

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Barbie: I like your “do it now” happiness commandment. :flowerforyou: We need to update our wills, too. It hasn’t been done in decades.:blushing:

    Meg: Having the coffeepot right next to my desk would have led to all sorts of food sins in the past, but now that I’m living a healthier lifestyle, I could handle it without adding tons of sugar and snacks. I really like to zone activities in my life. For example, I did all my schoolwork for teaching at school including grading and lesson planning, so I was free to rest or play at home. If I have trouble sleeping at night, I get up. I don’t want my body conditioned to being restless in bed. It works for me.:flowerforyou:

    Michele from NC: The medically trained among us will know more than me, but I think your theory makes sense. My body does not cool itself through sweat very well in high humidity and I suspect that could cause the heart to work harder. We have a Chinese restaurant here that adds more of the main course when you skip the rice. I think it is an excellent deal for the customer. My kids prefer texting as the communication of choice, so we have started texting with them. :ohwell: I also prefer email for all of my friends and relatives. Two of my cousins don’t use the internet at all as far as I can tell. It is telephone or nothing with them. Because of facebook, I probably know more about their kids lives than they do.:glasses:

    Rori in CO: Of course the Girl Scouts are a subversive group in the view of the folks who want to keep women “in their place.” Girl Scout programs teach young women to value themselves, to be strong and independent.:drinker: Thank goodness for Girl Scouts.:flowerforyou:

    Sue in TX: I’ve been surprised at how much I enjoy retirement. The biggest improvement in my life is the absence of exhaustion. Teaching took 9 to10 hours a day and I had a two-hour round trip commute on top of that. Now I wake up and think of fun things to do.:bigsmile: :drinker:

    Carol in NC: I hope you get the rest you need.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: I hope you are able to get your rest. It seems that several of our MyFitnessPal friends are grappling with fatigue. I hope all of you are able to get needed rest.:flowerforyou:

    JB in Portland: I’m delighted to hear you’re “back in the groove” and enjoying it.:bigsmile: :drinker:

    Momsamodel: We don’t snack much any more, but when I’m entertaining I like veggie trays and dip. The dip is full of calories, but I’ve reduced the fat a little bit and eliminated added salt. Raw veggies are low or no sodium, high fiber, and low calorie. They’re yummy. Salsa is another reasonable choice with veggies. Guacamole dip is yummy and contains healthy fats from the avocados. Add in fresh fruit such as grapes, berries, apples, & cherry tomatoes. Nobody needs to go hungry and nobody will overdose on fat or salt. Watch out for chips and crackers. They have not been our friends and are often high in calories, salt & fat.:grumble:

    Anamika: I bookmarked the yoga pose link. Thanks! I’ll look at it more seriously later.:flowerforyou:

    Cynthia: Congrats on the blood sugar and blood pressure results!:flowerforyou:

    LinC: I’m happy that things are going well for you these days. It seems obvious that you enjoyed your “roughing it” vacations when your kids were growing up. We did, too. You’re right that those vacations create lifelong memories. :flowerforyou:

    Grandmallie: We’ve been happy with Super 8 accommodations many times. They vary in quality, but have always been clean and have been pet friendly. We’ve also had good luck with Best Western, La Quinta and Holiday Inn. For us, pet friendly is the deciding factor. We travel with our dog. Many of the big chain hotels are actually individually owned and operated. They have to meet certain basics but there are differences in room size, décor and other amenities. Sometimes they’ve been shabby, but they’ve always been clean. We check carefully when we check in. The uncertainty and need for diligence is one of the main reasons DH is eager to buy an RV.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: I’ve been going to a local barber to get my hair cut for several years. He may be moving across the country in the near future, so I’ll be looking for someone new, too. All I need is an excellent cut, but it is hard to find someone who is highly skilled. I don’t color my hair, and it is getting whiter and whiter. It seems to suit me. :smile: We’ve taken one extended family vacation and I’d be willing to do it again. We rented a beach house so each couple had their own room. That would be our two kids and their spouses, DGD, and us. It worked out quite well. It wasn’t cheap as a total bill, but compared favorably with three hotel rooms plus eating out. It was great to be able to do our own cooking and launder clothes as needed. DH is a snorer, and it didn't solve that issue.:frown: :ohwell:

    DeeDee: What a coincidence. We’re getting pedicures today, too. Enjoy!:bigsmile:

    Kayzoola: Give your mom my best. DH had a stroke last year. Very scary, and it affected his vision. It could have been much worse, though, and we consider ourselves lucky. I hope your mom doesn’t have any disability because of her stroke.:flowerforyou:

    Pat in OH: I’m sorry you have torn or pulled muscles to deal with. Prednisone is no fun. 2013 gave me two injuries from falls that are slow to heal. I see improvement, and that is good. At least I haven’t had to take medications for them.:flowerforyou:

    I almost missed yoga this morning because I lost track of time. I did make it, barely. I’m grateful my yoga instructor is still holding her Thursday classes. I get an individual lesson frequently because others don’t show up.

    I’m out of time this morning, and sorry for those I missed. Have a great day.:drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    February goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Move more: cardio at least 3 days a week and strength training as soon as I am able.
    3. Water: According to an article I saw on facebook, drinking water at certain times maximizes its effectiveness for the body. I’ll work toward following these guidelines:
    * 2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
    * 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
    * 1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
    * 1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Finally we are supposed to get some real rain...Maybe as much as two inches. I'm thankful!

    It's hard teaching this week. I have 16 students and have had 7 absent 3 of the 4 days. The other day it was 4. It's pretty hard to get anything accomplished that way. I pray that they all get well over the weekend.

    Gotta get back to work. I have been letting them read books for 20 minutes, so it's time to do something else.

    Eileen near San Diego
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Good Morning. We are back to the cold and sounds like going to be really bad over the weekend. Last evening we took DS, DDIL, and DGS out for supper as today is DDIL birthday. It was nice and I did well and did not over eat.

    Alison and Jill--all I have ever gotten was the upper back and neck massage. I have often wounder about my feet. Not sure about the full body. But what I get does make me feel so much better. Like I am being pampered.:flowerforyou:

    yanniejannie-- Great NSV!! Gwen is so lucky to have you looking out for her.:smile:

    Cynthia--Good Luck on your tests today. You have been doing so well and I bet that will show in the test results. Just read your tests were good. Congrates.:smile:

    Heather--Hope you feel better soon.
    Jane--Hope you and family are on the way to good heatlh.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia--Prayers to you and DH and that you get answers as to what to do next.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie--does sound like you have things in order. I have started to put things together and just have to make myself finish. Thanks for the reminder to just get things done. I did get my desk cleaned and check book balanced yesterday after work. Feel good about that and the face the checkbook came out the first time. So that should be my reason for doing it more often.:smile:

    Meg--I have noticed that when I get off at 6 pm it is not as dark as acouple weeks ago. With the time change next month that should help.

    Tartaniass--I agree with Meg that somethings are worth the extra calories long as you get back on track. Enjoy!:drinker:

    Carol--Prayers and hugs!:heart:

    Joyce--hope things get worked out for your summer vacation. It is nice that all of you get to go. I would love to do that with our children but I can not get them in the same place for a holiday, never work for a vacation. I agree that men can be so funny about money. My DH does most the food shopping and he is always looking for sale things. I have told him that is not always the best and he is slowly learning that.

    jp--sounds like you are on track. If you run out of things to Spring clean I can give you my address.LOL:laugh:

    Kayzoola--Sorry to hear about your mom.That sounds so scary. Sure hope she improves I know that with my dad this last 6 months has been alot of ups and downs and now he is doing alot better. My sister takes earplugs with her all the time. Says she wears them everynight. We sleep with the radio on low as my ear ring when there is nothing.

    Pat--I understand about the torn muscle. I did that several weeks ago on my left side. It is still sore if I move wrong and doctor said that only time will heal. All I did was stand up from a low seat on some bleachers. I about passed out it hurt so bad. . :sad:

    I can hardly waite until 6 and time to get off work. This is my 6th day in a row and most were 12 hour shifts. I have the next two days off and going to be busy. Have an appointment to get my nails done in the morning and chiropractor after that. Then going with DDIL to get decorations for DH's open house on Saturday. When I get off this evening we are going to go to Sam's and pickup most of what I need for Saturday. Sounds like we could get some snow and be really cold. I hope not or I will have enough cake for a month.
    Have a safe evening and keep on logging and drinking the water.
    Blessed! Vicki GI NE:heart:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI all.
    Can`t believe it`s afternoon.Been sleeping off and on most of the day.This really sucks,being sick.
    Thanks for the well wishes all.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Vicki we are a very close family. Our parents were the best parents and people in the world and they instilled family into us. When all of us kids were just starting in our professions it was clear that we would never be bale to get together for a holiday. My husband and I worked in a pharmacy and then my Dad and two brothers were preachers. My sister was the only one with a normal job, preschool teacher. All of these jobs require us to be working a holiday. So we decided that we wouldn't have Christmas on Dec 25th. That's just a date on a calander. We set a particular Saturday at the beginning of January that we have it on. Everyone knows up front to make sure they have that off. My brothers can got o their in laws for Thanksgiving and if available even Christmas. Then it's time for the Petersons to gather and have a wonderful time. It's a win/win situation.

    Katla right now the fatigue is from my medicine. I know MS can cause fatigue but I really don't have that much of it anymore once I started dieting and exercising. Who knew!!!! Well my doctor did, she encouraged me enough years. I used to be on Ritalin for it and really didn't think it helped that much.

    Those chocolate Cadbury mini eggs are still calling to me

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Ginryl
    Ginryl Posts: 35
    Wow we are sure moving along on posting. Seems like we get to 500 really quick. Wonder if the others do it that quick. Bet not as this is the best one I have read. :flowerforyou:
    I haven't been on since last week. DH had cold or flu & I started getting it then Grand-kids came & i baby sat they had a stomach virus. Wouldn't you know it I caught both of these at same time. Still trying to get over them.
    Should have lost 5 pounds(couldn't eat or drink anything for 48 hours) with the stomach virus alone, but no stayed same weight :sad: At least didn't gain any.
    Been fun reading the post from all of you. Still trying to get to know everyone.
    Want to thank all of you that have befriended me via email, more are welcomed. I really am so grateful for all of the support. I look forward to logging on my computer everyday & seeing what's in my email & getting to MFP to catch up.
    Hope you are all having a great Thursday :smile:
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Joyce, you and I need an egg strategy! :laugh:

    Going to bed now, friends; hope everyone sleeps well and :flowerforyou: wakes up healthy (or healthier) tomorrow.

  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    There are so many times that I'm glad that I can't have chocolate and Easter is one of them :laugh: It keeps me away from those pesky Cadbury eggs. I've had to do without chocolate for so long that I don't miss it. Good luck to those that battle the eggs.

    I did strength training tonight and my muscles feel it. It's a good feeling.

    So happy that it's Friday tomorrow but it's supposed to be sooooooooo cold this weekend.

    Off to bed early

    :heart: Sandy in ON
  • kayms13
    kayms13 Posts: 47 Member
    This cold weather is really getting me down. We just can't shake the cold weather here in the Midwest. :grumble: Wish it would at least warm up enough to melt the ice on my driveway.

    Pennie, I hear you about being sick and not losing weight. Seems my metabolism shuts down completely when I'm sick.

    I can't remember who commented on trying to figure out how to download books onto their tablet. I've got the same problem. I loaded a program that a friend tried, but haven't taken the time to figure out what to do next. Another friend told me she gets library books on her tablet. I'll have to figure that out sometime too.

    I did have to learn how to text on my phone, as that seems to be the main way my children want to communicate. It really is kind of nice sometimes when I want to tell them something, but don't have time for a phone conversation.

    Sounds like I'm not the only Cadbury mini-egg fan. :love: Hard to pass them up. I did save enough calories today to have a glass of wine while I watch Grey's Anatomy though :drinker: Have a good night!

    Kay in frozen WI
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Double yippee…….on the way home from line dance class today, I stopped at the post office and mailed the income tax papers to the accountant, so that resolution for February is officially completed.

    :flowerforyou: Anamika, I know some of the poses on your favorites list and I like them
    mountain, cobra, tree, standing forward bend, and some others.

    :flowerforyou: Jb, one of my “rules” right now is “no peanut butter in the house”…….then Sasha came back from her dental work with a bottle of pills….we give the dogs pills with peanut butter so I bought a small jar…….Jake and I had an interesting conversation about what to do with the peanut butter when the pills were gone…..I hate to waste food and considered changing my rules and eating some peanut butter til he suggested just giving it to the dogs as a treat from time to time until it was gone…he saved me from myself.:bigsmile: :heart:

    :bigsmile: Cynthia, congrats on your test results

    :bigsmile: Lin, that’s great----the more you move, the more you lose.

