Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - December Challenge!!



  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member day away from the computer and this thread just BLOWS UP!!! I love reading all the stuff about running and off days...I tend to do strength/cardio (30 day shred) on my off running day with yoga the day before my longer run. Hasn't been the best in terms of exercise this week but I've been under calories each'm ok with that.

    We are going to get our Christmas tree in a bit, then cleaning, off to one of my good friend's daughter's 1st bday party with my girls, and home to hopefully run on the treadmill-if my hubby fixes the belt! (Has a tendency to slip to the right I a crooked runner??????)

    Have a great day Ladies and Gents!!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    QOTD - Hmmm... Not sure how to answer this in a reasonable about of space. Right now I'm a bouncer at a busy nightclub a few nights a week. I have 2 University degrees and a years worth of teaching/graduate work from a research based University in Canada. I left that field, and my free ride scholarship, to pursue more meaningful endeavours that would "feed my soul", so to speak. 12-14 hour days in the library were leaving me feeling isolated and unsatisfied. When I left, the economy was tanked and despite my education it has been near impossible to find a decent job where I can make a difference. The good news is that I have spent the last year unemployed and have had loads of time to lose weight, get healthy, and focus on ME! It's been the happiest year of my life, despite all the financial strain and having to move back with parents after years of being on my own.

    It's crazy the way life turns on you - I definitely had not expected any of this :happy: Ah well! Couldn't be happier!

    Hope everyone has a great Sat! Hiking and spending time with the boy today. Plus my sinful cheat-meal breakfast - which I said I wouldn't count but I've already entered into the recipe function on MFP... :grumble: BRUTAL! I'm so neurotic sometimes...

  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Morning everyone! I am getting ready for my run this morning with my group. Last night we made cauliflower pizza crust, it needed some work but it was actually pretty decent for a pizza substitute. I haven't slept good in the last week so hopefully that will get better this next week. This week we are doing a rebuild of muscles, so we are working out less to allow our muscles to grow. Tonight is Date night with the BF and I am excited to go see a movie and grab yummy food :) We have our 5 year anniversary on the 18th.... not sure what we are going to get each other since it is so close to xmas.

    QOTD: I work as a receptionist/shipping assistant for Live Nation Merchandise. We handle all the merchandise for all the major concerts pretty much in the world. I am hoping I can move up because being a receptionist is kind of boring. Most likely why you see me post on here soo much hehehe. I have a degree in Broadcasting communications, and I originally wanted to be a Radio DJ but its a hard job to get and they are not paid well at all. I am debating about going back to school, but not sure for what just yet.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    So it's my WI/ Check in date. 2lbs down for the week, which puts me both on track for my Dec. goal AND just over my 1/2 way point! *happy dances*

    Other than that, I got through most of my workout schedule this week, and tomorrow is my rest day, so today will be devoted to homework and some chill time with the boy. No huge plans but we might hit the diner down the street and have breakfast for dinner or something similar.

    Aly- Congrats on the Anniv.!

    Meag- Happy hiking!

    Welcome newbs!- Add your monthly goals to the list and check in periodically.

    QOTD: I am an editorial assistant at Penguin Group USA. It's pretty much the sweetest gig ever- I get paid to read (well not much, and I have to do other things) and though it took a couple years (not to mention a good bit of grad school tuition) to get here, it pretty much is awesome.

    Alright, off to spend the day with the boy. TTYL everyone!

  • So they (I dont know who "they" are) say that if you can get through the first three days of eating right, the fourth day is easier. This is what I am hoping :) I ate within my calories yesterday, walked the dog and drank my 64 ounces of water. :) I am going to try to go running today, however I dont know if I am supposed to yet because of my back procedure.

    meagalayne- I used to be a runner, before my back issues. I ran 3 miles 5x a week and 6 miles 1x a week, rest on Sunday. I dont have any great advice unfortunately, I think its important to have running outfits that make you feel good about yourself and some great music to power through. My goal is to get back to my running regimen, as long as my back allows. I felt my best when I was running daily. Below I put my running mix, its a variety of a lot of different types of music. Hopefully this will help you get started :) I cant run without music. If my ipod dies I have to stop...LOL. :laugh:

    Sweet Disposition-The Temper Trap
    Dynamite-Taio Cruz
    We No Speak Americano-Yolanda Be Cool & Dcup
    OMG (feat. Usher Raymond v Raymond
    Hot N Cold-Katy Perry
    King of the Rodeo-Kings of Leon
    TiK ToK- Ke$ha
    Sexy B*tch (feat. Akon)-David Guetta
    Stereo Love-Edward Maya & Vika Jigulina
    American Boy (feat. Kanye West)-Estelle
    Here It Goes Again- Ok Go
    What's Your Name (feat.
    Dirty Little Secrets- The All American Rejects
    You Think I Ain't Worth A Dollar But I Feel Like A Millionaire- Queens Of The Stone Age
    Hung Up- Madonna
    Whatever Happened -The Strokes

    QOTD- I am currently in graduate school for social work. I graduate in May. I do not have any idea what I will do with my degree, but I am enjoying my program.

