I am the woman in the freeweights section of the gym



  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Bump! I hope to be the woman in the free weights section soon also.... I've been playing around with some of the equipment but not knowing if I'm doing it right scares me

    knowledge crushes fear.

    educate yourself and you will have nothing to fear!
  • phatdivabbw
    phatdivabbw Posts: 24 Member
    I life free weights too. I see them looking but they are very respectful. The few that talk try to teach and I politely telll them I need to focus on my work outs.
  • shanpwn
    shanpwn Posts: 66 Member
    I'm lucky to lift in a womens' college gym, but this is a great post.
  • taxingwoman
    taxingwoman Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for the inspiring & informative info! DH & I both have gym membership, and he is very supportive, also strong & good with weights. (At 73 he can lift a lot more than most younger men). I downloaded the Strength book to my iPad & will start working on my plan. If I can get the book away from DH.
  • What an awesome post! Just starting to lift free weights and I get intimidated by the lack of women in the free weight area. Guys are always so "helpful". Sometimes it's hard to figure out who's not a creep. I hate that. Your post is pretty enlightening. I guess I have to overcome my fear. I know over time as I get better at weight lifting this wont be a problem. Thanks!!
  • This was an awesome post. My gym has two weight rooms, both are the same; however one seems to be frequented by muscle heads, the other by what I categorize as "real people". I, too, felt anxiety going into the weight room, and I was freakin scared that people would notice I was doing it wrong, not say anything aloud, but in their head say "hmm, look at that dumb girl"...but now, I've read some book, watched some other people and just get in my zone. Comparison is the robber of all success.
  • I am SO into this. Not only are you doing your body good by braving the free weight area, but you're also keeping people like me [that single chick in the corner] company! the general rule of thumb on the floor is, everyone kind of does their own thing. I get more "creepers" near the machines [one word: adductor] than i do on the free weight floor. go out and get it ladies!!!!
  • JoJo__Fit
    JoJo__Fit Posts: 258 Member
    Great Post!

    I lift like a dude lol, I make noises and faces IDGAF tho!! I have guys asking me if I'm using the 50lbs dumbbell LOL But the reward of me lifting heavy and making faces and noises is AMAZING. I LOVE MYSELF, for it!!

    I pay monthly for my gym membership so I can be all up and over that bia if I want too :)
  • skizzerbizkit
    skizzerbizkit Posts: 40 Member
    BUMP. Love this.
  • Sharon5913
    Sharon5913 Posts: 134 Member
    I have encountered some of the same things, overall, everyone has been very cool. I'm still mildly intimidated because I don't "look like" I should be doing weights and I am older.
  • Jessintherain
    Jessintherain Posts: 67 Member
    YES! I wish I saw more women in the freeweight section, kicking butt. :D
  • Same here.

    Luchily though I look like a minor so I don't get the creepers.
  • Late to the party, but what a great post..so spot on!
  • westln
    westln Posts: 35 Member
    I agree with number 6.
  • imjustcolleen
    imjustcolleen Posts: 4 Member
    This will be me one day.
  • kself007
    kself007 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks for sharing. I'm relatively new to freeweights but I'm looking to be there as a regular.
  • Jess732008
    Jess732008 Posts: 98 Member
    Hi, I have worked out in the free-weight section before. At the gym I went to most women did not want to go down to the free weights room because there were mostly guys, it was a small area, it was downstairs away from everybody else and all of the machines, and many times the guys would leave very heavy weights on the free weight machines ( the hack squat machine, pull down, calf raise). Most women could not move weights that heavy. It is just kind of awkward in general even doing bench presses and dumbbell work there at least. Now, I have been to a large YMCA where it was much easier and more comfortable to use the free weights. Sometimes I think women use more machines so they won't get hurt. It is much easier to get hurt doing a squat wrong than a leg extension on a machine. I hurt myself a long time ago that exact way and still have issues with that muscle. I did find a book that has encouraged me though. The programs go really slow even an extreme beginner can do the exercises and they can be done at home. The book is Bible Sculpting Bible for Women.
  • Zelinna
    Zelinna Posts: 207 Member
    Great post! Bumping for my FL. :drinker:
  • I'm pretty close to the only one in the free weights section as well. I just blast my music through my headphones and ignore everything else. I'm there for me and that's what matters, not what anyone else thinks. :)