20-somethings looking to lose weight



  • celia34
    celia34 Posts: 26 Member
    how long have you been trying to lose that last 10 pounds? i am needing to lose that amount too, wondered if you had any tips?
  • I'm 23, 5ft 7.5, living in Ireland. I was massively fit last year, 143lb, but I got injured and then fell off the wagon. I creeped up to 168lb. I'm down to 162lb. Want to get down to 140lb, nice round 10stone, and stay there. So to not find it too daunting I'm focusing on losing one stone first. I need as much support I can get so feel free to add me :)
  • LimeGreenFwooper
    LimeGreenFwooper Posts: 11 Member
    I'm Jessica, 26, getting married in October and I'm looking to lose at least 25 pounds (or at least get past 167! grr.). I've been on here for awhile and lost about 8 pounds in Dec 2012 but have never really been able to make an actual lifestyle change to maintain any results. I almost didn't respond to this post because, frankly, I'm a tad embarassed by how poorly I've been doing, but then I realized that's exactly the reason to get some friends on here for support! My fiance has been very supportive of me and has been trying to help me make better food choices but I'm incredibly stubborn sometimes and he tends to give in eventually so I think I'm in need of some MFP friends to help hold me accountable for bad days.
  • EdTheGinge
    EdTheGinge Posts: 1,616 Member
    I'm a 20 something that has lost the weight and just trying to keep it off. I might have some valuable advise/motivation to help you get to your goals or as I like to put it I talk a lot of jibberish but that's adorable, right ?lol.

    I'm up for friends requests if you feel you can handle my odd personality haha.
  • Hi there, 21 year old here looking to lose around 100lb. Feel free to add me or shoot me a message, regardless of your age, gender or goals :-)
  • Another Steph from the UK here - 26 and 2 stone to lose! Please add me - i need as many people checking up on me as possible! Also joined Diet Bet to see if money could make me stop binge eating! We will see ;) Good luck girls and guys
  • Gray_Sare
    Gray_Sare Posts: 21
    I am looking for new friends as well! I'm 25 and have 40 baby pounds to lose!
  • Hi all! Add me too. I have been on here before but am looking for a fresh start. Using it as a way to keep track, but more as a way to find balance in eating :)
  • chamar
    chamar Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I used MFP a few years ago to lose weight, but since starting a new (stressful!) job this year I have gained back some weight. Hoping to get back down to where I was and maybe lose a few more to a healthier weight. Feel free to add me!
  • KnickersInATwist
    KnickersInATwist Posts: 237 Member

    I've been using mfp for a while now, I seriously find it so useful!

    I'm 21 and from the UK, please feel free to add :)
  • misslazo718
    misslazo718 Posts: 124 Member
    Hey Everyone,

    I'm 25 years old from NYC looking for MFP friends! I am on my second week of p90x3. I am looking to lose about 50 lbs total.

    ADD ME :)
  • hnspratta
    hnspratta Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I'm Holly, 21 and trying to lose weight. Feel free to add! Ive dropped 22 pounds so far.
  • xPeacefulx
    xPeacefulx Posts: 59 Member
    Hello im 24 feel free to add me :)
  • valj20
    valj20 Posts: 14 Member
    Hello, I'm Val! I'll send an add at ya :)
    Plus anyone else can feel free to add me. The support is needed and appreciated.
  • jesstheturtle
    jesstheturtle Posts: 22 Member
    Hi! I'm 23 and I've lost about 10 pounds and I'm looking to lose 60 more. Anyone feel free to add me! :)
  • monstergirl14
    monstergirl14 Posts: 345 Member
    Hey! I'm 23, lost 50, Looking to lose another 20 (hopefully!) You can add me if you'd like!
  • Stephoknee523
    Stephoknee523 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi there! I just joined a few days ago, and I'm 26 looking to lose 30 pounds and then some after I hit my first goal. It would be great to have a supportive group around me. I'm always looking for tips on health and fitness!

    Feel free to add me!
  • jessica51202
    jessica51202 Posts: 21 Member
    I added you. (anyone can add me as well)

    I fell off the wagon for awhile as well. Now i'm back on. I'm 29 and looking to lose about 15lbs. It's been a stubborn 15 though...this almost 30 stuff is for the birds!!!
  • 21, looking to loose just short of 30 lbs. Been on mfp for 2 and a half weeks now, 1st weigh in this weekend. Feel free to add me, I need the support!
  • jdr1223
    jdr1223 Posts: 13 Member
    Hey im 23 trying to lose around 60 pounds. Need some more friends!