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Allie - I work in Blood Bank too! Actually I am a generalist, so I work in Hematology and Microbiology as well. Small world! Good luck with graduate're telling me you don't want to do panels all your life? :P
  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Hey All,

    I know I am going to miss people... sorry :embarassed: Computer is broken at home (again) and just havent been able to get it fixed. The fiance has a smart phone so I have at least been able to hop on and log food and exercise. So I am a bit behind with the group though. Realize how much I love and depend on this group now!!!!

    QOTD (from not sure when) I currently run a small home furnishings store. I fell in to it accidentally when I was looking for a job that would allow me to finish my clinicals for my final year of my Masters in Social Work. Needless to say I fell in love with what I am doing. I took a leap of faith and for the first time in my life didnt worry about what everyone else would think and took a year off of school to pursue this and see where it takes me. It is just myself and the two owners and I have just been having a ball. Getting to do a little bit of everything from customer service, working with vendors, interior design, website design, graphic design, window displays, and let me tell you those Social Work skill get put to great use!
    Before I did went back for my Masters I was a behavior specialist for children with Autism- I loved that also but I just got really really physically and emotionally burnt out from it.

    Anyway, so glad to hear how everyone is doing! I had a mini success this week. Got to the gym Thursday night for the first time of serious lifting/strength training in I would say almost a month. I needed it SO bad and it really got me back in the swing of working out again. I LOVE how I feel during and after a good strength training session.

    So yay for a mini success!!!!!

  • rai8759
    rai8759 Posts: 296 Member
    Hey ladies! Back from days at work where God decided it was time for my hospital floor to BLOW UP! It was jumpin the whole time, but nothing makes coming home feel better than working your *kitten* off at your job so I'm happy. :happy:

    Cait - Way 2 get back into strength training. I feel like that is so important for your metabolism, but it is hard to get it in regularly on a busy schedule.. Since I don't get to the gym 3x a week I really need to brainstorm about ways 2 get it done @ home. Right now I'm only consistently doing the push-up challenge - and I just started that!!! Eventually I'll be doing body circuits, but my push-up power needs to be a lil more impressing. :laugh:

    Sounds like you've got a good thing going at that store!! Its so nice to have a job that refreshes and challenges you!

    30poundsto30 - What kind of dog do you have?? I've got a lab mix @ home that has similar markings as the dog in your pic. I really need to get a picture of her up here bc I think she is the cutest ever!!! lol.. just a bit biased. I really love some of the songs on your play list... like every one I recognize~ I'm in love with songs that pump me up! Even when I'm not exercising. I've specifically run to TiK ToK and Dirty Little Secret.. so fun. Sometimes I catch myself trying to run in beat which is not always good, lol. Fergalicious is a fav of mine when I'm up in the gym just workin on my fitness. I blow kisses...anyway

    Gonks - Great loss this week!! Have fun chillaxin. I'm looking forward to my rest day tomorrow also.

    Kat - Have fun on your date. What movie are you gona see? There are sooo many movies I want to see in theaters... Tangled being one of them. I wish the movies weren't so expensive! gah! My hubby and I usually wait until movies come out at our neighborhood dollar theater... you see the movies a lot later but you only pay like 2 bucks... even if the place has smelled like pee once or twice :embarassed:

    I wouldn't sweat the sweets if they are in your calories allowance. I woke up this morning to a very interestingly decorated camel shaped ginger bread cookie my husband left for me labeled “Nate's Christmas Alien Camel”. Bwahaha! So funny I had to eat it! It was yummy... but I know I'll be burning that off later 2day.

    One more thing... how do you make cauliflower pizza?? would love to know!

    Guam - You get it girl!! I second Roo in saying that you are awesome. I'm married no kids, 1 dog and I have trouble meeting my goals.. With everything on you plate (esp raising children) you are still saying I will not quit! I salute you.

