Types of food you avoid eating while on diet



  • Stonskia
    Just started today, but I will cut out eggs Benedict with home fries for Sunday breakfast. It's my favorite food, but I always feel guilty after I eat it, and that's not good.
  • toronto_j
    toronto_j Posts: 206 Member
    Definitely have cut back on juice. I almost never drink it anymore and when I do, I either limit it to half a cup or I mix it with water. Just a waste of calories. I haven't gone near chips either because I can easily binge, but I'm still eating crackers and rice cakes, and I've been able to eat an actual serving instead of the whole bag.

    A big change I've made it just avoiding take-out in general. I cook a lot more and I realize buying my lunch every day meant I couldn't really tell just how much I was actually eating.
  • melodymendis
    melodymendis Posts: 2 Member
    Great points Helloitsdan!

    Especially the part about Soy! I have weird things going on with my thyroid and have completely gotten rid of soy and focus on anti-inflammatory foods, what a difference that makes!
    Yes, moderation and for me, low sugar!

  • silken555
    silken555 Posts: 478 Member
    I try to avoid most fats at all costs since fat equals calories, that being said, somethings just do not work without a little fat and then I use olive oil or a tiny bit of butter during cooking.

    If youre consuming so little fat then you're probably not absorbing enough nutrients. Many are fat soluable only.
  • TayNLansNGraysDad
    TayNLansNGraysDad Posts: 138 Member
    Definitely have cut back on juice. I almost never drink it anymore and when I do, I either limit it to half a cup or I mix it with water. Just a waste of calories. I haven't gone near chips either because I can easily binge, but I'm still eating crackers and rice cakes, and I've been able to eat an actual serving instead of the whole bag.

    A big change I've made it just avoiding take-out in general. I cook a lot more and I realize buying my lunch every day meant I couldn't really tell just how much I was actually eating.

    Special K makes cracker chips, they come in several flavors, and are really good.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I do not avoid anything. I eat less chocolate than I used to but actually eat more ice cream. I also eat soy and I am not Asian!

    You're a lot smarter about food choices than most on this site Sara!!!!
    Don't hate!

    PS the soy/asian thing is my opinion.
    It's a critical thinking thing.

    Not sure where the don't hate thing came from. Also not sure what you mean by the 'its a critical thinking thing'. *shrugs*
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I do not avoid anything. I eat less chocolate than I used to but actually eat more ice cream. I also eat soy and I am not Asian!

    You're a lot smarter about food choices than most on this site Sara!!!!
    Don't hate!

    PS the soy/asian thing is my opinion.
    It's a critical thinking thing.

    :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:
  • mamma_nee
    mamma_nee Posts: 809 Member
    I have only eliminated one thing completely - SUGAR but I do have fruit so some will say that I have not eliminated it lol

    I don`t think our body needs the added sugars .
  • MB2MN
    MB2MN Posts: 334 Member
    I actually think it's ok to cut out some foods entirely, if you genuinely have a problem controlling the intake of certain things. And you can say "well you can't do that your whole life" but thats exactly what recovering alcoholics do. Even though some things provide pleasure, some people cannot control them even in moderation and the bad consequences (obesity, effects of alcohol) outweigh the positive. I'm not by any means saying this concerns the majority of people but for some it is a reality. My mom was addicted to chocolate when she a kid...ate TONS of it. She was gaining weight so she stopped eating it at age 13. It's been 50 years, she has never had a weight problem and has never touched the stuff ever again. She eats everything else in moderation.

    My point being that I really dislike all those judge-y comments that say "don't cut anything, end of story". Not everyone is the same.
  • aclockworkblonde
    aclockworkblonde Posts: 21 Member
    I have changed what I eat, but eat what I want to. its just that my wants have changed. I think of my caloires ike money. if I cant "afford" it or its too "expensve" then I eat what is a better deal.

    Love this analogy!
  • newpalfan
    newpalfan Posts: 17 Member
    I quit eating potato chips and substituted 6 almonds as a snack in the evening. My hunger pangs subsided immediately and I lost weight. After 6 months, I allowed myself to have a day of chips as a reward but then went back to my almonds the next day.

    Everything else is just moderation of diet and exercise.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    My point being that I really dislike all those judge-y comments that say "don't cut anything, end of story". Not everyone is the same.

