Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - December Challenge!!



  • Hi! I'm new... my name is Jess and I'm 22 (JUST into my twenties, and I want the rest of my 20's to be much better), I began this journey about 2 months ago on my 22nd birthday and I made a promise to myself "for the next 12 months, 52 weeks, 365 days I will stay on plan; no matter if I don't lose single pound, no matter if I falter every single day." and I have stuck true to that. I like challenges and I like being accountable to other people rather than myself, it helps me stay on plan better. I watched the November thread and I wanted to jump here I am! and I have a few goals in December:

    -Hit my first mini goal of 5% lost, or 12.5 lbs. (so I have about 6 lbs. left less than 2 lbs. a week) but I would like to lose about 10 lbs. and put myself into the 220's I'm 239 now.
    -Complete 3 straight weeks of bootcamp
    -Log ALL my calories EVERYDAY even if I go over!

    Well that's it and that's me! Glad to know ya!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Welcome Jess!!! I am going to add your name to the bottome of the list with your goals, feel free to fix em if I miss something!

    km323 - Reach 185lbs, run 4x per week, get to sleep before 2am each night, avoid french fries and log every day
    kvr414- Lose another 10 lbs. drink 10 cups of water a day, do a 3x to 5x a day routine of situps, pushups, lunges til fatigue.
    roobean33 - Reach 128lbs, drink more H20 daily, try new healthy recipes, avoid most of the holiday treats
    inskydiamonds - Continue my biweekly meal challenges, because they force me to reach outside the box for things to eat for dinner. (December 1-5: Suggestions from MFP friends / December 6-19: Low-Cal Desserts / December 20-31: Meals Under $10). Lose 4 pounds, bringing me to 183.
    Keysr-Cook for myself and become more active outside with fun winter sports
    krishatherley - drop another 3-4 lbs
    wardiemelissa-maintain current weight of 125 lbs.; continue exercise regimine of running 2-3 times a week (with one long run between 7-8 miles), strength training (30 day Shred), and stretching (yoga); plan healthy dinners for the week; and begin to tone those trouble zones (No More Trouble Zones)
    SkierElle: Reach 175 lbs, still limit sweets but allow myself a few if they fit w/in calories, when I'm home for Xmas try to involve family in fun exercise!
    meagalayne - Reach 130lb by 12/11/10 and maintain to 01/01/11, complete 20 consecutive push-ups, complete 5 full weeks of Cutting Body Fat (3x/week) weight lifting and extend longest run distance to 9 miles - NO EXCUSES!
    rai8759 - Go from 167.4 to 162 by 1/3/11 (1.08 lbs/week); Carry a water bottle around with me and drink 8-10 cups of water per day; Be true to my food diary even if i miss a day get right back into it the next day!!
    Tai_88 – continue my no candy streak (limit of one piece of candy per week); stop drinking soda for the month; at least 3 workouts per week; get my 2 mile time under 18:30; logging everyday – especially when I don’t want to.
    Hazeldiva1913---drink at least 12 cups of water a day, loose 10 lbs by christmas. Im at 299 need to be at 289 on xmas day...start incorporating more strength eating out more than once a week!!!
    chawntamarie - Reach 140lbs by Christmas (4 lb. loss), Workout 5 times/week and cook my own meals 2-3 times per week.
    finncmh- lose 5lbs bringing me to 193 by New Years eve, strength training 2x's a week, develop a solid running/walking routine, try one new healthy meal a week!
    Mevan17- lose 3 lbs to get to 141 lb, run 4 days/week, no cookies
    Stuartme123 - DecSW = 161. 30 min of cardio 3x a week, Keep unhealthy snacking to under 200 calories/day, Add veggies that wouldn't normally be there to at least one meal a day, Try one new healthy recipe a week, Lose 1lb a week for a total of 4lbs.
    CaptainJim157 - Dec SW = 172.2 lbs, lose 10 lbs by the end of December (2 lbs a week), control my anxiety a bit better (Can that be one of my goals?)
    Tickyfoxster710- Dec SW=294lbs, goal lose 9lbs by the end of December, finish my 10k running plan, try to get up to 8 miles before the end of the year, start my second round of 6 week triple challenge (finish the first week of January) ( goal 100 push ups, 200 situps, 200 squats consecutive)
    Jourdan_Rystrom - DecSW=136. I want to reach 133 by the end of December and have even more muscle tone! Log on to MFP EVERY DAY and always stay under my calories! I want to drop my BF% to 22%! I also want to include more greens in my diet!
    meggonkgonk: Reach 150 lbs, complete 1 unabridged week of training, Week 4 of pushup challenge and 1 unassisted pullup
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - lose 5 pounds before 2011. Work out twice a week. Continue with my C25K training.
    Losstalykat:* Do one nice relaxing thing for myself once a week. (massage, bath with wine and book, new workout class....)* Focus on Triathlon Training, workout as close to the training schedule as possible. * Only eat 2 sweets a week(it is the holidays after all)*Measure at the beginning and end of the month.
    spellbinder25: (1) Start with week 3 of C25K. From week 4 onwards, do each week twice. (2) Cook twice a week, (3) Have a serving of fruit everyday, (4) Do squats and crunches thrice a week, (5) Lose 5.5 lbs to reach 145lbs.
    seripha - Dec SW = 156.5, goal to lose another 5 lbs by the end of December, continue to exercise 4 - 5 times a week, and avoid binging on the weekend!
    miss_amy: current weight loss: 26.4lbs- goal: at least 32lb total loss (5.6lbs)- ultimate goal: 35lb total loss (8.6). NSG: eat less carbs!
    TaraMaria - Ab workout 3x's weekly, 4500 calories burned weekly, 97.5 miles walked/ran by Christmas, build up to running/walking 5 miles and finally no refined sugars for the month of December
    SKINNYACK- Get under 160- ideally 157 by Dec 31st. I'm currently stuck at 161. Be able to hold side arm planks for 90 seconds each arm without shaking. Run my first official 5K. Finish Month 1 of P90X
    Fiore89 -- Go to the gym daily, eat less carbs and more protein, log in MFP daily, pack a healthy lunch to work and stay under my calorie intake!!! :-)
    Allislefttogain: Maintain in 118-123 range; minimum base running of 8-10 miles a week; long run of 13.1; weigh-ins on 10th/ 20th/30th of December; try a new workout (or 2 or 3); 64 oz of water daily (no counting tea water!) and experiment in the kitchen
    Tjradd73-to lose 8lbs and 2", continue on with the push-up challenge, and do 3 days a week of abs!
    cruan- Stay on the Herbalife plan, get my protein intake that I need, lose at least 5 lbs, and exercise, exercise, exercise!
    emmarie1630- lose 4lbs, eat out less, stay active over the holidays, drink more water
    30poundsto30- lose 10 pounds, exercise 3x a week, walk my dog everyday and drink at least 64 ounces of water daily
    SkiptomyLou32: 123 by end of December, run 3x week, weights 3x week, continue to cut sweets
    js775219-lose 6-10lbs, 3 straight weeks of bootcamp, log ALL calories EVERYDAY!