    Lunch Ideas: I make a dinner kind of meal that I love and split it into portions in the fridge. For example last month I made Lower-Cal Lasagna and ate off it throughout the week. Also (please no one hate me for this) I buy Chunky Soups with the pop-top and take them to work with a bowl and microwave it there. MMMmm Love Sirloin Burger with Veggies or Grilled Chicken with Sausage Gumbo (this one I just spilled all over myself last night at work and seriously contemplated eating it off the floor... soo good!) Start @ 240 calories per can. I also like Progresso's lentil soup. I think that is 320 a can but I can almost never finish it since it is so filling!!

    Meag – Hope the doctor will be able to help. Do you get hives when exposed to the cold? My mother in-law does and she says it is more of an allergy. Have fun on your rest day. That b-fast sounds yummy!!! My husband LOVES Always Sunny in Philadelphia... I find I get anxiety just watching them screw up and humiliate themselves, lol.. have similar feelings about The Office (which he also loves).

    QOTD: I am a labor and delivery nurse which I really love! The hours are kind of rough, but I really love helping women have babies!! I initially went to nursing school just wanting to have a job with a steady pay check in a less than steady economy, but wound up really finding my niche. I think one day when I retire I'd like to open my own store of some kind – like a florist or candy store. I'm not sure. Just something a little more low-key.

    So.. ladies...:smokin: circa Demetri Martin (man he makes me pee my pants!!) Having a decent week so far. Will be up in the gym today for some elliptical and circuit training. Also doing day 2 of the 100 push-up challenge. Waited 2 days in between instead the first day of 1 since I was so incredibly sore. Sunday rest day. Monday WI. Feeling like my work-outs are kind of schizophrenic, but I feel like getting up and doing something is more important than cohesion.

    Making either shrimp stir-fry or cheddar baked chicken for dinner tonight. Feeling kind of blah the past couple days. I think it has to do with not taking my multivitamin and/or not eating 2 many veggies. That is a down fall for me. I'm not much of a veggie or fruit eater.

    Been doing great with my water goals - Carrying a reusable water bottle with me so I can count throughout the day. Been @ 10 or more most days.

    Did a walk/run yesterday. I didn't have a really solid plan for how much I was going to walk or run when I started. Wound up doing 0.79 mi run then 0.79 mi walk until I hit a lil over 3 mi. After doing my times turned out I was running @ like 6 mph!! Normal pace for me is 5-5.2 mph. At first I was impressed, but then I realized that was probably why it was hard for me to do more than 0.79 mi. Need to pace myself.

    Also need some help since my knees started to hurt this week. Doing run/walks and turbo jam (its been hard for me to get to the gym this week for elliptical)... so that is a lot of jumping around. The trainer at my gym said that I needed to strengthen my quads so my knees wouldn't hurt. Anybody have good exercises for that?? Squats and lunges come to mind, but if there are other things out there I'm willing to try. However I do not have a bike or access to a pool.

    Sorry this is so long :blushing: Had a lot of catching up to do!!

    Rachel =D
  • Hey :)
    How's everyone doing today? I have my weigh in again tomorrow! Wish me luck! :D
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Not much time to check in but here goes nothing...

    Rachel - I am taking my mom and daughter to see Tangled next weekend. We are going before noon so that its only half price. I also want to see Love & Other Drugs. I think thats the movie the boy and I will see next time we make it to the movies...which probably won't be for a few weeks.

    Meag - hope you enjoyed your hike. I need to start looking for places that I can take the kids hiking with me...just to get us out of the house.

    Gonk - great job!! I have been doing good food-wise today and will be out dancing with the girls tonight so I know I will burn some calories then. Just need to make sure I burn more calories than I consume in alcohol.

    QOTD - I am the customer relations manager at a Ford dealership just a few miles away from the beach. I started at the dealership about 7 1/2 years ago as a cashier and have slowly worked my way up. I am not particularly fond of what I do because I feel like a therapist cause I just listen to customer's problems all day long. But I will be graduating with my bachelor's in business management in June. I was supposed to graduate last month but the school got some things wrong and told me I was done when I actually had more classes to take. I am not too sure what I want to do when I graduate. I think I want to work for an organization that makes a difference in people's lives. I have worked too long for people that are only interested in getting lots of money in their own pockets. I want to make a difference.

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend!!

  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    30poundsto30-hey, the push-up challenge that I am doing (along with a few others on this thread) is , it is quite a challenge to say the least!! lol as far as my crunches go, its just my own thing, i like to be sure to get all of the areas!

