Paleo = dying young?



  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I told you that it was a 700+ daily deficit as an average -- that's data. Showing you further underlying data supporting that is not necessary unless you don't believe it.

    Let me make it clear: I do not believe that you were eating an average 700+ calorie daily deficit and not losing weight.

    That's at least honest. Believe it or not. I lived it, so I know it to be true. Talk to others that have hypothyroid or insulin resistance issues and you'll find it to be pretty darn common. In fact, you'll far more extreme examples than just 700+ average daily calorie deficit.

    Oh you mean you had a diagnosed medical condition!

    Well then. Fascinating. Your experience will in the best case only apply to people with diagnosed medical conditions.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Probably too new to even offer an opinion - but I know it is working. My daughter, husband and I started the 30-day challenge 16 days ago and have lost a combined 22 pounds. For me, I was having a lot of difficulty losing weight using the same approach I had used the rest of my life.

    The big differences:
    No processed anything - no chemicals, sugar, preservatives, immense salt, etc.
    No alcohol - yep, I was probably having wine too many nights
    No grains - Persuasive info on how modern grains muck up your system
    No dairy - I was pretty sad about giving up cheese - but I haven't missed it as much as I thought I would
    No legumes - I'm fine doing this temporarily - but would like to fit lentils and a few other beans back in over time

    Lots of beautiful vegetables and fruits, nuts and seeds, almond milk, almond butter, meats and eggs. Never hungry. Working out hard also.

    Not interested in what cavemen ate, how long they lived, etc. :-)

    so you eliminated entire food groups, which created a calorie deficit...congratulations..

    there are easier ways to lose weight...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I told you that it was a 700+ daily deficit as an average -- that's data. Showing you further underlying data supporting that is not necessary unless you don't believe it.

    Let me make it clear: I do not believe that you were eating an average 700+ calorie daily deficit and not losing weight.

    That's at least honest. Believe it or not. I lived it, so I know it to be true. Talk to others that have hypothyroid or insulin resistance issues and you'll find it to be pretty darn common. In fact, you'll far more extreme examples than just 700+ average daily calorie deficit.

    Oh you mean you had a diagnosed medical condition!

    Well then. Fascinating. Your experience will in the best case only apply to people with diagnosed medical conditions.

    I love how it took ten pages for that gem to come out ...
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Eat like the cave men huh? Conflicted I Be!

    Some say its healthy cause you leave out all the grains that were not a part of that diet, but some believe cavemen didnt live long because of all the high fatty meats they ate caused early deaths because of the cholesterol.

    I think it be another fad. Look at Atkins....sure it helped, but was it a healthy life style change? Leaning more towards NO!

    Lol this topic reared its head again. Anyone mention the evil Mark Sissons yet????? it's a life style choice - just because we cut back on the grains and sugar doesn't mean we'll die!!!

    Some paleo styles don't even recommend high levels of saturated fat. We eat meat vegetables and fruit (what are we doing to our insides)

    Maybe we should include a detox day and feast out on bk and mcdonalds ????????????????????????

    You guys are hung up on this! PBS
  • kikih64
    kikih64 Posts: 349 Member
    Who is trying to "sell" anything with paleo? Farmers should benefit, since we're eating more natural, unprocessed foods. I don't see any big corporations backing paleo - there's no money in it for them!

    If I had a friend planning to try a "fad" diet that in my opinion would be unhealthy, then I would tell them. Fad diets are promoted by companies trying to make a buck. How can eating real food be considered a fad?

    All of these people are "selling" the Paleo diet by producing for-profit books and videos supporting it: diet

    There's nothing inherently wrong with the diet other than it being unnecessarily restrictive. It's not unhealthy.

    Yep, that's valid. There are a lot of books out there and websites with plans that cost money. But this is something you can do without spending a dime on that stuff. I actually never bought a book until after I started eating this way, just out of curiousity to read about the supposed science behind. I don't need a website to plan my meals, but I suppose others could get sucked into that.

