Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @nettie--Yay! Very excited you will be joining us at T2T! :drinker:

    @helena--lovely ring!! Congrats again! :flowerforyou:

    @robinB--I actually don't really have a fear of EM2WL--I completely understand the rationale. I just worry that if I figure TDEE with "4 days/week of exercise" as my activity setting, that my actual calorie burn will be higher or lower and I won't be eating the accurate calories. I had the same issue the past 2 weeks with zig-zagging. That's why this week I changed to figuring my sedentary zip-zag allowance and I am just eating back my exercise calories. I've done that in the past with TDEE, but my sedentary TDEE -15% is always about the same as MFP's suggested allowance for losing 1.5 lbs/wk, so it's easier just to let MFP do the calculations.

    Monday check-in:
    Not much to report. Worked a bit later than planned and came home to corned beef and cabbage--Yum!!

    Happy St. Patrick's Day, everyone! :drinker:

    Thread moved so quickly today! I don't have time to do more personals right now, but will try to get back later tomight.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Nettie- Yeah, so happy that you will be joining us for T2T.

    Thank goodness, school is starting on time tomorrow as the roads have cleared up today to allow safe travel. Provided the refreeze tonight is not that bad. Boots will be packed just in case the parking lot is not plowed.

    Have a great night everyone.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Helena-congratulations. Your ring is lovely.
    The T2T sounds like so much fun. Wish I didn't live so far away.
    I love the new profile pictures. I like to see pictures so that I feel I would know you if I saw you.
    It was a windy day, but I got in a good walk. Calories were high today. I ate most of my exercise calories. I need to knuckle down and be more disciplined.
    Here's to a great week. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • pashunrose39
    pashunrose39 Posts: 319 Member
    @Tanya--thank you. Good job on popping that workout video in right away! I need to do that more often myself.
    @nyc--Congrats on the amazing weight loss.

    Hope everyone had a safe and happy st. paddy's day. My hubby and brother really loved the dirty red rice that I made. Took my dogs for a quick walk before the rain hits again.
    Have a great Tuesday everyone. Happy losing!!!

  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Well I meant to come back after my trainer workout, but never quite made it. Met my new trainer yesterday and we'll see how it goes. Hard to really tell yet as we did paperwork, weighed, measured and did a fitness test. I'm at least 60 pounds heavier than my sister (I would have thought more but that's what the scales said yesterday) but I was pretty good at keeping up with her. I did more pushups than I thought I could and we did about the same number of everything else. The trainer commented that I was pretty competitive after doing just as many assisted pull ups as my sis did. My response? "That's why we're training together." I always hate to look like too big of a wus in front of others, so working out together is really good for me. The gym wants us to each to buy a 12 session trainer bundle, but she said we could just buy one and see how it goes.

    @ Karen...I'm glad you were able to run outside. I know how much more you enjoy it.
    @ Apeydawan (& littleshadow)...I lost my dad 8 years ago and this was the first year that the day of his death went by without me having a hard day. I still miss him but I think the power of that day has dissolved. I'm sorry you missed a chance to see him before he died -- I missed my dad by a week (7 hour drive) as we were planning on coming home to visit for President's Day weekend. ideas on the leg, but don't let it go too long before getting it checked out. The sooner you do, the sooner you will feel better.
    @Helena...congratulations on the engagement. Pretty ring, but greater proposal.
    @Caramel...This journey definitely has its ups and downs. A new day is a new can do this!
    @Emotional...I agree with the weekends being the toughest. Pre-planning is the way to go for me. I am so much more successful when I pre-plan my meals and workouts.
    @Laurie...can't imagine having to make up that much school time. We have only missed one day and we made that up on Friday (we were suppose to have a 3 day weekend).
    @Pashunrose...congrats on another 2 pounds!
    @Tanya...5 Guys is dangerous! My husband LOVES the place but for the most part will eat there without me. I'm at choir so I don't miss it. My mom needs someone to take out her garbage each Wednesday. If Michael does it, 5 Guys is on the road between Mom and I so it's perfect for him to stop in and grab some for supper.
    @T2T I wish I could join would be a lot of fun, but not going to be in the budget this year. Maybe sometime in the future.