    I dislike all those judge-y comments that say "waaa waaa I can't control myself". Everyone is pretty much the same and you are not a special snowflake. :flowerforyou:
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I have only eliminated one thing completely - SUGAR but I do have fruit so some will say that I have not eliminated it lol

    I don`t think our body needs the added sugars .

    Our bodies do not know the difference between fruit and other sugar. Because science. :huh:
  • somefitsomefat
    somefitsomefat Posts: 445 Member
    Foods that don't taste good. Anything that advertises itself as "gluten free" or "organic" since hipster foods are annoying.
  • MB2MN
    MB2MN Posts: 334 Member
    My point being that I really dislike all those judge-y comments that say "don't cut anything, end of story". Not everyone is the same.

    I dislike all those judge-y comments that say "waaa waaa I can't control myself". Everyone is pretty much the same and you are not a special snowflake. :flowerforyou:

    OK...well tell that to alcoholics. "If I can have a drink in moderation, you can too! You're not a special snowflake". HA! That would go over.

    And I don't understand that sentiment either...people ARE different. Maybe not in the biological or physiological sense, but mentally? Yes. Obviously everyone CAN (has the physical ability to) eat things in moderation and maintain a healthy weight, but some people struggle much more with the mental aspects that it may be in their best interest to just eliminate them.
  • hammersoaps
    I have changed what I eat, but eat what I want to. its just that my wants have changed. I think of my caloires ike money. if I cant "afford" it or its too "expensve" then I eat what is a better deal.

    Love this analogy!

    This is exactly what I do. At the end of the day, if I have any calories left over I either bank them so I can "charge" a day that I may go over or I just get something I enjoy like a beer or ice cream or something. Somethings too are just not worth the calorie cost. I love those breaded mozzarella cheese sticks, but damn, at 90 calories a piece, I could have so much more of something else. I used to eat 6, plus marinara sauce, plus a can of coke... just for a "snack". -_-; But by golly, if there is a day I really want them, then I will spend accordingly. Most of the time though, it just doesn't seem worth it.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Anything white (except cauliflower).
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    Still waiting for Dan's explanation of Asians' soy digesting powers.
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    My point being that I really dislike all those judge-y comments that say "don't cut anything, end of story". Not everyone is the same.

    I dislike all those judge-y comments that say "waaa waaa I can't control myself". Everyone is pretty much the same and you are not a special snowflake. :flowerforyou:

    OK...well tell that to alcoholics. "If I can have a drink in moderation, you can too! You're not a special snowflake". HA! That would go over.

    And I don't understand that sentiment either...people ARE different. Maybe not in the biological or physiological sense, but mentally? Yes. Obviously everyone CAN (has the physical ability to) eat things in moderation and maintain a healthy weight, but some people struggle much more with the mental aspects that it may be in their best interest to just eliminate them.

    Agreed. It's ignorant to suggest everyone is the same when it comes to willpower. Plenty of people fall victim to mental addictions every day. You can say these people are weak and just crying about not being able to control themselves, but that's akin to me making fun of a gambling addict for his lack of control - at best, it's unhelpful and this site is supposed to be geared towards helping people with their weight loss.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    My point being that I really dislike all those judge-y comments that say "don't cut anything, end of story". Not everyone is the same.

    I dislike all those judge-y comments that say "waaa waaa I can't control myself". Everyone is pretty much the same and you are not a special snowflake. :flowerforyou:

    OK...well tell that to alcoholics. "If I can have a drink in moderation, you can too! You're not a special snowflake". HA! That would go over.

    And I don't understand that sentiment either...people ARE different. Maybe not in the biological or physiological sense, but mentally? Yes. Obviously everyone CAN (has the physical ability to) eat things in moderation and maintain a healthy weight, but some people struggle much more with the mental aspects that it may be in their best interest to just eliminate them.

    Agreed. It's ignorant to suggest everyone is the same when it comes to willpower. Plenty of people fall victim to mental addictions every day. You can say these people are weak and just crying about not being able to control themselves, but that's akin to me making fun of a gambling addict for his lack of control - at best, it's unhelpful and this site is supposed to be geared towards helping people with their weight loss.

    This site is geared toward counting calories. Everything else, including your perceptions, are extra.