Paleo = dying young?



  • bizeb02
    bizeb02 Posts: 2 Member
    paleo is probably healthier than most americans diets that consist of fast food. any diet the promotes plenty of vegetables and fruits probably isn't that bad for you. And no I personally don't eat paleo but I tried the diet and when I was on it I was losing weight and felt great.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    No, I actually agree with that part. But it also affects weight, fat storage and muscle development issues. Calories in and calories out are not the same for everyone because some people's bodies respond differently.

    OK, so show me real evidence that two different diets, of identical calorie content, have clinically significant different results in terms of weight for people without diagnosed medical disorders.

    I have already said that muscle development and fat storage can be affected by macro intake. But not weight, to any significant degree, in people without disorders.

    I don't know of a study like that in particular.

    Oh. I see.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Also, contributors -- though I think the industrial revolution in the mid 1800s, the level of sedentary jobs hasn't increased at the same rate as obesity in this country. And a lot of those nutrient shallow, high calorie foods are filled with sugar substitutes and grain-based carbs. Coincidence?

    Do you have data for that claim? What about when you factor in rises in TV viewing, video gaming, and computer use time?

    Bottom line is that obesity has risen because people move less and eat more. People move less because jobs are more sedentary and indoor, sit-on-your-butt leisure activities such as HDTV and internet have increased. People eat more because calories are more delicious, more convenient, and cheaper now than they have ever been throughout human history.

    There's no mystery here. It's not toxins or demon nutrients that are making people fat. It's sitting on your butt more and eating more. The solution therefore is, as always, to move more and eat less.

    Ironically when people ask me how I lost so much weight, unless they are truly my friend and someone I care about I reply "Eat Less, Move More". I'm lying. I know I'm lying. I don't have time to talk to eveyone who asks about why I look so good in comparison to a couple years ago.

    I really don't want to divulge how using MFP paired with Primal diet has cured cronic symptoms, given me more energy and the fat loss is icing on the cake of not being sick. Because they'll start trash talking calorie restriction and Paleo and telling me how much I inspired them in the same sentence.

    So I don't. I give a white lie, that is mostly harmless, that I know isn't going to help anyone achieve a damn thing. "Eat less, Move more." My LIE. My LIE I tell people I hardly know or care about.

    Think about that.

    It's really my way of saying "I spent years figuring out what works for me. I'm not going to give you my secrets in a few sentences so you can look as good as me! Nope, the glory is mine and the journey is yours! I worked my *kitten* off to figure it out myself, so if you want it bad enough, you, grasshopper, will also find your way. Now I'm a very busy woman who needs to depart. Best of Luck to you."

    "Eat less, Move more" It doesn't even mean anything. It's jargon. It's not going to help anyone.

    (Edited for spelling.)
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    Cavemen also drank untreated water, and hunted for their food daily, sucked marrow out of bones, and scavenged when they had to......................................................I'm betting no paleo person on here does that.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Wow. And you're supposed to be a personal/fitness trainer. This may be one of the stupidest comments I've seen in a while. Has absolutely NOTHING to do with the nutritional plan WHATSOEVER. Way to be bring asinine to the party.
    Ninerbuff doesn't need to prove anything to nayone and so far your contributions are meh. lol

    No one needs to prove anything. I'm just asking for logical statements. Disagree all you want. But saying something totally nonsensical is stupid. Tomatoes are red. True, but who cares?

    And I'm sure Ninerbuff is a big boy and can fight his own battles if he chooses to do so.
    His point was paleo is based on a logical fallacy.

    Well, that's where I disagree then. Is it one hundred percent perfect? No. But there is definitely logic behind its nutritional basis and the physiological responses in the body, and is particularly important for people with certain issues (whether it was designed for those specific purposes or not).
    Believer= cherry pick data, disregard what doesn't align with my thinking and make grand generalizations that might cover said *kitten*. Ok, gotcha.

