Senior Golden Sneakers - December 2010



  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Good morning,

    Marie - I loved the Puppy Picture, made me feel great during working hours, so cute.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Hope to be able to go to the Gym tonight, weather still a factor in this area.:angry::angry: :angry:

    Have a great day:happy: :happy: :happy:

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello ,

    We have had a busy day. Had to exchange a pair of pants I bought Sunday For once they were to big. instead of me being too big for them
    Also they are out fixing our drive way so the we can get in and out of our drive way without scraping the driveway. and the street. They just came out and started working, Jerry went out there for we didn't know what they were charging us. The said a big fat $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$OO for it was a favor to my brother. who recomened him. Can't beat that. It been needing it for a long time for I could not park my little car in the drive way for it damaged my bumper. A wonderful Christmas . There are some angels around.
    The weather here is so delightful. Warm sun shine hardly any wind. Been running around in just my sweatshirt. I think it is suppose to get in the 50's tomorrow in the 70's Another wonderful Christmas gift
  • Oldbat61
    Oldbat61 Posts: 141
    Hi everyone. It looks as if you have all been busy.

    Marie - wonderful news about the drive and also about exchanging the pants; keep up the good work and you'll soon drop another size!!

    Gayla - you really are going through it at the moment. I do hope the news from the next round of doc's appointments is good. I have high cholestrol levels and only found out there was a problem after a blood test for something else. However, I am pleased to say that it seems to be controlled with pills as well as me being careful not to over indulge on dairy.

    Maryellen, sounds like a wonderful family.

    I had a lovely afternoon today. Dawn had to go to Emma's school for a progress reporting evening, so I had the two smallest girls (Ruby and Louise) after school. Tuesdays are Ruby's swimming lesson days and the pool is just around the corner from my bungalow. So we walked around there and she had a great swim. When we got home I cooked them something to eat and we all watched a DVD until Dawn arrived to take them home. It was a great few hours and, as they had eaten here it meant Dawn could sit down for a few minutes, rather than rush home - which was nice for both of us.

    I am going to Oxford tomorrow; am not sure how much time I will get to check in with you folks but you will be in my thoughts and prayers and I will get back to you all a.s.a.p. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Pam :heart: :heart: :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Have a good trip and be careful on the road And Pam. by all means have a good time. Love hearing about your country.
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Home nurse was here today and hubby no longer has to be on oxygen during the day. Just at night when he is sleeping, or if he is active - which isn't likely to happen. They also reduced dosage on one of the medications! All good news.

    Scale kinda fluttered around a lower number this morning but then settled in at the same old level as yesterday and the day before that, etc., etc.

    Seems like most of us center our lives around what we're eating, and what the doctor has to say. Wouldn't it be nice if it were otherwise?

    Sandy, I surely enjoyed our "live" conversation on Skype. It was fun to see your decorated kitchen over your shoulder. Does anyone else have a web camera and SKYPE??? There is something so "other world" about participating in a video call. Remember back in the 50s when they were forecasting that a video phone was in our future? SKYPE goes a long way toward fulfilling that prediction.
  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Hello everyone,

    I just finished wraping my Secret Pal gift, tomorrow night our Bridge Club has our Xmas dinner, we all get a turn to have Xmas dinner:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: during the year we get a gift for our Anniversary and Birthday, we love finding out and taking a turn guessing who we have, at the end of the evening we draw name for next year Secret Pal, the rules are you can not have the same person again and sometime takes for ever to get everyone with a new name but we drink wine and have a great time.

    Well I made it to the gym and did my regular exercise, makes feels much better since I miss so much.:sad: :sad: :sad:

    Have a great evening and keep warm.:noway: :noway: :noway: It's almost impossible to keep warm in Central Illlinois

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! We were in the city shopping and were on a roll when we left the underground mall parking to find freezing rain. We decided to stop shopping and come home before the highways were not passable. We had a nice dinner of bran flakes for me and oatmeal for Dave. It felt like something my in-laws would have done and it was fine. Then I got into watching some Christmas specials and before you know it the evening was gone.
    Tomorrow is my day to do some baking and make nuts and bolts. I will have to watch myself and keep them from entering my mouth.

