150 lbs, complete 1 unabridged week of training, Week 4 of pushup challenge and 1 unassisted pullup
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - lose 5 pounds before 2011. Work out twice a week. Continue with my C25K training.
    Losstalykat:* Do one nice relaxing thing for myself once a week. (massage, bath with wine and book, new workout class....)* Focus on Triathlon Training, workout as close to the training schedule as possible. * Only eat 2 sweets a week(it is the holidays after all)*Measure at the beginning and end of the month.
    spellbinder25: (1) Start with week 3 of C25K. From week 4 onwards, do each week twice. (2) Cook twice a week, (3) Have a serving of fruit everyday, (4) Do squats and crunches thrice a week, (5) Lose 5.5 lbs to reach 145lbs.
    seripha - Dec SW = 156.5, goal to lose another 5 lbs by the end of December, continue to exercise 4 - 5 times a week, and avoid binging on the weekend!
    miss_amy: current weight loss: 26.4lbs- goal: at least 32lb total loss (5.6lbs)- ultimate goal: 35lb total loss (8.6). NSG: eat less carbs!
    TaraMaria - Ab workout 3x's weekly, 4500 calories burned weekly, 97.5 miles walked/ran by Christmas, build up to running/walking 5 miles and finally no refined sugars for the month of December
    SKINNYACK- Get under 160- ideally 157 by Dec 31st. I'm currently stuck at 161. Be able to hold side arm planks for 90 seconds each arm without shaking. Run my first official 5K. Finish Month 1 of P90X
    Fiore89 -- Go to the gym daily, eat less carbs and more protein, log in MFP daily, pack a healthy lunch to work and stay under my calorie intake!!! :-)
    Allislefttogain: Maintain in 118-123 range; minimum base running of 8-10 miles a week; long run of 13.1; weigh-ins on 10th/ 20th/30th of December; try a new workout (or 2 or 3); 64 oz of water daily (no counting tea water!) and experiment in the kitchen
    Tjradd73-to lose 8lbs and 2", continue on with the push-up challenge, and do 3 days a week of abs!
    cruan- Stay on the Herbalife plan, get my protein intake that I need, lose at least 5 lbs, and exercise, exercise, exercise!
    emmarie1630- lose 4lbs, eat out less, stay active over the holidays, drink more water
  • I am new to this site and I am in desperate need of some motivation.:noway: Even though December is usually a month I gain weight I determination to have it be different this year. My goal for the month of December is to lose 10 pounds, exercise 3x a week, walk my dog everyday and drink at least 64 ounces of water daily.

