LCHF/KETO - New WOE seeking friends to share food diary.



  • I have been doing low carb since Jan 6 and have lost 12.5lbs with 60+ to go. Feel free to add me.
  • deilamiah
    deilamiah Posts: 1 Member
    Paleo/Primal, LCHF and dairy free. Would LOVE to have more friends on here that eat the way I do and could help keep me motivated with recipes or workout suggestions.
  • You are 100% right MapleFlavour. I would love to see these people in 5... 10 years. DIETS don't work. It's all about a lifestyle. When you severely limit/ eliminate certain foods you used to enjoy then that's when you eventually binge on them and gain the weight back. Might work for now, but I doubt it will be easy to maintain in the long run. Trust me, I've learned from years of experience.

    Actually no she isn't. There are lots of cases of people being in dietary ketosis for 10+ years. For me IT IS a lifestyle change. I loved breads, pastas, and sugary foods. lovED. Past tense. I have no cravings for them now. I really mean that. I easily turn them down. I don't think about them. I love the food that I make and eat now and I will never go back to a moderate to high carb diet.

    Here is a two year study:

    I certainly believe you, and I also believe you most likely are the exception, not the rule. Good for you though!!! You found what works (for you) and you've stuck by it.

    Guess I'm another exception......... I've lost weight and improved my health as verified by my Dr. and blood tests so......yeah. I too no longer crave carbs or sugars, the things I eat are amazing and delicious, I do not feel deprived and haven't from day one. I also eat out with ease (although I try and prepare my own meals whenever possible). A caesar salar with grilled chicken and no croutons is available at almost all restaurants and delicious. I have never turned down a night out because of my lifestyle, there is no need to.

    And I used to be a carb/sugar junkie so trust me when I say that the people doing LCHF properly (key word there) are successful and do improve their health and quality of life. When I was doing calories restriction (eat whatever you want as long as I am under x calories) I was ruled by food, always thinking about my next meal, always trying to find ways to not be hungry, etc. I would say I was borderline addicted to food. Food no longer controls me since eating this way.

    That being said, I do recognize it is not for everyone and I respect people's choices to take a different path, just don't slam mine because you don't personally agree with it. I would also bet most people slamming it have never given it a solid try.
  • k1eav
    k1eav Posts: 2
    Hi everyone :)
    I created mfp agess ago but havnt put it to use until now, ive decided to do keto diet as i have polycystic ovaries and am struggling to lose weight and have read low carb diets are best.. Been doing some reading and know the few basics, i used a calculator to work out how much fat,protien and carbs i should be having but realllllly could do with hearing from people rather than reading websites :)
    So anything u can tell me would be great!! Also cud do with some friends lol my news feed is lonely... K1eav
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    So anything u can tell me would be great!! Also cud do with some friends lol my news feed is lonely... K1eav

    Don't fear the fat !

    If you're restricting carbs you need to have lots of fats and oils in your diet. Eggs and cheese are about the right ratios.
  • hiya! I am 2 weeks into keto, and only doing a very small deficit. I am not in a hurry. I am prediabetic, and more than likely leptin resistant. I have tried keto before but just wasnt educated in it and didnt quite understand how it all worked. I am looking forward to seeing my insulin back to normal and normal blood sugars along with sorting out my metabolism. . :)
  • mytabouly
    mytabouly Posts: 66 Member
    I've recently adjusted my macros to allow for more fat in my diet while still maintaining a moderate deficit as I was always so hungry maintaining the same calorie goal but with a higher carb allowance. Would love friends with open diaries for some meal inspiration!
  • Polda2010
    Polda2010 Posts: 99 Member
    I'm on LC WOE as well feel free to add me and anyone else as well, my diary is always open. I do eat whole grains and mix South Beach with Atkins. Good luck in your journey to a healthier you :-)
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I have been a member since 2009. I have done low carb before and was successful to a point. Now, all the weight is back and I have finally faced the fact that low carb must be my lifestyle. I would really appreciate supportive friends and those who would share their lchf food diary.:smile:

    I really hate to sound snarky..... but if it didn't work before and you regained all the weight (which is crazy unhealthy) WHY in god's name are you trying it again? It's restrictive and unmanageable and absolutely NOT NECESSARY!! Just create a caloric deficit that isn't too large and you're good. All low carb does is create a deficit!! Please don't torture yourself needlessly. I guarantee you'll be back here in a years time or even less complaining of regain again.

    Yes, I agree, you're absolutely right. While we're giving unsolicited advice, my friend tried IIFYM last year and he failed in the long-term. Sadly, he's regained all the weight he lost (crazy unhealthy am I right?)??? Why in god's name would you ever try IIFYM since it's led to failure in the past. Why torture yourself? My other friend just simply counted calories and ate whatever she wanted to lose weight... but would you believe it, now she's even HEAVIER than she was before? Failure! Obviously calorie counting leads to failure since people have failed countless times counting calories in the past.

    Am I doing it right? :flowerforyou:

    No your friend wasn't doing it right. :flowerforyou:
  • philipfoster76
    philipfoster76 Posts: 14 Member
    I've been on LCHF for two months now and have lost 20lbs. It'd be good to have others to follow and see food diarys and generally have some support.
    I track my food and weight 5 or 6 days a week. (I'm slack on the weekends)

    Feel free to add me.
  • hfaze
    hfaze Posts: 3
    Been doing this for a while but trying to get more serious about it. Lost 20+ LBS 2 years ago but life with kids has added 10 back. Feel free to add me.
  • feel free to add me- I'm new at this also.... Kim
  • xSirensSong
    xSirensSong Posts: 615 Member
    Hai everyone! *waves*

    I'm new to this Keto stuff, but have been trying to do my research, as it has been recommended to me by so many people. I was diagnosed with PCOS mid-last year & Keto/low carb is something that I've seen non-stop success stories from people who have also been diagnosed with this syndrome.. Anyone who is familiar with this knows that sugars/carbs are the devil for PCOS'ers & unfortunately, that's what I crave the most. I try to stay right at 40g net carbs as a beginner & will gladly take any advice/friend-requests from people who do this regularly!

    Happy shrinking! :flowerforyou:
  • ninanew
    ninanew Posts: 8 Member
    Hi all - I'd like to follow this topic. Looking forward to hearing your experiences.

  • Nickih4619093
    Nickih4619093 Posts: 91 Member
    Hi, feel free to add me, my diary is open! I'm probably 20%carb/45% fat/35% protein. Love eating this way!
  • I don't log here, but just started a LCHF diet two days ago. I would love to interact with others for support. I am having a hard time getting my fat higher than my protein.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    I don't log here, but just started a LCHF diet two days ago. I would love to interact with others for support. I am having a hard time getting my fat higher than my protein.

    Eggs and cheese automagically have higher fat than protein, as does cream. Some oily fish and things like 20% fat beef mince do too, otherwise you should consider adding butter, mayo, oil dressing etc to your veg / salads.

    Stay away from chicken, turkey and anything lean or light.
  • manda2235
    manda2235 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm also new and the more support and motivation the better so if you keep an open diary then feel free to add me too please! Thanks
  • Tigredia
    Tigredia Posts: 107 Member
    I am also starting the LCHF diet tomorrow. I would love some friends following the same diet. Please include me. I have been on since January, following a low carb low calorie diet. Have lost some weight but seem to have stalled.
  • brandinacolelong
    brandinacolelong Posts: 3 Member
    Good luck on your journey :)
  • Tigredia
    Tigredia Posts: 107 Member
    Thank you - I hope a lower carb count will help. Have you looked at the different Swedish diet sites. There are several.
  • zivasak
    zivasak Posts: 88
    Anyone in here is welcome to add me. I would love to have more Keto Pals. My diary is open.

    And if like me you drink some brut sparkling wine once in a while ( March seemed to have brought 2 to 3 flutes a week after 2 full months of abstinence), I would love to have your views on this and only keto-related. High carbers are welcome to join on the subject of alcohol but I am looking for a healthy debate without emotions.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    I drank regularly while doing my initial weight loss on Atkins, factored it in as part of the calories. Alcohol may be processed as a priority by the liver but over a day you have to match the energy used somehow.
  • I've been playing with the idea of keto for a while, I've had really bad binge eating problems with sugar for a long time. Trying a 5-10% fat, 20-25% protein, 65-75% fat split. Feel free to add! My diary should be public.

    I also lift heavy if anybody here does that too! :o)
  • I've been doing a true keto diet with a goal of 5% carbs but some days go up to 10%. I do it in bursts to maximize effectiveness and to ensure I don't just gain back all the weight when I stop the diet. I try to do 2-3 weeks of strict keto then a week or two off (but I don't go crazy.) I've been doing it since Dec. 27th and have lost over 20 pounds. I went off for 2 weeks at the end of January and only had minimal weight gain back (3 pounds or so.) My way of doing it seems to be working for me. Feel free to add me. My diary is open.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I have been a member since 2009. I have done low carb before and was successful to a point. Now, all the weight is back and I have finally faced the fact that low carb must be my lifestyle. I would really appreciate supportive friends and those who would share their lchf food diary.:smile:

    I really hate to sound snarky..... but if it didn't work before and you regained all the weight (which is crazy unhealthy) WHY in god's name are you trying it again? It's restrictive and unmanageable and absolutely NOT NECESSARY!! Just create a caloric deficit that isn't too large and you're good. All low carb does is create a deficit!! Please don't torture yourself needlessly. I guarantee you'll be back here in a years time or even less complaining of regain again.

    I don't really follow your logic. No matter what diet you choose, if you stop doing it and revert back to your old habits you will gain weight back. Additionally, you do not know the reasons why she stopped. I have stopped once because I just graduated from school and had a few months until I started a new job and I didn't have employment during that time and so I had to stretch what little money I had - keto diets can be expensive. Perhaps she got back on the diet because it worked for her and she didn't hate it.

    I have been on keto for awhile now and I love it. I feel great, my blood work has improved, I am always satiated, snacking is reduced, and it has to be the most painless and enjoyable diet I have every been on once I became keto adapted.

    When you say things like "all low carb does is create a deficit" it become clear that you are not very familiar with what it actually does. The main strength of diets like keto IMHO is that due to the high fat and moderate protein you feel satiated and you stop snacking. It is much easier to maintain the calorie defect that you need to lose weight when you aren't hungry.

    yes, but you are still creating a calorie deficit by eating less carbs…

    If you ate over maintenance while doing Keto you would gain weight…

    It seems odd that OP did low carb, lost weight, gained it all back, and wants to now go back to what did not end up working for her in the long run …
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    I have been a member since 2009. I have done low carb before and was successful to a point. Now, all the weight is back and I have finally faced the fact that low carb must be my lifestyle. I would really appreciate supportive friends and those who would share their lchf food diary.:smile:

    I really hate to sound snarky..... but if it didn't work before and you regained all the weight (which is crazy unhealthy) WHY in god's name are you trying it again? It's restrictive and unmanageable and absolutely NOT NECESSARY!! Just create a caloric deficit that isn't too large and you're good. All low carb does is create a deficit!! Please don't torture yourself needlessly. I guarantee you'll be back here in a years time or even less complaining of regain again.

    I don't really follow your logic. No matter what diet you choose, if you stop doing it and revert back to your old habits you will gain weight back. Additionally, you do not know the reasons why she stopped. I have stopped once because I just graduated from school and had a few months until I started a new job and I didn't have employment during that time and so I had to stretch what little money I had - keto diets can be expensive. Perhaps she got back on the diet because it worked for her and she didn't hate it.

    I have been on keto for awhile now and I love it. I feel great, my blood work has improved, I am always satiated, snacking is reduced, and it has to be the most painless and enjoyable diet I have every been on once I became keto adapted.

    When you say things like "all low carb does is create a deficit" it become clear that you are not very familiar with what it actually does. The main strength of diets like keto IMHO is that due to the high fat and moderate protein you feel satiated and you stop snacking. It is much easier to maintain the calorie defect that you need to lose weight when you aren't hungry.

    yes, but you are still creating a calorie deficit by eating less carbs…

    If you ate over maintenance while doing Keto you would gain weight…

    It seems odd that OP did low carb, lost weight, gained it all back, and wants to now go back to what did not end up working for her in the long run …

    You over on this thread pushing IIFYM ndj?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I have been a member since 2009. I have done low carb before and was successful to a point. Now, all the weight is back and I have finally faced the fact that low carb must be my lifestyle. I would really appreciate supportive friends and those who would share their lchf food diary.:smile:

    I really hate to sound snarky..... but if it didn't work before and you regained all the weight (which is crazy unhealthy) WHY in god's name are you trying it again? It's restrictive and unmanageable and absolutely NOT NECESSARY!! Just create a caloric deficit that isn't too large and you're good. All low carb does is create a deficit!! Please don't torture yourself needlessly. I guarantee you'll be back here in a years time or even less complaining of regain again.

    I don't really follow your logic. No matter what diet you choose, if you stop doing it and revert back to your old habits you will gain weight back. Additionally, you do not know the reasons why she stopped. I have stopped once because I just graduated from school and had a few months until I started a new job and I didn't have employment during that time and so I had to stretch what little money I had - keto diets can be expensive. Perhaps she got back on the diet because it worked for her and she didn't hate it.

    I have been on keto for awhile now and I love it. I feel great, my blood work has improved, I am always satiated, snacking is reduced, and it has to be the most painless and enjoyable diet I have every been on once I became keto adapted.

    When you say things like "all low carb does is create a deficit" it become clear that you are not very familiar with what it actually does. The main strength of diets like keto IMHO is that due to the high fat and moderate protein you feel satiated and you stop snacking. It is much easier to maintain the calorie defect that you need to lose weight when you aren't hungry.

    yes, but you are still creating a calorie deficit by eating less carbs…

    If you ate over maintenance while doing Keto you would gain weight…

    It seems odd that OP did low carb, lost weight, gained it all back, and wants to now go back to what did not end up working for her in the long run …

    You over on this thread pushing IIFYM ndj?

    since I do not IIFYM ..I cannot push something I am not a part of …

    I am just curious why OP is going back to something that lead to failure …

    Is this a closed group?
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    I have been a member since 2009. I have done low carb before and was successful to a point. Now, all the weight is back and I have finally faced the fact that low carb must be my lifestyle. I would really appreciate supportive friends and those who would share their lchf food diary.:smile:

    I really hate to sound snarky..... but if it didn't work before and you regained all the weight (which is crazy unhealthy) WHY in god's name are you trying it again? It's restrictive and unmanageable and absolutely NOT NECESSARY!! Just create a caloric deficit that isn't too large and you're good. All low carb does is create a deficit!! Please don't torture yourself needlessly. I guarantee you'll be back here in a years time or even less complaining of regain again.

    I don't really follow your logic. No matter what diet you choose, if you stop doing it and revert back to your old habits you will gain weight back. Additionally, you do not know the reasons why she stopped. I have stopped once because I just graduated from school and had a few months until I started a new job and I didn't have employment during that time and so I had to stretch what little money I had - keto diets can be expensive. Perhaps she got back on the diet because it worked for her and she didn't hate it.

    I have been on keto for awhile now and I love it. I feel great, my blood work has improved, I am always satiated, snacking is reduced, and it has to be the most painless and enjoyable diet I have every been on once I became keto adapted.

    When you say things like "all low carb does is create a deficit" it become clear that you are not very familiar with what it actually does. The main strength of diets like keto IMHO is that due to the high fat and moderate protein you feel satiated and you stop snacking. It is much easier to maintain the calorie defect that you need to lose weight when you aren't hungry.

    yes, but you are still creating a calorie deficit by eating less carbs…

    If you ate over maintenance while doing Keto you would gain weight…

    It seems odd that OP did low carb, lost weight, gained it all back, and wants to now go back to what did not end up working for her in the long run …

    You over on this thread pushing IIFYM ndj?

    since I do not IIFYM ..I cannot push something I am not a part of …

    I am just curious why OP is going back to something that lead to failure …

    Is this a closed group?

    No but the OP was seeking keto friend - sorry bud but that ain't you.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    I have been a member since 2009. I have done low carb before and was successful to a point. Now, all the weight is back and I have finally faced the fact that low carb must be my lifestyle. I would really appreciate supportive friends and those who would share their lchf food diary.:smile:

    I really hate to sound snarky..... but if it didn't work before and you regained all the weight (which is crazy unhealthy) WHY in god's name are you trying it again? It's restrictive and unmanageable and absolutely NOT NECESSARY!! Just create a caloric deficit that isn't too large and you're good. All low carb does is create a deficit!! Please don't torture yourself needlessly. I guarantee you'll be back here in a years time or even less complaining of regain again.

    I don't really follow your logic. No matter what diet you choose, if you stop doing it and revert back to your old habits you will gain weight back. Additionally, you do not know the reasons why she stopped. I have stopped once because I just graduated from school and had a few months until I started a new job and I didn't have employment during that time and so I had to stretch what little money I had - keto diets can be expensive. Perhaps she got back on the diet because it worked for her and she didn't hate it.

    I have been on keto for awhile now and I love it. I feel great, my blood work has improved, I am always satiated, snacking is reduced, and it has to be the most painless and enjoyable diet I have every been on once I became keto adapted.

    When you say things like "all low carb does is create a deficit" it become clear that you are not very familiar with what it actually does. The main strength of diets like keto IMHO is that due to the high fat and moderate protein you feel satiated and you stop snacking. It is much easier to maintain the calorie defect that you need to lose weight when you aren't hungry.

    yes, but you are still creating a calorie deficit by eating less carbs…

    If you ate over maintenance while doing Keto you would gain weight…

    It seems odd that OP did low carb, lost weight, gained it all back, and wants to now go back to what did not end up working for her in the long run …

    You over on this thread pushing IIFYM ndj?

    since I do not IIFYM ..I cannot push something I am not a part of …

    I am just curious why OP is going back to something that lead to failure …

    Is this a closed group?

    No but the OP was seeking keto friend - sorry bud but that ain't you.

    It never hurts to offer alternatives that are proven to be sustainable. the low-carb option already proved unsustainable for OP once.