Biggest nutrition/weight loss/fitness pet peeves?



  • melissat888250
    melissat888250 Posts: 79 Member
    Good god, I hate thigh gaps. In high school/beginning of college I was 5'7", size 2, 100 pounds. No thigh gap (thankfully back then there was no pressure for one, either!). Grew 2 inches to 5'9", gained 15 lbs and went to a size 4, still no thigh gap. Now at 25, size 12 and 170 lbs there's not even a chance of seeing one. Idk. I've been thin and apparently carry my fat stores in my thighs before anywhere else. Sorry that isn't attractive to everyone. I'm sure when I get to my goal weight of 140 there won't be a thigh gap then, either.

    Loose vs lose is a biggie.

    I'm also a huge baker for holidays/special events and I always get asked how I can stay thin and bake so many sweet treats. I have a sweet tooth and I work to eat what I want. I control my portion sizes.

    I also don't like being told I don't need to lose weight/look good how I am now. 165 is the top for healthy weight for my height, and I'm over that, so I'm technically overweight. I'm only 25, I don't want to be at the top of the healthy weight bracket yet. As someone who's been thin the majority of my life, I feel huge at 170 lbs and I want to correct that. My mom was diagnosed with hypothyroidism at 27, so I'd like to have an exercise and nutrition plan in place before I encounter that problem.
  • monicarungood
    monicarungood Posts: 41 Member
    "Eating clean", paleo, low carb, so on and so forth.

    When people won't take no for an answer - I live in a part of the country known for our crappy eating habits. If I say no to pizza, believe me the first time. Don't come after me about it.

    Maybe a weird pet peeve, but still - I struggle with counting calories because I feel like I have to pace my eating juuuust right so I can reach the end of the day without going to bed hungry.

    People who lose their mind when they see someone's fitness post on social media - at one point I was making it out to run once a week. Once. I'd have a mileage tweet hit my Twitter account on Saturday mornings, and that's it. To be honest, for awhile I just couldn't be bothered to figure out how to turn the auto-update off. And I still had people harassing me about it with a self-righteous fervor of how it was SOOOOOO annoying. Is it possible for people to make it to the gym without talking about it on Facebook? Sure, absolutely. But if it helps keep that person motivated, hide their posts or unfollow them and move on with your life.

    The Maria Kang spectacle has me really irritated as of late... people are accusing her of "fat shaming" because of her no nonsense attitude toward weight loss/healthy lifestyle. Well... don't go to her Facebook page, then. It's not like she's printing off copies of her articles and shoving them under your windshield wiper. Again, ignore it and move on with your life.

    "How did you lose weight?"
    "I ate less and moved more."
    And then I get an upset reaction that it wasn't a quick gimmick.

    I have also been asked if I had surgery to lose weight. Not that it's any of your business, but no.
  • monstergirl14
    monstergirl14 Posts: 345 Member
    It irritates me when I'm apparently not allowed to indulge in "bad food" sometimes when I feel like it, because "aren't you on a diet? You just blew it!" ... And if I'm feeling sensitive that day, which happens A LOT, it's those comments that ruin my day.
  • monstergirl14
    monstergirl14 Posts: 345 Member
    "I, for one, hate the word "skinny." I hate when girls on here say, "I just want to be skinny!" Why? There's nothing sexy about being skinny. There's nothing hot about a thigh gap. Fit is the new skinny! Being healthy is more important than looking like Jessica Alba."

    I kind of feel like there's some animosity towards those that are skinny in this statement. Thigh gaps are nice, but so are full thighs. Thighs with muscles are nice, too. I have always wanted a thigh gap, but I'm dealing with the fact that I may never have one. Meh. I don't hate those who do, and my legs don't woosh together when I walk so that's nice. I guess that's all I really wanted. Also, being skinny isn't a bad thing either. To each their own. It's not like being skinny is unhealthy, as long as you maintain a healthy lifestyle, then what's the problem? There are many shapes and many features many girls can't obtain unless they pay for it, it's no reason to shame those who have it.
  • 40andFindingFitness
    40andFindingFitness Posts: 497 Member
    I don't have many but these get on my nerves:

    People who are secretly pissed off that you're actually losing weight and who give backhanded compliments.

    Instagram 'coaches' who get mad when you tell them you are not interested in their outrageously priced products. Then go on to tell you that you probably won't see great results from just exercise and caloric deficits.

    People who act like losing weight is some sort of race; you must lose 100 lbs in two months or you suck! :yawn: Then you see them six months later and they've doubled their body size. :drinker:
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    I agree.

    The skinny word is one. "skinny" is skin and bones. Anyone who claims to want to be skinny had not a clue in their head about what they really want. Be healthy, be real, stop buying those stupid fashion magazines and read a fitness book.

    The "Thigh gap." AS IF they have a choice in the matter. The gap between your thighs comes from your bone placement on your hips. You can't control it. If you have wide hips and you're not "fat", you may have a thigh gap. People like me, people with regular, not wide hips, rather straight hipped and waisted do not have thigh gaps. Oh, wait, I'm wrong. If you are malnourished, you may be able to see between your thighs becasue you only weigh 90 lbs. Not a good look and not a healthy style.