    Allie-great goals!

    Gonks-thanks for the tupperware idea...i needed something to tell my mom for X-mas! and congrats on your 2lbs and your half way point, that is so great!!

    Meag-get some sleep girl!! If the boys are noticing you know it must be true!!

    hollydestra-welcome to the thread/site and great goals you've got set!

    Spell-when i had a trainer and was training for my 10K she told me not to do the elliptical, that is was NOT the same as running! she said only use the treadmill or actually run on ground or a track for my cardio days, and then of course don't forget your strength/resistance days!

    Guam-you got it girl!! I hope she follows suit easier than expected!! i know how hard things can be (single mother here) but you are a strong person and you are going to get through it :)

    Rhammond-welcome and great goals!!

    CaptainJim-good luck on your weighin tomorrow!!

    QOTD-i am a Respiratory Therapist in Medical ICU, I have been doing this for over 8 years and although it can get physically and emotionally exhausting at times, its really a great job :)

    AFM-still doing good on the eating, and I did my push-ups and 130 crunches one more in the next 3 days to hit week 1 of 1 on it!! Great job to everyone else that I didn't mention and good luck to you all!!
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Hey all!

    Wow! We are an awesome group of 20 somethings!!!! Reading all that you've accomplished is amazing! :o)

    It has snowed so crazily...omg! Its been insane! We have 7...maybe 8 inches here in Central IL. My house is sooo cozy when its snowing though! I love being on the couch, staring out the bay window at the huge flakes of snow! :o)

    Tonight was rough. Don't get me wrong, I love time with my boys more then anything in the world. They are my everything. We had the most amazing day. Snuggling with breakfast in bed, watching old tv shows, went to the gym where I got to swim laps for 30 minutes and splash with the men. Then we headed to Mickey D's for even more fun! The tunnels there are for adults too! I love getting in there and playing with Grady. A few groceries then home. We baked and played and had a great day. But sometimes it hits me so hard...Grady's autism. We got into a bit of a disagreement when he made a mess tonight and it ended up with me trying to show him how to clean it up, him not understanding, shutting down and us both in tears. It hurts SO bad. He functions at more of an 18 month old level then a 3 year old level and so many actions have to be hand over hand. He is so smart. But as a mom...sometimes its just plain hard! Ah well...when he finally was coming out of his glassed over fog, he crawled over to me and asked for a hug and kiss...which made me cry! :o)

    I feel pretty worn out tonight so I'm not going to reply to everyone...but seriously, you are all amazing...I'm so impressed by the awesome group we have! :o)
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    TaraMaria-I can imagine the struggles that you must have with raising your son on def takes a special person to be able to do a good job at it! Sounds like even though it is hard've got it down!! so great job for that and keep on being a good momma!! :)
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Just marking my spot for now...

    Very, very long few days. Incredibly awesome but I'm missing my MFP time :ohwell: I really miss reading all your posts and I promise to get caught up tomorrow!

    Quick selfish update... Had a BRUTAL food day today. I said I wasn't going to count, but I did anyway. About 500 cals over, which sucks big time. Was technically my "cheat" day, and hopefully all my extra working out this week is going to balance it out, but definitely not expecting a great day on the scale Monday. Next weekend is looking to be just as bad.

    Fri/Sat are becoming increasingly more difficult now... My boy spends the night Friday, we have dinner and hang around and then in the mornings we have breakfast together, which is usually oatmeal (great for me) but today we had french toast with my parents and it was a caloric disaster. Had an amazing day outside together scoping out a really sweet town about 30 mins from here (for moving potential in the future). Worked tonight, keeping me up a solid 21.5 hours, which means more eating...

    Definitely not good. On the bright side, long run tomorrow. 7 miles and I need to burn every last one of those calories I ate today. Far too much snacking and dessert. Argh! :grumble: Back on track!!

    Hope everyone else is having an easier time being good. It only took me three months on MFP to finally crumble under pressure and have a really bad day... Hope it's the last one for a while!

    I'll be back tomorrow to catch up with everyone else. Be good :bigsmile:
    Meag :heart:
  • rai8759
    rai8759 Posts: 296 Member
    Meag! Don't sweat it girl. One cheat day since you started mfp?!! Puhleeze! You are doing so good! Please don't worry or beat yourself up. 7 miles tomorrow! From the short time I've been mfpals with you I see a girl totally on fire 2 get fit. One little day is not going to change that. Of course I'm not giving you an excuse to do that every day lol, but what is past is past and you really planned well with your 7 mi run the day after.. you will just burn those calories away.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    30lbs- I’m not sure there’s a magic day that eating right becomes easier but certainly after making the choices a number of times, your go-to food choices do become healthier rather than not.