    If you want to think it's cherry picking data, fine. I think the data shows an important trend --one that will only be further developed with more studies. Is it definitive or conclusive? No, but almost nothing in the scientific community relating to the body is because we still have so much to learn about the body's processes.

    If you want to reject it, that's fine. Your prerogative. But, to pretend that there is no logical basis is simply wrong. One you may not agree with is different. Reasonable and logical people can have different opinions and draw different conclusions from the same fact set. That doesn't necessarily negate the other as being reasonable or logical.
    There's many reason why people are obese and most is not related to their diet but more so psychological that probably stems back to their depression going in North America, last time I looked it was scary. It's natural to believe in a theory that aligns with our thought process. Blaming sugar, HFCS, wheat/grains/dairy/saturated fat/cholesterol/refined carbs/simple carbs/meat/processed meat/gluten/salt/fruit et al is a fools game especially considering the most healthy people on the planet (google blue zone) consume all those to some degree. Nobody it appears want to take personal responsibility for their lack of daily exercise and their gluttony, but would rather formulate a set of reason instead.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    It's really my way of saying "I spent years figuringin out what works for me. I'm not going to give you my secrets in a few sentences so you can look as good as me! Nope, the glory is mine and the journey is yours! I worked my *kitten* off to figure it out myself, so if you want it bad enough, you, grasshopper, will also find your way. Now I'm a very busy woman who needs to depart. Best of Luck to you."

    "Eat less, Move more" It doesn't even mean anything. It's jargon. It's not going to help anyone.

    Well, yes. It's a tagline. A slogan. The real story is "eat fewer calories than you burn and you will lose weight" but that doesn't have that nice ring to it.
  • SapiensPisces
    SapiensPisces Posts: 992 Member
    Tagging to read later.
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    Also, contributors -- though I think the industrial revolution in the mid 1800s, the level of sedentary jobs hasn't increased at the same rate as obesity in this country. And a lot of those nutrient shallow, high calorie foods are filled with sugar substitutes and grain-based carbs. Coincidence?

    Do you have data for that claim? What about when you factor in rises in TV viewing, video gaming, and computer use time?

    Bottom line is that obesity has risen because people move less and eat more. People move less because jobs are more sedentary and indoor, sit-on-your-butt leisure activities such as HDTV and internet have increased. People eat more because calories are more delicious, more convenient, and cheaper now than they have ever been throughout human history.

    There's no mystery here. It's not toxins or demon nutrients that are making people fat. It's sitting on your butt more and eating more. The solution therefore is, as always, to move more and eat less.

    Ironically when people ask me how I lost so much weight, unless they are truly my friend and someone I care about I reply "Eat Less, Move More". I'm lying. I know I'm lying. I don't have time to talk to eveyone who asks about why I look so good in comparison to a couple years ago.

    I really don't want to divulge how using MFP paired with Primal diet has cured cronic symptoms, given me more energy and the fat loss is icing on the cake of not being sick. Because they'll start trash talking calorie restriction and Paleo and telling me how much I inspired them in the same sentence.

    So I don't. I give a white lie, that is mostly harmless, that I know isn't going to help anyone achieve a damn thing. "Eat less, Move more." My LIE. My LIE I tell people I hardly know or care about.

    Think about that.

    This has been a very similar experience I've had and for many others I know that went Primal. I didn't have nearly the horror stories some people did with the chronic illness issues, but eating less and moving more wasn't working for me AT ALL. I was eating at 700+ daily deficit just to maintain my weight. And the doctors just said -- eat less and move more.

    Switching to Primal helped immeasurably with fatigue, which was probably my biggest issue, but also in other smaller ways like being more focused and sleeping through the night (totally new for me!). And my cholesterol levels became awesome. After a year of that and still not losing much weight, my primary doctor was amazed at my new blood tests and asked what I'd done -- gone Primal. I was still really struggling to lose weight (even after training and running a half marathon) and ended up going to a specialist -- and lo and behold, I had both Hashi's and insulin resistance (which he says likely has gotten considerably better on Primal and low-ish carb which I'd been doing for the past year).

