The TRUTH about Plexus - can someone tell me?



  • cvl65
    cvl65 Posts: 1
    I am very new MFP I have never taken Plexus nor do I sell it. I have a niece who does and has been trying to get me to buy from her. She has the whole family on it, it's supposed to be a cure all, I dont buy it. How can one drink help my father in laws diabetes, arthritis, and energy all at once? The rest of the family take it for weight loss? They are still heavy after months on it and my father in law is not any better. I recently broke my wrist and she messages me asking how my wrist is but in her next post she says I need Plexus fast pain relief pain pills! I looked up a review on the Plexus drink ingredients and it went through each one with links to back up the reviews. Nothing in that drink according to the ingredient review supported weight loss or ingredients that aided in weight loss. I have not tried it nor do I want to...placebos anybody???? I have a nice snake oil for all you suckers willing to blow your $ on a cure all. Excuse my typing broke my left hand/wrist 2 days ago & I am left handed. Also I have looked but dont have the link for you sorry.
  • blueye17
    blueye17 Posts: 8 Member
    well, all I can tell you is that I tired Plexus! I was very sick! Due to the strain of taking care of my very ill, and suddenly disabled husband (due to an accident) I was running myself down. I was having severe acute waves of unexplained nausea, that had been dealing with for months, not to mention, I had not been able to eat food. It would either go straight through me, or come right back up. My gastro doctor ran all kinds of test, gave different medications to no avail. I was taking a Phernagan or half of one every day! I was so loopy at times I could not hardly keep down my job. I was miserable but a mom of 2 and a care taker of a disabled adult, and the only bread winner, I was dying! My doctor had nothing to give me, he said it was due to all the stress, and it had taken it toll, and that I needed to slow down, but he knew that was not even possible. My eczema was running wild, I had horrible outbreak and was on steroids for it and that was making the other problem worse, everything I was going through was making the other things worse. My doctor told me that he didn't have an answer, so we had an to get an appointment with a specialist, and oh not to mention that I had gained all the weight I had lost back!

    So in my utter desperation, I heard about this Plexus from a friend of mine, very skeptical I researched it, and then just said there aint no way. Well, I ran into my husband's cousin that I hadn't seen in about 9 months and hardly knew who she was. She told me about Plexus, well I blew it off. I told her I would run by her house on my way home, and I did, but as I sat in her house I started having another spell of nausea and faintness coming over me. I told her that I was getting sick and had to go home. She gave me a bottle of water and mixed up one of those little packets and told me to try. I left, I only drank half of the bottle and headed home to lay down.

    What happened next is not a script, nor something I would have believed if it had not been me. the nausea lifted and I went home and washed 3 loads of clothes, then went to the grocery store, and cooked supper. Well I didn't even realize that I wasn't feeling bad until about 930pm. I went to bed and woke up the next morning and did not have to have medicine to be able to move out of the bed. I called my mom, and said something has happened, we discussed it, I said aint no way it could be that drink, well I went on the next 3 days and realized that I wanted to try some more, and from the 2-13-14 I have had a plexus drink daily, I no longer have to take the medicine, my doctor is excited, and I have only lost 12 lbs and 42 inches as of today and I feel great. So say what you would like, but I can say this, a month into this, I am much better today and my eczema is cleared up, my finger nails are growing and my hair is growing, and I haven't had any nausea medication since the 8th of February. No matter who told you what, I personally have experience a miracle! My doctor is thrilled and is in deep research of this product for other patients! he is one of the leading gastro specialist in the University Hospitals. So unless YOU personally experience something for YOURSELF, please do not knock something that may truly help someone else. We all have our opinions, but we need to help each other as well, so we all know that one person is not going to get the same results off the same medication, so lets not discourage people but putting something down unless we have personally done it. The ingredients are all vitamins, minerals, and fruit. no sugar, stevia leaf for sweetner. It was originally invented for diabetics to help them, but in there clinical studies it was made known of its fat shrinking properties. It also has some of the same items that Dr. Oz has had on his show, but it just so happens the right amount of the ingredients to bind with the other ingredients is what makes it work! I will stay on this for as long as I am feeling good and seeing results. I truly believe it is a gift from God.

