I am the woman in the freeweights section of the gym



  • Girlrose
    Girlrose Posts: 127 Member
    I'm really thankful this thread exists! I ambled over to this forum with the very question of feeling completely terrified and uncomfortable in the weights section. I'm following a training plan to complete a triathlon and yesterday required I use some weights and resistance equipment. I walked through all the weights and machines, watched all the really muscular, intense-looking guys who looked like they knew exactly what they were doing, and I retreated back to the treadmill in fear.

    I need to get over this fear!
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    Bumping because this post is awesome.
  • CHSegl
    CHSegl Posts: 89 Member
    My husband got me started. I've been doing this for a year- it's the most compact complete workout time-wise you will ever do. Cardio after? Nah, it will get your heart moving just fine once you get into the higher weights. Just do it! I'm the "old lady" in the squat rack- those kids don't intimidate me! After a year, you can REALLY see and feel the difference. I just chucked all my old pants and had to go buy new ones. :)
  • JenniCali1000
    JenniCali1000 Posts: 646 Member
    Awesome advice! Couldn't agree more!
  • 17Delts
    17Delts Posts: 9 Member
    Amen! good for you sister
  • jer2kat
    jer2kat Posts: 71 Member
  • vcuchick
    vcuchick Posts: 29 Member
    This is great! Thank you! I use a gym by my house that also happens to be across the street from a police/fire station. I am usually the only female in the whole place at the times I go for my workout. I need to add strength training and this has given me the "cajones" to just get in there and get it done. Thanks!
  • MissB46
    MissB46 Posts: 143 Member
    This is great! Thank you! I use a gym by my house that also happens to be across the street from a police/fire station. I am usually the only female in the whole place at the times I go for my workout. I need to add strength training and this has given me the "cajones" to just get in there and get it done. Thanks!

    I am glad I am not using that gym....I wouldn't get any work done!!!:tongue:
  • owenmhartley
    owenmhartley Posts: 220 Member
    About time, high five
  • clarion_r
    clarion_r Posts: 53 Member
    Thank you for this - it's exactly what I needed to read, when I needed to read it!
  • carriehoot
    carriehoot Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you so much! The free weights are a major intimidation for me! I'm going to read up and jump out of my comfort zone!
  • ChoiceNotChance
    ChoiceNotChance Posts: 644 Member
    That's awesome. More gyms should offer something like that. Then, some of us wouldn't feel so outside of our "comfort zone".
  • nomorebingesgirl2014
    nomorebingesgirl2014 Posts: 378 Member
  • TaintedVampyre
    TaintedVampyre Posts: 1,428 Member
    This is a great post with lots of helpful tidbits. Thank you :)
  • cls78628
    cls78628 Posts: 6

    From the perspective of a man (in the free weight section) I have nothing but respect for women as well as others who are insecure and/or intimidated in some form (new strength trainers, guys with slight frames, etc). In the past, I have come back into the gym off of a prolonged injury and experienced low self esteem and insecurity. I knew I was going to be weaker than usual, and was uncomfortable about the fact that some of the roided up gym rats (relatively rare where I work out) might see me lifting weights that they mastered a decade ago.

    That being said, I am naturally a strong person. SO... if I felt insecure about it, either I'm a coward or you are just very self-confident (I prefer to think the latter). I wish I could get my wife into free weights, but there's that typical female mental block about it, which is a shame since I believe strength training is the most healthy and beneficial of physical activities.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    Excellent post!
    I would use caution though using the 'free' training sessions available at most gyms as some responses have suggested. In my opinion you get what you pay for... do your research and find a good trainer who knows what they are talking about and will show you the correct form.
  • here's the deal... people are so consumed with themselves they will not notice you most of the time. so fake it till you make it. i refused to pay for a gym membership but i love lifting free weights. so when i got my current job, it has a small gym on site and i am lucky to go during the day when it's not so busy. but i have gone after work too. i'm pretty much one of two-three ladies (i've ever seen) in the free weights area. i've gotten compliments from the gym staff re: my kettlebell technique and the other day two staff members were betting i was a former power lifter. i didn't know to be offended or flattered. so when the staff member asked, I just said i wasn't afraid to lift heavy weights/did weight training in off season HS and college. "Not a lot of women come in here doing compound movements" ... anyway it feels good to bench more than some bros in there but i know their gains far surpass me. tldr: i feel capable of anything after a good workout and don't be scared. easier said than done, but with most things in life - people are more concerned with themselves than they are with you.
  • mandylynn1975
    mandylynn1975 Posts: 25 Member
    Awesome post! Thank you. I don't belong to a gym, but would like to start some lifting. I will look for the books to become educated first. :)
  • chelso0o
    chelso0o Posts: 366 Member
    I am also the woman in the weights section! I had an audience yesterday when I was deadlifting 200# :-)
  • This is wonderful advice and information. You may want to write to a large audience by having your own blog or website.
  • Beautifully worded!

    The more you do it the easier it gets! : )
  • brainfreeze72
    brainfreeze72 Posts: 180 Member
    I love this post, and I love the freeweights. Growing up with several weight lifting uncles and two older brothers I was always a tomboy anyway and if I wasn't just as strong and capable as they were then I was clearly slacking. The worst insult was being told I was "pretty strong for a girl" I wish more women would embrace freeweights and come to the dark side.
  • lpgone
    lpgone Posts: 4 Member
    Don't blast your music - you will look great but you will be well on your way to deafness - not a good trade off. Rule of thumb - if someone else can hear sound from your earbuds, the volume is way too loud!
  • NianMaya
    NianMaya Posts: 108
    Thanks so much for sharing. I have been begging my husband to take me in the free weight section at the gym but we workout at different times. I'm gonna go find the book right now online.
  • cg11a
    cg11a Posts: 1
    Such a great post AND sooo true. I like to call it the "Big Boy Playground"...I worked up the nerve to enter and haven't looked back. You do get looks but for the most part they're friendly, some very helpful and just like everyone else... trying to get their physique on
    I will try to check the books out....my obsession is Bodybuilding.com...soo much info on their.
    Well good luck to you all and Happy (heavy) Lifting!
  • CJay1993
    CJay1993 Posts: 6 Member
    I started out in the gym when I was about 13, and was training to power lift, but life got in the way. I have tried several times to get back into the healthy lifestyle, and back in the gym. I finally made the decision that it is time for my flight or fight instincts to come in. If I want to be healthy and feel confident I have to fight for it everyday. But you are so right. It intimidating before a female in the free weight room especially on a college campus at the rec center. I have went in the weight room once or twice with a plan, but when it came to the dumbbells in the middle of the room(literally) surround by guys talking I couldn't bring myself to head over there. So now between work and school I try to get a workout doing Zumba or just basic no equipment workouts in my dorm, but I would love to get back into the weight room.

    This is a great post, and it is so true.
  • rustyroof
    rustyroof Posts: 76
    Great post
  • NoVatheNinja
    NoVatheNinja Posts: 17 Member
    I, too, have always been the only woman in the free weights room. I used to be intimidated by all of the men there, but once I realized I am here for myself and not them, it stopped bothering me.
  • snhatley
    snhatley Posts: 1
    I just recently began lifting weights, I've always had that weird fear because I'm a woman. However after beginning crossfit I no longer fear the weights. I now enjoy it!
  • geauxspin
    geauxspin Posts: 4 Member
    What a great post and so true!
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