Ugly fat pig! Skinny pathetic skeleton! Fat butt slut!



  • Sunbrooke
    Sunbrooke Posts: 632 Member
    Thank goodness bullying is no longer as tolerated as it once was. I hope that our children will grow up to be more secure and sensitive than our generation. Thank you for posting. It's important to have these reminders sometimes.
  • Naijasfitbodi
    Naijasfitbodi Posts: 2 Member
    Inspired will repost to fb if you dont mind. Will give credit of course!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Thanks for your post and your attitude. Your wife is a lucky lady, you sound like an awesome and thoughtful man.
  • brynnsmom
    brynnsmom Posts: 945 Member
    You are very kind hearted, the world needs more people like you. Thank you for sharing.
  • flyingbeta
    flyingbeta Posts: 42 Member
    Situations like this are opportunities for us to be everyday heroes (or, in my case, a heroine). When we witness unkindness and bullying, it's our chance to step up and say "Oh, no, you don't. Not while I'm standing here." I feel like Eowyn from Lord of the Rings whenever I do that, and the bullies always back off. After all, bullies are nothing but self-hating cowards.
  • ecottencat
    ecottencat Posts: 46 Member
    My ex boyfriend when at a 5k race would point out a heavy set person and make a horrible comment. I would look at him and say at least she is out here walking and good for her I'm proud of her. He won't like when I would day that in her defense. One of the many reasons he is my ex got sick of those comments and of course since I don't quite have that athletic body it hurt me as well. Here is my thing instead of putting people down how about go over to them at a 5k and wish them luck which is what I do. They usually smile and say that this is their first and that they are wanting to be healthy. I smile back and tell them to keep it up and they will feel excited and happy when they cross that finish line.

    At the gym I helped encourage a girl that was trying hard to complete the time left on her machine. She told me after that she was about to give up and my positive comments got her going again. Today she has lost a lot of weight and she said that if it weren't for me that day she would of walked out of that gym and never came back and would not of been healthier.

    So little things to someone matter too bad more can't do that instead of putting people down.
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    :flowerforyou: When I think about my hopes for my daughter and all of the things that I want her to have and to be, kind is at the top of the list.
  • Slaintegrl
    Slaintegrl Posts: 239 Member
    This reminds me of a song I love.

    Don't laugh at me, don' call me names.
    Don't get your pleasure from my pain.
    In God's eyes, we're all the same,
    One day we'll all have perfect wings.

    Thank you for posting!
  • ngood10720
    ngood10720 Posts: 9 Member
    There is such a need to be kind to people.
  • Asherah29
    Asherah29 Posts: 354 Member
    Thanks for the post! It hits an issue that people don't really talk about! In high school I was very thin, and constantly called a skinny b* by larger girls and often questioned if I was anorexic or bulimic. It got very irritating having to constantly defend myself that nothing was wrong with me. I came from a long line of very tall slim people, on both sides and was extremely active. Heck, my mom, who's 59 is 5'10 and 130 pounds.
    Then I got pregnant and had my son, and suddenly the stick thin girl had boobs and hips. I'm still relatively slim, I'm on MFP to get back to a weight I am more comfortable with and to tone up, but now the comments are not about if I'm anorexic, they are about the proportions of my body. Granted, I could put on the exact same shirt that my sister, who is about the same size but less "blessed" (lets call it that) wears and looks adorable in and I look like I'm about to step on a burlesque stage. Now I tend to hear things associated with that which are just as detrimental in their own way.
    People can be awful. Its really sad that the ideal that mean is cool has become the norm in our society. You never know other peoples struggles, and quite frankly its not the place of anyone else to judge.
  • Of_Monsters_and_Meat
    Of_Monsters_and_Meat Posts: 1,022 Member
    Reported for potty mouth topic.
  • llabruce4
    llabruce4 Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks for this, it is amazing the affect our words can have on people, both good and bad
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    Thank you for posting this. We too often get caught up in ourselves, thinking we're better than someone else, or are hurt and angry and end up taking out our frustration on others.

    It's so sad to think that our actions and/or words could push another person to such desperate measures.
    My jr. high days were made horrible by a group of about 10 boys who called me horrible names. My reaction was to get mad (and in some instances, get even), which actually saved me from resorting to hurting myself or committing a deserate act. Not that my reaction was all that healthy, but for a 12-13 year old girl with pre-existing anger issues, what's done is done.