    good luck to you :)
  • nisharae
    nisharae Posts: 204 Member
    Kattungen: To lose 5 lbs :) Starting at 188.5 - want 183.5 by December 1st!
    kvr413: lose 10 lbs, thanksgiving included, which will put me at 169!
    Meggonkgonk: To reach 157 lbs & to run the first 2 weeks of my 10k running program (mileage13-14 and 15-16)
    Emmyworthy: To reach 199lbs, swim 3 times a week, lose 8 inches over all with 1 inch coming from my upper arms
    ksv123: to lose 3 pounds (yes, including Thanksgiving!!), and ramp up my workout routine that I have managed to ignore lately. The workout will include a minimum of 4 days a week of either elliptical or 30 Day Shred.
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - To lose 5 pounds and work out at least 2 times per week.
    meagalayne- To reach 130lbs, complete weeks 2 and 3 of the push-up challenge at my own pace, and run my 8k (Nov 13) under 50 mins
    LostAlyKat (Aly) - To lose 6lbs from 172.6, follow my prescribed food plan, and workout 6 days a week!
    Tjradd73-to lose 9.6lbs, and to continue on with the push-up challenge :)
    allislefttogain: Maintain (120-125 range); no scale until December 1st; 2 days a week with strength/body weight training; run 3-4x a week and run my 10K in 56 minutes or under (be happy with 59:01 or under though!)
    rai8759: loose 3 lbs by Thanksgiving, 5 lbs in total/workout 3x a week 60-90 minutes/5K in 30 min or less/be true to food diary even if i miss a day get right back into it the next day!!
    tai_88: to lose 5 lbs, stopping eating candy for the month and continue working out at least 4 times a week.
    wardiemelissa-my goal is to lose my last 0.5 pounds (taking me to 125 pounds-my wedding weight from 7 years and 2 kids ago), to maintain my weight, continue with my exercise routine (running 3-4 days and strength on off days) and finish my first 10K under 75 minutes on Thanksgiving Day!!!
    spellbinder - Reach 146lbs, exercise 5 days a week, do strength training + crunches + squats 3 days a week, ensure that I don't put on any weight during thanksgiving week!!
    SkierElle- reach 180lbs/exercise every day/limit sweets and desserts (apart from Thanksgiving)
    ttaylortulsa: 8 lbs for month - C25K training 3 days/wk - 30 Day Shred (or equivalent) 2 days/week - YBB vid 1 day/week
    allie7383: to get into the 150's (6.5 lbs away!), workout 6 days a week, and increase my water intake.
    inskydiamonds: (November 1-14): eat vegetables with dinner every night / lose about 5 pounds (November 15-28): make low(er) cal Thanksgiving dishes. Lose at least 4 pounds.
    mcanals123: To drop down to 165 and break my plateau :-)
    finncmh: Lose 1 pound a week- bringing me to 198 by end of the month. Full body lifting routine two days a week. Get to spinning class at least two times a week.
    miss_amy: lose a total of 25lbs, work out 5x a week & eat more fiber & protein.
    purpleprose: lose 5 pounds from 10/29 weight, run the whole 5K on Thanksgiving (no walking), and to eat organic, whole foods at least 60% of the time
    oreganoqueen: brave the gym at least once a week & eat more protein
    coatadaycarrie: finally get down to 145, and to work out at least 5x a week for at least half an hour each time.
    lauratx22- lose 8 pds!
    ottawagirl613: lose 5 pounds to get me halfway to my goal weight of 130 pounds by christmas! also to complete my 15 mins a day of toning exercises EVERY DAY :)! (and squeeze in a few 15-30 min walks a few times a week)
    stuartme123: lose 4 pounds, workout at the gym or attend yoga class lasting 30+ min, 3x a week, keep unhealthy snacking to under 200 calories/day - this includes YOU potato chips!!!
    CraftyGirl4 - Do all the P90X workouts for this month (maybe taking off Thanksgiving Day). Not to step on the scale until Decemeber 1st, 2010.
    vbos~ lose 8lbs, 8 cups of H2O a day, run/elliptical 4x/week, strength train 3x/week, 5k Turkey Trot in 30mins, oh and drink alcohol only once a week!!
    cruan - Stick to my 2 shakes a day, really watch my calories so I don't go over, lose 5-7 pounds, somehow fit some exercise into the craziness that is my life!
    lolahippie-to lose 5lbs!
    Roobean33- to lose 4 pounds and tone up - and bring my hubby along for the ride! :)
    emmarie1630- lose 5 pounds, 3x a week workout, more veggies
    AshleyVeronica - lose 4lbs, DRINK less calories, monitor what I eat holding back, stop eating after 9pm unless it's a weekend
    trebhun - lose 4lbs, and work out more, start exercising again after knee scope surgery (last Thurs 11/4)
    francesstewart1 - lose 3lbs (and join the Dec challenge!)
    seripha - To have an entire week where I eat well and within my calories bounds + exercise for at least 30 minutes 5 x a week.
    SkiptomyLou32: Get to 124 by end of November and then 120 by end of December. Make it to Christmas with no sweets (except Thanksgiving). Keep running through the winter and train for the half marathon in St. Louis in April.
    Nisharae- be below 207 pounds by January first...Running 5 minutes straight on the treadmill @ atleast 5.2 speed. HERE WE GO!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Kattungen: To lose 5 lbs :) Starting at 188.5 - want 183.5 by December 1st!
    kvr413: lose 10 lbs, thanksgiving included, which will put me at 169!
    Meggonkgonk: To reach 157 lbs & to run the first 2 weeks of my 10k running program (mileage13-14 and 15-16)
    Emmyworthy: To reach 199lbs, swim 3 times a week, lose 8 inches over all with 1 inch coming from my upper arms
    ksv123: to lose 3 pounds (yes, including Thanksgiving!!), and ramp up my workout routine that I have managed to ignore lately. The workout will include a minimum of 4 days a week of either elliptical or 30 Day Shred.
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - To lose 5 pounds and work out at least 2 times per week.
    meagalayne- To reach 130lbs, complete weeks 2 and 3 of the push-up challenge at my own pace, and run my 8k (Nov 13) under 50 mins
    LostAlyKat (Aly) - To lose 6lbs from 172.6, follow my prescribed food plan, and workout 6 days a week!
    Tjradd73-to lose 9.6lbs, and to continue on with the push-up challenge :)
    allislefttogain: Maintain (120-125 range); no scale until December 1st; 2 days a week with strength/body weight training; run 3-4x a week and run my 10K in 56 minutes or under (be happy with 59:01 or under though!)
    rai8759: loose 3 lbs by Thanksgiving, 5 lbs in total/workout 3x a week 60-90 minutes/5K in 30 min or less/be true to food diary even if i miss a day get right back into it the next day!!
    tai_88: to lose 5 lbs, stopping eating candy for the month and continue working out at least 4 times a week.
    wardiemelissa-my goal is to lose my last 0.5 pounds (taking me to 125 pounds-my wedding weight from 7 years and 2 kids ago), to maintain my weight, continue with my exercise routine (running 3-4 days and strength on off days) and finish my first 10K under 75 minutes on Thanksgiving Day!!!
    spellbinder - Reach 146lbs, exercise 5 days a week, do strength training + crunches + squats 3 days a week, ensure that I don't put on any weight during thanksgiving week!!
    SkierElle- reach 180lbs/exercise every day/limit sweets and desserts (apart from Thanksgiving)
    ttaylortulsa: 8 lbs for month - C25K training 3 days/wk - 30 Day Shred (or equivalent) 2 days/week - YBB vid 1 day/week
    allie7383: to get into the 150's (6.5 lbs away!), workout 6 days a week, and increase my water intake.
    inskydiamonds: (November 1-14): eat vegetables with dinner every night / lose about 5 pounds (November 15-28): make low(er) cal Thanksgiving dishes. Lose at least 4 pounds.
    mcanals123: To drop down to 165 and break my plateau :-)
    finncmh: Lose 1 pound a week- bringing me to 198 by end of the month. Full body lifting routine two days a week. Get to spinning class at least two times a week.
    miss_amy: lose a total of 25lbs, work out 5x a week & eat more fiber & protein.
    purpleprose: lose 5 pounds from 10/29 weight, run the whole 5K on Thanksgiving (no walking), and to eat organic, whole foods at least 60% of the time
    oreganoqueen: brave the gym at least once a week & eat more protein
    coatadaycarrie: finally get down to 145, and to work out at least 5x a week for at least half an hour each time.
    lauratx22- lose 8 pds!
    ottawagirl613: lose 5 pounds to get me halfway to my goal weight of 130 pounds by christmas! also to complete my 15 mins a day of toning exercises EVERY DAY :)! (and squeeze in a few 15-30 min walks a few times a week)
    stuartme123: lose 4 pounds, workout at the gym or attend yoga class lasting 30+ min, 3x a week, keep unhealthy snacking to under 200 calories/day - this includes YOU potato chips!!!
    CraftyGirl4 - Do all the P90X workouts for this month (maybe taking off Thanksgiving Day). Not to step on the scale until Decemeber 1st, 2010.
    vbos~ lose 8lbs, 8 cups of H2O a day, run/elliptical 4x/week, strength train 3x/week, 5k Turkey Trot in 30mins, oh and drink alcohol only once a week!!
    cruan - Stick to my 2 shakes a day, really watch my calories so I don't go over, lose 5-7 pounds, somehow fit some exercise into the craziness that is my life!
    lolahippie-to lose 5lbs!
    Roobean33- to lose 4 pounds and tone up - and bring my hubby along for the ride! :)
    emmarie1630- lose 5 pounds, 3x a week workout, more veggies
    AshleyVeronica - lose 4lbs, DRINK less calories, monitor what I eat holding back, stop eating after 9pm unless it's a weekend
    trebhun - lose 4lbs, and work out more, start exercising again after knee scope surgery (last Thurs 11/4)
    francesstewart1 - lose 3lbs (and join the Dec challenge!)
    seripha - To have an entire week where I eat well and within my calories bounds + exercise for at least 30 minutes 5 x a week.
    SkiptomyLou32: Get to 124 by end of November and then 120 by end of December. Make it to Christmas with no sweets (except Thanksgiving). Keep running through the winter and train for the half marathon in St. Louis in April.
    Nisharae- be below 207 pounds by January first...Running 5 minutes straight on the treadmill @ atleast 5.2 speed. HERE WE GO!
    js775219-lose 6-10lbs, 3 straight weeks of bootcamp, log ALL calories EVERYDAY!
  • Guam - I just want to say that I am proud of you! I am married, but I have no kids and basically my husband and I are free to do as we please...but I struggle to eat the way I want and prepare the foods I should. As a mom, working and going to school, it's amazing and admirable that you have such a great attitude and are here for the long haul!