    Cait- That sounds AWESOME!!! It’s so rare to just find a job you love- it’s so brave that you stuck with it despite the reactions of people around you.

    Rachel (Rai) --> That’s what I’m going to call you to distinguish you. I amuse myself—If you have knee pain, there is a stretch that I found in Tai Chi designed for knees. Stand feet close together, bend and place your hands on your knees. Circle 3-6 times toward each side. It feels ridiculous, and not like its doing anything, but I have noticed a big decrease in knee pain when I do it.

    Also- strengthen your quads by going up every stair you see!

    Mike- How you feelin today?

    Bethany- wtg on school and work! Hard combo! I’m glad you are having a good day-I hope dancing was fun!

    Tara- I’ve got no helpful words for you. Autism is just plain hard. <<Big Hugs>> One thing he clearly knows is how much you love him, and that’s what’s important

    Meag- don’t worry too much about balancing it out. You do so well during the week- you’ll be really surprised what one big day can do for you. It can actually help kick your metabolism right in the fanny! Esp with the long run tomorrow.

    Happy sunday everyone!

  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Thanks Rai and Gonks! I feel better about it today - much better actually. In the long run, my "cheat" day yesterday was about a million times healthier than a normal day would have been 1 year ago, and I was very adamant about making healthy choices at dinner and for my night-time snacks before/after work. I had oatmeal, fresh veggies, hummus, some bulgar wheat salad, and an apple after my awfulnes at breakfast and few bites of desserts here and there to balance out my day. I guess it was just those few bad choices that piled up and made me feel like a bit of a failure. But you're absolutely right, Gonks - I am sure it won't be the end of the world and it may even give my body a kick in the *kitten*. Considering I was a few hundred cals under on Friday, hopefully it evens out. Today should be good as well!!

    Uhmm so how is it that we are ALL such awesome successful brilliant women and no one ever thought to ask how we spent our days?!? I am so impressed by all of you and I loved hearing about your careers/vocations in life :happy: It's incredible to hear how many of you are working really emotionally and physically demanding jobs and still keeping up with this lifestyle. I commend all of you. I am not so sure I could do what you do. And to those of you who work in health care, big big ups -- I used to work in research at a Geriatrics hospital and I couldn't imagine working on one of the floors with patients. I see how nurses, docs, aides, etc give SO much of themselves for the patients and I am truly in awe :flowerforyou: You ladies are amazing! Those of you with kids... Wow! That's a whole 'nother ball game. I bow down in awe and wonder :tongue:

    Also - hot damn we're a bunch of smart ladies in general! How many graduate students/degrees between the lot of us? Phew! We are a group to be reckoned with, that's for sure. The downside is that I found with all my dedication to school, volunteering and politics (in the day) I was remiss to focus on my own self, my health, and often times making myself truly happy. Perhaps that's the plight of an independent successful woman these days - trying to find balance!

    Cait - Hope you enjoy your lifting and strengthening! I am trying to do mine 3x a week, so maybe we can keep each other on track? I have trouble getting motivated because I dread the muscle pain, but I know I feel super accomplished after the fact. Let's stay on each other's case about it! :wink:

    Rai - IASIP makes me a total mess! I laugh so hard that I cry and my boy usually has to pause the show mid-way so that we can have a laughing fit and then resume without missing any action. It's absolutely the best show on television! And it's the only thing I will take time out of my day to actually sit down and watch. I love it! As for hives and cold, thankfully not. Honestly I just lose all feeling my in hands and feet and then they get tingly, numb and after a few mins start burning and become very painful. Once they are cold they are impossible to warm up until I am inside a warm building for 20+ minutes and can devote time to warming them. It's really frustrating. After walking about 750m in the cold yesterday my feet were in total agony :ohwell: Not really too sure what to do. Drs appt for sure!

    For strengthing your quads: stairs, lunges, squats. From my experience, running downhill tends to work your quads pretty hard, and uphill tends to isolate your hamstrings. Alternating and running some hills when you can, up and down (not just on the treadmill), can help to work different muscle groups and also helps to challenge your cardio and vary your workout. They don't have to be massive hills but just long steady inclines or short bursts. Give it a try :happy:

    Guam - Hiking with the kids sounds wonderful! I absolutely LOVE hiking as an activity because it's active and gives me lots of quality time with the boy. It's quiet and we can chat, we can challenge each other to race to the top of hills (were a bit like children in that sense) or just walk/cilmb speedily for a hour or two and get a good burn. The scenery is such a nice bonus :happy: It's also a great way to explore the places around you that you wouldn't normally get to see. In the last year I have seen so much of my surrounding region via hiking and walking and it's been really wonderful. Good luck!