    Maybe if we just replaced the word "Paleo" with "Natural/Unprocessed Food" diet it would keep people from attacking the concept?
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Maybe if we just replaced the word "Paleo" with "Natural/Unprocessed Food" diet it would keep people from attacking the concept?

    But then no one would follow it. You can't market a restrictive diet without a catchy name.
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    Cavemen also drank untreated water, and hunted for their food daily, sucked marrow out of bones, and scavenged when they had to......................................................I'm betting no paleo person on here does that.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Wow. And you're supposed to be a personal/fitness trainer. This may be one of the stupidest comments I've seen in a while. Has absolutely NOTHING to do with the nutritional plan WHATSOEVER. Way to be bring asinine to the party.
    Ninerbuff doesn't need to prove anything to nayone and so far your contributions are meh. lol

    No one needs to prove anything. I'm just asking for logical statements. Disagree all you want. But saying something totally nonsensical is stupid. Tomatoes are red. True, but who cares?

    And I'm sure Ninerbuff is a big boy and can fight his own battles if he chooses to do so.

    what did he say that was illogical?

    He simply pointed out that a "paleo lifestyle" should involve all aspects of how said paleo people lived. Are you saying that cavemen drank treated water or had Aquafina?

    C'mon. Seriously? Do you take everything in your life so literally?

    Do you think the Paleo/Primal diet really means do everything a caveman did? Really? That's just intellectually dishonest, unless you have some condition like Aspergers where you can't differentiate between the two.

    LOL now you are trying to acuse me of being mentally handicapped? When you resort to name calling it means you have lost the debate...

    I simply pointed out that nothing he said was illogical...caveman drank untreated water = logical = true...

    I believe the point is (I will let 49er speak for himself) is that maybe eating like a caveman did 100,000 years ago really does not matter...

    First of all, I wasn't calling you a name. I'm saying if you had something like Asperger's there is a legitimate reason to not understand some of the underlying assumptions in this discussion as people with Aspergers often can't appreciate things like innuendo and tend to be far too literal in their language.

    If you don't have something like Asperger's, then you're just being intellectually dishonest. You may think the semantics make you appear clever, but it highlights the lack of substance in your actual argument.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Also, contributors -- though I think the industrial revolution in the mid 1800s, the level of sedentary jobs hasn't increased at the same rate as obesity in this country. And a lot of those nutrient shallow, high calorie foods are filled with sugar substitutes and grain-based carbs. Coincidence?

    Do you have data for that claim? What about when you factor in rises in TV viewing, video gaming, and computer use time?

    Bottom line is that obesity has risen because people move less and eat more. People move less because jobs are more sedentary and indoor, sit-on-your-butt leisure activities such as HDTV and internet have increased. People eat more because calories are more delicious, more convenient, and cheaper now than they have ever been throughout human history.

    There's no mystery here. It's not toxins or demon nutrients that are making people fat. It's sitting on your butt more and eating more. The solution therefore is, as always, to move more and eat less.

    Ironically when people ask me how I lost so much weight, unless they are truly my friend and someone I care about I reply "Eat Less, Move More". I'm lying. I know I'm lying. I don't have time to talk to eveyone who asks about why I look so good in comparison to a couple years ago.

    I really don't want to divulge how using MFP paired with Primal diet has cured cronic symptoms, given me more energy and the fat loss is icing on the cake of not being sick. Because they'll start trash talking calorie restriction and Paleo and telling me how much I inspired them in the same sentence.

    So I don't. I give a white lie, that is mostly harmless, that I know isn't going to help anyone achieve a damn thing. "Eat less, Move more." My LIE. My LIE I tell people I hardly know or care about.

    Think about that.

    It's really my way of saying "I spent years figuring out what works for me. I'm not going to give you my secrets in a few sentences so you can look as good as me! Nope, the glory is mine and the journey is yours! I worked my *kitten* off to figure it out myself, so if you want it bad enough, you, grasshopper, will also find your way. Now I'm a very busy woman who needs to depart. Best of Luck to you."