    Tuesday Goal Update: Since I'm just getting back in a rhythm (okay, honestly, trying to find the rhythm again!) goals are going to be drinking my water and staying within my calorie goal. My workout goals this week are:

    Monday - Trainer (DONE)
    Tuesday - Family Zumba
    Wednesday - Rest (church meeting and choir)
    Thursday - Rest (meetings, dress rehearsals etc)
    Friday - Cardio
    Saturday - Water Aerobics
    Sunday - Rest

    Have a great Tuesday and drink up! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Another rainy day. Yesterday I had the munchies all day. No clue as to why, but I went over my calorie goal by a few hundred calories. Very unusual for me, but I'm going to chalk it up to "everyone has a bad day now and then" and move on. BTW, if you're a Trader Joe's fan, I can highly recommend their Everything Bagel chips. YUMMY, but also somewhat addictive. In future, I will eat them not as a snack, but with tuna or chicken salad for lunch. I have no trouble avoiding most sweets, but those salty, crunchy snacks are much harder!

    Nothing else to report today. Just focusing on drinking lots of water and staying within my calorie goal. I'm off to Yoga in a bit and hope to work out the soreness in my shoulder.

    Have a wonderful day!

    Exercise Goals:

    Saturday - 3 mile minimum walk DONE
    Sunday - Rest Day DONE
    Monday- Cardio/Weights/Stretch DONE
    Tuesday - Yoga
    Wednesday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch
    Thursday - Pilates
    Friday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    Tuesday goals - Originally I was thinking of doing C25K today, Thursday and Saturday. But my weather app says it is in the low 30's here but feels like 20's. I don't like the cold so I am debating changing to Wednesday, Friday and Sunday instead. After I am finished here I will go outside and see how cold it really is.

    On a happy note my leg aches and pains have gone away. I ended up taking some advil before going to work. When I got home I noticed I wasn't achy anymore. :smile:

    Newbies - Welcome to the group! Jump right in and join us. Check back in with us often. The forum tends to move fast.

    Helena - Your proposal story brought tears to my eyes. I loved reading all about it. Your ring is really pretty. I love the polish on your nails as well!

    jeansnpearls - Congrats on almost being in the 2's you will be there before you know it!

    Abhull - Congrats on running home and not feeling any pain in the ankle! That is a fantastic NSV.

    RobinB - Sorry to hear about your "slap foot". I imagine that would make it a bit more difficult to run. Let me know how you like C25K if you decide to give it a try.

    JTconst - I :love: :love: :love: the new picture of you!

    Caramel - Sorry to hear you are a bit down. Just think, you are so close to being in the 200s! I hope your back feels better soon.

    Emotional - I still find eating out to be difficult. When we go out for food I try to pick the healthiest choices from the menu and eat a sensible amount of it rather than the entire portion. Logging it can be tricky. I look for the closest thing in the data bases and use that estimate. I also make sure I get in plenty of exercise to help balance out any error in estimation and drink extra water to flush out the sodium.
    Just curious about your 30 day challenge. What exactly are you doing for the challenge? I wish you the best of luck with it.

    Laurie - Sorry to hear about the snow. When did schools by you open for the 2013-2014 school year? I ask because in NY we typically are in school until the end of June. This year our last day is the 25th. We did start this year until September 9th. It was a bit later than usual due to the Jewish holidays. Typically we start the first week in September.

    MNWalking - I can relate on being the person who always gives and never getting anything in return. It was exactly that way with my one friend. I have no regrets cutting that person loose. I was definitely used by her and wasn't being treated well in return. It took me a long time to come to this realization. Once I evaluated our friendship and moved on I discovered I was so much happier than I was before.
    I can also relate to having that friend who you have nothing in common with anymore and are just friends with that person out of habit. I had another friend who I drifted apart from as we got older. I tried for a while to keep some contact because we knew each other from when we were in 1st grade. However, each time we got together it was a struggle to find things to talk about. This person was always living in the past and acted as if we still were in high school. It got to the point that the friendship was no longer enjoyable for me and I dreaded any time she asked me to get together for lunch. I tried keeping her as an acquaintance on social media however she became very possessive of me and began to stalk me. Not only did she stalk me but I found out she was stalking mutual acquaintances through me. I felt bad for doing so but I ended up having to cut all ties with her in order to live my life.
    I wish you the best of luck with whatever you decide to do in regards to your friends.

