Lose 5 pounds a month December 2010 CHALLENGE



  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Happy Monday all...went to the YMCA today and got a good workout in...now home cooking spaghetti sauce for tonights supper and finishing my Christmas decorating (or atleast going to give it the best shot of getting it close)...Hope you are all enjoying the start of the week...talk to you all later.....
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Dec 1st: 204.0 lbs
    Dec 6th: 204.0 lbs
    Dec 13th:
    Dec 20th:
    Dec 27th:
    Dec 31st:

    Well no loss, no gain = no complaining from me! I need to get back on track for myself! I'm still slacking in my workouts, to me at least. I haven't been killing it on the weekends like I used to do. I've been going out to lunch and/or dinner with CJ a lot on the weekends and when I get up in the morning I'm just loafing around doing stuff around the house. I love winter, but I hate the fact that I don't wanna get dressed & go to the gym. I should just get on my treadmill or put Jillian in the DVD and let her kick my booty. Should of, could of, would of....story of everyone's life, I'm sure!

    Anyway....this Saturday is my dad's business' Christmas party! CJ took the night off so he could come with me! So really this will be our FIRST official appearance together! However he is working the sheriff dept on Sunday at 6am....so no drinky & no late night for CJ! :ohwell: At least he will be there with me! I've NEVER had a date for that party! I'm SO excited! Now...what to wear? :wink: (Its casual so none of my fancy dresses from the cruise, plus its a wee bit cold!):frown:
  • shorthand73
    shorthand73 Posts: 118 Member
    Ugh! These last several days have been out of control - and I feel like the downward spiral continues. I am exhausted, things at work have been crazy, I've made poor food choices, exercise has been minimal... UGH! I feel awful - and dont dare to step on the scale in the last few days. Sometimes it feels like life has too much else going on to be able to think about all of 'this' stuff. I need a kick in the pants to get out of this rut and get things back on track. :grumble:
  • Down 1.5 lbs so far for December! Hip Hip Hooray!
  • fitnewlife
    fitnewlife Posts: 339 Member
    Today I'm still at 145. I started doing Insanity again yesterday so next week I should see a loss or at least not gain. Between work and the holidays, I've gained 5lbs. So my goal is to drop those 5lbs and maybe a couple of more before January 1.
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    55tolose>> Ahahaha! What a difference a new battery makes, ey?

    Hello everyone. It's encouraging reading what everyone's been up to. But, for my check in:

    Dec 1: 142
    Dec 7: 142.25

    Maintenance success! I'm not counting calories, and I quit intentionally exercising while I focus on school. I was really afraid I'd start gaining as soon as I slacked off.

    I've been sick for the last 5 days with this cold/flu-ish nastiness. Icky. I can't wait to get back to normal.
  • dvanrose
    dvanrose Posts: 21 Member
    Ugh...I am really struggling with this "being good" stuff. I've finally decided that I just need to make room in my daily budget for one small snack. We'll see if that's enough to help my mental state.

    So far I'm down a little less than a pound. Grrr. CW: 154 December GW: 150 Ultimate GW 140

    Any advice on how to keep going and not just telling myself "this is good enough"?
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    alioth.. YES Your so right such a difference lol i love it i just might get out of the 160's and into the 150's by the end of the month and then its time to really kick it up. : )
  • Yes! I'm in. New to the program, I've lost 2 this week and hope and pray and PLAN to lose 3 more before Chirstmas. Then another 20 by summer. Just had surgery on my foot, so exercise is not an option at this point. Must watch the calories and drink LOTS of water.
  • Dvanrose, Just saw your post and noticed you have a toddler with you in your profile pic. Taking care of that angel AND yourself are very worthy goals. A small, protien-based snack at some point in the day is probably really needed and well deserved. Be kind to yourself. Take time for yourself. It will come off.
  • mydoc3
    mydoc3 Posts: 232 Member
    Weighed in this morning and my CW is 190.2. I had a .6 weight loss for the week. I wish it was more but that is all there was.
  • I am in!! My CW is 179. Can't wait to weigh in next week and see that number go down!
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Just checking in.

    My mom had been visiting for a week, and was going home today, so I took her out for lunch before she left. I brought her to this really great local restaurant that specializes in gourmet burgers. I know it sounds weird, but they are so GOOD - I had one with sliced avacado, roasted peppers, basil pesto, creamy goat`s cheese. I wanted to take her out for a treat as a thank you for helping to take care of my sick kids and doing some of my housework.

    I'm also going out for dinner with my MIL tonight, so I'll be sure to focus on healthy protein and veggies at that meal.

    I sent some Christmas gifts home for my nieces with my mom today, so yay! And I'm almost ready to send a package to my out-of-town sister and her family. Then I can focus on my own family. I do have a few things, but still need to fill in the cracks. :happy:
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Hello everyone,
    Today was the first day I didn't get up and do my morning workout I began last week. I was really sore and thought that I should just walk today so I slept in. Well once I got to work I remembered that I have a Dr Apt and wont be able to walk on my lunch after all. :grumble: But Biggest Loser is on tonight and I am going to try to do my step up while I watch. I use to do that last season and then fell off my exercise wagon. Two hour show should that should more than make up for my lack of walking today.
    My computer reminders worked well all day yesterday, so I have high hopes that the rest of the week shall work also.
    I have been getting on the scale everyday hoping to see my weight fall and no luck yet. Even after a hard workout yesterday, I am still the same 152.1. Not sure why I don't take my own advise, I tell people on here all the time "you didn't gain overnight, be easy on your self, the lbs will come off if you give it time" but everyday I hop on the scale and my heart sinks. I guess I should just be happy that I am on the right track again instead of gaining. I so want to be back to 143 (my lowest so far on this journey), once I get to 142 I might just have to get myself a little reward a few lbs early.

    Hope everyone has a nice day!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Good Cold Morning!

    It is -1 on my house thermometer. I am a wimp..no way I go out to "Play" when the temp is below 15. I have lived in MN my whole life and hate cold weather. Love snow hate cold!

    Sorry I have been MIA most of this month. I got a stomach flu last week and then over the weekend my husband got it and I have had 2 kids home sick this week. Only my daughter has not gotten it. Hopefully she does not get it.

    This month just seems to be rushing constantly. December always flies by. Eating healthy is a huge challenge. I wish it were easy to make Christmas Cookies calorie free. But will not give up "making cookies" because it is a great bonding time with my kids. They love to make gingerbread cookies and sugar cookies. Plus I need to make some extras for cookie plates that we give to volunteers in our churches Sunday School program.

    I am not really getting any formal exercise in at this time, but I am making sure that before I go to bed I get at least 10,000 steps on my pedometer. I was thinking about doing the Jingle Bell 5k this weekend...but it is going to cold and I dislike cold!

    Starting weight 182.6

    December 8 180.2

    A loss YIPPEE!:drinker:

    Have a healthy day.....stay warm.

  • fitnewlife
    fitnewlife Posts: 339 Member
    Day three of exercising. Hope to get in my Insanity Fast and Furious before the end of the day.
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Well I am up again ... another week another gain :sad:

    I weigh on the Wii and didn't have the guts to see my exact weight but since my BMI is higher I know my weight is too.
  • fitnewlife
    fitnewlife Posts: 339 Member
    Seems like you are at a plateau like me. I haven't had a loss in 2 months and I've gained between 6 or 7 lbs. So I decided I'm going to kick it up a knotch.

    Have you considered switching up your exercises or your diet? Sometimes our bodies get use to what we are doing with it and it slows down on the weight loss.
    Well I am up again ... another week another gain :sad:

    I weigh on the Wii and didn't have the guts to see my exact weight but since my BMI is higher I know my weight is too.
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Seems like you are at a plateau like me. I haven't had a loss in 2 months and I've gained between 6 or 7 lbs. So I decided I'm going to kick it up a knotch.

    Have you considered switching up your exercises or your diet? Sometimes our bodies get use to what we are doing with it and it slows down on the weight loss.
    Well I am up again ... another week another gain :sad:

    I weigh on the Wii and didn't have the guts to see my exact weight but since my BMI is higher I know my weight is too.

    I am coming off a bad couple of months. I was way off track and eating craptastic daily! I just sort or got back into it and instead of the 1200 calories I was consuming I upped it to 1400 since I have already lost the bulk of my weight. I only have about 12-15lbs left to lose...depending on todays weight. I am going to try Zumba for Wii. I do well with new challenges and this seems like something cool to try. I do accept responsibility i am stuck in the "I will do better tomorrow" rut and sadly tomorrow never comes.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Terri, first off, so sorry you've been sick, and having others in the house being sick is never any fun! I'm in southern IL, and yea, my weather isn't quite as cold as yours, but I understand the feeling!! However, I decided to sign up for my 2nd 5k and it's Jan 8th AND it's a night race! But it's through the lights at "Our Lady of the Snow Shrine" and I think it will be a neat experience. I haven't done much jogging lately...I'm hoping that I can still manage to beat my old time of 44min. And HUGE CONGRATS to you on your loss!! I'm so happy that you had a loss!!! Great job!!
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