    I didn't have crazy symptoms or extreme weight -- probably only 30-40 lbs. But I knew something was wrong but was told for YEARS, nope, nothing. I suspect my story is not that different from many out there. They too likely don't have huge issues, but are far from optimal, and have some underlying issue that eat less and move more isn't getting it done.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    It's not a fad for some. People do it because of diseases like Hashimoto's.

    I have Hashimoto's. Tell my why I should eat paleo.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Also, contributors -- though I think the industrial revolution in the mid 1800s, the level of sedentary jobs hasn't increased at the same rate as obesity in this country. And a lot of those nutrient shallow, high calorie foods are filled with sugar substitutes and grain-based carbs. Coincidence?

    Do you have data for that claim? What about when you factor in rises in TV viewing, video gaming, and computer use time?

    Bottom line is that obesity has risen because people move less and eat more. People move less because jobs are more sedentary and indoor, sit-on-your-butt leisure activities such as HDTV and internet have increased. People eat more because calories are more delicious, more convenient, and cheaper now than they have ever been throughout human history.

    There's no mystery here. It's not toxins or demon nutrients that are making people fat. It's sitting on your butt more and eating more. The solution therefore is, as always, to move more and eat less.

    Ironically when people ask me how I lost so much weight, unless they are truly my friend and someone I care about I reply "Eat Less, Move More". I'm lying. I know I'm lying. I don't have time to talk to eveyone who asks about why I look so good in comparison to a couple years ago.

    I really don't want to divulge how using MFP paired with Primal diet has cured cronic symptoms, given me more energy and the fat loss is icing on the cake of not being sick. Because they'll start trash talking calorie restriction and Paleo and telling me how much I inspired them in the same sentence.

    So I don't. I give a white lie, that is mostly harmless, that I know isn't going to help anyone achieve a damn thing. "Eat less, Move more." My LIE. My LIE I tell people I hardly know or care about.

    Think about that.

    This has been a very similar experience I've had and for many others I know that went Primal. I didn't have nearly the horror stories some people did with the chronic illness issues, but eating less and moving more wasn't working for me AT ALL. I was eating at 700+ daily deficit just to maintain my weight. And the doctors just said -- eat less and move more.

    Switching to Primal helped immeasurably with fatigue, which was probably my biggest issue, but also in other smaller ways like being more focused and sleeping through the night (totally new for me!). And my cholesterol levels became awesome. After a year of that and still not losing much weight, my primary doctor was amazed at my new blood tests and asked what I'd done -- gone Primal. I was still really struggling to lose weight (even after training and running a half marathon) and ended up going to a specialist -- and lo and behold, I had both Hashi's and insulin resistance (which he says likely has gotten considerably better on Primal and low-ish carb which I'd been doing for the past year).

    I didn't have crazy symptoms or extreme weight -- probably only 30-40 lbs. But I knew something was wrong but was told for YEARS, nope, nothing. I suspect my story is not that different from many out there. They too likely don't have huge issues, but are far from optimal, and have some underlying issue that eat less and move more isn't getting it done.

    It would be extremely instructive if you could open your diary and then point to the time period you were eating 700+ calorie daily deficits without losing weight so we could compare to the time period you were eating Primal and losing weight.

    I see you've been here since 2009 so I assume you were logging on MFP pre-Primal.

    So could you show us this data, please?
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    It's not a fad for some. People do it because of diseases like Hashimoto's.

    I have Hashimoto's. Tell my why I should eat paleo.