    km323 - Reach 185lbs, run 4x per week, get to sleep before 2am each night, avoid french fries and log every day
    kvr414- Lose another 10 lbs. drink 10 cups of water a day, do a 3x to 5x a day routine of situps, pushups, lunges til fatigue.
    roobean33 - Reach 128lbs, drink more H20 daily, try new healthy recipes, avoid most of the holiday treats
    inskydiamonds - Continue my biweekly meal challenges, because they force me to reach outside the box for things to eat for dinner. (December 1-5: Suggestions from MFP friends / December 6-19: Low-Cal Desserts / December 20-31: Meals Under $10). Lose 4 pounds, bringing me to 183.
    Keysr-Cook for myself and become more active outside with fun winter sports
    krishatherley - drop another 3-4 lbs
    wardiemelissa-maintain current weight of 125 lbs.; continue exercise regimine of running 2-3 times a week (with one long run between 7-8 miles), strength training (30 day Shred), and stretching (yoga); plan healthy dinners for the week; and begin to tone those trouble zones (No More Trouble Zones)
    SkierElle: Reach 175 lbs, still limit sweets but allow myself a few if they fit w/in calories, when I'm home for Xmas try to involve family in fun exercise!
    meagalayne - Reach 130lb by 12/11/10 and maintain to 01/01/11, allow myself one cheat meal a week without guilt, try TWO new healthy recipes per week, and maintain my 3 x run/3 x strength per week workout regimen throughout the holidays - NO EXCUSES!
    rai8759 - Go from 167.4 to 162 by 1/3/11 (1.08 lbs/week); Carry a water bottle around with me and drink 8-10 cups of water per day; Be true to my food diary even if i miss a day get right back into it the next day!!
    Tai_88 – continue my no candy streak (limit of one piece of candy per week); stop drinking soda for the month; at least 3 workouts per week; get my 2 mile time under 18:30; logging everyday – especially when I don’t want to.
    Hazeldiva1913---drink at least 12 cups of water a day, loose 10 lbs by christmas. Im at 299 need to be at 289 on xmas day...start incorporating more strength eating out more than once a week!!!
    chawntamarie - Reach 140lbs by Christmas (4 lb. loss), Workout 5 times/week and cook my own meals 2-3 times per week.
    finncmh- lose 5lbs bringing me to 193 by New Years eve, strength training 2x's a week, develop a solid running/walking routine, try one new healthy meal a week!
    Mevan17- lose 3 lbs to get to 141 lb, run 4 days/week, no cookies
    Stuartme123 - DecSW = 161. 30 min of cardio 3x a week, Keep unhealthy snacking to under 200 calories/day, Add veggies that wouldn't normally be there to at least one meal a day, Try one new healthy recipe a week, Lose 1lb a week for a total of 4lbs.
    CaptainJim157 - Dec SW = 172.2 lbs, lose 10 lbs by the end of December (2 lbs a week), control my anxiety a bit better (Can that be one of my goals?)
    Tickyfoxster710- Dec SW=294lbs, goal lose 9lbs by the end of December, finish my 10k running plan, try to get up to 8 miles before the end of the year, start my second round of 6 week triple challenge (finish the first week of January) ( goal 100 push ups, 200 situps, 200 squats consecutive)
    Jourdan_Rystrom - DecSW=136. I want to reach 133 by the end of December and have even more muscle tone! Log on to MFP EVERY DAY and always stay under my calories! I want to drop my BF% to 22%! I also want to include more greens in my diet!
    meggonkgonk: Reach 150 lbs, complete 1 unabridged week of training, Week 4 of pushup challenge and 1 unassisted pullup
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - lose 5 pounds before 2011. Work out twice a week. Continue with my C25K training.
    Losstalykat:* Do one nice relaxing thing for myself once a week. (massage, bath with wine and book, new workout class....)* Focus on Triathlon Training, workout as close to the training schedule as possible. * Only eat 2 sweets a week(it is the holidays after all)*Measure at the beginning and end of the month.
    spellbinder25: (1) Start with week 3 of C25K. From week 4 onwards, do each week twice. (2) Cook twice a week, (3) Have a serving of fruit everyday, (4) Do squats and crunches thrice a week, (5) Lose 5.5 lbs to reach 145lbs.
    seripha - Dec SW = 156.5, goal to lose another 5 lbs by the end of December, continue to exercise 4 - 5 times a week, and avoid binging on the weekend!
    miss_amy: current weight loss: 26.4lbs- goal: at least 32lb total loss (5.6lbs)- ultimate goal: 35lb total loss (8.6). NSG: eat less carbs!
    TaraMaria - Ab workout 3x's weekly, 4500 calories burned weekly, 97.5 miles walked/ran by Christmas, build up to running/walking 5 miles and finally no refined sugars for the month of December
    SKINNYACK- Get under 160- ideally 157 by Dec 31st. I'm currently stuck at 161. Be able to hold side arm planks for 90 seconds each arm without shaking. Run my first official 5K. Finish Month 1 of P90X
    Fiore89 -- Go to the gym daily, eat less carbs and more protein, log in MFP daily, pack a healthy lunch to work and stay under my calorie intake!!! :-)
    Allislefttogain: Maintain in 118-123 range; minimum base running of 8-10 miles a week; long run of 13.1; weigh-ins on 10th/ 20th/30th of December; try a new workout (or 2 or 3); 64 oz of water daily (no counting tea water!) and experiment in the kitchen
    Tjradd73-to lose 8lbs and 2", continue on with the push-up challenge, and do 3 days a week of abs!
    cruan- Stay on the Herbalife plan, get my protein intake that I need, lose at least 5 lbs, and exercise, exercise, exercise!
    emmarie1630- lose 4lbs, eat out less, stay active over the holidays, drink more water
    30poundsto30- lose 10 pounds, exercise 3x a week, walk my dog everyday and drink at least 64 ounces of water daily