    Another peeve is the "I want to lose weight for this and that event." It's not like dyeing your hair, you know. It should be a way of life, being fit and healthy. Not something you achieve for a weekend and then throw away to go back to your bad habits.

    Lets promote good habits and good choices!!!!!!
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    HAHAHA. I looked for the like button for so long until I realized there was none.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
  • missnelso04
    missnelso04 Posts: 111 Member
    "I don't sugar coat *kitten*'s not all unicorns farting rainbows/fairy dust." Etc.

    There are dozens, no hundreds, of experienced MFPers capable of giving out sound, science based, compassionate, educated advice without being obnoxious, rude, critical or judgemental. But when some are, in fact, obnoxious, rude, critical, judgemental and sometimes downright offensive, they wheel out this tired, overused excuse. Being "blunt" and "telling it like it is" is fine if you never learnt/can't be ar$ed to adopt the art of diplomacy or develop the gift of empathy, but don't defend it by using that smug, pre-school unicorn analogy. If you really don't care about how others interpret or react to what you have to say, why bother to justify it at all? Why do you even need to roll out the unicorn????

    Other than that, my gears don't often grind. Just the farting unicorn thing.

    ^^^^^^THIS!!!!!!!! I sent an apology to an OP a while back, in behalf of all of the decent people on here that genuinely want to welcome and help new members. Her original opener could have been interpreted a few different ways. I saw an open invitation to new friends, and an enthusiasm to start taking care of her health. Several people came on and ripped her up, cut her down, and told her she was too sensitive and should get off if she couldn't handle it. I was stunned they could be so rude. So called "my way or the highway experts" but really egotistical self-ascribed know-it-alls with no compassion or empathy. I see she deactivated her account and left this site. Way to go people. Everyone that comes to this site (or really anywhere!) should be treated with equal status, and if they ask for help or show misinformed ideas, they should be responded to with caring and decency, not blunt judgemental rudeness. Don't we wish success for everyone that joins us here?

  • When the people I'm around look at me like I'm insane or roll their eyes for counting calories before I eat...

    Edit: -cough- the parents -cough-
  • When people talk about "starvation mode" as something that will make you gain weight. Yeah, I ate -1000 calories for almost a year and did NOT get diagnosed with anorexia, no, no...not at all...I got super obese, yes, WHAT DO YOU THINK???
  • monstergirl14
    monstergirl14 Posts: 345 Member
    "I don't sugar coat *kitten*'s not all unicorns farting rainbows/fairy dust." Etc.

    There are dozens, no hundreds, of experienced MFPers capable of giving out sound, science based, compassionate, educated advice without being obnoxious, rude, critical or judgemental. But when some are, in fact, obnoxious, rude, critical, judgemental and sometimes downright offensive, they wheel out this tired, overused excuse. Being "blunt" and "telling it like it is" is fine if you never learnt/can't be ar$ed to adopt the art of diplomacy or develop the gift of empathy, but don't defend it by using that smug, pre-school unicorn analogy. If you really don't care about how others interpret or react to what you have to say, why bother to justify it at all? Why do you even need to roll out the unicorn????

    Other than that, my gears don't often grind. Just the farting unicorn thing.

    ^^^^^^THIS!!!!!!!! I sent an apology to an OP a while back, in behalf of all of the decent people on here that genuinely want to welcome and help new members. Her original opener could have been interpreted a few different ways. I saw an open invitation to new friends, and an enthusiasm to start taking care of her health. Several people came on and ripped her up, cut her down, and told her she was too sensitive and should get off if she couldn't handle it. I was stunned they could be so rude. So called "my way or the highway experts" but really egotistical self-ascribed know-it-alls with no compassion or empathy. I see she deactivated her account and left this site. Way to go people. Everyone that comes to this site (or really anywhere!) should be treated with equal status, and if they ask for help or show misinformed ideas, they should be responded to with caring and decency, not blunt judgemental rudeness. Don't we wish success for everyone that joins us here?


    So many people have replied to me and given me the 'unicorn' statement. I have no regrets of showing compassion when someone needs it. People have no idea how much their environment affects their thoughts, there are a very small amount of people who are well educated about nutrition and exercise. Some people are completely off the map when it comes to the right direction, and it does not mean you should be rude and inconsiderate. Always give a friendly nudge in the right direction. If they dismiss your advice, then just proceed with your life. One day they'll understand, but that still does not warrant attitude.
  • 40andFindingFitness
    40andFindingFitness Posts: 497 Member

    Another peeve is the "I want to lose weight for this and that event." It's not like dyeing your hair, you know. It should be a way of life, being fit and healthy. Not something you achieve for a weekend and then throw away to go back to your bad habits.

    Lets promote good habits and good choices!!!!!!

    This!!^^ I always wonder, "So what happens the day after this event or vacation?" Time will tell.
  • RobinLynx
    RobinLynx Posts: 60
    Dear God how could I have forgotten my biggest pet peeve of all of them.

    People who seem to believe that they won't effectively gain weight unless they supplement their workout by tagging themselves at the gym on Facebook and posting a picture while they are there, and also believe that their meal is unhealthy unless they take a picture of it first and then list all of the ingredients to their status.

    You don't need to flood my news feed to be healthy. I have lost 50 lbs and never have I ever, even once, mentioned weight loss, health, nutrition, working out, or anything of the sort. STOP IT!

    OMG I absolutely agree with this. People who post their statuses on Facebook drive me nuts! I don't care if you are at the gym working out or what you had for dinner!

    I post on Facebook because people ask me to.... People ask me for advice and ask about my progress and request pictures and want to know what I am eating... But I put a full disclaimer that if you don't wanna know then delete me now because if I can inspire one person to better their life than it is completely worth the few people getting aggravated about what I post on my own page .. I also post a bit of it to my blog and if they want to see then the can click the link and go read

    I love being inspired, Al Noog. And is that your dog on your pounds lost bar? Cute dog! (still trying to get the hang of this site, learning how Reply works)
  • nmncare
    nmncare Posts: 168 Member
    Personally, I couldn't care less who sees my food diary.

    THANK YOU!!! You said COULDN'T care less. It drives me mad when people say "I could care less." Interesting.. Because that could mean you love it more than anything in the world. Ahhh. Thank you, thank you!! :flowerforyou:
  • ALNoog
    ALNoog Posts: 413 Member
    Dear God how could I have forgotten my biggest pet peeve of all of them.

    People who seem to believe that they won't effectively gain weight unless they supplement their workout by tagging themselves at the gym on Facebook and posting a picture while they are there, and also believe that their meal is unhealthy unless they take a picture of it first and then list all of the ingredients to their status.

    You don't need to flood my news feed to be healthy. I have lost 50 lbs and never have I ever, even once, mentioned weight loss, health, nutrition, working out, or anything of the sort. STOP IT!

    OMG I absolutely agree with this. People who post their statuses on Facebook drive me nuts! I don't care if you are at the gym working out or what you had for dinner!

    I post on Facebook because people ask me to.... People ask me for advice and ask about my progress and request pictures and want to know what I am eating... But I put a full disclaimer that if you don't wanna know then delete me now because if I can inspire one person to better their life than it is completely worth the few people getting aggravated about what I post on my own page .. I also post a bit of it to my blog and if they want to see then the can click the link and go read

    I love being inspired, Al Noog. And is that your dog on your pounds lost bar? Cute dog! (still trying to get the hang of this site, learning how Reply works)

    Thank you!
    :) yes that is my baby girl Lulu she's a yorkie. I have a baby boy named Remy that is half yorkie and half chihuahua.

    You'll get the hang of the site soon and be a pro in no time!
  • dani8921
    dani8921 Posts: 15 Member
    Dr. Oz's existence is my biggest nutrition/weight loss/fitness pet peeve.

    Haha I love this, I cannot stand doctor oz!!!! but my biggest pet peeve is when people want to loose twenty pounds in a month or set some other unrealistic expectations. When you loose weight if you don't do it the right way then you will just gain back everything. Like anything its the work you put into it. Be realistic.
  • monstergirl14
    monstergirl14 Posts: 345 Member
    People who tell me that 1200 calories isn't enough - I've done the calculator - I'm short, I'm not that active and I'm not 21 anymore- the number I get is 1228 for 'fat loss' sedentary. If I don't do any exercise that is what I am supposed to eat. Yes I eat back when I exercise, but don't assume everyone is the same. You know what assume means......

    This!! I even had one person admit that she had more lean body mass than I have entire body weight. But she still couldn't get her mind around the fact that I maintain at just over 1500 cals and have to eat under 1300 to lose. And that is when I am exercising. When I don't exercise the numbers are even lower! It is hard enough to deal with these facts without lots of people telling me I am starving myself. The calculators don't lie.

    My sister will not lose weight unless she eats below 1200, and she's far from sedentary. I agree with you, people shouldn't make blanket statements, assuming everyone will starve on a certain deficit. People are unique, that's what makes us all great.
  • salvationsdying
    salvationsdying Posts: 205 Member
    Dr. Oz's existence is my biggest nutrition/weight loss/fitness pet peeve.

    Haha I love this, I cannot stand doctor oz!!!! but my biggest pet peeve is when people want to loose twenty pounds in a month or set some other unrealistic expectations. When you loose weight if you don't do it the right way then you will just gain back everything. Like anything its the work you put into it. Be realistic.

    I lost 19 my first month. Just eating better and working out 10 minutes a few times a week at home. I only expected like 5 tho, I know water weight would come off, but I didn't expect that! lol.
  • RobinLynx
    RobinLynx Posts: 60
    Being interrupted & stopped over & over while working out by some bossy old man at the gym, & by gym I mean at home office, & by bossy old man I mean the impatient husbandish person I married & work for. I'd like to say "with" but can't tell HIM that.

    He DOES do great work & he DOES support the diet part mostly, so it's just a peeve.

    And he got me puppies. So, not a *pet* peeve.