  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    Cavemen also drank untreated water, and hunted for their food daily, sucked marrow out of bones, and scavenged when they had to......................................................I'm betting no paleo person on here does that.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Wow. And you're supposed to be a personal/fitness trainer. This may be one of the stupidest comments I've seen in a while. Has absolutely NOTHING to do with the nutritional plan WHATSOEVER. Way to be bring asinine to the party.
    Ninerbuff doesn't need to prove anything to nayone and so far your contributions are meh. lol

    No one needs to prove anything. I'm just asking for logical statements. Disagree all you want. But saying something totally nonsensical is stupid. Tomatoes are red. True, but who cares?

    And I'm sure Ninerbuff is a big boy and can fight his own battles if he chooses to do so.
    His point was paleo is based on a logical fallacy.

    Well, that's where I disagree then. Is it one hundred percent perfect? No. But there is definitely logic behind its nutritional basis and the physiological responses in the body, and is particularly important for people with certain issues (whether it was designed for those specific purposes or not).
    Believer= cherry pick data, disregard what doesn't align with my thinking and make grand generalizations that might cover said *kitten*. Ok, gotcha.

    If you want to think it's cherry picking data, fine. I think the data shows an important trend --one that will only be further developed with more studies. Is it definitive or conclusive? No, but almost nothing in the scientific community relating to the body is because we still have so much to learn about the body's processes.

    If you want to reject it, that's fine. Your prerogative. But, to pretend that there is no logical basis is simply wrong. One you may not agree with is different. Reasonable and logical people can have different opinions and draw different conclusions from the same fact set. That doesn't necessarily negate the other as being reasonable or logical.
    There's many reason why people are obese and most is not related to their diet but more so psychological that probably stems back to their depression going in North America, last time I looked it was scary. It's natural to believe in a theory that aligns with our thought process. Blaming sugar, HFCS, wheat/grains/dairy/saturated fat/cholesterol/refined carbs/simple carbs/meat/processed meat/gluten/salt/fruit et al is a fools game especially considering the most healthy people on the planet (google blue zone) consume all those to some degree. Nobody it appears want to take personal responsibility for their lack of daily exercise and their gluttony, but would rather formulate a set of reason instead.

    I don't disagree with you that there are other issues -- and I think depression and other psychological issues definitely contribute to the overall problem and likely are the main issue for some people. But, do you think our time is more depressing than 100+ years ago? I'd think the opposite personally.

    And I'm not saying that there is only one contributor. But, I do firmly believe that things like the excess/additional sugar, industrial transfat, grain-based carbs are contributors also. You can't do much about bad things that happened to you in the past, or at least not as easily as you can change what you eat going forward. And it's not a zero sum game. I'm not saying these things are like arsenic -- a little will kill you. Just that we as Americans eat too much of them, far more than we used to, if at all. And that's been a big contributor to the obesity problem in this nation.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Also, contributors -- though I think the industrial revolution in the mid 1800s, the level of sedentary jobs hasn't increased at the same rate as obesity in this country. And a lot of those nutrient shallow, high calorie foods are filled with sugar substitutes and grain-based carbs. Coincidence?

    Do you have data for that claim? What about when you factor in rises in TV viewing, video gaming, and computer use time?

    Bottom line is that obesity has risen because people move less and eat more. People move less because jobs are more sedentary and indoor, sit-on-your-butt leisure activities such as HDTV and internet have increased. People eat more because calories are more delicious, more convenient, and cheaper now than they have ever been throughout human history.

    There's no mystery here. It's not toxins or demon nutrients that are making people fat. It's sitting on your butt more and eating more. The solution therefore is, as always, to move more and eat less.

    Ironically when people ask me how I lost so much weight, unless they are truly my friend and someone I care about I reply "Eat Less, Move More". I'm lying. I know I'm lying. I don't have time to talk to eveyone who asks about why I look so good in comparison to a couple years ago.

    I really don't want to divulge how using MFP paired with Primal diet has cured cronic symptoms, given me more energy and the fat loss is icing on the cake of not being sick. Because they'll start trash talking calorie restriction and Paleo and telling me how much I inspired them in the same sentence.

