Like Minded Lushes - December



  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    This thread is so cool, I wish I knew you all personally, Cheers Fellow Lushes:drinker:

    Oh geez! Can you imagine the bar tab??? :tongue:
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    This thread is so cool, I wish I knew you all personally, Cheers Fellow Lushes:drinker:

    Oh geez! Can you imagine the bar tab??? :tongue:

    LOL, but hey it certainly wouldn't be dull!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    This thread is so cool, I wish I knew you all personally, Cheers Fellow Lushes:drinker:

    Oh geez! Can you imagine the bar tab??? :tongue:

    LOL, but hey it certainly wouldn't be dull!
    do you think we would eventually be asked to leave? aka thrown out.
  • iguanaliz
    iguanaliz Posts: 95 Member
    As far as the smoking goes, I quite for 5 yrs, then 2, then on and off for a few years but am finally quit after two years. I am however a chain-chewer of Nicorette.

    I never smoked in the house, and I have to say I miss having a reason to go sit on the front porch away from the chaos and puff away. It was my only alone time because my family HATED my smoking.

    Pam, 34 years - Wow. How sad and how wonderful.

    So yesterday was cold by LA standards so it demanded a nice warm sake!

    I quit just over a year ago and so far, so good. We also only smoked outside and, like you, I still miss sitting out on the patio in the peace and quiet. I especially miss that morning smoke with a cup of coffee! But I don't miss it enough to go through that trauma again. Ever.

    Of course, now that it's in the 60s here in Florida, it's far too cold to be outside :noway:
  • kdpamd
    kdpamd Posts: 38
  • Cristy_AZ
    Just have to say I love this thread. On the side note of smoking I finally quit for good April 2009, admit to missing the companion to my coffee or booze at first, but would never go back to frequent lung infections and constant coughing. As far as my alcohol this week, I had a beer and a shot after work on Tuesday was booze free Monday and Wednesday, am sitting here with a dark "just cherry juice" spiked with a decent shot of Brandy. Not bad, really, for this old lush!
  • Oldbat61
    Oldbat61 Posts: 141
    Hi. Like some of the others I still miss a cigarette with a cup of coffee or a drink but after 9 months since quitting I feel so much better and my skin is looking great. So, I just look in the mirror if I feel like weakening and I am determined not to go back there.

    On the self imposed weekday booze abstinence - I hit a wall yesterday. Firstly I had been clearing snow from the paths around my complex, so allowed myself a tot of brandy in my coffee when I finished. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Then, last night was the first party of the Christmas season, so a couple of glasses of Merlot and some unhealthy snacks :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: However, the shovelling helped keep me below calorie goal in spite of this blip. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Anyway, today is Friday, tomorrow the weekend and hello to weekend indulgences. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Happy days!!

  • Oldbat61
    Oldbat61 Posts: 141
    Have been trying to be a good neighbour today. Went round the complex to see if any of my senior neighbours needed any essential shopping. While going around the top walkway, which is exposed but which we had gritted yesterday, I found some black ice and went flat on my back.. Fortunately the only damage was to my dignity and a very bruised butt!! Anyway, I put down more sand and grit and walked to the shops twice to get bread, milk and vegetables for some of my more elderly neighbours. Now happily back home and in the warm and, once again, a coffee with a tot of brandy!!! Have rubbed plenty of arnica into the damaged 'areas' so hope I wont feel too stiff and sore tomorrow. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Your poor bum!

    I had a vodka-sugar free red bull last night before I played volleyball. It was hubby's but I made an extra-large one so I helped him with it. (I wonder why we lost...)

    Tonight is "80's Dance Party" night at some local bar that has a band that does 80's covers. We're going with a bunch of people from work, so I'm sure I'll have tons o' vodka coursing through my veins, but not too much because DH has a basketball tourney early tomorrow and I'll be home with the kiddos.

    Saturday is a work holiday party, but I'll probably drive and not drink.

    Happy Friday, Lushes!!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    thursday=0 drinks
    first time in awhile that I have gone without drinking but I just figured I didn't need to.
    Tonight I need to though, happy hour work thing.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Pam sorry you hurt your butt but what a great excuse for brandy in the coffee.
    Amy have fun at the 80's party
    Asjerven congrats on the no drink thursday.

    I had vodka last night instead of dinner. DH wasn't hungry and I wasn't really hungry so i didn't cook dinner. not the best idea. I need to stay away from the vodka.
  • Oldbat61
    Oldbat61 Posts: 141
    Hi. Have changed my profile picture so that you can see the view from my front door!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Happy weekend, Lushes, make it a good one and Happy Hannakah to anyone celebrating. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Pam xx
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    My son's school was shut due to the snow today (only in the UK huh) so I had to take the day off work (shame!) was quite pleased when he said he wanted to go swimming as it gave me the chance to get some exercise in. He also slipped over on his bum but right on the train tracks on the level crossing near our house, fortunately he was fine and there wasn't a train due. Can't believe it hasn't been gritted around the station.