    Height 5'6
    Starting Weight- 156
    Current Weight- 156
    December Goal- 146
    Goal weight- 125!!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    welcome 30poundsto30!! i think you will find lots of motivations on this site and on this thread!!
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    holy cow do i have to catch up!!! just bumping for now so i can go back and read!! love u guys!!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Welcome to everyone and welcome back to those who are returning from the Nov challenge! :flowerforyou:

    A moment of seriousness -
    ***Remember: Make sure your goals are ATTAINABLE. Just a word of warning from someone who has been at this a while. Discouraging yourself by setting unreasonable goals (and not meeting them) is a great way to end this journey quickly and to develop unhealthy eating and exercise habits that are not sustainable. If what you are doing right now to lose weight is NOT something you can see yourself doing for the next 5 years to life, then you need to adjust your goals because being healthy is a LIFESTYLE choice.

    OK enough of that.

    Melissa - Be safe! Seriously - Drivers are the worst! I have been nearly hit SO many effing times by inconsiderate drivers on their phones, playing with their radios or just simply not paying attention. It's like you're invisible out there sometimes. And I a) always run during the day and b) always wear BRIGHT red to make sure I'm visible. I've also been hit from behind by a cyclist on a shared trail (in Sept - and have track marks scarred in my left calf to prove it). There is no way to prevent it so just take as many steps as possible to stay safe and make sure you are alert at all times. Trust no one! I know it sounds paranoid, but honestly it's your best bet. If you can, run in the 'burbs or on a shared path - at least a cyclist isn't likely to kill you :ohwell: Not much consolation, unfortunately.

    Skip - YAY! Post your goals, young lady :tongue: I want to see the other runners' goals! I have no idea what to set as my running goal for the month other than to keep up with my running 3x per week... Doing another 7 miles this Sun. Dare I set a distance goal with the heavy winter months upon us?

    Spellbinder - Good to see you back and not bad at all on your vacation! You'll get back on track in no time :wink: What are you doing at the gym?

    Aly - Dizzy and anxious from oatmeal? I'm not sold on that... Then again, I have oatmeal every morning. I know everyone's different but I find it hard to believe that oats would have that effect. Good healthy carbs in the AM are a great way to kick start your metabolism and help to keep you feeling full and nourished throughout the morning. Add some protein powder, eggs, cottage cheese, or greek yogurt and fruit/veggies and you've got an all-star breakfast!

    Rai - Awesome first day girl! Now just keep that up for 30 more :tongue: Seriously though, use the momentum to your advantage and keep reminding yourself that if YOU don't do it for you, no one will. The push-ups will get better, I promise!

    OK I am changing my goals. I decided on them too quickly in order to get the list going and they did not reflect what I really want to accomplish this month. So here's the update.