    So I don't. I give a white lie, that is mostly harmless, that I know isn't going to help anyone achieve a damn thing. "Eat less, Move more." My LIE. My LIE I tell people I hardly know or care about.

    Think about that.

    It's really my way of saying "I spent years figuring out what works for me. I'm not going to give you my secrets in a few sentences so you can look as good as me! Nope, the glory is mine and the journey is yours! I worked my *kitten* off to figure it out myself, so if you want it bad enough, you, grasshopper, will also find your way. Now I'm a very busy woman who needs to depart. Best of Luck to you."

    "Eat less, Move more" It doesn't even mean anything. It's jargon. It's not going to help anyone.

    (Edited for spelling.)

    I edited my previous post to note that your diet doesn't look very Primal. I guess a large number of your individual meals or foods are, but.. what's the lie? You're losing weight by eating fewer calories and, presumably, exercising. You're counting calories and exercising while eating cake, peanut butter cups, beer, and 3 Musketeers bars. And the occasional McDouble with McNuggets. I guess without a bun the McDouble might be primal? Not sure, that cheese has a lot of ingredients that probably aren't. And the McNuggets are breaded. Maybe not. Pretty sure all the cake and candy bars aren't primal though. Oh, and Nachos Bell Grande! I love that stuff. Doubt it's Primal.

    So ultimately you're losing weight by eating less, on a decidedly non-Primal diet, and moving more. So I'm not sure what the lie is.
  • iamMLH
    iamMLH Posts: 101 Member
    The real question is, what did our ancient Annunaki overloads feed our ancestors.

  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    It's not a fad for some. People do it because of diseases like Hashimoto's.

    I have Hashimoto's. Tell my why I should eat paleo.

    I think it's because a lot of people with auto-immune disorders have reactions to certain things -- gluten, casein, lactose and lechtins probably being the most notable -- which trigger the auto-immune reaction. Gluten is in wheat and other grains (and other items too), lactose and casein are in dairy products (less in full fat versions) and lechtins are in a bunch of things like lentils, peanuts, etc. The idea is that those with auto-immune issues are triggered by these things, whether it's Hashi's, Celiac, etc. More extreme cases like celiac can tolerate very little or no gluten. I don't think it's as extreme for people with Hashi's generally. So, if you don't eat these things, or reduce the amount you eat them, you don't end up with as many flare ups, running from hypo to hyper.

    Some can tolerate the dairy and others can't -- it seems to be fine for me personally, but I don't really drink milk. The full-fat stuff like cheese, butter and cream is fine by me. Others with Hashi's notice issues with even that so they cut out all dairy too (which I think is inline with strict Paleo observers).

    Also, if you have Hashi's you may also be insulin resistance (same if you have PCOS). It's something that they tend to see hand-in-hand, though there is a debate and which causes which. For that, Primal if it's lowish carb, also helps, especially if the carbs are low glycemic (i.e. not grains and certain fruits and veggies).

    I can tell you personally, I feel much better on Primal/Paleo and have far less fatigue in general and even when I hit the swings, they're not as dramatic, which is HUGE for me. I also notice when I eat stuff with a lot of gluten in it -- have bread or a slice of pizza, my lymph glands swell on my neck, which is likely an indication of an auto-immune response and I get hit with the fatigue shortly thereafter (more extreme than just a sugar crash, though that is probably part of it too).

    Not everyone with Hashi's feels better on Primal. But I do know a lot of people with Hashi's that do feel better on it. When I was eventually diagnosed with it, it was what my specialist recommended, but I'd already been eating that way for a while.
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    Also, contributors -- though I think the industrial revolution in the mid 1800s, the level of sedentary jobs hasn't increased at the same rate as obesity in this country. And a lot of those nutrient shallow, high calorie foods are filled with sugar substitutes and grain-based carbs. Coincidence?

    Do you have data for that claim? What about when you factor in rises in TV viewing, video gaming, and computer use time?