    Pashun - I hope the interview went well for your brother.

    ushkii - I am jealous of your snap peas!

    NYC - Congrats on your upcoming wedding. I am a NYer too, I was born in Brooklyn and now live eastern LI.

    Tanya - I am with you on stopping when you look a healthy weight. That is exactly how I feel. Oh my goodness to the calorie info on the fries.

    Skinny - I have a question regarding registration. I see there are different registration types. One with a time chip and one without. What exactly is a time chip? I have not registered s yet because I am debating if I want that time chip. If it is what I think it is, I am thinking that is something I mostly likely don't need/ want at this point in my journey.
    This is the link I went to to register.

    Lives - Everything bagels are my favorite. I will have to check out those Trader Joe's chips. Thanks for the tip.
  • Jeannieclark84
    Jeannieclark84 Posts: 58 Member
    Happy Tuesday ALL!!
    Yesterday was a good day with many mountains but I was able to overcome them!!! One day at a time, right?

    I recently joined a group - 100 days till summer! I have found a new fire and I am ready to go. My goal for the end of the challenge is to be a 170 lbs ish. That will put me around that weight around graduation!!!! The other goal that I am going to hold myself to is to tone my body while the weight comes off! I am doing yoga cardio with Denise Austin for now. Once I get my downstairs apartment in a few weeks I plan to start insanity again! Is anyone on here doing Insanity or have an opinion on it?

    I am slowly getting into knowing everyone and hopefully will be able to give more support them more I am on this page!

    @Caramel - How did yesterday go? Remember it is a day a time and we all fall back a times. I am glad to see you are jumping back up and going again! Good luck!!! You can ROCK THIS!!!

    Current Weight - 200.2
    Goal weight in 100 days - 170.00
    End goal weight - 130
    Current Dress Size: 16
    End dress size: 6-8

    Goal for Today!
    1) Stand and walk around more
    2) To use do my desk exercises at least 3 times today
    3) Walk my dog for 30 minutes today

    March Challenge:
    1. 1/4 weeks--Share a new recipe
    2. 18/31--Eat a veggie/ salad every day.
    3. 18/31--Water goal 12 cups/day

    Exercise goals for this week:
    Sat -- Yoga balance ball - 30 minutes workout (core and arms) - Done, Walk 45 minutes - DONE
    Sun-- Yoga balance ball -45 minute workout DIDIN'T DO ; walk 30 minutes - DONE
    Mon-- Yoga - youtube - 20 minutes - DONE ; Walk at 3miles/minute and jog 4.5miles/min 45 minutes - DONE
    Tues-- Yoga ball - _____; Walk - 30 minutes ______ (going to do after work)!!
    Wed-- rest day (Church); walk - 30 minutes ______
    Thurs-- yoga _____; Fat burn - _______; Run 30 minutes
    Fri-- Yoga ______; Walk 30 minutes - ______
    Sat-- Fat burn - ______; Run 30 minutes - _______; yoga ball - _______
    Sun-- Yoga ball - _______; run/walk - 45 minutes - _______

    I hope everyone has an AMAZING day! Looking forward to all the updates!

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • EmotionalEater84
    EmotionalEater84 Posts: 311 Member
    Goal Tuesday!!!! :)

    I know I should have some small goals to be striving for and I will make them soon, but right now I'm really focused on my day to day. I tend to want to control everything (including my own results) so instead of that train wreck my goals are throughout each day.

    Example: I'm going to the movies tonight. My goal is not to buy any junk at the theather. To accomplish this I plan on eating dinner right before the movie so I'm full and won't need any junk food :) I'm also focused on working out 5 times a week. So, every day waking up and having a "chore" on my to-do list is how I'm accomplishing this!