    :flowerforyou: Heather, reading when I can’t sleep is always a good remedy for me….either I fall asleep or I feel that my time awake was well spent…….my blood pressure is always higher at the doctor because I am stressed.

    :flowerforyou: DeeDee, the DVD “Yoga for Beginners” with Rodney Yee got me started doing yoga….He explains the poses as well as leading a great 25 minute easy yoga routine.

    :flowerforyou: Momsamodel, when I changed my eating habits, I changed how I cooked and what I serve to people….I gave away all my baking pans and ingredients and when people come to our house I served baked chicken with steamed veggies and fruit for dessert. I buy foods that house guests select so they can make their own breakfasts.

    :flowerforyou: Katla, a few years ago someone suggested to me that the month of our wedding anniversary would be a good time to review our wills each year in case they need to be updated……our anniversary is in January so we’re not too far off.

    :bigsmile: Vicki, congrats on doing well when you ate out.

    :flowerforyou: Pennie, I hope you’re far down the road to recovery…..i try to read the posts on this thread every day because it improves my mood and attitude to face the day.

    :flowerforyou: Cynthia, the best egg strategy is to not allow them in your house.

    :flowerforyou: Tomorrow is the last day of the month so it’s time to take a look at your goals and resolutions for the month and see how you did and start thinking about goals and resolutions for March. I’ll post the link to the new thread at bedtime tomorrow (probably 6-7 PM PST)

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

    :bigsmile: 26,000 steps today
    “All truly great thoughts are conceived while walking."
    - Friedrich Nietzsche

    February Resolutions (with end of the month comments)
    *restart strength training from the beginning (started with plank and squats with weights)
    *yoga once a week (four times this month)
    *submit tax materials to accountant (off in the mail on the 27th)
    *update important information list (finished pending updates to our will)
    *act the way I want to feel (done successfully a lot)
    My word for 2014 is “mindful”

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Good evenin', ladies.... All the talk of Easter candy, jelly beans, etc. -- not a big draw for me. An occasional peanut butter cup is good, but I'll buy just the one. My downfall is cookies, brownies, etc. so I rarely have them in the house. Nothing tastier to me than a warm cookie! And I love, love, love :love: :love: :love: :love: frosted cut-out sugar cookies - labor intensive, which is also a good deterrent for me.

    We never got our Valentine's dinner with friends as they went to their daughter's house to help out with sick babies.

    Sunday afternoon I'm meeting my friend at Gibbs Gardens. Its supposed to be 70 degrees -- today it was in the 40's. This is the time for their daffodils. We bought season passes last fall, so if they aren't much in bloom we'll still enjoy the time and walking.

    Alison, how nice you'll be in FL longer this year. We go there for the spring training games in just a couple of weeks and are eager to go.

    Got to the gym for weights and walking so I'll count it to the good.

    Sleep well (even you, Alison!) -

    Gail, metro ATL
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Good evening to all. Not much happening today; did skills testing with the students. Went to see dad in the nursing home and did the grocery shopping. I feel so overwhelmed trying to make sure someone sees him nearly every day. I have such a hard schedule it is really difficult for me but I do my best.

    Rori: don’t feel bad; we don’t usually even start on our taxes until September! Our accountant always just files an extension automatically

    Sue: we are actually taking a jeep trip to Colorado to visit some ghost towns and do some off roading. DH used to do that kind of thing all the time and hasn’t for decades so he is so excited!

    Carol; I can’t believe how expensive food is! Milk is way over $4 a gallon!

    Anamika: sounds like you are doing great!

    Heather: hope you start feeling better son

    Beth: so sorry you’re having such worries with your sons

    Kayzoola: so sorry to hear about your mom and I hope she is doing better

    DH and DD#2 are sick again! I am staying well away from them so I don’t get it or should I say them because they each have something different. Today I felt achy and cold and very tired, so I’m going to cut this short and head to bed. Sorry I didn’t get to everyone. Take care, Meg from cold cold Omaha
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Bump to mark my place. Have a good evening, everyone.:flowerforyou:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Oh, I forgot to weigh myself at the Y again. Maybe I'll remember tomorrow.

    Did the 1-1/4 hr of the Seriously Strong by Gin Miller DVD. The plan tomorrow is to go to yoga and then take the step class.