    Meag - An appointment with a MD sounds like a good plan. That sounds terrible. Way to hustle to the gym today - no excuses and you mean it! BTW we both weigh the same right now. Friendly competition for WI day. :flowerforyou:

    TJRadd - 125 crunches! :love:

    JS77 - Hi and welcome! This group is great because we are all active on MFP so someone always seems to be around when you post for advice/help/support! I really like your goals, especially about the logging!

    QOTD - Laptop, even if it is my old Dell aka. "The brick". I would love a Mac like my hubby, but I just can't bring myself spend that kind of $$. Especially while this works. Is a laptop even a gadget? Idk...just go with it! :laugh:
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    Thanks Roo- that is the amount I do all of the time 100 regular, 25 to each side, and 25 with a lower ab "manuever"!!
  • Thanks for all the support! :happy: I logged today and ate within my calories and drank my water for the day. I did not work out or take my dog for a walk. I had a back procedure done today and told to stay in bed, which was hard not to eat which is inconvienent being I am trying to start a new lifestyle. GRRR...I cant work out till Saturday. But I should be able to walk my dog tomorrow, perfect time to also go get the mail :wink: :wink: Poor Puppy!!

    tjradd73- Are you using app for this pushup challenge?? Love your 125 crunches routine!

    Any runners in this group??? I would to gather some new songs for my running playlist....anyone have a favorite power song? I would love to hear it! :bigsmile:

    Mine is hands down Queens of the Stone Age-You Think I Ain't Worth A Dollar, But I Feel Like A Millionaire....Beware its a little crazy however it has never failed to push me harder and make my legs burn!

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    holy holy christmas am i behind!!! ok so selfish post for now, so i can get my goals on the list finally, then i'm going back to catch up and properly respond lol..

    Nov recap.. I lost 4.5 lbs, though fell 2 lbs short of my goal to be in the 150's.. things didn't go as smoothly as expected as i got bored with the TurboFire weeks that were planned out. On the plus side though, I managed to up my running distance to 4 miles! That wasn't a goal at all, but personal victory..

    as for Dec... I'm determined out of my skull to be in the 150's.. perhaps even aiming for 155.. also going to keep an increased water intake and work out at least 5 days a week... welcome to all the newbies.. this thread is so fantastic, love you guys tons and tons!!!