    "Eat less, Move more" It doesn't even mean anything. It's jargon. It's not going to help anyone.

    (Edited for spelling.)

    I edited my previous post to note that your diet doesn't look very Primal. I guess a large number of your individual meals or foods are, but.. what's the lie? You're losing weight by eating fewer calories and, presumably, exercising. You're counting calories and exercising while eating cake, peanut butter cups, beer, and 3 Musketeers bars. And the occasional McDouble with McNuggets. I guess without a bun the McDouble might be primal? Not sure, that cheese has a lot of ingredients that probably aren't. And the McNuggets are breaded. Maybe not. Pretty sure all the cake and candy bars aren't primal though. Oh, and Nachos Bell Grande! I love that stuff. Doubt it's Primal.

    So ultimately you're losing weight by eating less, on a decidedly non-Primal diet, and moving more. So I'm not sure what the lie is.

    Why don't you view my diary back from 1/1/2014 - current. I strive for 80/20 under my primal diet, sometimes I come close or better, other times not as much. I do beer as part of my Primal diet. But pretty much you're going to find a huge salad every day (or multiple), a meat a veggie dish for dinner, eggs, nuts, diary and tea.

    You're not proving anything by calling out the %20 of my 80/20, except that Paleo can be fun because it's designed to allow for treats and cheats. Nevermind the fact that last weekend was Valentines day and my daughter's birthday which is a great reason to have your Primal cheat day!

    Unlike your diary which shows something to the tune of 3,000+ calories of drive-thru a day, now that we're throwing stones.
  • kimmymayhall
    kimmymayhall Posts: 419 Member
    Cavemen also drank untreated water, and hunted for their food daily, sucked marrow out of bones, and scavenged when they had to......................................................I'm betting no paleo person on here does that.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    My husband hunts in the appropriate seasons, and we drink well water.....but no, I haven't scavenged or sucked marrow...yet! :wink:

    Marrow is delicious! Oso bucco, anyone?
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    I told you that it was a 700+ daily deficit as an average -- that's data. Showing you further underlying data supporting that is not necessary unless you don't believe it.

    Let me make it clear: I do not believe that you were eating an average 700+ calorie daily deficit and not losing weight.

    That's at least honest. Believe it or not. I lived it, so I know it to be true. Talk to others that have hypothyroid or insulin resistance issues and you'll find it to be pretty darn common. In fact, you'll far more extreme examples than just 700+ average daily calorie deficit.

    Oh you mean you had a diagnosed medical condition!

    Well then. Fascinating. Your experience will in the best case only apply to people with diagnosed medical conditions.

    That's the whole point, Jonny! It was undiagnosed for YEARS. I was told time and time again by doctors to just eat less and move more. As I've stated prior, I suspect that this is likely the issue with many people that have difficulty with their weight -- that there are underlying medical conditions and why eat less and move more doesn't work for them. I suspect it's terribly common as they estimate something like 80% of the hypothyroid conditions go undiagnosed. Not to mention things like vitamin D and magnesium deficiencies.

    I also suspect that these are becoming bigger issues in the modern world due to the change in diet in the last 100 years or so. People with Hashi's for example are getting worse on grain-heavy diets. Same with celiac. I bet these "conditions" have been around for a long time, or we even evolved with them, but they're now problems because of the change in our diet.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Cavemen also drank untreated water, and hunted for their food daily, sucked marrow out of bones, and scavenged when they had to......................................................I'm betting no paleo person on here does that.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Wow. And you're supposed to be a personal/fitness trainer. This may be one of the stupidest comments I've seen in a while. Has absolutely NOTHING to do with the nutritional plan WHATSOEVER. Way to be bring asinine to the party.
    Ninerbuff doesn't need to prove anything to nayone and so far your contributions are meh. lol

    No one needs to prove anything. I'm just asking for logical statements. Disagree all you want. But saying something totally nonsensical is stupid. Tomatoes are red. True, but who cares?