    km323 - Reach 185lbs, run 4x per week, get to sleep before 2am each night, avoid french fries and log every day
    kvr414- Lose another 10 lbs. drink 10 cups of water a day, do a 3x to 5x a day routine of situps, pushups, lunges til fatigue.
    roobean33 - Reach 128lbs, drink more H20 daily, try new healthy recipes, avoid most of the holiday treats
    inskydiamonds - Continue my biweekly meal challenges, because they force me to reach outside the box for things to eat for dinner. (December 1-5: Suggestions from MFP friends / December 6-19: Low-Cal Desserts / December 20-31: Meals Under $10). Lose 4 pounds, bringing me to 183.
    Keysr-Cook for myself and become more active outside with fun winter sports
    krishatherley - drop another 3-4 lbs
    wardiemelissa-maintain current weight of 125 lbs.; continue exercise regimine of running 2-3 times a week (with one long run between 7-8 miles), strength training (30 day Shred), and stretching (yoga); plan healthy dinners for the week; and begin to tone those trouble zones (No More Trouble Zones)
    SkierElle: Reach 175 lbs, still limit sweets but allow myself a few if they fit w/in calories, when I'm home for Xmas try to involve family in fun exercise!
    meagalayne - Reach 130lb by 12/11/10 and maintain to 01/01/11, complete 20 consecutive push-ups, complete 5 full weeks of Cutting Body Fat (3x/week) weight lifting and extend longest run distance to 9 miles - NO EXCUSES!
    rai8759 - Go from 167.4 to 162 by 1/3/11 (1.08 lbs/week); Carry a water bottle around with me and drink 8-10 cups of water per day; Be true to my food diary even if i miss a day get right back into it the next day!!
    Tai_88 – continue my no candy streak (limit of one piece of candy per week); stop drinking soda for the month; at least 3 workouts per week; get my 2 mile time under 18:30; logging everyday – especially when I don’t want to.
    Hazeldiva1913---drink at least 12 cups of water a day, loose 10 lbs by christmas. Im at 299 need to be at 289 on xmas day...start incorporating more strength eating out more than once a week!!!
    chawntamarie - Reach 140lbs by Christmas (4 lb. loss), Workout 5 times/week and cook my own meals 2-3 times per week.
    finncmh- lose 5lbs bringing me to 193 by New Years eve, strength training 2x's a week, develop a solid running/walking routine, try one new healthy meal a week!
    Mevan17- lose 3 lbs to get to 141 lb, run 4 days/week, no cookies
    Stuartme123 - DecSW = 161. 30 min of cardio 3x a week, Keep unhealthy snacking to under 200 calories/day, Add veggies that wouldn't normally be there to at least one meal a day, Try one new healthy recipe a week, Lose 1lb a week for a total of 4lbs.
    CaptainJim157 - Dec SW = 172.2 lbs, lose 10 lbs by the end of December (2 lbs a week), control my anxiety a bit better (Can that be one of my goals?)
    Tickyfoxster710- Dec SW=294lbs, goal lose 9lbs by the end of December, finish my 10k running plan, try to get up to 8 miles before the end of the year, start my second round of 6 week triple challenge (finish the first week of January) ( goal 100 push ups, 200 situps, 200 squats consecutive)
    Jourdan_Rystrom - DecSW=136. I want to reach 133 by the end of December and have even more muscle tone! Log on to MFP EVERY DAY and always stay under my calories! I want to drop my BF% to 22%! I also want to include more greens in my diet!
    meggonkgonk: Reach 150 lbs, complete 1 unabridged week of training, Week 4 of pushup challenge and 1 unassisted pullup
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - lose 5 pounds before 2011. Work out twice a week. Continue with my C25K training.
    Losstalykat:* Do one nice relaxing thing for myself once a week. (massage, bath with wine and book, new workout class....)* Focus on Triathlon Training, workout as close to the training schedule as possible. * Only eat 2 sweets a week(it is the holidays after all)*Measure at the beginning and end of the month.
    spellbinder25: (1) Start with week 3 of C25K. From week 4 onwards, do each week twice. (2) Cook twice a week, (3) Have a serving of fruit everyday, (4) Do squats and crunches thrice a week, (5) Lose 5.5 lbs to reach 145lbs.
    seripha - Dec SW = 156.5, goal to lose another 5 lbs by the end of December, continue to exercise 4 - 5 times a week, and avoid binging on the weekend!
    miss_amy: current weight loss: 26.4lbs- goal: at least 32lb total loss (5.6lbs)- ultimate goal: 35lb total loss (8.6). NSG: eat less carbs!
    TaraMaria - Ab workout 3x's weekly, 4500 calories burned weekly, 97.5 miles walked/ran by Christmas, build up to running/walking 5 miles and finally no refined sugars for the month of December
    SKINNYACK- Get under 160- ideally 157 by Dec 31st. I'm currently stuck at 161. Be able to hold side arm planks for 90 seconds each arm without shaking. Run my first official 5K. Finish Month 1 of P90X
    Fiore89 -- Go to the gym daily, eat less carbs and more protein, log in MFP daily, pack a healthy lunch to work and stay under my calorie intake!!! :-)
    Allislefttogain: Maintain in 118-123 range; minimum base running of 8-10 miles a week; long run of 13.1; weigh-ins on 10th/ 20th/30th of December; try a new workout (or 2 or 3); 64 oz of water daily (no counting tea water!) and experiment in the kitchen
    Tjradd73-to lose 8lbs and 2", continue on with the push-up challenge, and do 3 days a week of abs!
    cruan- Stay on the Herbalife plan, get my protein intake that I need, lose at least 5 lbs, and exercise, exercise, exercise!
    emmarie1630- lose 4lbs, eat out less, stay active over the holidays, drink more water
    30poundsto30- lose 10 pounds, exercise 3x a week, walk my dog everyday and drink at least 64 ounces of water daily