    Kattungen: To lose 5 lbs :) Starting at 188.5 - want 183.5 by December 1st!
    kvr413: lose 10 lbs, thanksgiving included, which will put me at 169!
    Meggonkgonk: To reach 157 lbs & to run the first 2 weeks of my 10k running program (mileage13-14 and 15-16)
    Emmyworthy: To reach 199lbs, swim 3 times a week, lose 8 inches over all with 1 inch coming from my upper arms
    ksv123: to lose 3 pounds (yes, including Thanksgiving!!), and ramp up my workout routine that I have managed to ignore lately. The workout will include a minimum of 4 days a week of either elliptical or 30 Day Shred.
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - To lose 5 pounds and work out at least 2 times per week.
    meagalayne- To reach 130lbs, complete weeks 2 and 3 of the push-up challenge at my own pace, and run my 8k (Nov 13) under 50 mins
    LostAlyKat (Aly) - To lose 6lbs from 172.6, follow my prescribed food plan, and workout 6 days a week!
    Tjradd73-to lose 9.6lbs, and to continue on with the push-up challenge :)
    allislefttogain: Maintain (120-125 range); no scale until December 1st; 2 days a week with strength/body weight training; run 3-4x a week and run my 10K in 56 minutes or under (be happy with 59:01 or under though!)
    rai8759: loose 3 lbs by Thanksgiving, 5 lbs in total/workout 3x a week 60-90 minutes/5K in 30 min or less/be true to food diary even if i miss a day get right back into it the next day!!
    tai_88: to lose 5 lbs, stopping eating candy for the month and continue working out at least 4 times a week.
    wardiemelissa-my goal is to lose my last 0.5 pounds (taking me to 125 pounds-my wedding weight from 7 years and 2 kids ago), to maintain my weight, continue with my exercise routine (running 3-4 days and strength on off days) and finish my first 10K under 75 minutes on Thanksgiving Day!!!
    spellbinder - Reach 146lbs, exercise 5 days a week, do strength training + crunches + squats 3 days a week, ensure that I don't put on any weight during thanksgiving week!!
    SkierElle- reach 180lbs/exercise every day/limit sweets and desserts (apart from Thanksgiving)
    ttaylortulsa: 8 lbs for month - C25K training 3 days/wk - 30 Day Shred (or equivalent) 2 days/week - YBB vid 1 day/week
    allie7383: to get into the 150's (6.5 lbs away!), workout 6 days a week, and increase my water intake.
    inskydiamonds: (November 1-14): eat vegetables with dinner every night / lose about 5 pounds (November 15-28): make low(er) cal Thanksgiving dishes. Lose at least 4 pounds.
    mcanals123: To drop down to 165 and break my plateau :-)
    finncmh: Lose 1 pound a week- bringing me to 198 by end of the month. Full body lifting routine two days a week. Get to spinning class at least two times a week.
    miss_amy: lose a total of 25lbs, work out 5x a week & eat more fiber & protein.
    purpleprose: lose 5 pounds from 10/29 weight, run the whole 5K on Thanksgiving (no walking), and to eat organic, whole foods at least 60% of the time
    oreganoqueen: brave the gym at least once a week & eat more protein
    coatadaycarrie: finally get down to 145, and to work out at least 5x a week for at least half an hour each time.
    lauratx22- lose 8 pds!
    ottawagirl613: lose 5 pounds to get me halfway to my goal weight of 130 pounds by christmas! also to complete my 15 mins a day of toning exercises EVERY DAY :)! (and squeeze in a few 15-30 min walks a few times a week)
    stuartme123: lose 4 pounds, workout at the gym or attend yoga class lasting 30+ min, 3x a week, keep unhealthy snacking to under 200 calories/day - this includes YOU potato chips!!!
    CraftyGirl4 - Do all the P90X workouts for this month (maybe taking off Thanksgiving Day). Not to step on the scale until Decemeber 1st, 2010.
    vbos~ lose 8lbs, 8 cups of H2O a day, run/elliptical 4x/week, strength train 3x/week, 5k Turkey Trot in 30mins, oh and drink alcohol only once a week!!
    cruan - Stick to my 2 shakes a day, really watch my calories so I don't go over, lose 5-7 pounds, somehow fit some exercise into the craziness that is my life!
    lolahippie-to lose 5lbs!
    Roobean33- to lose 4 pounds and tone up - and bring my hubby along for the ride! :)
    emmarie1630- lose 5 pounds, 3x a week workout, more veggies
    AshleyVeronica - lose 4lbs, DRINK less calories, monitor what I eat holding back, stop eating after 9pm unless it's a weekend
    trebhun - lose 4lbs, and work out more, start exercising again after knee scope surgery (last Thurs 11/4)
    francesstewart1 - lose 3lbs (and join the Dec challenge!)
    seripha - To have an entire week where I eat well and within my calories bounds + exercise for at least 30 minutes 5 x a week.
    SkiptomyLou32: Get to 124 by end of November and then 120 by end of December. Make it to Christmas with no sweets (except Thanksgiving). Keep running through the winter and train for the half marathon in St. Louis in April.
    Nisharae- be below 207 pounds by January first...Running 5 minutes straight on the treadmill @ atleast 5.2 speed. HERE WE GO!
    js775219-lose 6-10lbs, 3 straight weeks of bootcamp, log ALL calories EVERYDAY!
    allie7383- lose at least 3 lbs, work out at least 5 times a week, and drink over 8 glasses of water per day.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Ok so real post to come, but somewhere along the lines we ended up meshing the Nov list and Dec. I think I caught everyone:

    km323 - Reach 185lbs, run 4x per week, get to sleep before 2am each night, avoid french fries and log every day
    kvr414- Lose another 10 lbs. drink 10 cups of water a day, do a 3x to 5x a day routine of situps, pushups, lunges til fatigue.
    roobean33 - Reach 128lbs, drink more H20 daily, try new healthy recipes, avoid most of the holiday treats
    inskydiamonds - Continue my biweekly meal challenges, because they force me to reach outside the box for things to eat for dinner. (December 1-5: Suggestions from MFP friends / December 6-19: Low-Cal Desserts / December 20-31: Meals Under $10). Lose 4 pounds, bringing me to 183.
    Keysr-Cook for myself and become more active outside with fun winter sports
    krishatherley - drop another 3-4 lbs
    wardiemelissa-maintain current weight of 125 lbs.; continue exercise regimine of running 2-3 times a week (with one long run between 7-8 miles), strength training (30 day Shred), and stretching (yoga); plan healthy dinners for the week; and begin to tone those trouble zones (No More Trouble Zones)
    SkierElle: Reach 175 lbs, still limit sweets but allow myself a few if they fit w/in calories, when I'm home for Xmas try to involve family in fun exercise!
    meagalayne - Reach 130lb by 12/11/10 and maintain to 01/01/11, complete 20 consecutive push-ups, complete 5 full weeks of Cutting Body Fat (3x/week) weight lifting and extend longest run distance to 9 miles - NO EXCUSES!
    rai8759 - Go from 167.4 to 162 by 1/3/11 (1.08 lbs/week); Carry a water bottle around with me and drink 8-10 cups of water per day; Be true to my food diary even if i miss a day get right back into it the next day!!
    Tai_88 – continue my no candy streak (limit of one piece of candy per week); stop drinking soda for the month; at least 3 workouts per week; get my 2 mile time under 18:30; logging everyday – especially when I don’t want to.
    Hazeldiva1913---drink at least 12 cups of water a day, loose 10 lbs by christmas. Im at 299 need to be at 289 on xmas day...start incorporating more strength eating out more than once a week!!!
    chawntamarie - Reach 140lbs by Christmas (4 lb. loss), Workout 5 times/week and cook my own meals 2-3 times per week.
    finncmh- lose 5lbs bringing me to 193 by New Years eve, strength training 2x's a week, develop a solid running/walking routine, try one new healthy meal a week!
    Mevan17- lose 3 lbs to get to 141 lb, run 4 days/week, no cookies
    Stuartme123 - DecSW = 161. 30 min of cardio 3x a week, Keep unhealthy snacking to under 200 calories/day, Add veggies that wouldn't normally be there to at least one meal a day, Try one new healthy recipe a week, Lose 1lb a week for a total of 4lbs.
    CaptainJim157 - Dec SW = 172.2 lbs, lose 10 lbs by the end of December (2 lbs a week), control my anxiety a bit better (Can that be one of my goals?)
    Tickyfoxster710- Dec SW=294lbs, goal lose 9lbs by the end of December, finish my 10k running plan, try to get up to 8 miles before the end of the year, start my second round of 6 week triple challenge (finish the first week of January) ( goal 100 push ups, 200 situps, 200 squats consecutive)
    Jourdan_Rystrom - DecSW=136. I want to reach 133 by the end of December and have even more muscle tone! Log on to MFP EVERY DAY and always stay under my calories! I want to drop my BF% to 22%! I also want to include more greens in my diet!
    meggonkgonk: Reach 150 lbs, complete 1 unabridged week of training, Week 4 of pushup challenge and 1 unassisted pullup
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - lose 5 pounds before 2011. Work out twice a week. Continue with my C25K training.
    Losstalykat:* Do one nice relaxing thing for myself once a week. (massage, bath with wine and book, new workout class....)* Focus on Triathlon Training, workout as close to the training schedule as possible. * Only eat 2 sweets a week(it is the holidays after all)*Measure at the beginning and end of the month.
    spellbinder25: (1) Start with week 3 of C25K. From week 4 onwards, do each week twice. (2) Cook twice a week, (3) Have a serving of fruit everyday, (4) Do squats and crunches thrice a week, (5) Lose 5.5 lbs to reach 145lbs.
    seripha - Dec SW = 156.5, goal to lose another 5 lbs by the end of December, continue to exercise 4 - 5 times a week, and avoid binging on the weekend!
    miss_amy: current weight loss: 26.4lbs- goal: at least 32lb total loss (5.6lbs)- ultimate goal: 35lb total loss (8.6). NSG: eat less carbs!
    TaraMaria - Ab workout 3x's weekly, 4500 calories burned weekly, 97.5 miles walked/ran by Christmas, build up to running/walking 5 miles and finally no refined sugars for the month of December
    SKINNYACK- Get under 160- ideally 157 by Dec 31st. I'm currently stuck at 161. Be able to hold side arm planks for 90 seconds each arm without shaking. Run my first official 5K. Finish Month 1 of P90X
    Fiore89 -- Go to the gym daily, eat less carbs and more protein, log in MFP daily, pack a healthy lunch to work and stay under my calorie intake!!! :-)
    Allislefttogain: Maintain in 118-123 range; minimum base running of 8-10 miles a week; long run of 13.1; weigh-ins on 10th/ 20th/30th of December; try a new workout (or 2 or 3); 64 oz of water daily (no counting tea water!) and experiment in the kitchen
    Tjradd73-to lose 8lbs and 2", continue on with the push-up challenge, and do 3 days a week of abs!
    cruan- Stay on the Herbalife plan, get my protein intake that I need, lose at least 5 lbs, and exercise, exercise, exercise!
    emmarie1630- lose 4lbs, eat out less, stay active over the holidays, drink more water
    30poundsto30- lose 10 pounds, exercise 3x a week, walk my dog everyday and drink at least 64 ounces of water daily
    SkiptomyLou32: 123 by end of December, run 3x week, weights 3x week, continue to cut sweets
    Nisharae- be below 207 pounds by January first...Running 5 minutes straight on the treadmill @ atleast 5.2 speed. HERE WE GO!
    js775219-lose 6-10lbs, 3 straight weeks of bootcamp, log ALL calories EVERYDAY!
    allie7383- lose at least 3 lbs, work out at least 5 times a week, and drink over 8 glasses of water per day.
  • Heya Girls! :) How is everyone doing today? I just got back from a 20 min walk with the dog, :)

  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Can you girls and guys throw out some of your favorite, yet easy, lunch ideas that I could implement?

    Beth- TUPPERWARE!!! Ok so I know its not exactly a lunch idea but an excess of tupperware (which I asked for and got for my bday) gives me SO much flexibility. That and a lunch bag (a knock off of the BUILT brand). It makes for so much flexibility. I usually have some varying kind of sandwich/wrap 2-3 times a week, and a salad or soup the other days - both of which with a piece of fruit. This week I had the most delish thing EVER- A wrap with spinach, Cranberry sauce from TG, Feta Cheese - and almonds (optional). It was super yummy. If you make anything with squishy/wet ingredients (like cranberry sauce) I recommend putting it in a sep lunch baggie. A lot of times I will just get seafood salad or eggsalad at the deli and rolls and wham bam thank you ma'am I got a fast sandwhich.

    I also rely heavily on snacks throughout the day- I usually have 2-3. 1 will be yogurt, which I have after lunch between 2 and 3, so that I am fullish when I am cooking dinner. The other two are for morning/prelunch snacking- they will be fruit and/or veggie based- baby carrots, snap peas, mushrooms, grape tomatoes, green peppers- all go great with hummus. And fruit is kind of just, toss in the bag and go.

    Jess- welcome to the group- I <3 your commitment via time rather than lbs! I did the same thing when I started here - except I decided how much I wanted to lose (39 lbs) and promised myself that for 39 weeks, I would do this- much the same way- no matter what the scale said. It's an awesome motivator to have a kind of clock run down!

    30lbs230: I've got a couple songs I love for running (some of them are recovery pace tho)

    When the day met the night by Panic! at the Disco
    Young folks by Peter Bjorn and John
    Alive with the Glory of love by Say Anything
    Monster by Meg&Dia
    What's my age agian- by Blink 182
    Green day- Paranoia, Paradise and Minority are all great
    Calling all Skeletons by Alkaline Trio

    I've got more but I have to look them up.

    Great job everyone! We are so going to have to start a new thread 1/2 way through the month again!

  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Good morning everyone! I already had two sweets this week so I am not sure I will be able to attain my goal of 2 sweets a week. Maybe I should adjust it to not eating more than 1 sweet a week that does not fit in my calorie budget. Well I changed it and updated my challenge so if everyone can remember to use this one that would be awesome.
    Last night I was sore, tired, and I just did not want to go swim, but I did. I did the full workout even when I wanted to stop for the cool down. I found that backstroke can be very relaxing. I was supposed to get up at 5 this morning to go to spin class but my BF is sick and kept coughing all night so I hardly got any sleep so I slept until I had to get up and get ready for work. I plan to go do the elliptical tonight at least since my thighs are burning still from training on Wednesday. It is a good kind of pain but hard to walk. My weight was up this morning most likely from water retention from all the activities. I am changing my WI day to Thursday, I used to do Thursday with Weight Watcher, and I really liked having it more in the middle of the week. Run training tomorrow morning then spin class sunday. Woohoo for workout weekends.

    Beth- I make a big batch of soup almost every week, either sunday or monday and then I at least have 2 or 3 lunches set for the week. I also do the precooked chicken and salad someone else was talking about. Having fruit and veggies and hummus on hand is key for me. I hope this helps.