    The scale seems a little over my head at the moment and when I was here the first time I ended up obsessing. I'm not going to do that this time. I know that I'm doing everything right to lose weight and my plan is to only weigh in once a month.

    So, I suppose I do have some guide lines I want to follow, but no formal goals .. today ;)

    @JNettie73 - My 30 day challenge is held by an online trainor that I met here the first time I signed up. She gives the group daily challenges, keeps us motivated and positive with FB posts, tracks our weight and measurements at certain intervals of the challenge, offers help .. etc. It keeps me motivated and holds me accoutable to be part of a team.

    I hope you're all having a fantastic day! **You can feel SORE tomorrow or you can feel SORRY tomorrow, you choose** Let's do this :)
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Tue Goals: I am going to keep the same goals and try to meet them all. Last week i did really well at staying under my calorie intake that is super for me.
    I lost a couple pounds this week and right in line with my 1.5 pound lost a week plan. It is scary that I have been on track for a couple weeks and things are going good. I worry about messing it up.

    apeydawn - Log everything honestly and you will see what you are eating which will drive your future food choices. Good luck.
    Emotional - Glad you are planning your night out, it is a great way to keep on track!


    A: Under calories 4/7 days
    B: Walk 3/7 days
    C: 8 cups a water 3/7 days

    Mon: A
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Tuesday- What to say yep more snow on the way tonight (snowing now)...I feel like spring will never come to MN. Here is an update on my goals for this month.

    10/31 For Drinking 8 glasses of water
    10/31 For eating out only once a day

    ***Disclaimer to all teachers spelling I am not good at*** :smile:

    @Jnettie- I was going to suggest Ibuprofen but I was a little late. I had a pinch cyatic nerve and that is what the doctor suggested. Congrats on the marathon.
    @Tanya- congrats on the loss
    @Grandma- Glad the talk at church went well
    @Abhull- What great thing that you didn't hurt from the quick run
    @Carmel- Sorry....I think you are right though every day is a new day
    @Jt- Love the new profile pic
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    @Tanya and Skinny – What is the target weekly weight loss you are trying to hit? My weekly goal is 2 pounds. Here is what I have learned over the years, a pound “equals” 3500 calories. If one wants to lose 2 pounds a week, one must eat at an average 1000 calorie deficit each day (If 1 pound = 3500 calories, then 2 pounds = 7000 calories; 7000 calories divided by 7 days = 1000 calorie daily deficit). I also have a Fitbit and according to it, I average about 2300 calories burned per day. If I take that as my TDEE and subtract out 15%, I am at about 1955 which would make my daily deficit 345 (2300-1955=345). My daily deficit times 7 days a week puts me at a weekly deficit of 2415 (345x7=2415). A 2415 deficit is a far cry from the needed 7000 deficit for a 2 pound loss. In my mind, this TDEE math puts my weight loss at about .7 of a pound a week, about a third of my desired weekly weight loss of 2 pounds. Having said all that, what am I missing?? Does the percentage (15%) you subtract from the TDEE change with the amount you want to lose per week (seems perfectly logical)? What would the percentage be for a desired loss of 2 pounds a week; 45%? If that is the case and to your point Skinny, MFP is calculating exactly that so there is no sense in me banging my head against the wall!

    Phew! That took a lot! LOL I will try to come back later for personals.
  • Helenavee42
    Helenavee42 Posts: 175
    Thanks everyone! I can't wait for the rest of my life with him!

    Tuesday goal:Go to the gym. Last week was a lazy week and I hardly worked out. This week is back on track. I ate well yesterday. Today is going very well so far but I can tell after I work out I will need to eat more. We are having pork chops for dinner so I'll probably throw some avocado on my side salad to up the calories. Plus I always have my nightly juice! I always look forward to it. It is the one sure fire healthy thing I do everyday. I have 2 go to juices but i need to try some other things. my go to juices are:

    1 peach (seed removed)
    1 orange (peeled)
    1 Banana
    Juice of 1 lime
    1 1/2 cup spinach
    3 leaf of curly kale
    5-6 pieces of ice
    blend and drink

    1 Apple (cored)
    1/2 cucumber
    1 1/2 cups spinach
    4 leafs of curly kale
    Juice of 1 lemon
    5-6 pieces of ice
    blend and drink!

