
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Heather:smile: Be careful with the phone data, if you go over, they charge a lot:angry: , you might want to think about changing your plan, it could be cheaper in the long run! I had to do that too, I chose the cheapest plan, and I was always going over...Hope you feel your normal perky self soon:flowerforyou: !!!!

    Alison:smile: So glad you got some much needed sleep!!!! 10 below:noway: ....brrrrrr....bundle up and stay warm!!!!

    Anne:smile: Nice to see you again! So glad you got that refund!!! Sounds like you`re enjoying your new trainer...woo hoo!!!

    Meg:smile: Hope DD and DH feel better soon:flowerforyou: ! Stay away from them:laugh: ! My brother is sick with some sort of head and chest cold, he called yesterday and said I had a package at his house (he`s across the street from me), it wouldn't`t fit in my mailbox, so our wonderful mailman left it with him (it`s so nice to have a mailman that knows us, I don`t have to go downtown to pick up packages now:bigsmile: ), anyhow I told him to leave it outside on the sidewalk, I loved him, but I didn`t want his germs:laugh: .

    Michele:smile: I have a friend that lives in FL and she told me it`s been really cold there this winter for them. I was in Fort Lauderdale one Feb. and the ladies were wearing fur coats, I had on short sleeves:laugh: . I don`t think I could deal with colder temps than what we have here:noway: ! I am a wimp in cold climates:blushing: !!!

    Vicki:smile: Happy birthday to DDIL:flowerforyou: , and for hubby:flowerforyou: , and for you too:flowerforyou: !!! Post pics of the party! I bet the decorations will be just lovely:love: !!!

    Sylvia:smile: How very scary!!! Glad she was surrounded by her friends!!! Good for you getting in 10 extra minutes of swimming!!!

    Joyce:smile: Oh dear, does hubby know you backed into his car? I feel very lucky I have never liked those Cadbury eggs :bigsmile: !!!

    Barbie:smile: Yay for getting your tax stuff in the mail!!! I`m almost ready to mail mine:bigsmile: !!! Great idea on giving the doggies the left over peanut butter!!!

    ScientificExp:smile: Happy Birthday:flowerforyou: !!! My 50`s have been wonderful!!!! Welcome to the best thread on MFP!!!

    I got my pedicure yesterday morning and now I have happy feet and glorious pink toes:bigsmile: !!! I`m ready for sandals, now if the weather would just cooperate :ohwell:.

    Oh my the time has gotten away from me this morning:frown: ! Have a wonderful Friday ladies!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in NC a little chilly but the sun is shining:glasses:
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Hi everyone! I turn 50 in June and so I was wondering if I could join your wonderfully supportive group? I am a long timer on MFP and have lose, then injure something and gain, lose, the injure something and gain but never gain it all back. Not proud of that and working really hard right now but the weight is coming off at a snails pace. OK, really for the last 6 weeks nothing is happening to the scales but I am getting more fit again and eating well.

    Let me know if you are open!

  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Hello this place.

    I like when you say it's minus only wish we had that here. Got up kind of late around 7:30 looked at thermostat I couldn't believe what I saw. But here in Northern Ontario you are ready for anything. It was still at -40 Celsius. Ouch that's cold. Hope my car starts to go to foot doctor at 3:00 only to do my nails and heels if it don't start i'll call and cancel if they don't cancel first they come 100 miles to do this clinic.

    Yep and I'm anxious to be able to move outside. Darn it's been a long cold winter.

    Glad your feeling better. You have the house to yourself but that's not a date with the fridge. Make it a date with a good movie. Or a good book.

    Having someone in hospital or nursing home sure can be time consuming. I remember to well. Been a long time but still miss them and remember all the time spent in hospital but it was all quality time.

    Hope you found all the zumba needed on utube.

    Glad you got things all straighten out.

    Are you in Florida now or getting ready to go.

    He'll know better than to park behind you nest time. Darn chocolate but I love reese's to pieces hubby got me a bad oh about two weeks ago the little mini's and we are still eating them. So doing ok a few here and there and not every day.

    Dee Dee
    You posted at the perfect time I didn't take notes this morning as I'm late didn't get up until 7:30 that's two hours late . Well so be it. Must of needed the sleep. I read the posts and by being able to see yours just remind me of what I had just read. Thank you. There's no need for me to be up at 5:30 anyhow Hubby is a big boy and can get his own coffee and toast. He worked three days this week.
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    As for me same old same old. Pushing a little more every day. But very anxious for the echo gram on the 18 of March. If it's only my weight that is giving me a hard time well then I can push forward. But if the heart attack did heart damage then they can tell me what to do. But for now i'll keep doing what I can. Going to ride the bike even if it's only 2 min. a few times a day. And do some balance on the wii.

    The more you move the more you lose.
    See you all lighter
    Linda in Northern Ontario.

    Yes I replied to fast hope everyone knows it was me above.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Having a mammogram this morning, then the Y, then shopping for supplies to get ready for three days of ice and snow. Oh joy.

    DeeDeeLHF, welcome! When you post, you are in! We all understand your situation of losing and regaining. My goodness, you HAVE been on MFP a long time. I wish I had known about it that long ago. We are a friendly bunch, so just jump right in.

    ScientificExp... Welcome to you too! Where does your profile name come from? Are you a scientist? My hubby is a chemist, so I'm just curious.

    This thread is almost finished for the month. Barbie, our fearless leader, starts a new one every month, so be on the lookout for that. Also, when we hit 500 posts (which doesn't take long) then it splits off to Part 2, then Part 3. That's a little confusing sometimes.

    Take care, and bundle up! Here comes winter again!

    From Kansas, where science is just a quaint theory
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    :noway: -29 celcius this am I wonder if you can get calories burned off by shivering.......we need spring

    Had a good week got more steps in everyday, have been helping a friend at her house so up and down stairs as well as lifting boxes and moving furniture is like a gym workout kept my weight the same so thats ok

    The dreaded easter chocolate comes out earlier every year, so just back away ladies...lol I just think its a bulge in your pocket and will look worse on my backend have to play mind games sometimes!

    Well off to get some work done here too cold for much else today, have a good weekend
    Michele enjoy your last few days in florida and travel safe........florida I wish

    Juanita in subury (where its cold as h...!)
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Michele: Keep your wits about you when you visit the Crossfit place. The Crossfit Gym near us is lead by zealots who push people too hard, too fast. :noway: A friend who is in her late 30’s was injured repeatedly and had to give up exercise at all for an extended period of time. They were rude to us when we visited.:angry: On another subject, I am also eager for the time change. I wish we had year round daylight time.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: I’m glad to hear they’ve improved the clothing designs for Girl Scouts. They used to be really ugly, which is one reason I joined Campfire Girls instead when I was a kid. Another was opportunity. I knew a Campfire leader. :smile: It sounds like the 911 Center needs better telemetry and/or better trained operators, but perhaps your friend just panicked. I hope they were well insured. Your friend was lucky you were there to give support.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: I get chocolate cravings and have individually wrapped dark chocolate pieces that are each 50 calories. One satisfies me. The store where I used to buy them is no longer stocking them, so I bought a supply from an internet website. I don’t have trouble with overdoing it with these but they aren’t as sweet as the usual chocolates so I don't know whether you'd like them.:flowerforyou:

    Anne: I’m glad you got your money back after the mess with the first so-called trainer. He didn’t seem to have good business ethics.:grumble:

    Alison: Everyone has a different experience with menopause. I remember the night sweats and was glad when they ended. It has been quite a few years.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: Can you exchange your phone for one with more memory? When I got my new one the guy at the phone store tried to sell me one with less memory than the phone I already had because he didn’t have the one I needed in stock. I insisted on the largest memory available, and he had to order it in. It was shipped directly to me. I have no idea what their return policy is like, but I'd check it out if I was in your situation. Good luck.:flowerforyou:

    Scientific Exp: Happy Birthday! :bigsmile: And welcome to a great group of women. You’re absolutely right that we are the “cool kids.” Let us know where you’re from.:flowerforyou:

    DeeDee: Years ago we had a mailman who walked his route, and he once brought me a package at work, several blocks away. The questionable side was that our sailing magazines occasionally seemed to have been read. :huh: We really didn’t mind. :smile: We’ve moved a couple of times since then and are currently 140 miles away. Now we have delivery to a street-side mailbox by someone in a truck and we don’t get to know them.:ohwell:

    D: Welcome. Nobody here checks ID. If you feel comfortable in our group you are welcome. Please let us know where you’re from.:flowerforyou:

    LinC: I have never experienced -40, even in a meat locker. Stay warm and safe. I hope your tests on March18th bring good news. That is my DGD’s 3rd birthday and I hope it brings you luck.:flowerforyou:

    Juanita in Sudbury: Stay warm. Spring starts on March 20. I hope it brings better weather with it.:love::flowerforyou: :glasses:

    DH LOVES smoked salmon, so he bought some from the grocery store to smoke. We had to wait several weeks for better weather and kept it in the freezer until a few days ago. We brined it last night and it is in the smoker this very minute. Last summer our neighbor helped us smoke some salmon on their smoker and DH has wanted to do it ourselves ever since. We spent a long time picking out and purchasing a smoker. Ours is a Big Chief and is relatively small and inexpensive. It is heated by an electric element in the bottom. We have a pan of wood chips above the element to create smoke. Our first experiment was with smoked chicken drumsticks. We over cooked them quite a bit, but they were edible and it was a good learning experience. I hope our chicken experience leads to a great batch of fish. Keep your fingers crossed for us.

    I did okay with my goals this month, but would give myself B in the drink more water department. That is an improvement. Next month’s goals are likely to look very familiar.:wink:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    February goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Move more: cardio at least 3 days a week and strength training as soon as I am able.
    3. Water: According to an article I saw on facebook, drinking water at certain times maximizes its effectiveness for the body. I’ll work toward following these guidelines:
    * 2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
    * 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
    * 1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
    * 1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack
  • MA_B
    MA_B Posts: 156 Member
    Hello everyone again - I finally have my laptop working again - the last time I read any of your comments it was the middle of page 1!!! I have soooo much to catch up on! I've really missed you all and can't wait to read the last three weeks! I am so pleased to be back in communication again with the world!

    MA in UK
  • Chickee8586
    Chickee8586 Posts: 155 Member
    Howdy everyone.

    I've been delinquent saying hello. Got some bad news about my knee. I had a torn meniscus and had surgery to repair it last September. It never really healed enough for me to get back into exercising, so I finally broke down and called another orthopedist. Saw him on Wednesday and he said it's likely torn again. That means another surgery. Bummer! My MRI is scheduled for next week and I get the results the week after.

    I have workout plans that I am trying to get to be a habit, but will have to sit down this weekend to tweak them so I don't hurt my knee any further. I still want to workout and get myself in shape, so it's either give up or figure it out. Giving up isn't a option.

    Hope you all have a great March! Please Spring, come soon.

    Sharon in VA
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,695 Member
    Hi all;

    Interesting the group of you "in lust" for cadbury eggs... I have not had one and think by the sounds of things I won't - I don't need another temptation!! We have See's Candies in CA and it is a high end chocolate place - pretty expensive and you can't buy it at the market you have to go there. I will get myself one filled egg from there and dole it out but easter is over a month away so not until April :)

    Happy Birthday to Scientific Exp and DeeDeeLHF !

    I can't remember who mentioned to me that they got rid of baking pans and supplies as a way to change their cooking and temptations, that made me smile! I am still working I own 2 small businesses and one of them is I teach baking classes to kids in summer cooking camps and to adults via a recreation program. So I have to learn to say no; and adjust to small occasional portions. I may work up a healthy baking class to teach as well.

    Today is my 2 week anniversary of MFP; and I am realizing that I don't have a personal reason for loosing weight - I want to lose weight so I can date and maybe find someone for a long term relationship - but I am 55 years old and only had 2 ltr in my life and they were both years ago... What if I can't/don't find that -- is there any point to losing weight? I know I'll be healthier, and look better - But honestly my health is good, and I am not that into my looks. I am not giving up-- just not sure of the point.

