Types of food you avoid eating while on diet



  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    I stopped eat junk food (Pizza , Mcdonalds, Crisps, Milk Chocolate)

    Anything with grain anything with high refined sugar.

    Sodas full fat and diet.

    I do not crave any of them (I can eat them as and when I like - if I wanted). Sorry to say I just don't fancy them (they've lost there appeal -That's all).

    wtf is a full fat soda?


    Hilarious! That poster is the reason why they put such stupid labels on food. People are ignorant about nutrients.

    Either that or they were using an established shorthand that they know is 'factually' innacurate but that most people in the world will understand without leaping to erroneous conclusions.

    Glad someone else said that, I call it 'fat coke' as well, not because it has fat in it, because it's quicker than saying 'higher in sugar coke'. Everyone knows what I'm on about, and I've never had to explain myself.

    AKA regular soda or pop?

    Right. Around here, we just call it pop. That's quicker to say and doesn't make you sound ignorant.

    I'm not local - well technically I'm always local (from my prospective anyway). If I we're local Pop would mean dad - no wait that's not local for me either.

    Oh I am getting confused.

    So we're agreed then - no heroin on your pizza!!! - great glad we got that straight (can we say that on this site?)
  • ClaudiaTheNice
    Are there any specific foods you stopped eating since you started counting calories or eat very rarely?

    I started my diet very aggressively 5 months ago by not eating at all bread, pasta, potatoes, sweets (expect for sugar for my coffee), butter, any food containing flour, cheese, bacon, ham, etc. I also ate once every two weeks red meat (small portions) and two eggs (I was trying to lower my cholesterol levels). I ate lots of vegetables and fish, low fat milk and yoghurt and fruits. After 1,5 month I started eating spelt bread and pasta (they do not contain gluten), potatoes and last month I started eating again small portions of light cheese and light mayo, a slice of ham now and then and a sweet about once a month. What about you?

    I've cut out cheese. I will reintroduce it at some point, but cheese is something I can't eat in moderation.
  • 34blast
    34blast Posts: 166 Member
    I tend to avoid high caloric foods that are low in nutrition. I try to fill up on lean meats, veggies, yogurt, legumes, wheat bread, 1% milk and some fruit.

    By trying to hit my micro and macro nutrients, it just short of evolved this way. I find it hard to eat pasta, rice, fried stuff, pizza, etc. I do eat those foods sometime in moderation. The only calories I drink is milk or 4 oz of cran-grap or orange juice.
  • lemon629
    lemon629 Posts: 501 Member
    I avoid foods that are difficult for me to eat in moderation and might even trigger a binge, or which make me sick to my stomach:

    potato chips
    macaroni and cheese
    ice cream
    pizza unless gourmet thin crust type
    all pasta dishes, unless the pasta is incidental (like in minestrone)
    eggs (unless an incidental part of the dish, or only just one-- no egg entrees)

    These aren't even foods I normally eat very often anyway, even when not dieting. Just wanting mac & cheese/potato chips/ice cream/ cookies usually is a sign of an oncoming binge. And I have some kind of sensitivity to pasta, eggs, and cheap pizza. I usually get sick within 30-45 minutes of eating either pasta, eggs, and pizza unless it's a gourmet type pizza.

    These foods aren't nutritious anyway, except for the eggs.

    I also avoid baked goods like cake, muffins (cake with another name!), and donuts. I do eat them, but very rarely.

    I also never eat fast food or drink regular sodas (and only rarely diet sodas). This is not a new change, though. I haven't had fast food or regular soda in 5 years. Don't miss either at all.
  • amcozy
    amcozy Posts: 70 Member
    Avoid nothing!
    Everything in moderation including exercise.


    This! :drinker:
  • Toblave
    Toblave Posts: 244 Member
    I avoid all the stuff I hate, like slimy things and crap that tastes bad.
  • mom2kpr
    mom2kpr Posts: 348 Member
    I didn't change what I eat, just how much. I refuse to give up my favorite foods, because I know then I will fail. Smaller portions of all the foods I love. Still working on adding more vegetables to help fill me up.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I stopped eat junk food (Pizza , Mcdonalds, Crisps, Milk Chocolate)

    Anything with grain anything with high refined sugar.

    Sodas full fat and diet.

    I do not crave any of them (I can eat them as and when I like - if I wanted). Sorry to say I just don't fancy them (they've lost there appeal -That's all).

    wtf is a full fat soda?


    Hilarious! That poster is the reason why they put such stupid labels on food. People are ignorant about nutrients.

    Either that or they were using an established shorthand that they know is 'factually' innacurate but that most people in the world will understand without leaping to erroneous conclusions.

    Well-established shorthand? WTF?

    It's awfully complicated isn't it

    "Full fat" is not shorthand.

    This is shorthand:

    Are you autistic?