    Beware they are huge smoothies but delicious!

    @RobinB- Yayyy for no arm pain! Great loss ma'am!

    @Karenleona- Staying on track can be hard but you can do it!

    @Emotionaleater- Pick up a hobby! Knitting, crocheting, scrapbooking, jewelry making, etc. I find when my hands are busy I'm less like to pick up food to eat. Though, these days it's not about eating too much it's more about eating enough for me Since going paleo. Also, daily goals are easier at first. Once you get in the groove you can make some longer but still short term goals. It's definitely easier to make and look at short term goals. I always sneak stuff into the movies. Water and baby carrots, nuts, snow pea pods are some easy things to conceal when you carry a big purse!

    @Laurie- I feel for you with all that snow. must be frustrating to have the year extended.

    @Pacshunrose- Great loss, keep it up!

    @Ushkii- You're doing great, keep it up! I love snap peas. I need to get to building my garden boxes so I can plant some veggies! Take the walking as you can, push yourself when you know you can go farther but don't push so hard you end up hurt.

    @tlh- Good luck with the trainer! I hope it works out for you and you really enjoy it.

    Have a great day!
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 604 Member
    @Tanya and Skinny – What is the target weekly weight loss you are trying to hit? My weekly goal is 2 pounds. Here is what I have learned over the years, a pound “equals” 3500 calories. If one wants to lose 2 pounds a week, one must eat at an average 1000 calorie deficit each day (If 1 pound = 3500 calories, then 2 pounds = 7000 calories; 7000 calories divided by 7 days = 1000 calorie daily deficit). I also have a Fitbit and according to it, I average about 2300 calories burned per day. If I take that as my TDEE and subtract out 15%, I am at about 1955 which would make my daily deficit 345 (2300-1955=345). My daily deficit times 7 days a week puts me at a weekly deficit of 2415 (345x7=2415). A 2415 deficit is a far cry from the needed 7000 deficit for a 2 pound loss. In my mind, this TDEE math puts my weight loss at about .7 of a pound a week, about a third of my desired weekly weight loss of 2 pounds. Having said all that, what am I missing?? Does the percentage (15%) you subtract from the TDEE change with the amount you want to lose per week (seems perfectly logical)? What would the percentage be for a desired loss of 2 pounds a week; 45%? If that is the case and to your point Skinny, MFP is calculating exactly that so there is no sense in me banging my head against the wall!

    Phew! That took a lot! LOL I will try to come back later for personals.

    The standard cut for TDEE - x% is 15 or 20% and that's it. It is not based on lbs per week. You want to keep your cut as small as possible while still being able to lose weight.
    I used a 20% cut to start. TDEE 2732 - 20% = 2185 cals per day. Deficit of 546 cals per day x 7 = 3822 cals per week, just over one pound. (this is where I started about a month ago.) My exercises must be underestimated in MFP because I am averaging 2 lbs loss per week for the past 3 weeks, and 3 lbs in one week the week before that. I just bought a HRM so I will be able to get more accurate cal burns on some exercises.

    If you used a 20% cut, then here are the numbers:
    2300- (460) = 1840 460 x 7 = 3220, just under a pound a week. That still gives you 582 cals (1840-1258) extra per day to eat, while still losing. The only way you would get the 2lb per week loss is if you raised your TDEE. Since it works on percentage, the bigger the TDEE number, the larger the cut number (deficit). You should always net above your BMR and try to eat to your goal number every day.

    I assume your exercise is either logged or synced to your fitbit? Make sure you have all your exercises logged in fitbit.. I was told to take 2-4 weeks of daily total cals burned and find my average TDEE, then use that to take the cut, and eat that every day, ignoring exercise (it's already included). Then every 5-10 lbs, recalulate TDEE and eat to the new calorie goal. This is a good way of being more accurate with total daily burns if you exercise different # of days, duration, intensity from week to week.

    The idea behind eating more is that food not only fuels your body, but your metabolism as well. So when you eat lower cals (say 1400 per day), your BMR tends to lower, so when you are finished losing, your BMR tends to match your calories so you still be eating "diet calories" when at maintenance. When eating more, BMR stays higher, so at maintenance you can eat much more.

    I hope this helps some more, it is really hard to explain LOL... I still go back to the group and re-read all the info in the pinned posts quite often.
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    @Emotionaleater- I agree with helenavee. I find that when I chew gum or I keep my hands busy I do better.
    @Nettie- I love that you're my friend on here. I'm glad I have you to fall on.
    @Helenavee- Congrats on your engagement!

    AFM: I went to the gym and had a piss poor run today. My side kept cramping. :( I went into the locker room to shower, and a woman told me I was awesome and totally booking it on the treadmill. Definitely made the day a bit better.

    I'm shopping for my "prize" for meeting my 100 pound mark. I really like the infinity jewelry, so I'll probably get a necklace or ring with that. Want to spend about $100 on it. :) Only 8.4 more pounds to go til I hit 100. :) It's getting close. I'm antsy. Was cleared from therapy today. Had my last session. Definitely excited about that. I'm tired, and I feel like I'm going about a mile a minute in my mind. I've been logging (kinda) and MIA on here for about a week now. I just feel like I'm in a funk and I can't seem to shake it.
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Actually had a successful day yesterday and stayed on track!! Reading a book about emotional eating and the author says to eat only when you are hungry and eat whatever satisfies you..Not sure i agree with that. When she first started doing that she ate chocolate chip cookies for breakfast lunch and dinner for 2 weeks then moved onto ice cream Eventually her body wanted some veggies and she got healthier and actually lost weight. I have been through phases where i ate everything i wanted for many weeks and the only thing that stopped me was my brain. My body would have kept right on going. Have to see how this book progresses.
    Feeling a bit more positive today so onward and downward and Kaye says!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Nettie-We start school the last week in August and are typically out by the middle of June. Unless the state department waves the day we will going until June 25 which is very late for us.

    Karen-Our spring break is usually timed with Easter. So we have the week of Easter off plus Easter Monday.

    Sorry, not much time for personals tonight, I got home later than expected tonight. Had fun climbing with a group tonight and then went out for dinner and drinks. It was fun but a little to late for me.

    Goal for this week to make sure I exercise at least 3 x's for the rest of the week: Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie--sounds like a fun night, but it can be hard to go out on a "school night." Chicago Public Schools sync their Spring Break with Easter, but we have to match ours with the local community college b/c we have students who go to the Tech Campus there everyday. Ours is almost always the last week of March regardless of Easter.

    @karenleona--glad you had a good day! :flowerforyou:

    @aimee--don't let a bad run get you down--it happens. Just be proud that you ran. :drinker:

    @tanya--glad you posted before I had to tackle the TDEE explanation! :laugh:

    @robinB--I'm glad Tanya explained all that! I also don't have a Fit Bit, so I don't know how it tracks activity. Does the 2300 include your exercise calories? My BMR is about 2200, but that doesn't include the calories I burn at the gym or running which varies wildly from day to day and week to week. A far tanya's point about not wanting to put your metabolism into "diet mode" I think you can combat that by adjusting your deficit as you get closer to your goal. For example, when I started (at about 240 lbs) I was set for 2 lbs/week loss. But now when I use MFP calculations, I set it at 1 lb/week b/c I'm so much closer to goal now.

    @holly--so sorry you are getting more snow. :grumble: We have some in the forecast as well. :ohwell:

    @ushkii--great job keeping on track! :drinker:

    @emotional--great job planning for the movies tonight!

    @jeannie--sounds like a great goal! My current goal is also to get to 170 and into size 8. :smile:

    @nettie--if you pay for a timing chip, your official time will show up in the race results. I paid for one b/c I like to track my races on my Athlinks account--not b/c I have any hope of "winning" anything. I also find it kind of cool to see my name on the website with the results and to see how I measured up within my age group.