    Take care all. Gayla
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member

    A little morning humor!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Oldbat61
    Oldbat61 Posts: 141

    A little morning humor!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Oh, I love this Sandy - fits my sense of humour!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Just finished packing for the next few days. They are forecasting more cold weather (and possibly more snow) so I am taking far more than I think I need but at least I am prepared for whatever the skies throw at me!!

    Keep smiling, warm and happy - love you guys

    Pam :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    It wont be long now!!!!!!!!!!!, Sandy love yours That's my excude too.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member
    Happy Wednesday!! Bingo Night!!

    Marie, another great picture, you are becoming quite the expert. :heart:

    Pam, please drive careful and make sure you always have a near full tank of gas. I like Marie, love to hear about your Country and all the wonderful places you visit. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Gayla, ok I have to ask, what are nuts and bolts? Is this a baking term? As you know I am not a cook nor a baker, I leave that to the talented people in my life. :laugh: Did Neil get his TV early or is it for Christmas? I know he will love it. I just reminded myself I have to send him a Christmas Card. :bigsmile:

    Gigi, you also reminded me about how much my MIL used to love secret Santa. I miss her so much she was just such a wonderful lady and since she had no girls (four boys) her and I were very, very close. :love: I am glad most of you are exercising, I am bad very bad, but I will get back on track once I get this back healed. :sad:

    Barbie, you are like my husband who takes Daisy for a walk twice a day, no matter how cold it is outside. He bundles himself up with a face mask and hand warmers etc because he just doesn't like to see Daisy not get her walk. He says it calms her down and she is not so wild in the house. I think Daisy keeps him healthy along with the hour of stationary bike and half hour of eliptical and then some weight routines. He is a good example for me, but because he still smokes he thinks if he continues with this routine it is ok to smoke. :noway: His heart doctor says he is in great shape and all his numbers are perfect, so something is working. :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Connie, I too liked our Skype call and will do it again. You took me by surprise that morning since I wasn't showered or made up or anything, but it was nice getting to know you and say hello to your husband. :happy: :happy: We will do it again soon. I can't wait to try the group call with my family, it sounds wonderful.

    Time to get more presents wrapped, have a great day everyone!!
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Today is the two month anniversary of my weight loss journey and, as you can see on my ticker, I have lost 20 pounds. That puts me at 176 - the least I have weighed in about six years and just four pounds away from where I was almost 15 years ago. I'm feeling a little high!

    Yesterday home health nurse took hubby off oxygen during the day and they reduced the dosage on one of his medications. Those are huge steps in his recovery and we are both glad he is no longer tethered to that machine. He still uses it at night as his breathing gets a little shallow in sleep.

    It's not yet noon - we DIDN'T get the freezing rain predicted - and so far, it is a great day.
  • viliberty1957

    A little morning humor!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Tooooo funny., And Oh, so true.
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! We are happy to be staying home today. We watched a movie this morning so I have neither my baking nor my wrapping done. I do have to make a list of things that I need to get tomorrow when Dave isn't with me. I can't begin to catch up with everyone but I will check in with the latest posters. For those who may be away and not accessing a computer I wish you a very early Merry Christmas.

    Marie -- I have also been enjoying your pictures each day. They make me happy!

    Sandy -- Nuts and Bolts are a snack food, likely many other names for them but it is a combination of cereals, pretzels and nuts along with whatever strikes me as interesting when I am shopping. They aren't good for you as they are covered in a mixture of butter and spices. I will not be eating many but it wouldn't be Christmas around here if I didn't make them. The TV is a Christmas present for Neil so he doesn't have it yet. Dave is making sure it works as it should so that there is no disappointment Christmas morning!