    Tara - You sound like an amazing mom doing an amazing job! I second what Gonks said - Autism is just plain hard. I'm glad you feel comfortable enough to share your struggles here. I really hope that it helps knowing you have a group of supportive ladies to listen and comfort you when needed. <<HUGS>>

    OK I'm late for my long run. Tried to catch up!! Much love to everyone. Enjoy your Sundays and we'll back to our first FULL week of December tomorrow - Hope y'all are ready! :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker:
    Meag :heart:
  • rai8759
    rai8759 Posts: 296 Member
    Meag and Gonks - thanks for the tips ladies!! I'll hafta try that Tai Chi stretch AND doing some stairs/lunges/squats.. Turbo Jam is almost all squats. Did it yesterday and had zero knee pain so maybe its getting better? I like the up-hill jogging and running up every stair I see (lol) the most since I can just slip that in with regular routine.

    Gonks - Just don't call me late for dinner :laugh: How is it that we weren't friends til today?!! major problem. glad it is now fixed. yay!!

    Happy Sunday ladies. Got a busy rest of the day ahead of me, but am plugging my calories away. WI day tomorrow!!! whaaa! Kind of excited... kind of wanting not to care. lol.

  • finncmh
    finncmh Posts: 290
    Rachel (Rai) – I am keeping my fingers crossed on this job. It is so nice to have a job that I love coming to every day and all that good stuff. So hopefully it will keep going that way.
    As for the strength training- I can only get to the gym two times a week because of my weird hours at the store and their hours at the gym. So I met with the owner of the gym and he helped me come up with a training program to start that would allow me to still get enough lifting in. I usually lift Tuesdays and then either Thursday or Friday as my second day. It is a full body lifting routine that usually lasts me about an hour. So it works out for my schedule. I LOVE lifting and am a big believer in it boosting your metabolism and you also burn more fat from lifting than with cardio because your muscles are repairing themselves for up to 48 hours after your lift so you are still burning calories that whole time. I think it is all about the balance of a good routine. Someone once told me “Counting calories is to see a change in the scale, cardio is to have a healthy body/life, and lifting is for burning fat” it really makes sense and if you can balance all three of those your are SET! And good luck with WI tomorrow!!!

    Mike- good luck with the weigh-in today!

    Bethany- I totally hear you on being a therapist to your customers! Some days are worse than others. Good for you on going back for your Bachelor’s degree that is AWESOME! You are so kick *kitten* with everything you do- raising your kids, committing to a healthy lifestyle, and working on school. Awesome job

    Tara (TJ) you are just rockin it out girl. Keep it up! I love reading about all of your challenges and am so appreciative of the effort you have put towards challenging me

    Tara (Marie) still waiting for our first real snow here…. Enjoy those cozy moments. I have so much respect for you right now. Working with children with autism I only have a very small understanding of what you go through. But I am in such awe of how much love and compassion that emanates when you write about your son. That had to have been such an incredible moment that you shared with him when he came over for a hug. I cant say it enough- you are absolutely incredible!

    Meag- agreed with everyone else. You cant beat yourself up just get right back on the wagon! You are too incredible to get yourself down about this!!! You totally nailed with your words about this group. You have a nack for summing up what I am thinking
    Would love to keep on each other about lifting. Its so funny because I am get myself worked up about running and how that will feel but I LOVE lifting and how I feel. I like the hurt muscle feeling that night and the day after. Its my sign that my body is working hard to repair and burn calories!

    Gonk- thanks so much for the kind words! It was tough at first but so well worth it! Your job sounds pretty sweet as well! And so does living in the city. I get to go down once and a while for work and then I get to live in a gorgeous rural area… best of both worlds for me

    AFM- just plugging along. Doing well getting back in to strength training now just need to come up with a better walk/running schedule to incorporate that in better! Keep up the great work all!!!!
  • Hey Girls! :) I did my weigh in, only lost 0.9 lbs :( Oh well, at least it's still something ^^
    I was just about to put up the Christmas tree (generally takes 2 hrs or so) could I count that as exercise? If so, what would I put it under?
This discussion has been closed.