Most ridiculous serving size?



  • funsteps
    funsteps Posts: 74 Member
    Pop Tarts. 2 come in the pack. Serving size is 1. Who eats just 1 pop tart?

    When I was 12 or 13 my parents sent me to a nutritionist and she had me write down everything I ate for a few days before I went. I remember her reading over my food diary and commenting on the fact that I had eaten two pop tarts as breakfast, and said something to the effect of "I don't know anyone who eats two pop tarts in one sitting." Even now, 12 years later, with a way better grasp of how to eat well, I still can't believe her.
  • majica8
    majica8 Posts: 210 Member
    I don't have any that come to mind, although when I used to eat cereal the serving sizes always seemed very small.
    Ben and Jerry's serving sizes are too small. I just want the whole tub haha.

    What annoys me is when they list calories by weight, but that weight isn't one serving. Muller yogurts are the worst. They do all they calories by 100g but the yogurts tend to be 150-190g (if not more.) At a quick glance some seem OK, 150 cals, 12-15g of sugar....then you realise that's only half a serving. It's not like they intend for that 100g to be one serving either. These are individual yogurts, and don't say "1 serving (100g)", just "100g."
    Also ice cream/frozen yogurt servings given in ml and not grams O_O
  • laurie04427
    laurie04427 Posts: 421 Member
    the single cookie we get at the health food is ONE cookie. we read the back today and a serving is HALF of the cookie!
    That's hilarious!
  • SARgirl
    SARgirl Posts: 572 Member
    I can't stand the microwavable containers of soup that supposedly contain two servings. They just baffle me. If the container is supposed to be the bowl you eat from, who is splitting that with someone else?

    This too! I forgot about those!

    And, if for some crazy reason you really do only eat the one serving, you can't reheat up the rest in the bowl (says so on the container!) that it came in!
  • CampbellTony
    CampbellTony Posts: 38 Member
    Dry egg noodles. Calorie info is for weight cooked and drained!!! How the *&^% do I know how much to put in the pot dry? Just tell me how many calories are in one of the pressed dry portions, honestly, I can handle the info!!!! And the water isn't going to add any extra calories.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Some turkey burgers at Wegmans. 4oz raw is 160 calories, 3oz cooked 120. It's supposed to be the same patty.
  • MBrothers22
    MBrothers22 Posts: 323 Member
    2 tbsp of peanut butter. Significantly less than you think if you're using actual tablespoons too (try weighing it!!). GTFO... gimme the jar and a spoon.

    Really? I was surprised by how much peanut butter fits into the 2 tbsp. 32 grams is a lot of PB for me if I put 16g on each half of a bagel
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    I can't stand the microwavable containers of soup that supposedly contain two servings. They just baffle me. If the container is supposed to be the bowl you eat from, who is splitting that with someone else?

    This too! I forgot about those!

    And, if for some crazy reason you really do only eat the one serving, you can't reheat up the rest in the bowl (says so on the container!) that it came in!

    My solution for this - pour the half you're going to eat into a normal bowl, and microwave with a plate on top. The second half can be heated in the container, as long as you haven't already heated it once before.
  • Zekela
    Zekela Posts: 634 Member
    Girl Scout cookies. I think the serving size should be increased to the entire box. Also, anything that says 8ozs... who drinks 8ozs?? This need to be increased to at least 16ozs
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Popcorn and rice. Oh and noodles. It's the whole dry vs. cooked debacle. By the time I think I've figured out how much I can eat, I give up and throw the box back in the pantry. Not worth it.
  • loriq41
    loriq41 Posts: 479 Member
    A Tombstone pizza serving size is 1/5 of a pizza. How do you cut a circle into 5 equal pieces???

    You know that a circle spans 360 degrees. Divide this by 5 and you have 72 degrees.

    1) Use the protractor (a semi-circle) to create a full circle.

    2) Make a mark on the circle at 0 degrees. Make 4 more marks at 72, 144, 216, and 288 degrees.

    3) From the center of the circle, draw a line segment out towards each of those marks.

    You now how 5 equal parts of a circle.
    That is funny, but what is equally as sad is that in wanting to be accurate..I may actually do that...LOL
  • ThePersnicketyOtter
    ThePersnicketyOtter Posts: 147 Member
    Pop Tarts. 2 come in the pack. Serving size is 1. Who eats just 1 pop tart?

    D: I eat just one poptart... and I barely eat that, because who eats the crusts of poptarts? eww. haha.
  • jlynnm70
    jlynnm70 Posts: 460 Member
    For those frustrated with the dry vs cooked pasta, pasta typically swells when it's cooked. If you want just one serving, measure out the dry amount, and it should be the prepared measured amount when you are finished cooking. I don't usually make one serving of pasta (since I will be feeding my whole family). I just make it, and then measure the correct amount for myself.

    I hate this too (pasta and rice) - I wish it would say the weight cooked. Thankfully my husband (chef) told me to just double it - 2 oz dry is 4 oz cooked. which is still more than I will eat - but at least I can figure it out.
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    Anything that has a serving size of tablespoons.

  • glowgirl14
    glowgirl14 Posts: 200 Member
    Earlier this week I cooked a 1lb box of pasta (7 servings) and a jar of sauce (5 servings) to which I added chicken and other ingredients to extend. In the end, I decided that everything was 5 servings. So I measured cooked pasta then measured finished sauce, and just use 1/5 of each per serving. Simple and worked like a champ! I have roughly a pound of food per serving and it was less than 500 cals per serving! #Winning

    I had to do this last night when I made spaghetti for my family. I box of pasta with 7 servings, plus 1 jar of sauce with 5 servings (can't they coordinate that?!) plus a pound of lean hamburger all in the recipe calculator, divide by 7 = 350 calories per serving. Looks great on paper, but how on earth are you supposed to divide a big dish of slippery food into sevenths? I did the best I could, but I venture the servings were rather unequal. I mean, come on. How are you supposed to measure an accurate serving, even with a kitchen scale, if they only give the information for the UNCOOKED product?! To get an accurate serving I'd have to measure and cook each serving individually. Not gonna happen.
    I also can't stand odd serving sizes... 7?!? 5?! So much harder to divide something into odd numbered sections. They're killing me!

    Don't know if it's been mentioned yet, but the way I do this is enter it into MFPs recipe calculator as a recipe with (in this case) 5 servings. Then when it comes time to dish out - place empty dish on the scale. Tare. Place noodles in dish, note number. Divide by 5, put mine on my plate. Tare. Put meat in dish, note number. divide by 5, put mine on my plate. Tare. Veggies. Tare, divide by 5, put mine on plate. Sep. dish for sauce, Tare. add sauce, divide by 5...add mine. Then mix everything else together for everyone else and give appropriate amounts. Log my dinner as one serving of the new recipe. A pain in the bum, but it works. And it is more accurate. :-/
  • evolution143
    evolution143 Posts: 14 Member
    Pop Tarts. 2 come in the pack. Serving size is 1. Who eats just 1 pop tart?

    This!! I always believed pop tarts needed to change the nutritional information to 2 pop tarts or start packaging them all separately.
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    I have a bag of croutons in the cabinet... serving size 2 tablespoons. How are you supposed to measure that when most of the croutons won't even fit properly in an actual tablespoon? Why not just say "serving size about 2 croutons"? On top of that -- while it's obviously healthier to go with none anyway -- what kind of salad that includes croutons only uses two of them?

    Love this!
  • Cereal. Who only eats 3/4 cup?!
  • JeffBrown3
    JeffBrown3 Posts: 161 Member
    I don't know about serving sizes but I have an irrational hatred of any container that has fractional servings. Servings per container - 2.5. WTF?

    "How many servings shall we put in a container? Two or three? Oh, *kitten* it, let's just split the difference and call it two and a half."

    So if it's just me and the wife, we have to store or throw half a serving, or over-eat.
    If it's me, the wife and our daughter, we get stiffed on the servings, or have to open two packets and store/throw two servings.
    If my step-son is visiting, we have to open two packets, and store or throw a serving.

    THIS^^^ Lmfao
  • alichristiana
    alichristiana Posts: 76 Member
    I forgot the brand but golden syrup cake or ginger cake. Im sure it used to be 6 servings in a pack, but to advertise it as less than 100 calories per slice they changed it to 11 servings a pack. How are you supposed to measure a tiny 1/11th of a cake?