    Please, be kind to one another. Be kind to yourself.
  • monstergirl14
    monstergirl14 Posts: 345 Member
    Thank you so much for listening to these women, and thank you for sharing this post. I have fallen victim to extreme bullying, but I'm stronger today because people like you exist. I truly hope those women will have better lives, and my thoughts are with those who couldn't bear the torment from their peers. I can't imagine how bad it must have been that you couldn't wake up in the morning and face the day. It really hurts my core to know that there are people out there who find pride and happiness in making other lives miserable.
  • earvizu92
    earvizu92 Posts: 320 Member
  • marian4marian
    marian4marian Posts: 94 Member
    :flowerforyou: thanks dig!
  • monstergirl14
    monstergirl14 Posts: 345 Member
    My ex boyfriend when at a 5k race would point out a heavy set person and make a horrible comment. I would look at him and say at least she is out here walking and good for her I'm proud of her. He won't like when I would day that in her defense. One of the many reasons he is my ex got sick of those comments and of course since I don't quite have that athletic body it hurt me as well. Here is my thing instead of putting people down how about go over to them at a 5k and wish them luck which is what I do. They usually smile and say that this is their first and that they are wanting to be healthy. I smile back and tell them to keep it up and they will feel excited and happy when they cross that finish line.

    At the gym I helped encourage a girl that was trying hard to complete the time left on her machine. She told me after that she was about to give up and my positive comments got her going again. Today she has lost a lot of weight and she said that if it weren't for me that day she would of walked out of that gym and never came back and would not of been healthier.

    So little things to someone matter too bad more can't do that instead of putting people down.

    It's people like your ex boyfriend that make overweight people really afraid of working out. It's good that you ended the poisonous relationship, clearly your ex has a lot of insecurities that he needs addressed. You're a very good person and thank you for encouraging the woman at the gym. Keep being you and offering positive reinforcement. :)
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    Such a tragedy. My prayers to all. I have had people that made me feel worthless suicide crossed my mind, but, never came to fruition. Thankfully I have a strong supportive family, not all are that lucky. To anyone out there, Love yourself regardless of what others say to your face, or behind your back. It will get better.
  • DucklingtoSwan
    DucklingtoSwan Posts: 169 Member
    What an insightful post. It also made me think of a teaching moment that was handed to me about 15 or so years ago, I had a young friend who had been very thin her whole life- her mom and sisters were built the same way, these tiny little wisps of women, even her dad and brother had slight builds. She wore her hair various lengths of short and/or creatively shaved, and was (is) lovely and blond and hazel-eyed and very pale skinned, almost fairy-like.

    She and I were shopping one day, she needed a dress for some event, and as the salesgirl and I chased her in and out of the dressing room two teenagers were there also trying on dresses for whatever dance was going on, and I heard whispers and started noticing looks being shot over to us... in fact I assumed they were making fun of ME (I've always been large and next to her I must have seemed like a giant) and this being LONG before my outspoken, tell-it-like-I-see-it personality fully blossomed, I just sucked it up and pretended not to hear.

    After a few minutes, they got louder and ruder, and it dawned on me they were commenting on my friend, and I heard whispers of "anorexia"... "never eats" and "eat a cheeseburger... why bother, she'd just throw it up" followed by fits of giggles.

    Now, say whatever you want about me, but watch your mouth about those whom I hold dear! Next time she came out of the dressing room to check herself out in the mirror, I heard one of the girls made one of those passive-aggressive types of insulting remarks disguised as a compliment (you know the type.) So I turned to them all smiles and said, "I know, right? Would you believe she used to be my size... until the chemo."

    As all activity around us stopped, and they took in her fair skin, shaved head and delicate countenance, I do not know whose expression was funnier... theirs (mortified), the salesgirl's (awkward), or my friend's (horror/disbelief/about to fall apart with laughter).

    They couldn't get out of the store fast enough, and had hardly disappeared before we couldn't take it any more and literally fell to the floor in tears, laughing ourselves hoarse. We finally let the poor salesgirl in on it, I'm sure she thought we had lost our minds right there in her store.

    Okay, I never said I was PROUD of the way I handled it :wink:
  • littlelaura
    littlelaura Posts: 1,028 Member
    Glad I read this, hope there are more people out there who care to speak more gently and with kindness on a daily basis. You never know when your words might be the nicest thing someone hears all day.