    I hope this helps answer someone's questions about Plexus. I have personally met several different people who have pictures, doctors reports to prove their sickness, and their journey to health via Plexus. This is not out of a script, nor a fairy tale, it is real, and I personally have seen and felt the benefits of it.
  • blueye17
    blueye17 Posts: 8 Member
    nursejen: the only sweetner in the plexus, according to my label on the packet, is stevia leaf.
  • 19TaraLynn84
    19TaraLynn84 Posts: 739 Member
    I'm shocked at all the faceless people with low post counts singing the praises of a weight loss product on a calorie counting site.

  • 26point2chick
    26point2chick Posts: 13 Member
    I would be concerned, if I was considering this product, that the only clinical trial I can find about it used 8 test subjects. That doesn't sound like very many. It's also disconcerting that most "ambassadors" don't tout a healthy diet and exercise along with their product, which implies, if even inadvertently, that the product is all you need. That should be a red flag for any product. I also have a very hard time accessing a list of ingredients, and I'm an ingredient girl--I want to know what I'm putting in my body and why, and what I'm NOT putting in my body and why not. Just my two cents.
  • alowry007
    alowry007 Posts: 52 Member
    WOW, I never knew there were so many unsupportive, judgmental jerks on MFP! More than half of the replies to this post are negative and completely unsupportive....

    As far as Plexus Slim goes, I have been on it for four months, but I can't say that it really helps with weight loss that much. At first I lost a lot of weight and inches really fast, but it has since tapered off a lot. However, I am not overweight. I know many people who take it religiously and have lost tons of weight.

    I believe it works for some people, but not everyone. I only take it now because of the energy and focus it gives me, not for weight loss purposes.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    WOW, I never knew there were so many unsupportive, judgmental jerks on MFP! More than half of the replies to this post are negative and completely unsupportive....

    Yup. We are unsupportive of this idea because we don't support snake oil supplements, and we are negative on this idea because we discourage people from buying and using snake oil supplements.

    There's nothing wrong with negative and unsupportive. I am unsupportive of racism and negative concerning questions of alien abduction.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I always love it when someone complains about "judgmental jerks." Nothing like complaining about someone being judgmental by being completely judgmental and insulting.

    It's not being "unsupportive" to tell someone that a useless, even dangerous product is useless and possibly dangerous. It's being honest.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    Not an awful way to live at all. You hit every single criteria for a spam post. 1st post (ever,) glowing endorsement of mentioned product, requests for private messaging to learn more. That's pretty much the exact template that spambots use all across the web.

    Don't forget that they are "new" but show they have been a member since October of last year

    When you join has nothing to do with when you actually start using this site. I joined...then ended up using a different site for a while. When I finally started using MFP it was several months later. I considered my new at the point that I actually started logging here...not when I joined.
  • ShortStuff35
    ShortStuff35 Posts: 15 Member
    I tried Plexus Slim for a month and saw no result at all. I did not take the Accelerator that they push with it and was told that is why I didn't see the same results as others.
    For me it was a waste of money and nothing else.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    Why people think they can lose weight faster than they put it on is amazing.

    I have lost almost 60lbs in 7 months...I assure you that I did not gain those 60lbs in 7 months. They were an accumulation over a period of years.

    So it is very possible to lose weight faster than what you gain it...and do it in a healthy manner with no supplements...eating all...or most all...your favorite foods.

    This is not unique to me...just read some of the success stories...
    DSTMT Posts: 417 Member
    I don't know if this is even worth saying, but I will anyway...on behalf of the "mean, unsupportive" people who have said it a million times already, I'll take a turn. If there's anyone on this thread who genuinely thinks the negative responses are "mean", think of it this way:

    Let's say (and yes, this is a deliberately extreme and non-realistic example for the sake of people who don't understand the dangers of fad diets and weight loss pills/formulas) someone came on to this site and went "hey everyone, I just discovered this wonderful way to lose weight! I started snorting cocaine twice a day, and WOW is my metabolism revved!"