    Have a great THURSDAY everyone! :heart:
  • Tara--Not sure if you had started the thread when I posted this link before, but here's a half training schedule for the group I'm training with for a half in April also. I think mine is the next week so if you just start a week earlier than they do you will be on track.
    Of course this is just one option of many but maybe could help you get started!

    Melissa--I agree about rude drivers. I get so mad sometimes I just want to show them my favorite finger...but I don't because I am too nice...

    Newbies--Welcome to this crazy thread! It's awesome!

    Awesome goals everyone!

    Here are the goals I had for November: Get to 124 by end of November and then 120 by end of December. Make it to Christmas with no sweets (except Thanksgiving). Keep running through the winter and train for the half marathon in St. Louis in April.

    And here are my November results: ended at 127 because I totally ate horribly through Thanksgiving. I did better with my sweets consumption, but didn't totally cut them out like I wanted. I have kept running so far!

    So for my December goals: I started December 1 at 126. I would like to be at 123 by December 23--the day I leave to visit family out of town. I would also like to maintain 123 through the rest of December by not being horrible like I was at Thanksgiving. I want to keep running outside even though it's getting colder and colder (not compared to Canada I know....). I want to do 6 miles twice a week and perhaps a longer 7 miles once a week--so run 3 days a week and do weights 3 days a week.

    I may not get to post as much for the next couple weeks because it is finals time at school and I have been the queen of procrastination thus far....