    We're supposed to go to pick up Vince's glasses. I know it'll take a while so I'll go and check out their clothes. Last time I was there they intermixed the petite sizes with the regular sizes, which can be a real pain. I need petite (usually) and so many times I'll see a shirt or something that I like and then realize that it isn't a petite. That can be so frustrating. Things may have changed. Update: that Sears is so small that they don't carry any petites. However, I did find a large bag that I can put a blanket or other large craft that I'm working on. It was only $10 and we didn't have to pay for it because we had enough points.

    I also want to check the time at this one place. The last time we were at that mall there was a sign that they had a free Crossfit class on the first Sat. of the month. We'll be here for the first Sat. so I want to check on the time.

    jb - good luck with your dinner party. I'm planning to clean the condo Monday, do laundry then, too. And then we leave (boo hoo) on Tues

    Cynthia - yippee, yahoo, fantastic bp and blood sugar

    Heather - hope you feel better. You have this great ability to always make my mouth water. Guess I can't include that in my water intake, can I??? I'm sure you'll find a hairdresser

    DeeDee - have a good pedicure. I'll certainly try my hardest to bring the sunshine home with me. It's cold down here, well, cold for FL. It was 55 this morning. When we went to Sears, we had our jackets on. We aren't natives, tho. We didn't have heavy coats and gloves on....lol Seriously, when I see kids standing waiting for the schoolbus and it's cold (for FL). You would think they were in Antarctica! Heavy coats, hats, mittens...and there's me in my shorts going to exercise....lol

    Beth - how horrible for your sons!

    kayzoola - glad your mom is getting better. I agree totally -- toxins shmoxins

    I'm not sure what happened with my kids. I was always the one who would get cheaper things (like i used to have a box of Cheerios and constantly fill it with ShopRite brand toasted O's). Then again, Vince always needed the brand name things. Now he's on a "save money" kick, i honestly don't have a problem since that's basically what I've been doing for me but now suddenly he's eating brand name foods, etc.

    Vicki - happy birthday to you DIL. I can't wait for the time change. Hate it when we have to push the clocks ahead. Vince loves it because he gets an extra hour of sleep, but I hate it because it gets dark so early. Hope you feel better fast

    barbie - so you get "white coat syndrome"? Vince many times gets that

    Gail - I'm with you, candy doesn't really "do" it for me, but don't let me near cookie/brownie/cake dough, that's MY downfall

    Meg - take care of yourself. Hope you don't get what dh and ds have.

    Michele from NC in FL
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    What a day! The gym was great. I had the pool to myself and did 40 minutes instead of 30. Then went to Joplin to go to my friend's house where three of us paint, but I was going to the Girl Scout store first to get uniforms for my two little subversives. I put it in my navigator and it took me to the wrong place. Finally found the store. Boy, has that stuff changed since I was a Girl Scout. They had such cute stuff! Bought more than I planned.

    Then went to my friend's house and saw smoke as I approached her house. When I parked I saw that the house across the way from hers was on fire! I went to get her and she came outside and said "oh no, that's Anna's house!" This is one of her good friends. As we were talking we could hear the sirens and the fire trucks showed up but by then the flames were shooting out of the top of the house! My friend, Debbie, grabbed her keys and drove over there (you have to drive six blocks to get to the house that is pretty much across the street). Her friend was sitting in the grass crying. Debbie called the woman's husband at his place of business, called her insurance agent, and stayed till the husband and their kids arrived, then she came back and we painted sunflowers. It was sort of surreal. Debbie said her friend's car caught fire in the garage and caught the house. When she called 911 they didn't dispatch anyone right away because they weren't sure what town she was in. It took more than 20 minutes before the fire trucks got there. Luckily nobody was hurt and no pets were there. And this was a VERY nice house and a VERY new car. I can't imagine how it caught fire.

    So, the moral of the story is...we should all have fire extinguishers in our garages. And, tell the dispatcher what city you live in so they don't have to figure it out.

    So, I did not eat enough today. Mostly fruit and baby carrots and Swiss cheese. But now it's almost bedtime so it's too late to eat. Oh well.

    Goodnight all!

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sylvia that is so terrible. So glad you were there at the right moment. Who said God didn't have control??? I remember one time on a Sunday afternoon when I was working a couple came to visit a patient after church. This patients roommate had just died and she was quite disrought and was so happy that her friends were there. They told me that they didn't know why they visited then, they just thought they should. Gold had planted that little notion in their mind. I thought all cell phones had a GPS built into them so that 911 centers knew where you were calling from. Hope they are all OK. You to.