    @kaye & tracy--wish you (and all of our friends here) could join in the T2T fun as well. Maybe we can find an event out West for 2015. :flowerforyou:

    Tuesday Goals:
    My current goal is to really try to step up my exercise--especially my running. As I mentioned last week, I am doing a challenge with my friends at work to walk or run every day and to run at least 4 days/week for 30 days straight. Today was day 7, and I'm meeting the goal. :happy:

    Today's run was really great! I did my weight loss program on the treadmill--I'm up to level 10 now, but today I decided to try to go for 30 instead of my usual 20 minutes. The running intervals at level 10 are at 6 mph, but are only 1 minute each, so I've been dialing them up to 6.3 or 6.5. I felt so good after the 30 minutes that I decided to try a steady run at 6 mph. Usually 5.5 mph is my "forever" pace, and anything faster leaves me wiped out after a mile. Today, I ran a mile at 6 mph and still felt great! I would have kept going but it was getting late, and I needed to get home. It felt wonderful to see some progress in my running pace, especially since I've been stuck at 5.5 mph for about a year.

    My other goal is to try to be as productive as humanly possible this week at work. It's so hard to grade when I know it's only 3 days until Spring Break. :blushing:

    March Challenge:
    1. 2/4 weeks--Share a new recipe
    2. 15/31--Eat a veggie/ salad every day.
    3. 18/31--Water goal 12 cups/day

    Grading Goals:
    1. 8/16 AP analysis activities
    2. x/70 AP essays

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym (cardio) DONE
    Wed--walk gunner
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--run outside w/ gunner
    Sun--walk gunner + gym
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Tuesday Goal: Just get through this week.

    I've been off for the past few days, still logging on my phone, but just haven't had a chance to sit down with the laptop and check in with you guys! Maybe I'll get a chance to catch up at some point yet this week.

    Tomorrow is my last day of work for a while. I took the remainder of the week off to go help my sister out. She's having the surgery to take care of that nasty cancer on Thursday morning...bright and early! I will be driving out tomorrow night after work, with the kids. So, I've been spending this evening getting bags packed and prepping my baked ziti and a salad to take along, since I plan on feeding her flock while I'm there. Hopefully, all goes well with the procedure and she'll be back at home on Friday night.

    Then, I have off all next week with the kids. Spring break! And we're going to spend it doing some spring cleaning! Of course, I will think of some fun things to do with the kids, too, but no big travel plans for us.

    I was down 2 lbs as of Saturday, but still stuck in the 260's....for now. :wink: I'm hoping I'll break through to the 250's by the end of this week, but it might be hard with all the travel and stress this week.

    There are only a few weeks left to our weight loss challenge that my husband and I had signed up for at the beginning of the new year. We have each lost at least 2% of our New Year's Day starting weights, which means that we earned back half our registration fee in the form of a gift certificate to the shoe store that is hosting the weigh-ins. I see some new running shoes in my future....:happy: Also, we each lost at least 13.1 lbs, which puts us in the "Half-Marathon Club"...bragging rights and a plastic drinking cup included. :drinker:

    I'll try to work on some personals later this week! Forward Momentum Everyone! :heart:
  • rainandwood93
    rainandwood93 Posts: 121 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I've been MIA for about four days because I took a mini vacation with my friend to San Diego. It was really lovely, and we found a hostel two blocks from the beach. I definitely wasn't as strict with myself as I could have been, but I didn't snack between meals, and was active most of the days so I'm hoping the damage wasn't too severe. Had particular fun running right along the coast in the morning, kayaking around sea lions, and playing in the ocean, while feeling fit for once in my life. Even though I am still sort of huge size wise, it made me realize that a lot of my body image is tied up in my fitness and how I'm treating myself. I didn't feel as self conscious at the beach knowing that I could run 5k, if that makes sense.

    It's spring break now and I'm on campus, so I can't weigh myself until the gym opens. This week might be a struggle food wise, since the dining halls are closed and I'm limited to restaurant meals, things that are microwavable, and things that can be made with hot water. The gym is also closed! But I'm determined to not let my four day getaway stop my progress.

    Friend is gone today, and as much as I was glad to see her, having her around definitely took a toll on my progress, so I'm happy to get back into things and start saying hello daily.

    Hope everyone is well! I definitely missed this group while I was out of internet reach.