Guys like heavier girls?



  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    I think a HUGE factor in how "attractive" a girl is is her confidence level. When I was heavier (size 14), I had very little confidence in my image and I shied away from social events. When I'm a size 8 and I know I'm rocking my jeans, my personality is completely different. I feel pretty and I really think it's that confidence that attracts guys. No one wants to date someone that they have to tell over and over they are beautiful to. If you don't think you look good, then why would I? I think it goes the same with girls being attracted to guys. Guys don't have to have a muscular body to be hot. They have to be confident in themselves. Confidence is sooooo sexy.

    Just my opinion... :-)

    My husband shares the same opinion. He lovesssssssssssss confidence!!!!
  • HazelDiva1913
    HazelDiva1913 Posts: 194 Member
    yep most guys like a girl with a some humps and lovely lady lumps...but they usually like them to be like 8-14ish...size wise...however ive always been in a size 16-20 and never really had issues with guys or dating...i dated more than my skinny friends typically...but yea girl your totally right lots of guys like girls w a little cushion...lets face it were just a little more COZY lol
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    WOW...the never ending debate :)
    We all just have to agree to disagree...and different people prefer different body types etc

    I think it is all about proportions and having 'stuff' in all the right places :)
    I think we can all agree that a girl rail thin with NO T&A is fairly unattractive to most men.....looks like a 12 yr old boy

    I do have friend that have lost weight and their SO have become jealous, concerned, and insecure
    that I don't get..if the person u are with is looking better and with you...who give a crap
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    My husband is by no means a small man... but that doesn't mean I don't drool a little over a nice set of abs. But that is sorta the point, they are just nice to look at. I have never been comfy with a skinny man or woman. Just can't be attracted, but that is not to say skinny ain't pretty.

    I am totally built for comfort :) and I want the same in my partner!! lol
  • mschroeder22
    I like girls.
    Tall, tiny, chubby, skinny... Gotta luv 'em all :)
  • kt2007
    kt2007 Posts: 315 Member
    I like girls.
    Tall, tiny, chubby, skinny... Gotta luv 'em all :)

    X2 I look at all woman and like all kinds of them. All shape, sizes.
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    Normally you've got to have a bit of a thick waist to keep your curves. I would love to loose my waist but keep the rest!

    You do not have to have a thick waist to keep your curves, the closer the waist size is to the hips make less curves.

    I used to ave 32" waist and 43" hips - some people may like that sort of shape, I hated it, I felt fat and couldn't stand accidentally catching my reflection in a shop window, shopping for clothes was a no-no, I found it downright depressing to be honest.

    The odd comment from blokes in pubs ranging from "you look like you've eaten too many pies" to "are you pregnant?" really got on my tits and for that reason I dispute the argument that the vast majority of men prefer bigger women, it was not so in my own experience.

    The story is different now because I have a 26" waist and 37" hips, I no longer get asked if I am pregnant or if I like pies and I have been told quite a few times that I look a hell of a lot better now.

    My husband says that if I am happy - whatever weight - then so is he, but he has also said, since I have lost weight, that he prefers me slim - ironically, it was me that decided to lose weight for myself in the first place and not his influence.

    I prefer me slim :laugh:
    Hmmm. Put a gorgeous size 14 in a bar next to a gorgeous sie 6, I wonder who will get picked up. just sayin...

    Regarding the above comment, agreed, seen it time and again in the pub. Many times it is to do with the confidence of the female I suspect rather than just the weight though.
  • claribeln02
    I think that a lot of this might not be which do they find more attractive, but which are they less threatened by / which do they think will not leave them for another better looking guy?

    I mean really - if guys really thought that heavier women were MORE ATTRACTIVE then there would be fluffy gals in all the porn (not just specialty more to love porn) and in all the action movies.

    But, which is more attractive and which are you comfortable sharing a relationship with are two totally separate questions. I'd be interested in seeing a study with slightly different worded questions to find if this makes for different responses.

    also, key question - who had bigger boobs? :wink: :laugh:

    I completely agree with you.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    I like girls that talk to me and don't pepper spray me then run off screaming. willy.gif
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    I agree with a lotta things other people have pointed out in this thread so far, on both sides of the issue. There's so many factors to this. But my two cents--

    Having surveyed guys about this stuff before, I've learned that men:

    1) Want to say the right thing, no matter what.
    2) Are often confused about how clothing sizes translate into pounds or curves. Honestly, have you ever gotten random men to guess your weight, ladies? Or band size/waist size? Based on looks alone? (no picking up!) Are they EVER even close?

    Also, their preferences are an indicator of their comfort level and background. Not just how they compare to the opposite sex fitness wise, but also how big the women they were raised with are. The only guys who've protested or second-guessed my weightloss have been men who are themselves moderately overweight to obese. To them, I'm coloring-outside-the-lines, so to speak. And the men I know who prefer heavier women come from families with heavier women.

    So trying to find the real truth on this issue's about as easy as wrassling catfish. :tongue: Good thread!
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    I like girls that talk to me and don't pepper spray me then run off screaming. willy.gif
    I thought you would have enjoyed the chase...
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    Marilyn Monroe is one person we usually hold out as a bombshell. Guess what? She was size 14.

    Marilyn monroe's size 14 is todays size 6.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    I like girls that talk to me and don't pepper spray me then run off screaming. willy.gif
    I thought you would have enjoyed the chase...
    Last time my eyes burned so bad I ran straight into a wall.
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    I agree with a lotta things other people have pointed out in this thread so far, on both sides of the issue. There's so many factors to this. But my two cents--

    Having surveyed guys about this stuff before, I've learned that men:

    1) Want to say the right thing, no matter what.
    2) Are often confused about how clothing sizes translate into pounds or curves. Honestly, have you ever gotten random men to guess your weight, ladies? Or band size/waist size? Based on looks alone? (no picking up!) Are they EVER even close?

    Also, their preferences are an indicator of their comfort level and background. Not just how they compare to the opposite sex fitness wise, but also how big the women they were raised with are. The only guys who've protested or second-guessed my weightloss have been men who are themselves moderately overweight to obese. To them, I'm coloring-outside-the-lines, so to speak. And the men I know who prefer heavier women come from families with heavier women.

    So trying to find the real truth on this issue's about as easy as wrassling catfish. :tongue: Good thread!

    SO true!!!
    My GF don't even have a clue..they guessed my weight as 118! and I was 130 at the time
    I have always looked smaller or like I weighed less than I actually do
    BUT I went to a plastic surgeon recently and he guessed spot on..he said :what do u weigh around 140'...guess u can't fool a trained eye..LOL
  • redefiningmyself
    redefiningmyself Posts: 476 Member
    I love a woman with curves, but it has never had an impact on my choice in women. We have to be moving in the same direction on all levels. My wife's physical appearance isn't what keeps us together; it's just an added bonus.

    Well said...
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member

    SO true!!!
    My GF don't even have a clue..they guessed my weight as 118! and I was 130 at the time
    I have always looked smaller or like I weighed less than I actually do
    BUT I went to a plastic surgeon recently and he guessed spot on..he said :what do u weigh around 140'...guess u can't fool a trained eye..LOL

    Oh man, so I guess plastic surgeons are the exception! The secrets those guys keep.
  • skyley
    skyley Posts: 60 Member
    I like girls that talk to me and don't pepper spray me then run off screaming. willy.gif

    good choice lol
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    I like girls that talk to me and don't pepper spray me then run off screaming. willy.gif


    What you mean the ones who get boxes of mace delivered on a regular basis? You need to watch those ones, they are a little mad :laugh:
  • skyley
    skyley Posts: 60 Member

    Having surveyed guys about this stuff before, I've learned that men:

    1) Want to say the right thing, no matter what.
    2) Are often confused about how clothing sizes translate into pounds or curves. Honestly, have you ever gotten random men to guess your weight, ladies? Or band size/waist size? Based on looks alone? (no picking up!) Are they EVER even close?

    I totally agree with number 2 I remember in high school being around 100 to 105 and a few guys friends swore I weighed around 80 something!
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member

    Having surveyed guys about this stuff before, I've learned that men:

    1) Want to say the right thing, no matter what.
    2) Are often confused about how clothing sizes translate into pounds or curves. Honestly, have you ever gotten random men to guess your weight, ladies? Or band size/waist size? Based on looks alone? (no picking up!) Are they EVER even close?

    I totally agree with number 2 I remember in high school being around 100 to 105 and a few guys friends swore I weighed around 80 something!
    ...and this surprises you? Guys are a terrible judge of size.