Petite girls r u struggling w last 10 pounds??? 5'1" - 5'3"



  • lilbrowngirl
    lilbrowngirl Posts: 35 Member
    Same boat.. But I'm 5' and at 108.4 right now hoping to lose the last 8 and get down to 100. I'm taking bar method right now and feeling like it's really toning and helping with body composition.
  • healthyandthin
    healthyandthin Posts: 104 Member
    I'm in the same boat! I've been between 120-125 for a few years. My goal is to be below 120 and I want to start running outside. Has anyone gotten slimmer by running long distance?
  • Florida_Superstar
    Florida_Superstar Posts: 194 Member
    I'm in the same boat! I've been between 120-125 for a few years. My goal is to be below 120 and I want to start running outside. Has anyone gotten slimmer by running long distance?

    I just started running, so I'm anxious to see if this helps. I already exercise 6x a week. I'm just replaced two spin workouts with running and I'll see what happens. I'm 120, 5'2". No matter what I do, the scale does not move. I can workout, not workout, cut calories to 1200, low/no carbs, nothing changes. I used to stay about 115-118. Now I can't get below 120, and I swear I am so healthy. I truly eat nothing processed, no sweets, no soda, tons of water. I don't even drink coffee. I feel like I've stripped every little bit of enjoyment out of my life and my body doesn't reflect it.
  • ochibi91
    ochibi91 Posts: 115 Member
    I'm totally in the same boat. 5" 1 and have been trying to lose 10lbs since last year. I'm currently around 116lbs after gaining back some weight during Christmas and New Year :'( My goal is to be 105lbs this year. I've been a fluffy and chubby person since middle school and I'm sick of that! I look at my leaner sister who's taller and also lighter than me look really good in dresses and I cringe at my huge thighs in photos taken of me.

    I know weight loss is a mental challenge but sometimes it's so frustrating to see no progress whatsoever despite working out religiously and staying away from the snacks when everyone's having a good time eating them. For now, I've set my goal to losing 0.5lbs per week and I really hope to achieve my weight loss goal this time!
  • Florida_Superstar
    Florida_Superstar Posts: 194 Member
    Hey everyone! I finally got the scale moving again! I wanted to share what I did in case it could help someone else. I'm 5'2" and 120/121 pounds for a long time. I've been trying to lose 5 pounds, but nothing has worked. While I absolutely love My Fitness Pal for food tracking and exercise, restricting my calories according to their estimates didn't seem to work for me. I followed it perfectly, and I didn't lose an ounce. In all fairness, I am not overweight. It is just 5 pounds that I'm not sure my body really wants to let go of. Since my body didn't respond to MFP guidelines, I tried restricting even more to 1200 calories and adding 2 days of exercise (7 days instead of my usual 5). Still the scale did not move! So recently I decided to try "carb cycling" and I am down to 117 pounds after 2 weeks. I know there are formal carb cycling programs out there, but I am just doing my own plan. Basically, I have a "carb day" followed by a "non-carb day." I sometimes have 2 non-carb days in a row if I need to make a carb day fall on a certain day (going out for dinner or something). On the non-carb days, I am NOT restricting calories. I do end up eating more protein on the non-carb days. But I want to be really clear that on the carb days, I still eat very clean (lots of fresh veggies, fruit, and chicken), and I definitely don't consider it a free-for-all carb binge. The only difference between my carb days vs. my non-carb days is basically cereal. It's whole grain, high fiber, yum! I just love it, but it is very high in carbs, and I have wondered before if dropping the cereal would help me lose weight -- I just did not want to give it up. With carb cycling, I still get to eat it about 3 days a week. That's doable, and the scale is finally moving! Yay!!
  • Bump
  • jenmarqueiro
    jenmarqueiro Posts: 61 Member
    Im 4ft 11 and struggling now - i managed to get down to 6st 6lb, however went up to 7st 2lb - but this was my fault. I did change, didnt work out for a month or so and ate horribly whilst on holiday! Im trying to get back on it now, up the exercise and protein and for me lower fats seem to help. Im supposed to have 45g a day, at the moment im having that although thinking of cutting it to 35g or so . . .
  • In the same boat. I have not lost any weight.I am 5'2.5 and 126-128 lbs depending on day. I was 116 lbs 2 summers ago and it slowly crept back up. I went on Atkins to try and jump start my weight loss, carbs usually affect me the most it seems. Lost 2-3 lbs on induction and have been slowly adding them back in, in the form of veggies and occasional fruit. I am getting really frustrated because I am doing complete workouts and keeping my calories at 1200-1300 a day. I feel like things are more toned but no scale loss. I have always had problems losing weight. I don't have many pounds to lose (10-15) but still, I feel like most people that have done what I've done would have lost at least 1-2 pounds. I have been low carbing since January 3rd, lost an initial 3 pounds in a few weeks (probable mostly water weight). Then, I starting adding good carbs back in, such as a banana after my workout, and more vegetables. Then I started slim in 6 after not working out for a very long time, and the scale is not budging. So now it has been a little over 2 months of eating correctly, and watching carbs, plus the intense slim in 6 workouts for a few weeks and nothing is happening! Any advice out there from anyone in the same boat as me? I don't know what to do anymore, stuck at same weight for almost 2 months is really taking its toll.

    WILL TAKE ANY ADVICE!! :) please help! :)
  • MayaSPapaya
    MayaSPapaya Posts: 735 Member
    You're not the only one at all! I'm 5'3, lost a bit over 50 pounds and want to lose around 10 more, and it has been coming off much slower than my other weight. But I've heard this is quite normal.
  • I am okay with slower but I don't actually think it is working at all. My line on my weight chart says I am slowly gaining :( I calculated my net weight loss over approximately 10 weeks, it was about 2 pounds. I am thinking, how in the world?? Because, that's like 7000 calories, divided by 7 weeks, is about 100 calories lost in a day, NET. I know this is obsessive but I am just to that point. There is just no way, there is about 100 calories in a third a bag of carrots. I guess I am eating one too many carrots? lol YARGH! Some would say I am not eating enough, but I have tired upping my calories in the past, and nothing seems to happen that way either...

    congrats on losing 50 already!! I did this years and years ago when I was in my late teens, I am 27 now, and my weight has yo yod every since but i have for the most part kept it off and been more healthy!
  • Linnaea27
    Linnaea27 Posts: 639 Member
    I am getting really frustrated because I am doing complete workouts and keeping my calories at 1200-1300 a day. I feel like things are more toned but no scale loss. I have always had problems losing weight. I don't have many pounds to lose (10-15) but still, I feel like most people that have done what I've done would have lost at least 1-2 pounds. I have been low carbing since January 3rd, lost an initial 3 pounds in a few weeks (probable mostly water weight). Then, I starting adding good carbs back in, such as a banana after my workout, and more vegetables. Then I started slim in 6 after not working out for a very long time, and the scale is not budging. So now it has been a little over 2 months of eating correctly, and watching carbs, plus the intense slim in 6 workouts for a few weeks and nothing is happening! Any advice out there from anyone in the same boat as me? I don't know what to do anymore, stuck at same weight for almost 2 months is really taking its toll.

    WILL TAKE ANY ADVICE!! :) please help! :)

    Are you eating any of your exercise calories back? If you're only eating 1200-1300 calories a day and exercising a lot without eating those calories back at least some, I imagine your net calories are very low indeed! That may be the problem-- the general consensus is that for weight loss one needs to net at least 1200 calories eaten each day.

    I know people often say one shouldn't eat back all the exercise calories, but I always do and follow MFP's exercise calories. . . and I'm a 5'1" girl who's lost 5+ lbs in the last 2 months. :)

    OOPS just saw you added that you've tried eating more before. . Hmmm. . . sorry to not read everything!
  • poorgirl1
    poorgirl1 Posts: 24 Member
    I have the same problem! I am 5'.25" and I am struggling with the last 10 pounds. I will take any advice also!
  • duniep
    duniep Posts: 4 Member
    I am having a similar issue. I am 5'3" and trying to get back to 110, but I had to stop taking a depression medicine, which made me gain lbs. I am now desperately trying to drop the weight with no success. If you find something that works for you, let me know!
  • Ketzalitzli
    Ketzalitzli Posts: 15 Member
    Same boat... I have a long way to go though before I get to my goal weight. I'm 5'1".
  • I have not tried doing it in a while (eating exercise calories back, that is), I think I may try again, just worried it will take longer that way:) Should I buy a heart rate monitor to track exercise more accurately?

  • Sadiyyah70
    Sadiyyah70 Posts: 38 Member
    Same challenge here and seriously need a win at this point. 43 yof 5'3" 130lbs trying to reach 120. I also have a high bod fat% (31% per my bath scale and the mirror :embarassed: ) and have been having a hard time switching my mindset from lb loss to lbm gain since I'm so close so I've been digging in trying to shed the 10 to get over that mental hurdle!! mixing things up for the next couple of weeks.

    Doing T25 (alpha wk 5 day 1 complete today) but it's been SLOOOOOWWWW going. Starting tomorrow I've switched my nutrition to TDEE-15% 40c/35p/25f split (tonight we eat!!). I will add at least 1 extra workout for the next couple of weeks to see if that helps to move things along.

    Long gone are the 4-7lb drop weeks (sigh) but I try to remember that I've lived over 15,000 days in a body I did not love so a few more to get the one I will is worth it. Good luck to us all...we can/WILL do it.
  • dawlschic007
    dawlschic007 Posts: 636 Member
    I'm also trying to lose the last 10 pounds. I've been hovering around 125 +/- for a while and would really like to get out of the 120s soon. I did get to 121 a few months ago, but then I went on two vacations and had Christmas & Thanksgiving. :) I just think I need to focus more on eating better during the weekends. I do perfectly fine during the weekdays, but will splurge a little too much on the weekends. The good news is I found my maintenance calories. lol
  • I am going to start fresh on monday, don't really know what that means yet since I have been keeping track of calories and carbs for some while, lol. But, I think I will up my cardio this week. I am going to alternate my workouts to an hour of cardio Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and then on my other days do my usual resistance training with mixed cardio.
    I am considering ordering a heart rate monitor to better track calories burned, does anyone have any success with these?
    Good luck everyone! :)
  • fallingtrees
    fallingtrees Posts: 220 Member
    Look at the bright 5'0", 5 pounds is a whole dress size!
  • scarbore
    scarbore Posts: 2 Member
    hi! i'm about 5'1 and am stuck at 105. my gw is 102 and i am so close. every time i get there though there is an event or holiday (it was my bday last week) that throws me off course. trying to be patient and stick with it but those last few are rough! my motto is 'just the system' i know that eating clean and working out works, even on bloated or chubby days