    QOTD- Inspired by the runner!! ( I am a runner, I just did a half marathon a few weeks ago and a 10k on thanksgiving. I am currently training for a triathlon in April! The triathlon is also in Hawaii!!

    What song really makes you move when your on a run and don't want to push anymore?

    I have soo many songs that make me feel s trong and powerful. Eye of the Tiger is always fun when it comes on. Honestly I have been into Baby by Justin Beiber lol. I need to get my playlist going so peeps give me some newer ideas lol.

    km323 - Reach 185lbs, run 4x per week, get to sleep before 2am each night, avoid french fries and log every day
    kvr414- Lose another 10 lbs. drink 10 cups of water a day, do a 3x to 5x a day routine of situps, pushups, lunges til fatigue.
    roobean33 - Reach 128lbs, drink more H20 daily, try new healthy recipes, avoid most of the holiday treats
    inskydiamonds - Continue my biweekly meal challenges, because they force me to reach outside the box for things to eat for dinner. (December 1-5: Suggestions from MFP friends / December 6-19: Low-Cal Desserts / December 20-31: Meals Under $10). Lose 4 pounds, bringing me to 183.
    Keysr-Cook for myself and become more active outside with fun winter sports
    krishatherley - drop another 3-4 lbs
    wardiemelissa-maintain current weight of 125 lbs.; continue exercise regimine of running 2-3 times a week (with one long run between 7-8 miles), strength training (30 day Shred), and stretching (yoga); plan healthy dinners for the week; and begin to tone those trouble zones (No More Trouble Zones)
    SkierElle: Reach 175 lbs, still limit sweets but allow myself a few if they fit w/in calories, when I'm home for Xmas try to involve family in fun exercise!
    meagalayne - Reach 130lb by 12/11/10 and maintain to 01/01/11, complete 20 consecutive push-ups, complete 5 full weeks of Cutting Body Fat (3x/week) weight lifting and extend longest run distance to 9 miles - NO EXCUSES!
    rai8759 - Go from 167.4 to 162 by 1/3/11 (1.08 lbs/week); Carry a water bottle around with me and drink 8-10 cups of water per day; Be true to my food diary even if i miss a day get right back into it the next day!!
    Tai_88 – continue my no candy streak (limit of one piece of candy per week); stop drinking soda for the month; at least 3 workouts per week; get my 2 mile time under 18:30; logging everyday – especially when I don’t want to.
    Hazeldiva1913---drink at least 12 cups of water a day, loose 10 lbs by christmas. Im at 299 need to be at 289 on xmas day...start incorporating more strength eating out more than once a week!!!
    chawntamarie - Reach 140lbs by Christmas (4 lb. loss), Workout 5 times/week and cook my own meals 2-3 times per week.
    finncmh- lose 5lbs bringing me to 193 by New Years eve, strength training 2x's a week, develop a solid running/walking routine, try one new healthy meal a week!
    Mevan17- lose 3 lbs to get to 141 lb, run 4 days/week, no cookies
    Stuartme123 - DecSW = 161. 30 min of cardio 3x a week, Keep unhealthy snacking to under 200 calories/day, Add veggies that wouldn't normally be there to at least one meal a day, Try one new healthy recipe a week, Lose 1lb a week for a total of 4lbs.
    CaptainJim157 - Dec SW = 172.2 lbs, lose 10 lbs by the end of December (2 lbs a week), control my anxiety a bit better (Can that be one of my goals?)
    Tickyfoxster710- Dec SW=294lbs, goal lose 9lbs by the end of December, finish my 10k running plan, try to get up to 8 miles before the end of the year, start my second round of 6 week triple challenge (finish the first week of January) ( goal 100 push ups, 200 situps, 200 squats consecutive)
    Jourdan_Rystrom - DecSW=136. I want to reach 133 by the end of December and have even more muscle tone! Log on to MFP EVERY DAY and always stay under my calories! I want to drop my BF% to 22%! I also want to include more greens in my diet!
    meggonkgonk: Reach 150 lbs, complete 1 unabridged week of training, Week 4 of pushup challenge and 1 unassisted pullup
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - lose 5 pounds before 2011. Work out twice a week. Continue with my C25K training.
    Losstalykat:* Do one nice relaxing thing for myself once a week. (massage, bath with wine and book, new workout class....)* Focus on Triathlon Training, workout as close to the training schedule as possible. * Only eat 1 sweet a week that is not in my calorie budget for the day *Measure at the beginning and end of the month.*****Lose at least 1lb from 170.7***
    spellbinder25: (1) Start with week 3 of C25K. From week 4 onwards, do each week twice. (2) Cook twice a week, (3) Have a serving of fruit everyday, (4) Do squats and crunches thrice a week, (5) Lose 5.5 lbs to reach 145lbs.
    seripha - Dec SW = 156.5, goal to lose another 5 lbs by the end of December, continue to exercise 4 - 5 times a week, and avoid binging on the weekend!
    miss_amy: current weight loss: 26.4lbs- goal: at least 32lb total loss (5.6lbs)- ultimate goal: 35lb total loss (8.6). NSG: eat less carbs!
    TaraMaria - Ab workout 3x's weekly, 4500 calories burned weekly, 97.5 miles walked/ran by Christmas, build up to running/walking 5 miles and finally no refined sugars for the month of December
    SKINNYACK- Get under 160- ideally 157 by Dec 31st. I'm currently stuck at 161. Be able to hold side arm planks for 90 seconds each arm without shaking. Run my first official 5K. Finish Month 1 of P90X
    Fiore89 -- Go to the gym daily, eat less carbs and more protein, log in MFP daily, pack a healthy lunch to work and stay under my calorie intake!!! :-)
    Allislefttogain: Maintain in 118-123 range; minimum base running of 8-10 miles a week; long run of 13.1; weigh-ins on 10th/ 20th/30th of December; try a new workout (or 2 or 3); 64 oz of water daily (no counting tea water!) and experiment in the kitchen
    Tjradd73-to lose 8lbs and 2", continue on with the push-up challenge, and do 3 days a week of abs!
    cruan- Stay on the Herbalife plan, get my protein intake that I need, lose at least 5 lbs, and exercise, exercise, exercise!
    emmarie1630- lose 4lbs, eat out less, stay active over the holidays, drink more water
    30poundsto30- lose 10 pounds, exercise 3x a week, walk my dog everyday and drink at least 64 ounces of water daily
    SkiptomyLou32: 123 by end of December, run 3x week, weights 3x week, continue to cut sweets
    Nisharae- be below 207 pounds by January first...Running 5 minutes straight on the treadmill @ atleast 5.2 speed. HERE WE GO!
    js775219-lose 6-10lbs, 3 straight weeks of bootcamp, log ALL calories EVERYDAY!
    allie7383- lose at least 3 lbs, work out at least 5 times a week, and drink over 8 glasses of water per day.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    QOTD: What song really makes you move when your on a run and don't want to push anymore?

