I am the woman in the freeweights section of the gym



  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    So I bounce around between three different 24 Hour Fitnesses, and something strange has happened in all of them in the past 6 months: I'd usually see no more than 2 other women in the free weight section (and usually none), but now they're EVERYWHERE, and most of them are kicking *kitten*. One day there were more women than men! I'd like to think it's threads like this that are getting more women to cross over. It makes me really happy :smile:
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    this- I see this a lot... "because of the guys" Just want to point out- I Think this is probably a more accurate statement- I don't speak for EVER woman- but this is probably more true than not:
    At the gym I went to most women did not want to go down to the free weights room because they were unsure of themselves and didn't know what they were going to be doing"

    it rarely has anything to do with guys... most of the time it's because they aren't educated and feel uncomfortable out of their element- if the weight room was empty- they still probably wouldn't go over there.

    The guys tend ot just be an extra excuse to dissuade them. I don't say that to be mean- just a reality- women don't read up on this stuff as often- so then tend to shy away from it.

    If you know it- then you can do it with confidence. But we have shape pushing stupid tricep kick backs with pink weights and nothing on real training- and it's no wonder women aren't getting good information!!!

    Edcuate yourself- about anythign you want to do seriously- read read read- study- watch people who are successful!!! This goes for men- women and children about ANYTHING!!!!

    We don't' do things because we don't know what it is - but the only way to learn is to read- watch- take lessons!!! Education is the key!
  • venusfactortruths
    Physical exercise seems to me a very effective one and that's why I will suggest to do it regularly.
  • ChilliRed
    ChilliRed Posts: 25 Member
    Hello, I have just signed up to MFP. After putting a stone and a half on in weight over the last two years through getting into bad eating habits and no exercise I decided that I had had enough and wanted to get fit, back into shape and feel good about myself again. I have started eating healthy again and going to the gym three times a week. I always thought that doing cardio was the way to go, but really struggle with it. I have an underactive thyroid and sometimes lack in energy and was struggling to do even ten minutes on the cross trainer. I then read about doing weights rather than cardio. I go to the gym with my husband so decided to ask him to show me what to do in the free weights room. I went in there for the first time yesterday and thoroughly enjoyed it. Much prefer it to doing Cardio. I did 20 minutes on the exercise bike but then spent an hour doing weights. I have also purchased some isolate whey protein powder and had that after the gym. I really want to get toned and look as great as some of the women's pictures that I have seen who work out with weights. As a newbie to this any advice would be greatly appreciated. :happy:
  • biggsterjackster
    biggsterjackster Posts: 419 Member
    Don't agree with Nr. 4 :laugh:
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Love this!
  • sjbtiger
    sjbtiger Posts: 105 Member
    Awesome post and encouragement.

    I'm getting back into shape and have stuck with running, biking, swimming, yoga and zumba, but I am a post 2 kids, flabby-skinny. I hope to get toned rather than lose much weight (5'7" and 140 lbs).

    Just ordered Starting Strength and look forward to my first visit to the "other side."
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Good post.

    My gym is pretty good, I see a good amount of women in the free weights area any time I go in.....
    And a lot of the times, they have been going long enough, that they fit in with the guys just fine......
  • DeadliftAddict
    DeadliftAddict Posts: 746 Member
    Nothing is more attractive than a female doing some ATG squats!!! I give a lot respect to females that aren't afraid to do the routines many men don't even do...squats, deadlifts...

  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    Weight rooms are intimidating to those unfamiliar with the equipment and routines... It makes ZERO difference if you are male or female. As a guy I was absolutely terrified to go in there until I convinced myself I knew what I was doing... Once I got in there I realized I had no idea compared to every one else.

    Pro Tip: Everyone has something they can learn and we all start at the bottom. Everyone in there was where you were once. Stop judging others in the weight room and most of all stop judging yourself while you are in there. Do the work you came to do and get out.
  • Mercedespony
    Mercedespony Posts: 162 Member
    I'm coming in tomorrow and I'm pretty darn excited! Switched trainers and this new cutie patootie trainer is going to take me into the world of weight rooms, we will focus on weights for the next 6 months.

    I've been doing the New Rules for Lifting half hazardly by myself.

    Question -- do you do cardio following an hour in the weight room?
  • Songbirdcw
    Songbirdcw Posts: 320 Member
    I love being the woman in the freeweights section. I more so like being the only woman in the freeweights section of the gym w/o any help from the boys. Just a high-five every now and then when I lift those weight and put them down like a big girl! Stronglifts! ::flexes:: :bigsmile:
  • emmamaybear
    emmamaybear Posts: 50 Member
    I need to do this. Getting new rules of lifting for women in asap (somehow starting strenght is not easily available in my country).
    I usually like the feeling of being 'one of the guys' but daaaaamn those free weights intimidate the *kitten* out of me. Went in there a few times with a friend (you know, 'girls travel in flocks') for support but I just felt like a giggly little girl. Which I was. Need to get my **** together and start lifting.
  • jelie3110
    jelie3110 Posts: 433
    My gym is great! There is such a good mix of people everywhere that there is no need to feel funny anywhere in the gym. Of course guys like to look, but to be honest I would probably feeling just as wierd if they didn't. The ladies check the men out just as much......maybe they are just a little discrete.
  • nikki2609
    nikki2609 Posts: 128
    Bump for when I'm feeling brave x
  • weightliftingdiva
    weightliftingdiva Posts: 522 Member
    Hi Ladies! I've been doing strong lifts for about a week, but I'm a little confused about warm ups. Should I do a 2 x 8 with an empty bar for squats and deads (I can squat 80 right now)? What about warm ups for bench and ohsp (45 lb and 25 lb respectively)? I did a strong lifts type workout last semester but took a 2 and a half month break, but now I'm back. :)

    Also, do you supplement with any other exercises? Right now I am doing one set of planks each workout, adding 5 secs each set (up to 40 DIFFICULT sec now!).
  • Seekerman
    Seekerman Posts: 58 Member
    I have been a uneducated casual at home gym guy off and on. Now that I go to the gym I would welcome advice from a educated woman who know what she is going. I agree there are plenty of guys at the gym like me that don t know what the heck they are doing. No reason any woman should be intimated by us lol.
  • amandabbee
    I just finished The New Rules of Lifting for Women and am ready to get in the weight room!

    I've been focusing on strength training over the past few months, but relying heavily on machines. I can't wait to be the one dead lifting!

    It would be great to hear from anyone who has done/is doing the program.


  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    I just finished The New Rules of Lifting for Women and am ready to get in the weight room!

    I've been focusing on strength training over the past few months, but relying heavily on machines. I can't wait to be the one dead lifting!

    It would be great to hear from anyone who has done/is doing the program.



    Check this group.

  • cam_dotson
    I would just like to say that I am very impressed in what you have accomplished so far! I think that alot more women should head over to the free weights section if they are attempting to achieve gains in the toning department. There are alot of women out there who are afraid to make the jump to this, but what you have done gains much respect. It shows the work you are willing to put in for self development so thank you and keep up the good work!