    Sorry that's a heavy start to friday morning!

    from finally rainy California
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,602 Member
    Momsamodel - I met my DH at 54 so there is definitely hope!:bigsmile: However, the benefits of losing weight are so marvellous it's worth doing it for you and you alone. Especially as we get older. Being fit is a buzz in itself.:bigsmile:

    I also bake, cook and entertain a lot. There is one rule:


    Bake all you want, prepare delicious meals for people as an expression of your love, but choose to eat the food that is within your calorie limit. I never eat high calorie desserts except for a TINY taste. I lay off the carbs and anything that is a "filler" and not absolutely delicious. Ration the heavy sauces. I have eaten my way round Paris and Rome etc by doing that and still enjoyed my food. The better the food, the less you need of it!:laugh:

    Found out that the transfer of my phone numbers had come from an old cache, so my own HOME number was from 3 years ago! Had to go through and put in all my new contacts and edit the rest.:grumble:
    Katla - my phone was free on a contract, so I don't know about changing it. I am sooooo mean because I have hardly any monthly income.:blushing: I might ring them tomorrow and enquire.

    The management fee on my rental is now £105 a month! And they still haven't fixed the window.:grumble: A long email is in order tomorrow, but they never reply to emails or my agent's phone calls. Instead they send out glossy magazines.:angry:

    Not over my cystitis yet. I so hope it improves.:sad:

    Love to all with colds and flu. Poor Jane, you really have had the lot!
    Heather in Hampshire UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    well got called into work early,so had to make a mad dash to get things done before going.
    the so called office manager was nothing but nasty to me today,I understand she might have things going on,but you dont have to be so freakin nasty, and it's just to me ,not anyone else...
    something was said about a cruise, and i said something and she said,I wouldnt send you anywhere you are taking 4 weeks of vacation, real snotty like..
    well she doesnt go anywhere with her family on vacations ,so maybe she is jealous,but to bad:noway:
    have been stuffing my face, am starving all the time now.. going to see what I can do to clean up my act ,have to grocery shop ,but want to get things to fill me up..
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,695 Member
    thanks !!! I have always believed that a small piece of something great was better than a big piece of something so so... but I am a pretty good cook so have had big pieces of great things... and right now I am not "trained" enough to resist, just avoiding - but came up with a couple of meal ideas - soup is one - a big bowl will not do my food log in at all and if I serve it with bread I can just not have the bread and probably no one will even notice...

    I'm just in a low spot, this sounds stupid, and I did not realize it but I thought I would not loose weight so well, so I think I figured I could just blow it off - " I tried it failed" and go back to my regular life -" I tried it worked" was not my expectation, so I am left with now what.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good afternoon all.
    Welcome newbies:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: .
    This bronchitis is terrible.No energy,the antibodic is playing havoc with my stomach,no appetite,which could be a good thing.lol:cry:
    Hubby looks terrible,his eyes swell from the sinus infection,daughter is on the mend.
    Enjoy your day.
  • tartanlass58
    tartanlass58 Posts: 10 Member
    I can't believe I lost 3lbs this week I thought I had went over my calories every day but I put in one wrong food it told me 378 but it was actually only 100 so I guess that was a good mistake
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Linda: doing well on the heart endurance. Take care of yourself!
    Alison: Glad you got some sleep; you need it. Hope you’ll sleep well tonight. Sorry your office manager was rude. There’s no call for that. :noway:
    Heather: Hope you’ll feel better soon.
    DeeDee: enjoy your pedicure!
    Patty: sounds like a pretty full day.
    Pat in Ohio: Hope the prednisone doesn’t kick your a**. Was physical therapy not an option?
    Katla: yoga sounds great.
    Joyce: stop talking about eggs! :laugh: I think I’m an “abstainer”. I can avoid stuff like that entirely, but I “can’t” eat just two, for example. Thanks for enjoying them for me! :wink:
    Barbie: Do you have to avoid peanut butter for certain reasons?
    Meg: Hope you don’t get sick. Rest when you can!
    Sylvia: Hope you’ve recovered from the fire drama.

    Baking: I used to bake a lot (and then eat too much of it). Now I only bake for others (and leave the leftovers at their house) or a small treat for the two of us. I use a few recipes from “Small Batch Baking” and of course the famous brownie recipe from “The Joy of Cooking”.