    km323 - Reach 185lbs, run 4x per week, get to sleep before 2am each night, avoid french fries and log every day
    kvr414- Lose another 10 lbs. drink 10 cups of water a day, do a 3x to 5x a day routine of situps, pushups, lunges til fatigue.
    roobean33 - Reach 128lbs, drink more H20 daily, try new healthy recipes, avoid most of the holiday treats
    inskydiamonds - Continue my biweekly meal challenges, because they force me to reach outside the box for things to eat for dinner. (December 1-5: Suggestions from MFP friends / December 6-19: Low-Cal Desserts / December 20-31: Meals Under $10). Lose 4 pounds, bringing me to 183.
    Keysr-Cook for myself and become more active outside with fun winter sports
    krishatherley - drop another 3-4 lbs
    wardiemelissa-maintain current weight of 125 lbs.; continue exercise regimine of running 2-3 times a week (with one long run between 7-8 miles), strength training (30 day Shred), and stretching (yoga); plan healthy dinners for the week; and begin to tone those trouble zones (No More Trouble Zones)
    SkierElle: Reach 175 lbs, still limit sweets but allow myself a few if they fit w/in calories, when I'm home for Xmas try to involve family in fun exercise!
    meagalayne - Reach 130lb by 12/11/10 and maintain to 01/01/11, complete 20 consecutive push-ups, complete 5 full weeks of Cutting Body Fat (3x/week) weight lifting and extend longest run distance to 9 miles - NO EXCUSES!
    rai8759 - Go from 167.4 to 162 by 1/3/11 (1.08 lbs/week); Carry a water bottle around with me and drink 8-10 cups of water per day; Be true to my food diary even if i miss a day get right back into it the next day!!
    Tai_88 – continue my no candy streak (limit of one piece of candy per week); stop drinking soda for the month; at least 3 workouts per week; get my 2 mile time under 18:30; logging everyday – especially when I don’t want to.
    Hazeldiva1913---drink at least 12 cups of water a day, loose 10 lbs by christmas. Im at 299 need to be at 289 on xmas day...start incorporating more strength eating out more than once a week!!!
    chawntamarie - Reach 140lbs by Christmas (4 lb. loss), Workout 5 times/week and cook my own meals 2-3 times per week.
    finncmh- lose 5lbs bringing me to 193 by New Years eve, strength training 2x's a week, develop a solid running/walking routine, try one new healthy meal a week!
    Mevan17- lose 3 lbs to get to 141 lb, run 4 days/week, no cookies
    Stuartme123 - DecSW = 161. 30 min of cardio 3x a week, Keep unhealthy snacking to under 200 calories/day, Add veggies that wouldn't normally be there to at least one meal a day, Try one new healthy recipe a week, Lose 1lb a week for a total of 4lbs.
    CaptainJim157 - Dec SW = 172.2 lbs, lose 10 lbs by the end of December (2 lbs a week), control my anxiety a bit better (Can that be one of my goals?)
    Tickyfoxster710- Dec SW=294lbs, goal lose 9lbs by the end of December, finish my 10k running plan, try to get up to 8 miles before the end of the year, start my second round of 6 week triple challenge (finish the first week of January) ( goal 100 push ups, 200 situps, 200 squats consecutive)
    Jourdan_Rystrom - DecSW=136. I want to reach 133 by the end of December and have even more muscle tone! Log on to MFP EVERY DAY and always stay under my calories! I want to drop my BF% to 22%! I also want to include more greens in my diet!
    meggonkgonk: Reach 150 lbs, complete 1 unabridged week of training, Week 4 of pushup challenge and 1 unassisted pullup
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - lose 5 pounds before 2011. Work out twice a week. Continue with my C25K training.
    Losstalykat:* Do one nice relaxing thing for myself once a week. (massage, bath with wine and book, new workout class....)* Focus on Triathlon Training, workout as close to the training schedule as possible. * Only eat 2 sweets a week(it is the holidays after all)*Measure at the beginning and end of the month.
    spellbinder25: (1) Start with week 3 of C25K. From week 4 onwards, do each week twice. (2) Cook twice a week, (3) Have a serving of fruit everyday, (4) Do squats and crunches thrice a week, (5) Lose 5.5 lbs to reach 145lbs.
    seripha - Dec SW = 156.5, goal to lose another 5 lbs by the end of December, continue to exercise 4 - 5 times a week, and avoid binging on the weekend!
    miss_amy: current weight loss: 26.4lbs- goal: at least 32lb total loss (5.6lbs)- ultimate goal: 35lb total loss (8.6). NSG: eat less carbs!
    TaraMaria - Ab workout 3x's weekly, 4500 calories burned weekly, 97.5 miles walked/ran by Christmas, build up to running/walking 5 miles and finally no refined sugars for the month of December
    SKINNYACK- Get under 160- ideally 157 by Dec 31st. I'm currently stuck at 161. Be able to hold side arm planks for 90 seconds each arm without shaking. Run my first official 5K. Finish Month 1 of P90X
    Fiore89 -- Go to the gym daily, eat less carbs and more protein, log in MFP daily, pack a healthy lunch to work and stay under my calorie intake!!! :-)
    Allislefttogain: Maintain in 118-123 range; minimum base running of 8-10 miles a week; long run of 13.1; weigh-ins on 10th/ 20th/30th of December; try a new workout (or 2 or 3); 64 oz of water daily (no counting tea water!) and experiment in the kitchen
    Tjradd73-to lose 8lbs and 2", continue on with the push-up challenge, and do 3 days a week of abs!
    cruan- Stay on the Herbalife plan, get my protein intake that I need, lose at least 5 lbs, and exercise, exercise, exercise!
    emmarie1630- lose 4lbs, eat out less, stay active over the holidays, drink more water
    30poundsto30- lose 10 pounds, exercise 3x a week, walk my dog everyday and drink at least 64 ounces of water daily
    SkiptomyLou32: 123 by end of December, run 3x week, weights 3x week, continue to cut sweets
  • Hey girls! :) (and guy) :D
    How's everyone doing today? I decided to go with 1.5 lbs loss a week, instead of 2 lbs a week, does that sound good?
    I'm not a very heavy person to begin with, so does 1.5 lbs a week sound okay?

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