December Move Your *kitten* Challenge



  • crewellademel
    crewellademel Posts: 168 Member
    I'm so psyched to start my December challange. I think I've got the ticker done right. we'll see if it shows when I post this. Good Luck everyone!:flowerforyou:
  • absie107
    absie107 Posts: 290
    WOO! Logged 10 miles on the bike and 1.5 running today!!! Well on my way... I hope you guys are too! :happy:
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    I managed to go over my November goal by 6.5 miles. So I'm going to push myself even harder this month and really step it up. I'm going to shoot for 50 miles this month! :D That's a pretty big leap going from a goal of 35 miles to a goal of 50 miles, but if I don't challenge myself I'll never know if I can do it, right?

    I'm excited to be in this challenge with you all! Good luck to us all!

    PS - I did a mile today. But it's late now and I'll have to wait until tomorrow to make my ticker and I'll add it then. :) Night night you beautiful people! :D
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    3 more miles!!! I'll put the spread sheet up for you guys on the 8th for week one!
  • ldafoe
    ldafoe Posts: 20 Member
    Great job, everyone!!!:bigsmile:

  • done 1.5 miles out of 30miles target.
  • Managed to get 2 miles in yesterday between the gym and work :-). I think tonight my girls and I will go for a walk and explore our new neighborhood! :bigsmile:
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hi, Woke up to thick snow this morning so had a snow day!!! still managed to walk 6.5 miles with a stop at a pub for a few mulled wines :love: (just had to be done!) and i'm now freezing :ohwell: but thawing out slowly lol.
  • HI Guys,
    Posting todays effort - 6.2 miles (10k)
    Great job everbody!

  • emmyvera
    emmyvera Posts: 599 Member
    posting my results from last night 3 miles!
    2 on the elliptical and 1 on the treadmill.

    thanks and good luck to all! :happy:
  • OK...I am in! Thanks for the motivation!
  • absie107
    absie107 Posts: 290
    WOO! 3.1 elliptical and 1.0 running miles today! :)
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    4 miles in today.

    everyone keep up the awesome work!!!

    Have a great day!
  • dinos
    dinos Posts: 1,390 Member
    Every Wednesday a bunch of retired players like myself get together and play hoops. Strapped my Garmin and rode the bike to the basketball court. I kept the Garmin running during the game and when I got home the reading was 8.54 miles for the combined exercise. :bigsmile:
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    5.4 miles down so far! :happy:
  • 6.5 miles today. With the cold and snow and holidays, it's going to be more difficult to be outside so I lowered my goal from last month to 75. But it would be awesome if I could reach 100 again! :happy:
  • another 2 today, total so far is 4 :)
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    5 miles on the elliptical yesterday. I have been taking different fitness classes and havent been spending as much time on the machines. I am going to shoot for 50 miles for the month of December. Its still ambitious, and I really want to succeed this month. Getting ready to change my ticker.
  • Current mileage: 2.2
    Goal mileage: 75
  • nemrenu
    nemrenu Posts: 211
    Woo- hoo Look at everyone go!! :drinker:

    + 4 miles today, hoping to get some in tonight.
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