    So you read that, and you go "well that can't be good" and you respond to the person going "I think you should re-think that idea, it's not healthy". But meanwhile five or six other people chime in going "great advice, thanks!" or "I've been doing that for six months and I've lost 200 pounds!" so then you start to worry that other people are going to read this and actually consider it a viable idea, and you start getting more emphatic in your negative responses "NO, that would be a really dumb thing to do, please don't!"

    Then people start responding going "wow, what's your problem? This person is just trying to help us in our weight loss journey, why are you being so negative?" and no matter how you try to explain that doing hard drugs is not a good way to go about it, there's more and more people either agreeing with the unsafe idea, or getting angry at you for disagreeing.

    Meanwhile, a few people post links to drug dealers where newbies can buy their cocaine and jump on the bandwagon. At this point you're both horrified and disgusted and hoping to stop this before it goes any further, so you continue to insist it's a bad idea, but no one will listen and they just do it anyway.

    Now imagine there's like 15 of these sorts of posts every day, and every time the same people keep trying to discourage people from harming themselves just for the sake of weight loss. And THAT's why people get snippy about these posts, and maybe come across as "rude" or "unsupportive".

    The fact is, a lot of weight loss pills/supplements/drinks etc contain ingredients that are potentially harmful, and they are NOT well regulated in any country. Even if they do happen to cause temporary weight loss while harming your body because they're basically legal speed, that doesn't make it a good idea. At best, they're useless, at worst, they can literally kill you. Too, they are unsustainable in the long-term either way, so to take something, lose weight, stop taking it and re-gain the weight is pointless and a complete waste of time. People would be better off skipping the fad things, and just doing what everyone knows actually works, which is eating at a deficit and exercising, even though it takes a bit longer and is more work.

    Also, a lot of the people who are disagreeing have been doing the fitness/weight loss thing for a long time, and many of them have tried their share of fad diets/weight loss formulas, with negative or short-lived results. So they're speaking from experience as well, and trying to keep people from making the same mistakes they did. They have wisdom and experience they're trying to share with those who have less. So if they get a little impatient repeating the same information every day to people who assume they're just being "unsupportive" or who are encouraging people to do harmful things to themselves's understandable.

    Sorry if that was a bit long-winded, just trying to help.
  • sati18
    sati18 Posts: 153 Member
    I don't know if this is even worth saying, but I will anyway...on behalf of the "mean, unsupportive" people who have said it a million times already, I'll take a turn. If there's anyone on this thread who genuinely thinks the negative responses are "mean", think of it this way:

    Let's say (and yes, this is a deliberately extreme and non-realistic example for the sake of people who don't understand the dangers of fad diets and weight loss pills/formulas) someone came on to this site and went "hey everyone, I just discovered this wonderful way to lose weight! I started snorting cocaine twice a day, and WOW is my metabolism revved!"

    So you read that, and you go "well that can't be good" and you respond to the person going "I think you should re-think that idea, it's not healthy". But meanwhile five or six other people chime in going "great advice, thanks!" or "I've been doing that for six months and I've lost 200 pounds!" so then you start to worry that other people are going to read this and actually consider it a viable idea, and you start getting more emphatic in your negative responses "NO, that would be a really dumb thing to do, please don't!"

    Then people start responding going "wow, what's your problem? This person is just trying to help us in our weight loss journey, why are you being so negative?" and no matter how you try to explain that doing hard drugs is not a good way to go about it, there's more and more people either agreeing with the unsafe idea, or getting angry at you for disagreeing.

    Meanwhile, a few people post links to drug dealers where newbies can buy their cocaine and jump on the bandwagon. At this point you're both horrified and disgusted and hoping to stop this before it goes any further, so you continue to insist it's a bad idea, but no one will listen and they just do it anyway.