    Am opening a bottle of red tonight to put some in my pasta sauce, I suspect I will indulge in a glass to drink as well :drinker:
  • HerbieSue
    Just got back from a week in Jamaica (daughters wedding)
    and drinking was everyday if not all day. Gained only
    3 lbs. before I left and ate at the buffet ( choosing wisely)
    Got home and said, where is my mango daiquai and/or
    my mudslide. Yes I do have to stop at some time and
    only drink occasionally. :tongue:

    We went to Jamaica this summer and had a ball..........all inclusive villa!! I must have had a case of champagne by myself!!! I did not gain when I got home !!! The Jamaicans eat very healthy, including a lot of fish and Jamaican grown fruits & vegetables. Jamaicans are soooo accommodating, can't wait to return.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Just got back from a week in Jamaica (daughters wedding)
    and drinking was everyday if not all day. Gained only
    3 lbs. before I left and ate at the buffet ( choosing wisely)
    Got home and said, where is my mango daiquai and/or
    my mudslide. Yes I do have to stop at some time and
    only drink occasionally. :tongue:

    We went to Jamaica this summer and had a ball..........all inclusive villa!! I must have had a case of champagne by myself!!! I did not gain when I got home !!! The Jamaicans eat very healthy, including a lot of fish and Jamaican grown fruits & vegetables. Jamaicans are soooo accommodating, can't wait to return.

    I was there in May of 2009 for my honeymoon. Loved it.
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    OK so I have to admit that my glass of wine was poured even before my dinner had finished cooking! Mmmm so nice, pasta with a tomato sauce, topped with cheese goes perfectly with a glass of red :happy: I'd forgotten just how it eats into your calorie allowance though, only just under calories today, thank goodness I went swimming earlier. :drinker:

    Happy Friday lushes
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Did you all feel the earth move last night? Yep, it was ME NOT DRINKING! Can you believe it? :laugh: Sorry I can't report it was because we were trying to be 'good' there was an afternoon pastry party with chocolate dipped strawberries, chocolate dipped brownies (soooo good) crepes, banana's foster, ice cream with brandied cherries, etc. After all that I was too queasy to drink. :sick: Calorie wise I would have been better off drinking.

    Pam, sorry about your fall. Just reminds me of that saying "No good deed goes unpunished" :smile: I am sure your neighbors appreciated it though. Lovely snow fall you are having there.

    Yvonne, welcome back to lush land.

    You all have a great weekend!
  • sinbad1971
    I normally consume around 40-50 units of alcohol per week (have done for 20 years) mostly on the weekend been packed in for 4 weeks not a drop unless you count the odd Shandy Bass (0.5% vol). Lost a stone in that time, if I can do it anyone can just make sure theres plenty of Coffee/Tea in the house. Good luck!
  • iguanaliz
    iguanaliz Posts: 95 Member
    I had vodka last night instead of dinner. DH wasn't hungry and I wasn't really hungry so i didn't cook dinner. not the best idea. I need to stay away from the vodka.

    Eh, don't feel so bad (although having drank more than my share of meals I concur that it's never a good idea :ohwell:). My physical pretty much sucked because my blood pressure was sky high -- no surprise there. But I couldn't talk my doctor into waiting on the prescription until I had lost more weight because it was too high...Crap. Now I'm a person who has to take medicine. :noway: So that was followed by a series of client disasters, discovering the hard way that I didn't have enough cash in my account to pay for said medicine (man but my insurance sucks!) and then having my dog spend two hours getting sick all over my office. Pretty much negated all my excitement of having lost 2 pounds this week, and 3 inches in the past month. Which really sucks because that's why we're here!

    Anyway, to make a long whine session even longer, my 9 a.m. appointment for tomorrow morning was rescheduled for 3 p.m. today, so I don't have to get up early tomorrow. I took that as a sign. A sign to toss aside my no vodka till New Year pledge. This reptile needed her sippy cup!!!!

    Oh well. I guess I'm just getting all the bad stuff out of the way at once. I'll hate myself in the morning, but for right now, it's good. Just like the four brownies and fried chicken I inhaled for dinner (I'm pretty sure the food hangover is going to be worse than the vodka hangover :devil:)
  • sunlover67
    sunlover67 Posts: 158 Member
    Good morning my fellow much to catch up on! We did bring the laptop on vacation so I did log on once and skimmed thru the thread. I was really quite behaved for the week. :laugh: Only overindulged 2 out of the 7 nights, other than that it was a beer or two/drink with dinner. Walked/ran 6 out of the 7 mornings on the beach. I think probably longer than I do at home b/c lets face it, the scenery is very motivating and you forget you're exercising. Oh how I wish that could be my life every day. :sad: Oh well, back to reality. Its snowing here in Maine today so it's back on the treadmill. :grumble: The good news is we're going back to Florida the end of the month so I can suck it up for now.

    Pam, glad to hear you're okay after your fall. Your view will be the same as ours soon. We're forecasted to get 5-10 inches Monday. Do you mind the snow? Some people don't, some even love it. NOT ME! I am such a whiner about it. I really shouldn't live here but it's where our life is now so it is what it is! A drink or two drowns my winter blues usually. :drinker:

    Hope you all have a great weekend. I'm going to try to abstain all weekend. Although I was pretty good on vacation, I still drank every day which is abnormal for me during the week. So I think I'll give my liver a break for the weekend. :laugh: And maybe prepare it for all these holiday parties, get togethers, etc coming up!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: