Logging through the holidays challenge



  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    I am still logging and feel like that is what is keeping me on track! I did NOT gain while out of town Thanksgiving (thank goodness for the iphone app) because I knew I had to log it! I think dieting during the holidays is the best time to do it because we are tempted so many times with good stuff and if we can stick to it now, the rest of the year should be a piece of cake!! (sorry, can't eat that)

    I agree with you about logging keeping you on track. I HOPE you are right about how sticking to it now will make the rest of the year easier (I won't say "cake"!). I know the logging keeps me on track - like tonight, I am just home, but before I probably would have had a glass of wine or two, just because it is Friday, but now I won't because I don't want to have to log the calories. And I will probably use my exercise bike for a little while even though I don't want to, so that I can have some ice cream later. :laugh:
  • akjean
    akjean Posts: 7 Member
    I'm a little late joining, but I'm in! The iPhone app makes it SUPER easy to log, I just go on and log everything immediately after (or before if I need to find out what to order, etc) I eat. SO THANKFUL for that!
  • tristalin
    tristalin Posts: 108 Member
    Still here. lost another pound this morning & on track to meet my first goal by Dec, 15th! Thanks for this awesome challenge! :flowerforyou:
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    Having a pretty good week and still logging. Missed going to the gym on 2 of my normal work-out days, but I think my snow shoveling sufficed for my exercise. One day I missed because we had nearly 3 feet of snow. Yesterday I missed because I went to Toronto, Canada for the day. Fortunately the snow band had only been a few mile wide so once I crossed the bridge from the US into Canada, there was no more snow. I was a bit concerned about logging my loaded baked potato that I had for dinner on the way home, but I only ate half of it along with a salad.
    Back at the gym this morning and boy what a work out it was. The fans in the room did not work so I really worked up a sweat. I should go walk the dog, but it is so cold outside. Maybe if I have a cup of tea and warm up, I will feel like going out.
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    oh frogmama you are so ambitious! :laugh:
    I shopped today - left the house at 9:30 and got home about 3:30. I got a lot done, so that's good! Just had a 90 calorie bar and a handful of Corn Chex while I was out. But then went out for dinner later. I had a Great Lakes Christmas Ale (16 oz) and it was so good I had another. :drinker: When I logged it, it was almost 500 calories!! :sad: Oh well - I haven't had good, darker beer in a while so it was worth it. Had half of my poached pear salad for dinner, so I was probably still OK. Tomorrow's another day!!
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    I'm sure your light lunch helped balance out the Christmas Ale. Remember "You gotta live"
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,549 Member
    I've been sooooo bad! It started with the nibbles Friday night after I had closed out my food diary for the day-never logged it. Yesterday, DS15 had a swim meet and I was doing great entering everything through my phone-then we went to a movie during the break between pre-lims and finals and four of us split a large butter movie popcorn. I logged it but by the time we finally had dinner, I was a starving raging maniac and just. kept. eating. Everything in sight! I was too ashamed to put in down in black and white and didn't want to run down my phone battery trying to find all that food! So, today was day 2 of the meet and I started out doing well and have logged pretty much everything today but I WANT COOKIES. Looking at the ads and coupons in the Sunday paper-I WANT COOKIES!!! Hoping I can hold out here, but boy the flesh is weak right now!
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    Cardbucfan - hang in there! What's done is done, but don't let that derail you!
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    Just checking in, with this weeks weigh in. I was down over 2 pounds, which puts me just about to where I was before Thanksgiving. I guess I can live with that, since I have really been doing ALL that great with food and exercise. I figure I still have a couple of weeks before the all out holiday eating, so I should be in good shape! (pardon the pun!) :laugh:
  • tristalin
    tristalin Posts: 108 Member
    Back on track today after a wretched past 3 days over over-over-over indulgence. (TOM--get out of my life!@!@!) I think I have myself under control again!