    And I'm sure Ninerbuff is a big boy and can fight his own battles if he chooses to do so.

    what did he say that was illogical?

    He simply pointed out that a "paleo lifestyle" should involve all aspects of how said paleo people lived. Are you saying that cavemen drank treated water or had Aquafina?

    C'mon. Seriously? Do you take everything in your life so literally?

    Do you think the Paleo/Primal diet really means do everything a caveman did? Really? That's just intellectually dishonest, unless you have some condition like Aspergers where you can't differentiate between the two.

    LOL now you are trying to acuse me of being mentally handicapped? When you resort to name calling it means you have lost the debate...

    I simply pointed out that nothing he said was illogical...caveman drank untreated water = logical = true...

    I believe the point is (I will let 49er speak for himself) is that maybe eating like a caveman did 100,000 years ago really does not matter...

    First of all, I wasn't calling you a name. I'm saying if you had something like Asperger's there is a legitimate reason to not understand some of the underlying assumptions in this discussion as people with Aspergers often can't appreciate things like innuendo and tend to be far too literal in their language.

    If you don't have something like Asperger's, then you're just being intellectually dishonest. You may think the semantics make you appear clever, but it highlights the lack of substance in your actual argument.

    so because you think I do not understand your idiocy, then I somehow (might) have Asperger's...interesting..
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    I told you that it was a 700+ daily deficit as an average -- that's data. Showing you further underlying data supporting that is not necessary unless you don't believe it.

    Let me make it clear: I do not believe that you were eating an average 700+ calorie daily deficit and not losing weight.

    That's at least honest. Believe it or not. I lived it, so I know it to be true. Talk to others that have hypothyroid or insulin resistance issues and you'll find it to be pretty darn common. In fact, you'll far more extreme examples than just 700+ average daily calorie deficit.

    Oh you mean you had a diagnosed medical condition!

    Well then. Fascinating. Your experience will in the best case only apply to people with diagnosed medical conditions.

    I love how it took ten pages for that gem to come out ...

    Not really -- I said it quite some time ago, a few times in fact. Perhaps you should read a little closer.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Maybe if we just replaced the word "Paleo" with "Natural/Unprocessed Food" diet it would keep people from attacking the concept?

    But then no one would follow it. You can't market a restrictive diet without a catchy name.

    You're eating a restrictive diet! Everyone on this site it! Just because we're not doing it your way, why does that upset you so much.

    Maybe it's hug time????
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    Cavemen also drank untreated water, and hunted for their food daily, sucked marrow out of bones, and scavenged when they had to......................................................I'm betting no paleo person on here does that.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Wow. And you're supposed to be a personal/fitness trainer. This may be one of the stupidest comments I've seen in a while. Has absolutely NOTHING to do with the nutritional plan WHATSOEVER. Way to be bring asinine to the party.
    Ninerbuff doesn't need to prove anything to nayone and so far your contributions are meh. lol

    No one needs to prove anything. I'm just asking for logical statements. Disagree all you want. But saying something totally nonsensical is stupid. Tomatoes are red. True, but who cares?

    And I'm sure Ninerbuff is a big boy and can fight his own battles if he chooses to do so.

    what did he say that was illogical?

    He simply pointed out that a "paleo lifestyle" should involve all aspects of how said paleo people lived. Are you saying that cavemen drank treated water or had Aquafina?

    C'mon. Seriously? Do you take everything in your life so literally?

    Do you think the Paleo/Primal diet really means do everything a caveman did? Really? That's just intellectually dishonest, unless you have some condition like Aspergers where you can't differentiate between the two.

    LOL now you are trying to acuse me of being mentally handicapped? When you resort to name calling it means you have lost the debate...

    I simply pointed out that nothing he said was illogical...caveman drank untreated water = logical = true...

    I believe the point is (I will let 49er speak for himself) is that maybe eating like a caveman did 100,000 years ago really does not matter...

    First of all, I wasn't calling you a name. I'm saying if you had something like Asperger's there is a legitimate reason to not understand some of the underlying assumptions in this discussion as people with Aspergers often can't appreciate things like innuendo and tend to be far too literal in their language.