    No, but being "middle-aged," I still remember shorthand. :wink:

  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I have a few foods on my "eat rarely" list and even more on my "only eat occasionally" list. Most have been on the lists for longer than I've needed to lose weight, though.
  • train_01
    train_01 Posts: 135 Member
    I didn't cut anything completely out. I did decide to drink less soda because it made me feel terrible. I do have one occasionally but not too often. Other than that, I eat what I want and portion it out. (for example, I LOVE potato chips, especially salt and vinegar, so when i buy a bag, i measure out the entire bag into portions and put them into small zippy bags, that way it's much harder to binge...and i've been known to eat an entire bag in one sitting) :)
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I stopped eat junk food (Pizza , Mcdonalds, Crisps, Milk Chocolate)

    Anything with grain anything with high refined sugar.

    Sodas full fat and diet.

    I do not crave any of them (I can eat them as and when I like - if I wanted). Sorry to say I just don't fancy them (they've lost there appeal -That's all).

    wtf is a full fat soda?


    Hilarious! That poster is the reason why they put such stupid labels on food. People are ignorant about nutrients.

    Either that or they were using an established shorthand that they know is 'factually' innacurate but that most people in the world will understand without leaping to erroneous conclusions.

    Glad someone else said that, I call it 'fat coke' as well, not because it has fat in it, because it's quicker than saying 'higher in sugar coke'. Everyone knows what I'm on about, and I've never had to explain myself.

    AKA regular soda or pop?

    Right. Around here, we just call it pop. That's quicker to say and doesn't make you sound ignorant.

    I'm not local - well technically I'm always local (from my prospective anyway). If I we're local Pop would mean dad - no wait that's not local for me either.

    Oh I am getting confused.

    So we're agreed then - no heroin on your pizza!!! - great glad we got that straight (can we say that on this site?)

    :heart: This is why I love the English language! :drinker: :smokin:
  • TayNLansNGraysDad
    TayNLansNGraysDad Posts: 138 Member
    The only thing I cut out was soft drinks. Everything else I eat in moderation.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    I completely avoid gluten type snacks ( Chex mix, yuck), chips, Cheetos ( double yuck), pop tarts, macaroni and cheese, nachos, and that horrible orange plastic cheese, because I can't stand that stuff and wouldn't eat it under any circumstance. On this program, I enjoy pizza, fried chicken, chocolate, roast sweet potatoes with ginger butter, crystallized ginger, rare beefsteak The only foods I don't eat on the program are things I wouldn't eat anyway, like the stuff in the first sentence..
  • erind2017
    erind2017 Posts: 63 Member
    The only thing I have cut out is soda because i just feel like I don't need it. I usually just drink water, milk or orange juice. Everything else I just measure out the serving sizes.
  • ClaudiaTheNice
    Avoided adding cheese to meals that I enjoy without cheese...eg on top of bolognaise, burgers and beans on toast.

    I would eat cheese on pretty much everything. I had to stop that,
  • hasta_la_vista_belly
    Avoid nothing!
    Everything in moderation including exercise.


    This is certainly true.

    And while I agree, I decided a little over a month ago to try the Keto thing (though I do allow free days where I can eat low-fat carbs here and there) and have had a lot of success with it. So that means I cut out most carbs, sugars, things like that and substitute with fat mainly and then moderate amount of protein. So eat things like eggs, bacon, full fat butter, olive oil, low-carb vegetables (try for twice a day), mayo, various meats both lean and some with fat, cheese, berries on occasion, natural peanut butter, unsalted peanuts, etc. I cut out things like bread, sugar, and honestly I don't even miss them. I don't even have times in the day that I feel starving or craving for anything. And you know what? I've lost 10 lbs. since starting this diet, feel great, and don't even miss the foods I left behind.

    So that's what I do.

    P.S. And tons of water. And logging everything. Bought a food scale and it has been extremely useful for measuring accurate servings.

    And yeah...Keto helped get me going where I was otherwise stagnated, but really everything in moderation and exercise is good advice.
  • PhoenixWithoutAshes1
    I stay away from things that I would normally binge on, such as salty crunchy snacks (Hello Mr. Dorito!). I also try to avoid processed foods such as hot dogs and deli meats. But my biggest issue is with those couple of beers that I seem to have on the weekends. I've stopped indulging duruing the week, but come Saturday and Sunday it can be a whole different story!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Avoid nothing!
    Everything in moderation including exercise.


  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    My take is a little different, but I suspect many of the "everything in moderation" commenters would agree.

    I haven't intentionally excluded any foods from my diet. But I have found that there are some foods (that I used to eat often when I was fat) that I just don't like all that much. I rarely or never eat them. I don't miss them and happily spend my calories elsewhere:
    - Juice
    - Sugary soft drinks
    - Chips (especially potato chips)
    - French fries
    - Candy

    Other foods I still eat, but more rarely. When I was fat I would routinely get a couple of McD's breakfast sandwiches in the morning. Sure, I could still fit them in my budget, but I would prefer other foods, so I don't get them. I don't miss them all that much. On occasion I'll have one, say when I'm traveling.

    Other foods, such as ice cream, I eat EVERY DAY. That's pretty much non-negotiable.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I do not avoid anything. I eat less chocolate than I used to but actually eat more ice cream. I also eat soy and I am not Asian!

    You're a lot smarter about food choices than most on this site Sara!!!!
    Don't hate!

    PS the soy/asian thing is my opinion.
    It's a critical thinking thing.