    Now imagine there's like 15 of these sorts of posts every day, and every time the same people keep trying to discourage people from harming themselves just for the sake of weight loss. And THAT's why people get snippy about these posts, and maybe come across as "rude" or "unsupportive".

    The fact is, a lot of weight loss pills/supplements/drinks etc contain ingredients that are potentially harmful, and they are NOT well regulated in any country. Even if they do happen to cause temporary weight loss while harming your body because they're basically legal speed, that doesn't make it a good idea. At best, they're useless, at worst, they can literally kill you. Too, they are unsustainable in the long-term either way, so to take something, lose weight, stop taking it and re-gain the weight is pointless and a complete waste of time. People would be better off skipping the fad things, and just doing what everyone knows actually works, which is eating at a deficit and exercising, even though it takes a bit longer and is more work.

    Also, a lot of the people who are disagreeing have been doing the fitness/weight loss thing for a long time, and many of them have tried their share of fad diets/weight loss formulas, with negative or short-lived results. So they're speaking from experience as well, and trying to keep people from making the same mistakes they did. They have wisdom and experience they're trying to share with those who have less. So if they get a little impatient repeating the same information every day to people who assume they're just being "unsupportive" or who are encouraging people to do harmful things to themselves's understandable.

    Sorry if that was a bit long-winded, just trying to help.

    I think this is a really great post, however, having read the whole of this thread, there are a number of people being just plain rude. And genuinely, there's a big difference between 'a bit snitty cos you've heard this a million times' and openly confrontational, and then attacking everyone who subsequently disagrees with you.

    Op: I am afraid I cannot offer any actual experience of taking Plexus, but having done a bit of research I would agree with those who say that you are right to be concerned about your step mom. did you speak to her about your concerns?
  • RinnyLush
    RinnyLush Posts: 389 Member
    I don't know if this is even worth saying, but I will anyway...on behalf of the "mean, unsupportive" people who have said it a million times already, I'll take a turn. If there's anyone on this thread who genuinely thinks the negative responses are "mean", think of it this way:

    Let's say (and yes, this is a deliberately extreme and non-realistic example for the sake of people who don't understand the dangers of fad diets and weight loss pills/formulas) someone came on to this site and went "hey everyone, I just discovered this wonderful way to lose weight! I started snorting cocaine twice a day, and WOW is my metabolism revved!"

    So you read that, and you go "well that can't be good" and you respond to the person going "I think you should re-think that idea, it's not healthy". But meanwhile five or six other people chime in going "great advice, thanks!" or "I've been doing that for six months and I've lost 200 pounds!" so then you start to worry that other people are going to read this and actually consider it a viable idea, and you start getting more emphatic in your negative responses "NO, that would be a really dumb thing to do, please don't!"

    Then people start responding going "wow, what's your problem? This person is just trying to help us in our weight loss journey, why are you being so negative?" and no matter how you try to explain that doing hard drugs is not a good way to go about it, there's more and more people either agreeing with the unsafe idea, or getting angry at you for disagreeing.

    Meanwhile, a few people post links to drug dealers where newbies can buy their cocaine and jump on the bandwagon. At this point you're both horrified and disgusted and hoping to stop this before it goes any further, so you continue to insist it's a bad idea, but no one will listen and they just do it anyway.

    Now imagine there's like 15 of these sorts of posts every day, and every time the same people keep trying to discourage people from harming themselves just for the sake of weight loss. And THAT's why people get snippy about these posts, and maybe come across as "rude" or "unsupportive".

    The fact is, a lot of weight loss pills/supplements/drinks etc contain ingredients that are potentially harmful, and they are NOT well regulated in any country. Even if they do happen to cause temporary weight loss while harming your body because they're basically legal speed, that doesn't make it a good idea. At best, they're useless, at worst, they can literally kill you. Too, they are unsustainable in the long-term either way, so to take something, lose weight, stop taking it and re-gain the weight is pointless and a complete waste of time. People would be better off skipping the fad things, and just doing what everyone knows actually works, which is eating at a deficit and exercising, even though it takes a bit longer and is more work.

