How do people stay motivated to go to the gym



  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    Do a workout you LOVE, so it becomes a treat instead of a chore.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    My gym is on my way home from work, so I stop by on my way home. I have my gym bag packed and change at work before I leave.
  • 1Cor1510
    1Cor1510 Posts: 413 Member
    Gym buddy. If it wasn't for damskinny I'd never have been as consistant as I have been.
  • mauld13
    mauld13 Posts: 2 Member
    My biggest advice tips:
    1) Find something you like - Make it fun!
    2) SCHEDULE it in to your routine - wherever you can fit it. Every day/week I look at the days coming up and plan when I will go do my workout, just like any other meeting. Some days it is morning, some days evening.
    3) Find people to be accountable with - whether it is someone at the gym, a friend/spouse that will keep you honest, someone that you can check in with.
  • WaKay
    WaKay Posts: 314
    I go directly to the gym from work - I know if I go home first I will not go back out. Also, I have to "earn" my dinner calories which helps to motivate me.

    I have to force this routine for a couple weeks then it's just second nature and it becomes a bigger issue to not go to the gym than finding the motivation to go.
  • Betty_Rubble
    Betty_Rubble Posts: 117 Member

  • sandikegz
    sandikegz Posts: 66
    I go straight from the office -- no stopping at home! Pack your gym bag in the morning and you'll already be in the right frame of mind.

    Exactly what she I have the black card so the unlimited tanning works for a bit of extra incentive! Its all about mind frame though and finding the things you like doing at the gym. A sort of routine if you would :)
  • krawhitham
    krawhitham Posts: 831 Member
    I just like the way I feel when I work out. I sleep better, and everything just 'works' better about my body. I agree it's a challenge to work full time AND have the energy to work out, but you actually get more energy BY working out so the simple fact of being more energetic motivates me.
  • FishingGuy75
    FishingGuy75 Posts: 59 Member
    There have been studies that show it only takes 21 days to make something a habit.
  • michelleweadbrock
    Food is my motivation. I have my calories per day set at 1350 and by the time I leave work I usually have 300 or less left for dinner......which means I HAVE to get a workout in if I want to eat a decent meal and stay on track!! And if I want a glass of wine with dinner.....oh boy do I kick butt at that gym ;)
  • celtbell3
    celtbell3 Posts: 738 Member
    Getting the most out of your body requires putting in the most. Whatever time you put in, that is what you will receive. It is difficult for every working adult. Believe me. You can do it, though. Every day, every attempt is getting you closer to what you want.
  • gregs_gal
    gregs_gal Posts: 18 Member
    Some days I go straight to the gym from work, others I go home first. What I've found works for me was to find classes I enjoyed. A lot of the ones I like are at 6:30 (an hour and half after I get off work), so I can go home, let my dogs out, have a preworkout snack, and change my clothes before heading out. I don't feel rushed and because I like the class and have a fun time in it, I am motivated to get my butt there. On days where I don't attend a class, I try to go right from work because I can (and have) done the whole, "I'll leave in five minutes..." thing and ended up sitting on my couch until it was too late to go.

    I also signed up to work with a trainer once a week. This gets me there since I don't want to lose the session I paid for. Plus, a good trainer will help motivate you and give you ideas or full workouts to do on your own that are tailored to your specific needs and goals.
  • jimethanowen
    I go before work, but if have to go after work I go directly there before going home! Logging my exercise, seeing results and feeling healthy are all motivations to me......
  • ekztawas
    ekztawas Posts: 114 Member
    I don't go to the gym anymore, I work out at home. When I did I had a plan of attack.

    First, don't go home after work. IT'S A TRAP. Pack a duffel with everything you need, plus a banana or small pre-workout snack. Go straight to the gym.
    Get a workout buddy. I've had luck even finding a stranger at the gym and we make a point to say hello each time we cross paths.
    Ask your health insurance if they reimburse for your trips to the gym. Mine I think is 12 trips and they deposit $20 back into your account. Getting back money is always motivation for me!
  • ImpishVanity
    ImpishVanity Posts: 224 Member
    It was hard going at first, but once you start going regularly you feel better and you end up having more energy than before you went. I go after work as well.
  • FFrost14
    FFrost14 Posts: 3 Member
    I really like two of the early answers 1) go early before you go to work, or 2) go directly to the gym from work. What I have done is to make my workouts a habit, just part of the daily routine. Just put it on your mental schedule. Make it like taking a shower or eating breakfast. How much motivation do you need for those?

    You spend two hours at the gym when you go? It sounds like you like it more than you think you do. Maybe work on spreading out the workout. Maybe you get a sort of mini-burnt out. Try a “quick” hour workout four or five times a week (don’t forget rest days). See if it becomes less of a chore to get to the gym.

    Remember the muscle between your ears is the strongest one. It can make the others do whatever it wants. It just has to want it.
  • lisamarieashley
    Go everyday (1 day off) no excuses. Even if you just do the treadmill for 30 min. you need to get it in your routine Plus Im also a cheapskate so I don't want to waste my money and I know I'm doing something that will benefit me in the long run.
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    I live and breathe the yoga studio but I wouldn't go to a gym.

    I feel if you have to ask how to stay motivated to go to a gym, you possibly haven't found that thing you can become totally immersed in. When you do, you won't need to find motivation - it will come and find you.
  • denisegunnels
    denisegunnels Posts: 43 Member
    Find something you like and do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It doesn't have to be the gym..........just keep moving. If you aren't using the membership, drop it and save the money.

    As for motivation, I find that the more I go the more I want to go but some people never reach that point. As for the other tips..they are spot on. I started going in the mornings rather than after work. I pack my bag AND put it in the car the night before. I position my gym clothes in one place and am dressed in less than two minutes.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    My problem is after a full days of work I leave the office and then get home and really do not feel like working out. ...............When I finally do get to the gym, I am there for like 2 hours or more. My problem is just trying to get there.

    I see a couple of potential issues here.

    For one, don't go home first...bring your gym clothes to work with you and go straight not pass go and do not collect $200. Even as dedicated as I am to my fitness, once I get home, I'm home and I'm likely not going anywhere...hell, I hate when I get home and realize I'm missing some ingredient I need for dinner and have to go run to the grocery store just a couple blocks away.

    Secondly, any reason for the two hour thing? I ask because maybe that's causing some kind of mental're dreading going in and having to knock out a couple of hours. You don't really need to do that...I can knock out a good full body weight training session in 60 minutes...often 45 if I don't have to wait around too much for equipment. I do my cardio on alternating days with my resistance training and rarely do more than 45 - 60 minutes unless I have a specific training purpose for doing more.

    You could easily just knock out 45 - 60 minutes 5 days per week and give yourself a couple of rest days. As into fitness as I am, I wouldn't be down with the prospect of spending two hours in the gym every time I went.