    Bottom line is that obesity has risen because people move less and eat more. People move less because jobs are more sedentary and indoor, sit-on-your-butt leisure activities such as HDTV and internet have increased. People eat more because calories are more delicious, more convenient, and cheaper now than they have ever been throughout human history.

    There's no mystery here. It's not toxins or demon nutrients that are making people fat. It's sitting on your butt more and eating more. The solution therefore is, as always, to move more and eat less.

    Ironically when people ask me how I lost so much weight, unless they are truly my friend and someone I care about I reply "Eat Less, Move More". I'm lying. I know I'm lying. I don't have time to talk to eveyone who asks about why I look so good in comparison to a couple years ago.

    I really don't want to divulge how using MFP paired with Primal diet has cured cronic symptoms, given me more energy and the fat loss is icing on the cake of not being sick. Because they'll start trash talking calorie restriction and Paleo and telling me how much I inspired them in the same sentence.

    So I don't. I give a white lie, that is mostly harmless, that I know isn't going to help anyone achieve a damn thing. "Eat less, Move more." My LIE. My LIE I tell people I hardly know or care about.

    Think about that.

    This has been a very similar experience I've had and for many others I know that went Primal. I didn't have nearly the horror stories some people did with the chronic illness issues, but eating less and moving more wasn't working for me AT ALL. I was eating at 700+ daily deficit just to maintain my weight. And the doctors just said -- eat less and move more.

    Switching to Primal helped immeasurably with fatigue, which was probably my biggest issue, but also in other smaller ways like being more focused and sleeping through the night (totally new for me!). And my cholesterol levels became awesome. After a year of that and still not losing much weight, my primary doctor was amazed at my new blood tests and asked what I'd done -- gone Primal. I was still really struggling to lose weight (even after training and running a half marathon) and ended up going to a specialist -- and lo and behold, I had both Hashi's and insulin resistance (which he says likely has gotten considerably better on Primal and low-ish carb which I'd been doing for the past year).

    I didn't have crazy symptoms or extreme weight -- probably only 30-40 lbs. But I knew something was wrong but was told for YEARS, nope, nothing. I suspect my story is not that different from many out there. They too likely don't have huge issues, but are far from optimal, and have some underlying issue that eat less and move more isn't getting it done.

    It would be extremely instructive if you could open your diary and then point to the time period you were eating 700+ calorie daily deficits without losing weight so we could compare to the time period you were eating Primal and losing weight.

    I see you've been here since 2009 so I assume you were logging on MFP pre-Primal.

    So could you show us this data, please?

    I don't have that data. I track on Body Media, not MFP. I joined a long time ago but just recently returned. You'll just have to take my word for it.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    It would be extremely instructive if you could open your diary and then point to the time period you were eating 700+ calorie daily deficits without losing weight so we could compare to the time period you were eating Primal and losing weight.

    I see you've been here since 2009 so I assume you were logging on MFP pre-Primal.

    So could you show us this data, please?

    I don't have that data.

    What a shame. I guess we'll just have to take your word for it then, huh?

    In contrast to your lack of data substantiating your claims, my diary is fully open and I will happily link to my complete history of weight and body composition data as well. The reader following along may make his or her own conclusions.
  • kikih64
    kikih64 Posts: 349 Member
    That's awesome! That works for you.
    I just wish people would just let each other do their own thing...took me a while on here to realize that everyone has to find what works for them.
    And obviously, it was more than her just telling me how great she feels...she's lost 20 pounds, 3 dress sizes, and her stomach issues are gone as well as her joint inflammation.
    What happened to just being happy for someone and thinking it's great that they found something that works for them instead of always a debate?

    Let's talk about this.

    So when someone posts in the forums that they're starting HCG, a diet that is known to be dangerous and restricts calories to a level the body can't handle, we should say what? "Good for you! Whatever works!"