    I use earplugs at night too. My guy won’t (even though I snore); he feels unsafe if he can't hear.

    Everybody thanks for your good wishes re BP and glucose. My mom has diabetes, so I’ll be glad if I can skip that.

    Goodnight all,
    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • Ginryl
    Ginryl Posts: 35
    Hey There MFP friends
    Friday evening & just trying to get my food dairy in for the day. Glanced over the recent post but need to re-read them tomorrow. On my way out the door. Dominoes game going on down the street.
    Talk to you fine folks tomorrow. :bigsmile:
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,868 Member
    Good evening and I am at work. Working a few hours this evening as another girl is ill. DH is also working so not a big deal. I do think I have most everything done for his party tomorrow. But now it is trying to sleet and snow. Keep my fingers crossed that it clears up or I am going to have so much cake. I have told all the kids they will be taking it home. :bigsmile:
    Went and got my nails done this morning. I do like them and this time I got purple with sparkles. Went out to Wal-Mart last evening as looking for pants for work, mine were getting bagging. I ended up getting size 18-20. WOW! I took them in the fitting room and was surprised they fit. Considering I started out at 28-30 I feel pretty good about this. I still have trouble believing these smaller sized fit. Keep thinking I will wake up soon and be back at the 28-30.:smile:
    I talked to my mom last evening and she tells me how much better she feels as no one wakes her up several times a night. Then she tells me the put dad in depends since he got back from Kearney and that he doesn't make any effort to go to the bathroom. Not sure what to think about that. Mom said she told him he would not be coming home unless that changed. My sister was going with mom today to do the care plans for the next couple weeks. Mom and I both think he likes the attention. :grumble:

    Joyce--you are so Blessed! Part of the problem with our kids are that I have one son, DH has five and only two have the same mom. He was something when he was younger, raised by a mom and that drank and partied. Anyway growing up we would have them all together and now that they are adults my DS tell us he does not have to be around them. But I try and get the grandkids together as much as possible and make sure they know the cousins. Someday that may change, until then doing the best we can. Out of the six 3 will be there tomorrow for sure and maybe the one from Iowa depending on the weather. I am glad you are the cars were not hurt. I completely understand about that as I have done that going after cheese. Only thing on my mind and don't see what is right in front or behind me.

    Barbie--sounds like a good idea for the peanut butter, everyone wins.:drinker:

    Meg--your trip to CO sounds like fun. I have a brother that lives in Denver and when we go out there he likes to take us up into the mountians.

    Sylvia--How scary!! Glad no one was hurt.:heart:

    Anne--congrates on getting your money back!:flowerforyou:

    Katla--hope your smoking goes well this time. Practice makes perfect.

    Alison--Hugs I know how it is to have a questionable boss. Somedays I spend alot of time in the bathroom praying and trying not to scream.:heart:

    Jane--hope you feel better soon. DH got some meds from the doctor yesterday and he was up most the night sick and now thinks he should just not take them. I told him to call the doctor and see what he should do, but he knows best.:grumble:

    Well tomorrow is the first of the month and I did not do goals this month as time just got away from me. So will have to work on them the next couple days.
    Have a good night and stay warm.
    Vicki GI NE
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    CynthiaT60 - thanks for mentioning Small Batch Baking. I think I need that book! :happy:

    Gail, metro ATL
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Am very quiet today. Something has to go either out of my stomach up or down, if you know what I mean. My back hurts, I am so fatigued. I know from when I had my severe, severe head pain how fatigued the pain made me. So whether it is MS or pain, I don't know. I just know I am fatigued.

    I have slept in a separate bed for years. When my husband was working he had to be at work at 5 AM. He is a BIG snorer. I don't go to sleep until around 2 AM so I felt like I could not lay there and kick him, nudge or whatever i have to do to get him to stop snoring so I could go to sleep. I love him but I love my sleep. We had 2 empty bedrooms, well they had furniture in them just no child, so I took one. My older daughter has the biggest bedroom and fits the whole family of 4 when they come.

    Anyone watch Survivor and Amazing Race???

    Joyce, Indiana, tired of a heating pad