    Also, a lot of the people who are disagreeing have been doing the fitness/weight loss thing for a long time, and many of them have tried their share of fad diets/weight loss formulas, with negative or short-lived results. So they're speaking from experience as well, and trying to keep people from making the same mistakes they did. They have wisdom and experience they're trying to share with those who have less. So if they get a little impatient repeating the same information every day to people who assume they're just being "unsupportive" or who are encouraging people to do harmful things to themselves's understandable.

    Sorry if that was a bit long-winded, just trying to help.

    And the winner is...^^^^^^ :drinker:
    DSTMT Posts: 417 Member
    :drinker: :smile:
  • Couple things I would like to point out first the amount of weight lost in a month is dependent upon your current weight how many calories you are consuming, how much activity you have daily weather it is high or low and if you are taking anything to help you in your journey! First 30 days of me working out regularly and eating 2,000 calories a day all healthy foods I lost 8 pounds. I thought I would have seen a it more lost than that, so I went and spoke with my doctor he recommend that I take phentermine to help curve my hunger and ramp up my metabolism, which is exactly what it did. The first month on phentermine I lost 38 pounds 2nd month 22 3rd month 20 4th month 20 5th month 20 and 6th month before my month off I lost 18lbs! I was told by my doctor that it would reach a more set monthly lost as I got further down in weight and my body stabilized out! I did gain the weight back but not till I got prego with my daughter and to be honest part of it was my fault for over eating and lack of activity, but part of it was pregnancy complications and bed rest that help with the weight gain back. I kept the weight off myself for 6 months before we got prego.

    2nd thing is I am going to be starting plexus soon which was recommend by my doctor as a equal to phentermine in results but less dangerous thus far and no side effects have been found for it yet, but like he said everything can have some effect on your body later down the line to include the so called healthy food we eat that is covered with chemicals and drugs to included organic foods....I know organic lovers are going to scream and say no organic is safe no chemicals used, but if you are so diluted to realize that every bit of soil, water, and air is full of chemicals and has been for years then keep paying those top dollar prices, even if you grow it your self your land is no better than the next chemicals travel and if you actually looked into the pollution rate and how chemicals dropped from the sky travel you would know no food on this earth any where is truly organic anymore!

    3rd I think some of the comments on this page are b.s. and if your not going to be helpful or respectful keep it shut! This is my very first gander at the forums! I thought I would find some people here to get there experience with plexus, but seems all I found where a bunch of children banging on the key board! Thanks to this horrible experience it will be my last!

    Lastly try the product for yourself talk to your own doctor before starting it to access your health and health risks in taking it and make your own opinion from there! I do not sell it nor will I! I am a professional photographer and don't have the time for that! I researched this product talked with my doctor and found a dealer when I was ready!
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    2nd thing is I am going to be starting plexus soon which was recommend by my doctor as a equal to phentermine in results but less dangerous thus far and no side effects have been found for it yet, but like he said everything can have some effect on your body later down the line to include the so called healthy food we eat that is covered with chemicals and drugs to included organic foods....

    Is this "doctor" a naturopath?
  • No an actual board certified MD OB and OBGYN Dr. Hodges Salina KS
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    That's terrifying.

    Their web site advertises "The Phentermine Diet Plan" by "Dr Boo." Apparently Dr. Hodges uses the name "Dr Boo" professionally.
  • 19TaraLynn84
    19TaraLynn84 Posts: 739 Member

    2nd thing is I am going to be starting plexus soon which was recommend by my doctor as a equal to phentermine in results but less dangerous thus far and no side effects have been found for it yet, but like he said everything can have some effect on your body later down the line to include the so called healthy food we eat that is covered with chemicals and drugs to included organic foods....

    There are side effects for it. They just don't list them because it would probably hurt their business a little bit. I told the person who sold me the stuff about how it made me almost pass out one time, it made me nauseous, and made me so fatigued that I would literally fight to keep my eyes open. This person still went all over facebook saying how wonderful the product is and how nobody was reporting negative side effects. ????
This discussion has been closed.