Paleo = dying young?



  • birdiecs
    birdiecs Posts: 237 Member
    I will now exit the thread so that we may all bask in the omnipotence of his highness Johnny9000millino posts.

    Hey, bring those back.

    Johnny9000 ain't bad, he's just a... character.

    Oh i never said hes a bad guy...we all have our charms. Ive agreed with him on other certainly not without any reason.

    Ive no problems with disagreeing yet still being able to acknowlegdge positives. I also have a steel *kitten* so butthurtery is not my gig.
  • dayone987
    dayone987 Posts: 645 Member

    I don't think it's demonizing, it's taking a reasoned position. If you read more of the science behind it, perhaps you'd understand it. But, since you haven't, I suppose it's easier to just scoff at that which you don't understand.

  • Whambam087
    It would be fun to do a google search like this: "feel great"

    to see what comes up. People report "feeling great" on all manner of crazy unhealthy trash, like juice cleanses, lemon water detoxes, HCG diets, <900 calorie diets, etc etc. It's also easy to find many reports online from former vegans who for years proclaimed they "never felt better" until they finally gave in and realized their bodies were in terrible shape and they had been fooling themselves all these years.

    "Feels great" is meaningless. People who buy into a fad diet invariably "feel great" because they want to. No one wants to believe they bought into and followed some stupid idea for months or years.

    I actually just did this.

    "33 days on Herbalife and I feel Great"
    "I feel great eating raw!"
    "i started eating right sence thursday and i feel great."
    "i drink a detox tea that has garcinia cambogia in it and i have to say i love it, i feel great"

    Could it be these people "feel great" because they think they are doing something great for their health, whether they are or not? I can say that I personally "feel great" when I'm proud of something I've done, regardless of what I'm eating..
    um no. If I fill up on donuts, pizza, icecream and junk its quite obvious to me that I feel like crap and no positive thinking is going to make me feel any better. When I went grain free it was quite obvious to me that I felt awesome and this really works a lot better for me than your standard well balanced food pyramid with whole grains. And not only did I feel better but my blood work was excellent and further confirmed that it works great for me.
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    It would be fun to do a google search like this: "feel great"

    to see what comes up. People report "feeling great" on all manner of crazy unhealthy trash, like juice cleanses, lemon water detoxes, HCG diets, <900 calorie diets, etc etc. It's also easy to find many reports online from former vegans who for years proclaimed they "never felt better" until they finally gave in and realized their bodies were in terrible shape and they had been fooling themselves all these years.

    "Feels great" is meaningless. People who buy into a fad diet invariably "feel great" because they want to. No one wants to believe they bought into and followed some stupid idea for months or years.

    I actually just did this.

    "33 days on Herbalife and I feel Great"
    "I feel great eating raw!"
    "i started eating right sence thursday and i feel great."
    "i drink a detox tea that has garcinia cambogia in it and i have to say i love it, i feel great"

    Could it be these people "feel great" because they think they are doing something great for their health, whether they are or not? I can say that I personally "feel great" when I'm proud of something I've done, regardless of what I'm eating..
    um no. If I fill up on donuts, pizza, icecream and junk its quite obvious to me that I feel like crap and no positive thinking is going to make me feel any better. When I went grain free it was quite obvious to me that I felt awesome and this really works a lot better for me than your standard well balanced food pyramid with whole grains. And not only did I feel better but my blood work was excellent and further confirmed that it works great for me.

    That has been my experience as well. Shocked my primary care physician, but totally inline with what my specialist expected.
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    Actually yes could you please provide peer reviewed double blind studies on stage 4 cancers and low carbohydrate. I mean since you are the authority on this subject.

    Oh now we're talking about low carb, not Paleo. Impressive how quickly you made that turn.

    Paleo would qualify as low carb. At least from what I have seen it would fall under that umbrella.

    Paleo comes in many flavors, and Paleo is not necessarily low carb.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Delete. Dupe.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Well, if your goal is to run 5 miles, is it better to settle for 4 miles on some days? Or better to just not run at all?

    If your goal is to run 5 miles, you need to run 5 miles. (Actually, you should be running 10, but that's a longer story).

    If running less is "ok", then your goal isn't actually to run 5 miles.

    The real issue with 80/20 is that in practice it simply becomes SAD. There is a qualitative difference between 80/20 and for example 95/5.
  • takumaku
    takumaku Posts: 352 Member
    It's not a fad for some. People do it because of diseases like Hashimoto's.

    Not sure what Paleo has to do with Hashimoto's. A diet appropriate for Hashimoto's and Paleo are not synonymous, even if they're compatible.

    Many People who have Hashimoto's eat an AIP (auto-immune paleo) Diet in order to help with the symptoms of Hashimoto's and to avoid flair ups. Many people with this auto-immune disease have food sensativities or have reactions triggered by certain foods. Many people with Hashimoto's tend to avoid gluten and dairy along with other allergen foods for this reason.

    Thank you. Someone who gets it!

    Let's not forgot the Crohn's, U. Colitis, and other autoimmune sufferers. Some have trigger foods related to insoluble fiber (beans, popcorn, whole corn, whole grains, potato peels, cucumber peels, etc.), seeds, dairy (dairy is really bad for gastritis), nightshades (peppers, potatoes, eggplants, etc.), high acidic foods (tomatoes, pickles, citrus foods), sorbitol (grapes, sugar alcohol), and items from the trigger foods ... pickled foods, vinegars, grain-based alcohol, sugar free gums, high fructose corn syrup.
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    Well, if your goal is to run 5 miles, is it better to settle for 4 miles on some days? Or better to just not run at all?

    If your goal is to run 5 miles, you need to run 5 miles. (Actually, you should be running 10, but that's a longer story).