    There are many- usually anything with a strong, steady beat will keep my feet in motion but I would have to say the one that makes me feel like kicking *kitten* is face down by red jumpsuit apparatus
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Hey everyone!! Wow... I've missed a lot. Yesterday was a hard day for me, energy-wise. I was up early once again (645 on Thurs, 830 yesterday) and had to work at the bar until 3am. At the last min they decided to have a staff meeting after work. GREAT! Usually 830am-4am wouldn't be that bad for me because I am accustomed to long days, but it was particularly hard yesterday. I guess my body's catching up. The boys at work were quite shocked and made a point of telling me how tired (ie: bad) I looked. Thanks a lot, guys! :laugh: I guess I am really dragging and need to re-charge!

    Here's an attempt to catch up and address the things I've missed. I really do have a million things I want to say; your journeys are all significant and I am always eager to comment, advise, and support. So bear with me!

    Guam - Sounds like a rough couple days for you but I love that you always have the right attitude :drinker: It's all about making the right choices for you! Gonks and everyone else had some awesome suggestions and I think that planning things out ahead of time might ease your stress a little and definitely help to keep you on track. For breakfast I always have oatmeal - It's cheap, takes 5 mins to make, and is packed with all kinds of nutritious goodness. Oatmeal is an awesome vehicle for any kind of fruit, spices, nuts etc you prefer. It's very flexible so you can change it up every day. Today, I topped my cooked oatmeal (microwave for 1min45sec, stirring half way and adding cinnamon) with fresh blueberries and 1/2 banana, some plain yogurt and some flax seed for good fats. It took me 5 mins and it was amazingly delicious! Other mornings I have pumpkin + maple syrup, or dates + nuts - anything you like, basically! I always add a few Tbsp of plain yogurt to make it creamy and delicious.

    To make things even easier in the mornings, you can actually make your oatmeal ahead of time as long as you use steel cut oats. I have never done this myself but there are a TON of suggestions here: (thanks to Liz for the site link - It's brilliant!) Just be sure to check the cal content on some of the recipes because it's not a healthy eating site (the main focus is inexpensive meals)

    For lunch, my biggest suggestion is to make extra veggies and protein at dinner and BEFORE serving, pack yourself a tupperware for the next day. This saves time and money and since you're already there making dinner, cooking an extra serving won't be a big hassle. It's also a great way to portion control. Load up on healthy veggies and include a few good ounces of protein. Throw it in the fridge and in the morning grab your tupperware, a piece of fruit and some raw veggies, a yogurt, and perhaps some nuts for snacks and you are set for the day. Along with a healthy breakfast this should carry you through to dinner. Good luck girl. You are going to ROCK it. :happy:

    Those of you with weather in the 60s and 70s... ARGH! Take me in!! :sad: I need to really start seriously considering a MFP sh*tty Canadian weather exchange. If it were in the 70s here I'd have no excuse to not get out there and run but it's sooo easy right now to talk myself out of it. Definitely testing my commitment and determination and it's only going to get worse as the month goes on...

    Aly - Sounds like you have a sweet workout plan for this week - Lots of really good stuff!! Keep it up girl. I wish I had your determination when it comes to fitness! :wink:

    Jess and Nisharae - Welcome!! :flowerforyou: This group is super fabulous (yes, I just said that) and all of these girls (and guys) are incredible, amazing, inspiring, supportive and just all around KICK *kitten*! I'm glad to have you with us and I love your attitude and your goals! Hope you stick around for a while :happy:

    Roo - Friendly competition? Lol My money's on you, girl! :tongue: I have upped my calorie intake in the last month or so and I doubt I'll be losing much more. At 5'7", I haven't got much more weight to drop. Just fat to lose and muscle to gain! Butttt... I can't say no to competition so you're on :tongue: Bring it, girl!

    30pounds - I am a runner and I'd love to hear about your running regimen!! Where do you run, how often, how far, and any suggestions/advice you have for the rest of us! Love to meet and talk to other runners. Sorry I can't give you any advice on song choice, though. I have never run with music before! I'd like to start on my long runs to keep me distracted, but the data chip that I bought for my phone has been sitting at the boyfriend's house for 2 months waiting to be formatted and loaded with music. We just never get around to it. He's supposed to be making me a playlist in the next few weeks so I will let you know! Any suggestions you guys make I'll ask him to add to my list :happy:

    Allie- Welcome back, girl! Glad to hear you had a wonderful vacation break and that you're back in the saddle for Dec. Congrats on your running achievements! You should definitely be VERY proud! 4 miles is a LONG way, girl :drinker:

    AFM: I am a little more rested today but I will likely crash again at some point. Totally revved up on coffee ATM (I know, I know *slaps wrist* - coffee is no substitute for sleep, Meag!) ... Legs, arms, back basically everywhere is sore, sore, sore from yesterday's lifting. I can't believe how much I OBVIOUSLY needed to start doing weights to gain muscle. I can really feel it after only 2 workouts. I think that once I get this down in Dec I may try to incorporate swimming into the mix once a week in the new year. I don't want to be a Master Swimmer or anything, but enough to get me moving and possibly prepare for a Tri or other mixed-race of some kind in late 2011 or 2012. Couldn't hurt to diversify!

    Running is on tap for today - 3 miles easy, in and around the area in the freezing cold. After hills on Wed I need a good easy run. Long, cold run (7 miles) planned for Sunday, so I am taking a little breather today. Tomorrow is my rest day and I have been looking forward to it ALL WEEK! Tonight, the boy is coming over for dinner and we are just going to lounge around and watch episodes of It's Always Sunny, comatose on the couch. Tomorrow morning we have a seriously sinful breakfast planned so I am going to be good today and treat myself tomorrow morning - cheat meal and NO counting! Let's see if I can do this without guilting myself. I know that I'm going to really be watching, measuring and protioning anyway, but oh well. I'm determined not to count! And then hopefully in the afternoon a sweet "winter" hike at Devil's Punchbowl while the sun is still up - Hope I can keep myself warm for long enough to get a decent walk in.