    If you don't have something like Asperger's, then you're just being intellectually dishonest. You may think the semantics make you appear clever, but it highlights the lack of substance in your actual argument.

    so because you think I do not understand your idiocy, then I somehow (might) have Asperger's...interesting..

    No, I gave you the benefit of the doubt that you have intellectual integrity. Now, I know that not to be the case. And, you're a hypocrite.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Also, contributors -- though I think the industrial revolution in the mid 1800s, the level of sedentary jobs hasn't increased at the same rate as obesity in this country. And a lot of those nutrient shallow, high calorie foods are filled with sugar substitutes and grain-based carbs. Coincidence?

    Do you have data for that claim? What about when you factor in rises in TV viewing, video gaming, and computer use time?

    Bottom line is that obesity has risen because people move less and eat more. People move less because jobs are more sedentary and indoor, sit-on-your-butt leisure activities such as HDTV and internet have increased. People eat more because calories are more delicious, more convenient, and cheaper now than they have ever been throughout human history.

    There's no mystery here. It's not toxins or demon nutrients that are making people fat. It's sitting on your butt more and eating more. The solution therefore is, as always, to move more and eat less.

    Ironically when people ask me how I lost so much weight, unless they are truly my friend and someone I care about I reply "Eat Less, Move More". I'm lying. I know I'm lying. I don't have time to talk to eveyone who asks about why I look so good in comparison to a couple years ago.

    I really don't want to divulge how using MFP paired with Primal diet has cured cronic symptoms, given me more energy and the fat loss is icing on the cake of not being sick. Because they'll start trash talking calorie restriction and Paleo and telling me how much I inspired them in the same sentence.

    So I don't. I give a white lie, that is mostly harmless, that I know isn't going to help anyone achieve a damn thing. "Eat less, Move more." My LIE. My LIE I tell people I hardly know or care about.

    Think about that.

    It's really my way of saying "I spent years figuring out what works for me. I'm not going to give you my secrets in a few sentences so you can look as good as me! Nope, the glory is mine and the journey is yours! I worked my *kitten* off to figure it out myself, so if you want it bad enough, you, grasshopper, will also find your way. Now I'm a very busy woman who needs to depart. Best of Luck to you."

    "Eat less, Move more" It doesn't even mean anything. It's jargon. It's not going to help anyone.

    (Edited for spelling.)

    I edited my previous post to note that your diet doesn't look very Primal. I guess a large number of your individual meals or foods are, but.. what's the lie? You're losing weight by eating fewer calories and, presumably, exercising. You're counting calories and exercising while eating cake, peanut butter cups, beer, and 3 Musketeers bars. And the occasional McDouble with McNuggets. I guess without a bun the McDouble might be primal? Not sure, that cheese has a lot of ingredients that probably aren't. And the McNuggets are breaded. Maybe not. Pretty sure all the cake and candy bars aren't primal though. Oh, and Nachos Bell Grande! I love that stuff. Doubt it's Primal.

    So ultimately you're losing weight by eating less, on a decidedly non-Primal diet, and moving more. So I'm not sure what the lie is.

    Why don't you view my diary back from 1/1/2014 - current. I strive for 80/20 under my primal diet, sometimes I come close or better, other times not as much. I do beer as part of my Primal diet. But pretty much you're going to find a huge salad every day (or multiple), a meat a veggie dish for dinner, eggs, nuts, diary and tea.

    You're not proving anything by calling out the %20 of my 80/20, except that Paleo can be fun because it's designed to allow for treats and cheats. Nevermind the fact that last weekend was Valentines day and my daughter's birthday which is a great reason to have your Primal cheat day!

    Unlike your diary which shows something to the tune of 3,000+ calories of drive-thru a day, now that we're throwing stones.