    Pam -- Have a wonderful holiday!

    Irene -- Glad you are feeling well and that this will be a very happy holiday for you and your family.

    Connie -- Way to go on the 20 pounds lost. Also great news on your husbands steady progress.

    Jeffrey -- I do remember your surgery has been cancelled! Yeah!!

    Thinking of you all and hoping you are happily enjoying the season. Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello All,

    Just caught up on reading..keeping very busy at the moment.

    BTW, Gigi and Sandy, the two of you have comments going back and forth about a nail hardener Gigi, apparently, recommended. I looked back at your posts to the beginning of Nov., but didn't see any reference to what the name of it was. Just curious as to what you are using that you both like so much.

    Irene, Glad to hear your good doctor's report. Congrats on the "fuzz." With all the snow you guys have had east of the Cascades, maybe it will make your head feel warmer!! LOL

    Marie, Love your pics.

    Gayla, Sorry that Neil's road to recovery has so many rocks in it. I bet he will love his new tv. Take care of yourself as well as everyone else.

    To anyone I didn't mention, "hi!" Hope you are all safe and warm.

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi Barb! I know nothing about what nail strengthener Sandy and Gigi were talking about but I use Amoresse Recovery and it seems to work very well when I remember to use it regularly!! It also gives a nice healthy shine to the nails even without polish.

    Take care. Gayla
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :flowerforyou: Sandy, how great that your hubby takes Daisy out to get her exercise. Jake and I share the job. I walk the dogs first thing in the morning (sometimes before daylight) and I take them to the dog park. Jake takes them out during the day including after dark in the evening. At this time of year the sun doesn't come up until almost 8 AM and it goes down before 5 PM so there's a lot of dog walking in the dark. I have a flashlight in the pocket of extra warm dog walking coat so I'm prepared for the dark.

    :flowerforyou: Barb, glad to hear that you are alive and well. I hope that your business is successful with all the time you seem to putting into it.

    :flowerforyou: I cooked the turkey yesterday (actually, with my direction, Jake made the cranberry sauce and stuffing, stuffed the turkey, wrapped the yams in foil, put the turkey in the oven, set the table, carved the turkey and did more than half of the clean up)......I had a busy day with the cat's appointment at the vet, and hour long meeting at noon, and a two hour visit from a friend before our friends arrived at 4:30. The dinner was delicious. Our friends brought a great salad and dessert.

    :flowerforyou: Today we learned a waltz in line dance and after a lunch of turkey/stuffing/yams/gravy/cranberry sauce I met with a friend for a walk that lasted almost two hours. There was no rain and the temperature was just above freezing so I wore my early morning dog walking clothes so I knew I'd be warm enough.

    :flowerforyou: Yesterday with all the sit down and stand still activities, I had a huge challenge to walk my 10,000 steps, but Jake was very tolerant and didn't fuss that I walked up and down the hall whenever I had a minute and jogged on the carpet while we watched TV after the company left......I just barely made the 10,000 steps.

    :flowerforyou: All the sodium from the stuffing resulted in a big water weight gain, but after the leftovers are gone, we'll be back to normal
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Yeah girls where do you get that stuff for your nails. Mine are terrible.. Marie
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Barbie -- Your dinner sounds yummy! You are wise not to fret over a gain that you know will quickly go away. I meant to mention what a lovely looking family in your picture.

    Marie -- I get my nail Recovery at the salon where I have my manicure. It seemed a bit expensive but the stuff last a long time.

    Sleep well. Gayla
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member
    Quimica Alemana Nail Hardener is what Gigi recommended and I bought mine on So far I love it and my nails seem to be growing already after using it for only a few days.

    I won at bingo again another $100. Yipee!! Maybe I should go to the casino.

    It is late and I need to take my pills since I forgot the before bingo and I am hurting. Will talk to you in the morning.

    Good night