    Have a great Friday everyone! The weekend is JUST around the corner.
    Meag :heart:
  • hollydetra
    hollydetra Posts: 50 Member
    Kattungen: To lose 5 lbs :) Starting at 188.5 - want 183.5 by December 1st!
    kvr413: lose 10 lbs, thanksgiving included, which will put me at 169!
    Meggonkgonk: To reach 157 lbs & to run the first 2 weeks of my 10k running program (mileage13-14 and 15-16)
    Emmyworthy: To reach 199lbs, swim 3 times a week, lose 8 inches over all with 1 inch coming from my upper arms
    ksv123: to lose 3 pounds (yes, including Thanksgiving!!), and ramp up my workout routine that I have managed to ignore lately. The workout will include a minimum of 4 days a week of either elliptical or 30 Day Shred.
    GuamGrly (Bethany) - To lose 5 pounds and work out at least 2 times per week.
    meagalayne- To reach 130lbs, complete weeks 2 and 3 of the push-up challenge at my own pace, and run my 8k (Nov 13) under 50 mins
    LostAlyKat (Aly) - To lose 6lbs from 172.6, follow my prescribed food plan, and workout 6 days a week!
    Tjradd73-to lose 9.6lbs, and to continue on with the push-up challenge :)
    allislefttogain: Maintain (120-125 range); no scale until December 1st; 2 days a week with strength/body weight training; run 3-4x a week and run my 10K in 56 minutes or under (be happy with 59:01 or under though!)
    rai8759: loose 3 lbs by Thanksgiving, 5 lbs in total/workout 3x a week 60-90 minutes/5K in 30 min or less/be true to food diary even if i miss a day get right back into it the next day!!
    tai_88: to lose 5 lbs, stopping eating candy for the month and continue working out at least 4 times a week.
    wardiemelissa-my goal is to lose my last 0.5 pounds (taking me to 125 pounds-my wedding weight from 7 years and 2 kids ago), to maintain my weight, continue with my exercise routine (running 3-4 days and strength on off days) and finish my first 10K under 75 minutes on Thanksgiving Day!!!
    spellbinder - Reach 146lbs, exercise 5 days a week, do strength training + crunches + squats 3 days a week, ensure that I don't put on any weight during thanksgiving week!!
    SkierElle- reach 180lbs/exercise every day/limit sweets and desserts (apart from Thanksgiving)
    ttaylortulsa: 8 lbs for month - C25K training 3 days/wk - 30 Day Shred (or equivalent) 2 days/week - YBB vid 1 day/week
    allie7383: to get into the 150's (6.5 lbs away!), workout 6 days a week, and increase my water intake.
    inskydiamonds: (November 1-14): eat vegetables with dinner every night / lose about 5 pounds (November 15-28): make low(er) cal Thanksgiving dishes. Lose at least 4 pounds.
    mcanals123: To drop down to 165 and break my plateau :-)
    finncmh: Lose 1 pound a week- bringing me to 198 by end of the month. Full body lifting routine two days a week. Get to spinning class at least two times a week.
    miss_amy: lose a total of 25lbs, work out 5x a week & eat more fiber & protein.
    purpleprose: lose 5 pounds from 10/29 weight, run the whole 5K on Thanksgiving (no walking), and to eat organic, whole foods at least 60% of the time
    oreganoqueen: brave the gym at least once a week & eat more protein
    coatadaycarrie: finally get down to 145, and to work out at least 5x a week for at least half an hour each time.
    lauratx22- lose 8 pds!
    ottawagirl613: lose 5 pounds to get me halfway to my goal weight of 130 pounds by christmas! also to complete my 15 mins a day of toning exercises EVERY DAY :)! (and squeeze in a few 15-30 min walks a few times a week)
    stuartme123: lose 4 pounds, workout at the gym or attend yoga class lasting 30+ min, 3x a week, keep unhealthy snacking to under 200 calories/day - this includes YOU potato chips!!!
    CraftyGirl4 - Do all the P90X workouts for this month (maybe taking off Thanksgiving Day). Not to step on the scale until Decemeber 1st, 2010.
    vbos~ lose 8lbs, 8 cups of H2O a day, run/elliptical 4x/week, strength train 3x/week, 5k Turkey Trot in 30mins, oh and drink alcohol only once a week!!
    cruan - Stick to my 2 shakes a day, really watch my calories so I don't go over, lose 5-7 pounds, somehow fit some exercise into the craziness that is my life!
    lolahippie-to lose 5lbs!
    Roobean33- to lose 4 pounds and tone up - and bring my hubby along for the ride! :)
    emmarie1630- lose 5 pounds, 3x a week workout, more veggies
    AshleyVeronica - lose 4lbs, DRINK less calories, monitor what I eat holding back, stop eating after 9pm unless it's a weekend
    trebhun - lose 4lbs, and work out more, start exercising again after knee scope surgery (last Thurs 11/4)
    francesstewart1 - lose 3lbs (and join the Dec challenge!)
    seripha - To have an entire week where I eat well and within my calories bounds + exercise for at least 30 minutes 5 x a week.
    SkiptomyLou32: Get to 124 by end of November and then 120 by end of December. Make it to Christmas with no sweets (except Thanksgiving). Keep running through the winter and train for the half marathon in St. Louis in April.
    hollydetra—i WILL stop eating after 9pm. i WILL workout every weekday, whether it's home or at the gym. one of those days will be a run to start prepping for my half marathon in may. i WILL post my weight at the end of December and be proud. i WILL drink more water.
  • spellbinder25
    spellbinder25 Posts: 331 Member
    I need some time to catch up with all of you but in the mean time I have a question for the runners and those who may have any insight.

    I've been trying C25K for a while and now I'm start from week 4 again today, with the intention of doing each week twice. My normal workout schedule for the past 2-3 months has been one of the following on alternate days with:
    C25K + 30 min of elliptical (3 days a week)
    30 min elliptical (2 or 3 days a week)

    I intended continuing this way with the addition of crunches & squats on the days I do the elliptical only.

    I want to be able to run more and was wondering if I should concentrate more on running than the elliptical? The elliptical burns more calories and that's why I prefer that at the moment. But what changes would you suggest to my workout so I can run longer?
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    By run more do you mean more often, farther, for longer, or what? Running 3x per week for a beginner is very reasonable. If you are following the C25K plan, adding in additional elliptical + strength sounds like a find plan to me. Doing the elliptical 6 days a week though could get very boring and your body will probably crave a change. Instead, try doing your C25k + walking, hiking, or some other cross-training (try exercise videos maybe, or swimming/cycling?) on 3 days a week and then elliptical + circuit training/body-weight training for 20-30 minutes on the other 2-3 days.

    If you are progressively increasing your runs through C25K you should be running more as the weeks go on regardless. And this is definitely an adequate amount of exercise to see weight-loss happen, as long as you are eating well, getting water, and just generally being healthy. Good luck!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Hey Spellbinder- Elliptical is very similar to running as far as the muscles you are working goes. I would say focus on doing other non impact workouts when not running. Your running muscles build by tearing and rebuilding when it has time to. I would incorporate Swimming or Cycling if you can on the non run days. Shaking things up will help with weight loss regardless of the calories burned. I hope this helps. I also had teammates do pilates or other floor workouts on non run days.
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    I agree with pretty much everything Aly said. Swimming and cycling are ideal, avoid the elliptical (and walking) as they are not considered cross-training for running. Even just strength training on your running days off is good. Don't try and do too much too soon or you and your muscles will get exhausted! I do yoga as well...mostly for stretching before long run days - I treat it basically as a rest day but want to make my muscles work a bit! Good luck!
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    I suck. Well, not really - I've been hitting it hard this week and couldn't drag my *kitten* out of bed this morning for yoga. I'll stretch, ice (ankle is bad again), heat (back is acting up) and foam roll tonight while watching a movie - It's A Wonderful Life:smile: . Long run tomorrow (in the snow!) and hopefully 5ish miles on Sunday. If I get the long run I want in tomorrow, that 5ish might become more like 1ish :noway: But hey, if I get my way...I'm fine with a shorter run on Sunday. My last few weekends, I've hit a wall (not "the wall") or injured myself and haven't been able to get the distance I wanted in.

    Oh but I did "invent" a new circuit training workout for myself to do it at home. It covers pretty much every area of the body. Did it 5x through last night for about 48 minutes and 800 total repetitions.
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