    If running less is "ok", then your goal isn't actually to run 5 miles.

    Well, then I think that's is fair to say that people that enjoy the Paleo/Primal lifestyle aren't necessarily looking to eat 100% Paleo/Primal all the time. They're looking to improve their life in certain fashion and getting to 80% is 80% further than 0. I suppose if your goal is 100% in everything, you're going to be very disappointed in life. Or have way too low of goals.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I see paleo as more as someone choosing to eat vegetarian.

    My problem with this statement is that I know quite a few vegetarians and a handful of vegans...they're full time vegetarians and vegans. Every paleo eater I know is paleo...except on Saturdays when they go grab a pizza...or they're paleo except they eat legumes...or, they're paleo X% of the time...or they're paleo except they were just craving a snickers so they had one, etc.

    It's like religious people who pick and choose which parts of a particular religion pertain to them and which parts can be ignored. It's pretty ridiculous really...and I truly believe that it is overwhelmingly a fad.

    ^This. Everyone I know who "eats paleo" only follows it until it becomes inconvenient.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    They're looking to improve their life in certain fashion and getting to 80% is 80% further than 0.

    No, it's not.

    That's the point.

    If someone is eating 40/40/20 during their "paleo" phase and then 0/0/20 during their "20%" phase, they're basically right back to SAD.

    20% isn't a "cheat", it's a more or less complete undoing. A "cheat" or "close enough" would 95/5.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I will now exit the thread so that we may all bask in the omnipotence of his highness Johnny9000millino posts.

    Hey, bring those back.

    Johnny9000 ain't bad, he's just a... character.

    Oh i never said hes a bad guy...we all have our charms. Ive agreed with him on other certainly not without any reason.

    Ive no problems with disagreeing yet still being able to acknowlegdge positives. I also have a steel *kitten* so butthurtery is not my gig.


    How you doin'
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I will now exit the thread so that we may all bask in the omnipotence of his highness Johnny9000millino posts.

    Hey, bring those back.

    Johnny9000 ain't bad, he's just a... character.

    Oh i never said hes a bad guy...we all have our charms. Ive agreed with him on other certainly not without any reason.

    Ive no problems with disagreeing yet still being able to acknowlegdge positives. I also have a steel *kitten* so butthurtery is not my gig.

    Gunna be honest here, I'm just in this thread for profile pics.

    This topic not only has it been butthurted and beaten to death, it's just kinda silly.

    The whole caveman thing is a gimmick, and in time it may just end up being, eat like a pharaoh next. What's interesting though is the people dedicated to agonizing over every little detail.
  • zilfig64
    zilfig64 Posts: 71 Member
    That Mammoth steak crusted with grasshoppers I had last night was delish!
    Tonight: Fresh Wooly Rhino ribs with grub sauce!! yum!!!!
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    They're looking to improve their life in certain fashion and getting to 80% is 80% further than 0.

    No, it's not.

    That's the point.

    If someone is eating 40/40/20 during their "paleo" phase and then 0/0/20 during their "20%" phase, they're basically right back to SAD.

    20% isn't a "cheat", it's a more or less complete undoing. A "cheat" or "close enough" would 95/5.

    I'm glad you established the exact value of what a 'cheat' is. Jesus, the arrogance...
  • Whambam087
    I will now exit the thread so that we may all bask in the omnipotence of his highness Johnny9000millino posts.

    Hey, bring those back.

    Johnny9000 ain't bad, he's just a... character.

    Oh i never said hes a bad guy...we all have our charms. Ive agreed with him on other certainly not without any reason.

    Ive no problems with disagreeing yet still being able to acknowlegdge positives. I also have a steel *kitten* so butthurtery is not my gig.

    Gunna be honest here, I'm just in this thread for profile pics.

    This topic not only has it been butthurted and beaten to death, it's just kinda silly.

    The whole caveman thing is a gimmick, and in time it may just end up being, eat like a pharaoh next. What's interesting though is the people dedicated to agonizing over every little detail.
    What diet isn't a gimmick then? By calling paleo a gimmick you are implying there is a diet that is the standard to hold all diets too.
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    They're looking to improve their life in certain fashion and getting to 80% is 80% further than 0.

    No, it's not.

    That's the point.

    If someone is eating 40/40/20 during their "paleo" phase and then 0/0/20 during their "20%" phase, they're basically right back to SAD.

    20% isn't a "cheat", it's a more or less complete undoing. A "cheat" or "close enough" would 95/5.

    Obviously, you don't understand what Paleo/Primal means. It's not about percentages per se, like the Zone, Atkins or other ones. It can be low-carb or it can be quite heavy on the carbs depending on the person's goals -- but what they have in common is the type of carbs, protein and fat. Perhaps you should educate yourself on the subject matter at hand before you rile against it.

    You can keep the exact same ratios of carbs, protein and fat if you like. But, it means having a cookie, slice of pizza, sandwich or ice cream on occasion, it's okay. Just keep it small and go back to your eating the right way the rest of the time. Full deprivation tends not to work well for people, so that's why they put it in there.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    I'm glad you established the exact value of what a 'cheat' is.

    Thanks! I can see some folks are really struggling with this, so I'm glad I could help!

  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    It can be low-carb or it can be quite heavy on the carbs depending on the person's goals -- but what they have in common is the type of carbs, protein and fat. Perhaps you should educate yourself on the subject matter at hand before you rile against it.

    I. Never. Mentioned. Macros.

    I give up - have fun storming the castle!

  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    I'm glad you established the exact value of what a 'cheat' is.

    Thanks! I can see some folks are really struggling with this, so I'm glad I could help!


    It must be terribly fun to live in a world of absolutes.