    So you're 20% non-Primal? Or was it 20% non-Paleo? It's clearly not even 20%. On 2/17 over half your calories came from cake with icing. The day before that: same thing. 500 calories of cake, Skittles, and Reese's PB Cups the previous day. On 2/15 you have over 1700 calories of liquor along with pizza, more Reese's cups, ranch dressing, and more cake. The day before that 10 McNuggets, a McDouble, Butterfinger, wine, chocolate candy. 2/13 a cupcake, a bacon cheeseburger from Wendy's, tartar sauce, and battered deep fried fast food fish.

    Your diet is not even approaching Paleo or Primal. There's nothing wrong with candy bars and fast food and liquor.

    You are grossly misrepresenting your diet if you think that all this stuff represents even 20% of your diet. It doesn't.

    So in the end, the point is that you are losing weight by eating less and moving more. Primal has nothing to do with it, especially since your diet doesn't even approach anything that could be considered Primal. Or was it Paleo?
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    Maybe if we just replaced the word "Paleo" with "Natural/Unprocessed Food" diet it would keep people from attacking the concept?

    But then no one would follow it. You can't market a restrictive diet without a catchy name.

    You're eating a restrictive diet! Everyone on this site it! Just because we're not doing it your way, why does that upset you so much.

    Maybe it's hug time????

    I absolutely agree. I'm not saying that Paleo/Primal is the ONLY path up the mountain, but it's ONE of the legitimate paths up the mountain. I don't understand why some are so invested in trying to tear it down.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Maybe if we just replaced the word "Paleo" with "Natural/Unprocessed Food" diet it would keep people from attacking the concept?

    But then no one would follow it. You can't market a restrictive diet without a catchy name.

    You're eating a restrictive diet! Everyone on this site it! Just because we're not doing it your way, why does that upset you so much.

    Maybe it's hug time????

    Don't follow. My diet has no restrictions on which foods I may eat.
  • SoreTodayStrongTomorrow222
    Eat like the cave men huh? Conflicted I Be!

    Some say its healthy cause you leave out all the grains that were not a part of that diet, but some believe cavemen didnt live long because of all the high fatty meats they ate caused early deaths because of the cholesterol.

    I think it be another fad. Look at Atkins....sure it helped, but was it a healthy life style change? Leaning more towards NO!

    Cavemen didnt live long because they didnt have modern medicine and things that were supposed to kill them, actually killed them. As far as fat goes - dont eat so much red meat - problem solved. How can eating non-processed foods be wrong? Not a fad diet - a way of living. Also, go to the doctor and get your physical see where all your levels are - cholesterol and whatnot - then do paleo for 6 months, go back to the doctor and get your physical - i guarentee you that your bad cholesterol will be down, good cholestrol will be up, lowere blood pressure etc etc etc. you will be healthier and feel better.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Also, contributors -- though I think the industrial revolution in the mid 1800s, the level of sedentary jobs hasn't increased at the same rate as obesity in this country. And a lot of those nutrient shallow, high calorie foods are filled with sugar substitutes and grain-based carbs. Coincidence?

    Do you have data for that claim? What about when you factor in rises in TV viewing, video gaming, and computer use time?

    Bottom line is that obesity has risen because people move less and eat more. People move less because jobs are more sedentary and indoor, sit-on-your-butt leisure activities such as HDTV and internet have increased. People eat more because calories are more delicious, more convenient, and cheaper now than they have ever been throughout human history.

    There's no mystery here. It's not toxins or demon nutrients that are making people fat. It's sitting on your butt more and eating more. The solution therefore is, as always, to move more and eat less.

    Ironically when people ask me how I lost so much weight, unless they are truly my friend and someone I care about I reply "Eat Less, Move More". I'm lying. I know I'm lying. I don't have time to talk to eveyone who asks about why I look so good in comparison to a couple years ago.

    I really don't want to divulge how using MFP paired with Primal diet has cured cronic symptoms, given me more energy and the fat loss is icing on the cake of not being sick. Because they'll start trash talking calorie restriction and Paleo and telling me how much I inspired them in the same sentence.