    Well I went to Target tonight right after Charlie left for Karaoke so I could buy me that little mini bag of Cadbury mini eggs, just the little mini bag. I was so excited to go I totally forgot that Charlie wasn't going in his own car. Some one picked him up. So I used my remote start in the house to start the car and wamr it up, went out and got in it and put it in reverse and heard something. It was then I remembered that his car was behind me:sad: :noway: Luckily my car, a minivan is higher profile than his and I didn't see any mark on either car. Cannot believe I did that. That just goes to show how bad this chocolate craving is. I did not see my husbands car right behind my car. I was just so focused on sneaking out of the house and getting my fix. So now I have had my candy and I didn't save any for Cynthia. so Cynthia, you are safe!!!! Hope it doesn't effect my fasting blood sugar or A1c tomorrow. But I somehow think it might.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • AnswerintheSky
    Sorry I've been away for a few weeks. Thought you might like to know this: I received my Visa statement today which was quite a bit lower than usual. Why? Because they credited my account with the amount that I feel the first Personal Fitness Trainer should have refunded me. It is good to have friends who know about Visa warranties on purchases made for goods and services within 30 days. Yay! So, I have let the BBB know that I am no longer pursuing a refund through them.

    I have almost finished my first 10 sessions with my new Personal Trainer. He has worked out a routine for me. It is supposed to take an hour or an hour and a half, but it takes me about three hours to do the whole thing. I guess when I am more familiar with it I will be faster at it. In the past week I have started going fairly regularly to the gym on my own in between the training sessions. We are already talking about the next phase of training.

    Have a great Friday everyone!

    Anne, Vancouver area, BC, Canada
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    well I slept almost 10 hrs:noway: , I guess I needed it...
    oh yesterday was bad, had 2 small sandwiches from wendys, and a candy bar, no wonder I felt yucky..
    wont do that again.. I havent exercised either.. I dont go to work until noon ,and it is almost 10 below zero here so no outside exercise,will check out some zumba....
    this menopause thing is crazy, it is full force,I have one little ovary that is wrecking total havoc...wake up in a puddle of sweat,hot flashes and i am starving all the time:grumble:
    i am looking into some natural alternatives
    trying to find inexpensive flights for our grandaughters to come out this summer, they are 12-14 but I would like a non stop flight. 500.00 a piece Yikes....
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Good morning from sunny, flowery Hampshire.:drinker:

    Anne - Congratulations on getting your money back!:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia - Wow! I hope the damage to Anne's house isn't too bad. Car catching on fire? ? ? ? ? ? ! ! ! ! ! Like to hear how that happened!

    Well, it is fabulous to get back to exercising. One day doing nothing, three days without strength training if you exclude yoga. Did well over 500 cals today. And I enjoyed it, which I haven't for a while. I always love it on Friday becsuse I can listen to Desert Island Discs.

    DH off at football tomorrow so will have the house to myself. Reminder to self - DO NOT RAID THE FRIDGE,:laugh:

    I am feeling a bit better this morning, but it has not gone away. I hope they gave me the right meds.:ohwell:
    I am getting to grips with my phone, but I am running out of phone memory. When I signed into Googleplay it automatically transferred everything from my tablet on to my phone! Now I have to decide what to delete in order to free some memory as I keep getting warnings. I think I have bought a phone and plan that is not up to my expectations or needs. Cheapskate.:embarassed: I think I thought it was going to be like a smaller tablet, but no way. I can live with it, but I know now that I willl still have to take my tablet around with me to do anything much. I just didn't want a big monthly bill, but, apart from checking emails and logging on to mfp I can't really do a lot more with my measly allowance. :cry:

    Love to all.
    Gloria - I hope you are OK. I know how difficult things were getting. Sending loving thoughts your way.:heart:

    Bye for now, Heather in Hampshire UK
  • ScientificExplorerGirl
    Hi Everyone. I just turned 50 today!!

    I have been so excited to turn 50 and can't believe the day is finally here! I am happy to have made it this far and am excited by the new opportunities and challenges that life has in store.

    Anyway, ever since I saw these postings I have been excited to be a part of this group. Because you know, at 50, we really are the cool kids!!

    Best wishes to everyone and I look forward to getting to know you all better :flowerforyou: