Guys like heavier girls?



  • Ok…I am going to crawl up on my soapbox.gif one more time, then I am done.
    Larousse_37, I am not picking on you, but I disagree with your point. Society inundates us with what an “ideal” body shape should be. So imagine a female (and this is strictly hypothetical because I would never presume to speak for a female) who thinks men are attracted to a certain ideal. So she thinks as a size 8 she needs to be a size 2 to be attractive. She comes to this site looking to lose weight and lo and behold finds many men are attracted to curvier women. She then might think she is comfortable at a size 8 and decides to maintain that. The surprise expressed by many women here proves my point that there is no ideal and women might just lighten up a little.
    And as for guys who only like women who are skinny being *kitten*, would you say the same for a woman saying she only likes men who are muscular? If he come here and said those women are b*tches, would you support him? It is essentially the same principal. Preference is preference. There is no right or wrong to being attracted to curvy women, skinny guys, people of a certain ethnicity, etc. And it doesn’t surprise me that the majority of the men here are attracted to curvy women. MFP draws people of a certain mindset and probably similar points of view. Have this conversation at and the conversation would most likely be radically different. Then you might write them off as vain a**holes. But if you are intellectually honest, to support the viewpoints here and criticize them is unfair. Just different mindsets and viewpoints.
    To go over there and read a female’s post stating she only likes physically fit men because when bumpin’ uglies, she doesn’t want him out of breath and dropping sweat all over her could be seen as a rejection and I could get offended. But really it is her preference which does not reflect on me personally nor does her opinion lessen me as a person.

    I don't really understand how this disagrees with my viewpoint... All pretty agreeable from my understanding. Unless you thought it was me who said guys who like skinny chicks are *kitten*, because I never said that and disagree with that statement0
  • Ok…I am going to crawl up on my soapbox.gif one more time, then I am done.
    Larousse_37, I am not picking on you, but I disagree with your point. Society inundates us with what an “ideal” body shape should be. So imagine a female (and this is strictly hypothetical because I would never presume to speak for a female) who thinks men are attracted to a certain ideal. So she thinks as a size 8 she needs to be a size 2 to be attractive. She comes to this site looking to lose weight and lo and behold finds many men are attracted to curvier women. She then might think she is comfortable at a size 8 and decides to maintain that. The surprise expressed by many women here proves my point that there is no ideal and women might just lighten up a little.
    And as for guys who only like women who are skinny being *kitten*, would you say the same for a woman saying she only likes men who are muscular? If he come here and said those women are b*tches, would you support him? It is essentially the same principal. Preference is preference. There is no right or wrong to being attracted to curvy women, skinny guys, people of a certain ethnicity, etc. And it doesn’t surprise me that the majority of the men here are attracted to curvy women. MFP draws people of a certain mindset and probably similar points of view. Have this conversation at and the conversation would most likely be radically different. Then you might write them off as vain a**holes. But if you are intellectually honest, to support the viewpoints here and criticize them is unfair. Just different mindsets and viewpoints.
    To go over there and read a female’s post stating she only likes physically fit men because when bumpin’ uglies, she doesn’t want him out of breath and dropping sweat all over her could be seen as a rejection and I could get offended. But really it is her preference which does not reflect on me personally nor does her opinion lessen me as a person.

    I don't really understand how this disagrees with my viewpoint... All pretty agreeable from my understanding. Unless you thought it was me who said guys who like skinny chicks are *kitten*, because I never said that and disagree with that statement.

    I'm gathering that your point is that this is a beneficial conversation to have, in response to me saying that it is not. I completely agree that there will be many curvy women here who will feel more comfortable with themselves as a result of this thread. However the original basis of my point was based on a few slightly judgmental or negative comments about different body shapes and sizes. Some comments, all said with good intentions, inadvertently put down other shapes; eg ' I like curvy, who wants to hug bones' that sort of thing. No matter what there is always someone who is going to say your shape is unattractive. I guess what I'm trying to say is that there is a fine line between complementing one body shape and criticizing another, and it's important to maintain a level of sensitivity when talking about these kinds of things. What I was also trying to say in my original post was that there are a lot of curvier women who at times feel inferior to thinner women, as a result of the societal ideal I suppose. My point was that size is less relevant than a lot of women realise and that too much emphasis is placed upon it. I hope that conceptualizes my ideas a little better
  • ZeOphelia
    ZeOphelia Posts: 13 Member
    I wonder how the age of the guy/generation of the guy affects their answer to this question? It would be interesting to find statistics...
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    At the end of the day, as long as you are happy with your body who cares what anybody else thinks!
  • leanmass24
    leanmass24 Posts: 304 Member
    DIdnt read throught the whole thing but, i am pretty sure that most guys like women with curves. You cant really put a size/weight on it cause that depends on the height. Most runway modles are too skinny IMO they look like little boys and of course there is the other end of the spectrum that I wont go into. I think perfect woman for me would be athletic build 5'6" size 6-8 and C cup, if I had to put numbers to it.
  • KierstyPants
    KierstyPants Posts: 468 Member
    Mine tells me Im loosing my bootie. He said you can do whatever you wan to that waist but do not touch that bootie!!
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    At the end of the day, as long as you are happy with your body who cares what anybody else thinks!

    This is great in theory, but the truth is - we are all trying to make an impression on *someone* - whether it's a potential employer (I'm betting there's statistics regarding height/weight and position levels out there somewhere - I do know that looks play a huge role in how successful you are; and not it's not a fairness game. Much of it isn't even conscious. We are aesthetic beings by nature.), a potential lover or mate, our existing s.o.'s, our children, our parents, the community at large... there's always an outside-of-ourselves opinionator that has a strong influence on our choices, including weight/size/shape.

    My guy likes slightly thicker women (not a chubby chaser and although I was probably a 2 or 4 when we met, I honestly think he likes me better where I am now (around a 10), but I don't. I don't like the way my professional clothes fit - at all. I feel bulky, short and kind of box-ish. I don't feel that this makes a good first impression in a professional environment. I see women a bit taller than me and able to wear sweater dresses with a nice wide elastic belt to show their curves, but not indecently. I think they look fabulous - gorgeous in addition to clean cut, professional - their lines are just so much neater than mine and believe it or not, that matters! I can't wear the clothes that I think would most flatter me in addition to giving me that crisp look I want when I go for a potential interview. I'm short and I'm highly sensitive - but these things *cannot* be obvious. I have to give every appearance of being sharp, together, professional and *always* on the ball! When I walk into a room, that's what I want people to think just by looking at me. Dumpy does NOT portray that at all! It looks...ugh ... sloppy and unkempt, no matter what I put on!

    But like many have already suggested, I think much of this has to do with body type. A taller woman who had some extra meat can pull that look off - someone who is short with a 2 finger waist - cannot. The waist-line just gets lost in the rolls. :-( It's hard enough ot find clothes that fit right when you're just short (or conversely, really tall). In order to pull off the look I want, I have to be nothing less than a six, preferably a 4/5 (for me, that's about 115 - I'm 138.6 as of this morning). Now, if I were 2" taller, it wouldn't make nearly as much of a difference. I could be where I'm at weight wise and probably show enough curvature to get that look in a larger sizer and be okay with it.

    Trends often drive professionalism as well as sex-appeal. I'm not so much interested in the sex appeal these days (although a nice head turn now and again never hurt a woman's ego! lol!!!) - I AM interested in landing the job I want in my field and appearance has ALOT to do with that. First impressions mean alot more than we might like them to.
  • Dafrog
    Dafrog Posts: 353
    I was a size 20 when I got with the guy I am with, now I am a 14/16. I still got a ways to go to. I would say he fell in love with the person not my size. Although he does support my weight lost, cause he wants me to be healthy.
  • ziggythecat
    ziggythecat Posts: 62 Member
    Personal preference here because I have no idea about sizes:

    No smaller than Erica Durance (Lois Lane on Smallville)
    No larger than Beyonce with an extra 10-15

    Guess I'm a skinny girl kinda guy.
  • I tend to prefer curvier gals myself. The rubenesque form is very appealing to me. Im not sure it has anything to do with any one part of the body either (ie just the boobies). Its the over all form for me I think. And this may sound odd and may even sound offensive but please dont take it that way, however...extremely small women (the 6s and 4s mentioned I think?) do not look healthy to me at all. I guess this is just from growing up around very strong, very healthy, very independent minded rubanesque women in my home town.

    Dont get me wrong im all for weight loss for health reasons and for your own sense of self worth and appreciation of your body. I mean Ill be honest its one of the reason Im loosing weight. Like one poster said, I believe, we are all trying to make an impression on someone.

    As for personal info Im 37 years old. *shrug*

    Again I never ment to offend any one with my statements and please forgive me if I did so.

    Ill hush now.

    in KY.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    So of all you guys that like curvier girls, who's single and lives in noth Texas? :love: :laugh:
  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    ok Postng pics.
    Size 14

    size 6/8

    just to compare :)
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    Hm. Actually, you look pretty hot in both photos. But you definitely look super hot now, in my opinion.

    I'm sure that "some kid" saying that just totally makes your day :p
  • shawnnshinta
    shawnnshinta Posts: 37 Member
    My son said it best one day to like what you like and I like what I like!
    A truth that is hard to argue with.

    However, speaking of truth...the truth is that us men are not so finicky at all.
    The main thing is that if a women is attracted to us, then we are attracted to them.
    Realisticaly we can say we like the thin girl or the not so thin girl, but if it really came down to interaction, we would go with the one who pays us attention.

    Most times we would not have the chance of interaction with any thin girls we see in polls, or on tv, or even in real life.

    It's very easy for a man to say...oh, I'm attracted to the heavier girl, because he would never have the chance to even be with the thin one.

    If I went into a bar and there were thin attractive ladies in there, I would be looking at them of course, but if an attractive overweight lady was the one who would actually talk to me, then that's the lady I would be going home with.

    In other words, us men will be glad to be with any size women who pays us attention.
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    I've experienced a different version of this. As a child, I was very skinny. When I was a pre-teen, I got into martial arts. After a few years of regular workouts, I put on a good bit of muscle. I kept active in MA and a number of other sports (snow boarding, motorcycle racing, rugby, etc - hey, I am an adrenaline junky ok?).

    About 5 years ago, when my foray into rugby took off an I made the cut to play for a team who is now ranked 2nd in the country, I took up weight lifting - not to be a better competitor - but to prevent injuries. I am 41 and the numerous broken bones and soft tissue injuries were adding up. Weight lifting and physical therapy kept me in one piece and protected me from injury.

    I don't play rugby anymore (lack of time, we had to travel all over the country to compete). But I still work out daily. I am muscular for a woman. Not the pro body builder type... but I am, as my friends at the gym say, "ripped". I have 19% body fat and my definition is good.

    I get as many women asking me how they can get a body like mine as women looking at me with an "ew" expression. Especially when I bench press 160lbs. and my muscles are swollen. Some older men have even approached me and asked me if I think I look "feminine" enough.

    The fact is, I have been married for 20 years to a very loving, devoted and hot man (who is often my training partner). HE thinks I am hot AND feminine. I've had two children (who are now teenagers) - so nature agrees that I am "feminine" enough.

    Besides this, I LOVE watching my body in a mirror when I workout. I love seeing all of the muscles strain and I appreciate struggling through a good, slow lift while holding perfect posture and form. It's a challenge and I am instantly rewarded with a huge endorphin rush after each set.

    I believe that I am genetically wired for muscle. Either that, or I am wired to be particularly susceptible to the endorphin high from lifting. Tried for years to get the "runners high". All I ever got was an elongated wish to end the agony.

    I love my body. I am past the point of being concerned if anyone else thinks my body is not curvy enough... or not "feminine" enough... or enough of anything. It is more than enough for me. I am in the best shape of my life - I am strong and healthy.
  • jmathews
    jmathews Posts: 196
    all I have to say is that I'm a size 2/4 and I have curves...I don't consider myself skinny at all, fit maybe, but not skinny.
    BTW- I weigh 128#'s
  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    Hm. Actually, you look pretty hot in both photos. But you definitely look super hot now, in my opinion.

    I'm sure that "some kid" saying that just totally makes your day :p

    Totally made my day, Thank you :tongue:
  • eorcel
    eorcel Posts: 22 Member
    I'm sure my boyfriend loved me when I as size 14, but now that I've lost weight, he is nicer to me and more considerate of me. Go figure. It's been eight years and I'm still waiting for the engagement ring. I'd like to see if he is going to propose to me when I've reached my targeted weight loss goal. :huh:
  • cjusticeg
    cjusticeg Posts: 90 Member
    i think there is a difference in how people carry their weight..I wouldn't mind being curvy at all but I hate how my weight is distributed. My bf says he loves my body, but I hate it. I still think that even when i get down to 130 I will be very curvy
  • hi, im new here, and i agree i'm more attracted to bigger girls. nothing wrong with skinny girls though.

    someone like Rachael Ray or slightly bigger is ideal.
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