    So I don't. I give a white lie, that is mostly harmless, that I know isn't going to help anyone achieve a damn thing. "Eat less, Move more." My LIE. My LIE I tell people I hardly know or care about.

    Think about that.

    It's really my way of saying "I spent years figuring out what works for me. I'm not going to give you my secrets in a few sentences so you can look as good as me! Nope, the glory is mine and the journey is yours! I worked my *kitten* off to figure it out myself, so if you want it bad enough, you, grasshopper, will also find your way. Now I'm a very busy woman who needs to depart. Best of Luck to you."

    "Eat less, Move more" It doesn't even mean anything. It's jargon. It's not going to help anyone.

    (Edited for spelling.)

    I edited my previous post to note that your diet doesn't look very Primal. I guess a large number of your individual meals or foods are, but.. what's the lie? You're losing weight by eating fewer calories and, presumably, exercising. You're counting calories and exercising while eating cake, peanut butter cups, beer, and 3 Musketeers bars. And the occasional McDouble with McNuggets. I guess without a bun the McDouble might be primal? Not sure, that cheese has a lot of ingredients that probably aren't. And the McNuggets are breaded. Maybe not. Pretty sure all the cake and candy bars aren't primal though. Oh, and Nachos Bell Grande! I love that stuff. Doubt it's Primal.

    So ultimately you're losing weight by eating less, on a decidedly non-Primal diet, and moving more. So I'm not sure what the lie is.

    Why don't you view my diary back from 1/1/2014 - current. I strive for 80/20 under my primal diet, sometimes I come close or better, other times not as much. I do beer as part of my Primal diet. But pretty much you're going to find a huge salad every day (or multiple), a meat a veggie dish for dinner, eggs, nuts, diary and tea.

    You're not proving anything by calling out the %20 of my 80/20, except that Paleo can be fun because it's designed to allow for treats and cheats. Nevermind the fact that last weekend was Valentines day and my daughter's birthday which is a great reason to have your Primal cheat day!

    Unlike your diary which shows something to the tune of 3,000+ calories of drive-thru a day, now that we're throwing stones.

    So you're 20% non-Primal? Or was it 20% non-Paleo? It's clearly not even 20%. On 2/17 over half your calories came from cake with icing. The day before that: same thing. 500 calories of cake, Skittles, and Reese's PB Cups the previous day. On 2/15 you have over 1700 calories of liquor along with pizza, more Reese's cups, ranch dressing, and more cake. The day before that 10 McNuggets, a McDouble, Butterfinger, wine, chocolate candy. 2/13 a cupcake, a bacon cheeseburger from Wendy's, tartar sauce, and battered deep fried fast food fish.

    Your diet is not even approaching Paleo or Primal. There's nothing wrong with candy bars and fast food and liquor.

    You are grossly misrepresenting your diet if you think that all this stuff represents even 20% of your diet. It doesn't.

    So in the end, the point is that you are losing weight by eating less and moving more. Primal has nothing to do with it, especially since your diet doesn't even approach anything that could be considered Primal. Or was it Paleo?

    Dude what exactly do you know about the primal diet. You've not learnt everything there is to know about it by other members of the PBS have you?

    Based on your last statement and amazement that someone on the primal diet has freedom to eat different things, clearly you need to do a bit more research.

    Are you the CEO of mcdonalds? You clearly seem offended by people eating healthily!!????
  • OverDoIt
    OverDoIt Posts: 332 Member
    Here are the facts:
    I have never met a caveman (cavemen from Kyhber Pass excluded)
    I have never witnessed a caveman eating
    I can only speculate as to what cavepeople (I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess there were caveladies also) ate
    Buying insurance from Geico is so easy a caveman can do it.

    If youwant to grow a beard, and eat like a caveman, I fully support that. Who am I to tell you how to eat and live. Who are you to tell me I use too many commas, . Not that you have, but, you probrably will one day. So here is another comma, and one right here too, followed by a period . If you eat paleo, and feel great then I am very happy for you. We are all gonna die one day, so have your cave diet and enjoy.