20-somethings looking to lose weight



  • jnb143
    jnb143 Posts: 62 Member
    I'm 25. Down 15 and need to lose another 25-30! Feel free to add.
  • jillian_fan2425
    jillian_fan2425 Posts: 167 Member
    Hey! I just turned 25 and am looking to lose 60-70 pounds. Feel free to add me :)
  • I'm 28 and have been struggling with ten lbs for months. I think the support would be great!
  • cnhamilton12
    cnhamilton12 Posts: 45 Member
    Hi! I just started today (I've been using MFP off and on but I'm getting serious) and could always use more motivation. I had my second daughter about 5 months ago and am wanting to get back into shape! Feel free to add me!
  • Naecne
    Naecne Posts: 1
    I'm 21 and I'm on my first week of really committing to losing 15 pounds. :)
  • onlytati
    onlytati Posts: 45 Member
    Hi there, I'm 27 and have another 15-ish pounds to lose. Could use some support, I keep falling off the wagon and getting back on.

    Feel free to add me!
  • trivard676
    trivard676 Posts: 90 Member
    Hi! I used the app for like a few hours a few months (years?) ago. Looking to shed some pounds. I think supportive, like-minded individuals is a great thing. Plus, I like chatting with people. Feel free to add me too. :D
  • Rocky52985
    Rocky52985 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there! I'm Katie. Have been on and off on MFP for about a year, but decided to give it a go again and really trying to stay dedicated and stick with it. Have been for a few weeks now!
  • latachuela
    latachuela Posts: 27 Member
    Hello, I am in my 20 somethings and also looking to lose weight. I have been with MFP since early of 2013. I do lack motivation and that is what I need as well to supportive friends. I am getting back in track to logging every day and posting comments. Feel free to add me. :)
  • weswillis
    weswillis Posts: 1 Member
    Hi my name is Wes. I am 23 years old and just started my fitness journey. Today starts day 5 for me on Jillian Michael's 30 day shred and loving it. Feel free to add me. =)
  • missorangeee
    missorangeee Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I'm in my 20s in California. I'm at my heaviest right now. My journey is just starting today. Feel free to add me. :)
  • lucy4713
    lucy4713 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I'm 28 with 20lbs to go! Also just getting restarted today. :) Feel free to add me. :)
  • KatieJane10x
    KatieJane10x Posts: 37 Member
    Hey :)

    I'm Katie and from the UK. I'm 20 and fell of the bandwagon again and now need to lose 29 pounds :(

    Feel free to add me!
  • CoordinatedKate
    CoordinatedKate Posts: 14 Member

    25 year old from Pittsburgh but living in New Jersey! Looking to lose about 70 lbs.
  • COliver416
    COliver416 Posts: 87 Member
    I'm 25, with about 40 pounds to lose.
  • 22 and looking to loose around 24 kgs , very active on here and will be making my diary public in the next few weeks after I have developed a more healthy routine
  • A6Gom2
    A6Gom2 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey I'm 22 ! Feel free to add me already lost 96.4 pounds have 19 pounds to go! Feel free to add me!
  • aoibhs22
    aoibhs22 Posts: 55 Member
    26 year old girl.,
    SW: 161
    CW: 154
    GW: 140

    Enjoy running, and going to the gym, playing football and team sports. Trying to stick to 1200 successful most days, weekends is bad for me because i like a drink or two lol

    Add away people :):)
  • DeAnna_love
    DeAnna_love Posts: 3 Member
    does 19 count? you can add me:smile:
  • I might be a little late to this party, but I am 22, looking to lose around 15lbs, really just started counting calories and working out a little over a week ago, and was a little disheartened to see that I have gained a pound (I know, I know, it happens, water weight, not counting calories closely enough, etc).

    I'm not terribly strict on my diet, but I do try and stay within 1200 calories. Add me if you like! I haven't tried using the community as a weight loss tool, so this is my first post/attempt!