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Had company over the weekend thru Tuesday morning, but Im back on track. I was pretty well behaved even though there were loads of temptations. My brother even taught me how to make some awesome special chicken salad.
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hi, I have not been too bad :bigsmile: but have had a lot of functions to attend and have another one tomorrow night :happy: so its not very easy at the moment......... Just when I start getting back on track something else comes up. Oh well its that time of year lol.
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    I've had a pretty good week so far - NOT a lot of functions or other temptations this week. Let's hope I can keep it up for the weekend and have a good weigh-in on Monday. I AM thinking about mixing up some creme de cacao and almond breeze with ice tonight. We'll see if that hits the spot. :bigsmile:
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    efcdcdb- You drink sounds pretty interesting. Did you try it? I might have given it a try but I already had a glass of wine with dinner, and for once, they filled the whole glass. I enjoyed every drop of it!:drinker: I went out for fish tonight, but I was pretty good and chose the lemon pepper broiled rather than beer battered fried fish. I did endulge in a few french fries too!
  • pamp1emousse
    pamp1emousse Posts: 282 Member
    Hey everyone, just checking in - I seem to be doing alright at the moment and terrified of jinxing it! Had a horrible (REALLY horrible) over indulgence almost a week ago so been super good this week to make up for it. Glad to see everyone's on track!
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,549 Member
    Quick check in. son in hospital post surgery so food options are pretty horrific (how ironic-it's a hospital and there are few healthy options!) So, I'm eating a lot of granola bars, snacking on snack sized cereal and stuff like that. I'm logging it though. I won't be able to do my weigh in until next Sunday though because I'm spending the nights with him and don't see a scale until after I've eaten, gotten dressed etc. Good luck, I'll chat with you all later!
  • akjean
    akjean Posts: 7 Member
    Doing okay logging... even went to a Christmas party last night and logged it! Yeay! Lost another pound this week too. I think it would be a miracle if I continued to lose weight through the holidays! The real test will be when my husband and I go to Alabama for Christmas with family and go see our old college friends.... for two weeks! :)
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    Good job (everyone who has been posting, and logging). I'm still logging. Tomorrow is weigh in day. Had a crazy day today - did a little shopping this morning. Then I was a volunteer usher at a local theater for the matinee (saw A Christmas Story!). Got out of there around 5:15, and had to be where I work Bingo by 5:45 - 6:00. So I just had a quick bowl of cereal in between....now I am home and starving! What to have...what to have...hmmm.....
  • tristalin
    tristalin Posts: 108 Member
    I had a wonderful time making Christmas Cookies with my girls this weekend, but I ate way, way, way too many of them & my scale is reflecting my weakness! I need to stay on track from now on, or I will end up right back where I started!
  • pamp1emousse
    pamp1emousse Posts: 282 Member
    @ cardbucfan - I hope everything's ok with your son, wishing him a speedy recovery! I was watching supersize me last night for the first time and he mentioned that there are hospitals in the us with macdonalds in them :noway: - very strange ... well done for carrying on logging!

    @ akjean - woohoo congrats on the loss! and enjoy alabama - sounds great. Yeah being in company is the hardest, I find. Making compromises + being sociable + yummy food = not easy

    @efcdcdb - omg manic day! I'd be STARVING. this eating 5-6 times a day business means I'm constantly munching and hungry after about an hour without food. Swear I'm getting greedier :tongue:

    @tristali - I'm now having massive cookie cravings :love: sounds like a lovely weekend, but congrats on getting back on track. I'm sure there's no need to panic tho, eating back 72lbs of cookies would be a pretty impressive feat lol

    I've been very good this past week, which I'm happy about. I've been exercising every day for the past 8 or 9 days tho so, given that my gyms closed today for a full refit of equipment (yay!) I'm giving myself 2 days off to recover. When I don't go to the gym it's usually when I end up on massive binges tho (don't know why... maybe it's because I'm always a little in the red, and then I think may as well carry on..), so got to keep myself in check!
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