    If someone is pushing an obvious sales pitch to sell some MLM marketing meal replacement that does little for health and is very overpriced...should we not say a word and let new members line up to be fleeced only to face disappointment later?

    Every single fad diet in the world has someone promoting it. No matter how dangerous or stupid. If there's money to be made someone is out there trying to separate people desperate to lose weight from their hard earned cash.

    IF you stand by your diet plan, back up your words! Have some evidence for the claims you're making. Don't just say "everyone's different, different things work for everyone." Truth is everyone is pretty much the same. If we weren't it would be REALLY hard to be a doctor. Hell MFP only works because it knows if you're X height, X age, and X weight you need to eat X calories a day to lose weight. If we were all so very different and unique none of this would work.

    You lose weight with a calorie deficit. Some people who suffer from allergies or conditions like PCOS or Hashimotos need to limit certain food groups. Other than that? We're all the same. We lose weight by eating less calories.

    If someone tells you different, they're trying to sell you something.

    Who is trying to "sell" anything with paleo? Farmers should benefit, since we're eating more natural, unprocessed foods. I don't see any big corporations backing paleo - there's no money in it for them!

    If I had a friend planning to try a "fad" diet that in my opinion would be unhealthy, then I would tell them. Fad diets are promoted by companies trying to make a buck. How can eating real food be considered a fad?
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Who is trying to "sell" anything with paleo? Farmers should benefit, since we're eating more natural, unprocessed foods. I don't see any big corporations backing paleo - there's no money in it for them!

    If I had a friend planning to try a "fad" diet that in my opinion would be unhealthy, then I would tell them. Fad diets are promoted by companies trying to make a buck. How can eating real food be considered a fad?

    All of these people are "selling" the Paleo diet by producing for-profit books and videos supporting it: diet

    There's nothing inherently wrong with the diet other than it being unnecessarily restrictive. It's not unhealthy.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    The real question is, what did our ancient Annunaki overloads feed our ancestors.


    I used to love the History Channel. And somewhere between when I stopped getting it and started again, this happened.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    That's awesome! That works for you.
    I just wish people would just let each other do their own thing...took me a while on here to realize that everyone has to find what works for them.
    And obviously, it was more than her just telling me how great she feels...she's lost 20 pounds, 3 dress sizes, and her stomach issues are gone as well as her joint inflammation.
    What happened to just being happy for someone and thinking it's great that they found something that works for them instead of always a debate?

    Let's talk about this.

    So when someone posts in the forums that they're starting HCG, a diet that is known to be dangerous and restricts calories to a level the body can't handle, we should say what? "Good for you! Whatever works!"

    If someone is pushing an obvious sales pitch to sell some MLM marketing meal replacement that does little for health and is very overpriced...should we not say a word and let new members line up to be fleeced only to face disappointment later?

    Every single fad diet in the world has someone promoting it. No matter how dangerous or stupid. If there's money to be made someone is out there trying to separate people desperate to lose weight from their hard earned cash.

    IF you stand by your diet plan, back up your words! Have some evidence for the claims you're making. Don't just say "everyone's different, different things work for everyone." Truth is everyone is pretty much the same. If we weren't it would be REALLY hard to be a doctor. Hell MFP only works because it knows if you're X height, X age, and X weight you need to eat X calories a day to lose weight. If we were all so very different and unique none of this would work.

    You lose weight with a calorie deficit. Some people who suffer from allergies or conditions like PCOS or Hashimotos need to limit certain food groups. Other than that? We're all the same. We lose weight by eating less calories.

    If someone tells you different, they're trying to sell you something.

    Who is trying to "sell" anything with paleo? Farmers should benefit, since we're eating more natural, unprocessed foods. I don't see any big corporations backing paleo - there's no money in it for them!

    If I had a friend planning to try a "fad" diet that in my opinion would be unhealthy, then I would tell them. Fad diets are promoted by companies trying to make a buck. How can eating real food be considered a fad?
    I'll just leave this here