Calling All Non-Moms Again!



  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    I really just don't know what the heck my problem is. I feel like crap today :-(

    chin up, anew! take a deep breath, and think for a few moments about why you started this to begin with. *really* think about it...don't just berate yourself (so easy to do - trust me, i know)! get back in touch with your reasoning for all of this...write it down, draw a picture, whatever. think about what it is worth to much *you* are worth to you. once you get it back in perspective, you'll be on the move again! everyone has setbacks, but so what? don't sweat the small stuff - it's a long way to eden! you can do this!

    glad to have you here angel eyes! i like your strategy of taking it slow and natural - good plan! this is a great community and we'll be looking forward to hearing of your successes!

    i went to my workout this morning, and i was drraaaaagggiiiingggg....! i was wondering why i didn't feel tired yesterday after my c25k - it must have taken a day to catch up, because i was sooooo tired! but i made it through anyhoo, and it was a psycho lady specialty, so i still feel really good about it!

    i have weigh in tomorrow, and i usually eat a baked potato for dinner on my pre-weigh in night. but this evening, my aunt and uncle are coming over for dinner, and we're having chili...doused in sour cream, cheddar cheese and ritz crackers. with cornbread. and desert. why don't you cut calories by skimming the cheese or desert or whatever, you might ask? because it's goooood, and i'm going to eat it! i can work it off tomorrow, by god!

    now...tomorrow when i'm throwing a pity party because i gained a whole pound in chili weight, don't attend - just kick my *kitten* instead! :tongue:
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    Another non-mom joining in. Sadly, I'll probably always be a non-mom as I've waited so long to lose weight that it is probably too late (I'm 43).

    Nice to have a place to chat that isn't all about baby fat. As mine has been on me for about 40 years! :sad:


    welcome, jackie! this is a great place for support and motivation. welcome aboard!
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    anewpath, that sucks, it really does, but it happens. Really, everyone goes insane once in a while. I remember one night when I thought it would be a good idea to order pizza, eat chicken kickers, jalapeno poppers, a tub of the UK's (poor pathetic sad) answer to ranch dressing, all the condiments in my fridge as well, three big slices of pizza, wash it down with some wine and diet coke, and top it off with Cadbury's Dairy Milk and a piece of chocolate fudge cake. And what did I do the next day? Well, firstly, I felt horrible. Secondly, I got it together, and once I stopped feeling like I was going to throw up, I worked out. So now it's your turn. You pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and get back to it. You want this, and you deserve it, so stop sabotaging yourself! We are all rooting for you. You know you can do this, we know you can do this. Now all you need to do is prove us right. Come on, girl, get back to it. Give us a reason to cheer you on.

    Chans, I love your pep-talk! I'm going to need that some day soon. Also, I look forward to kicking your butt (even though I really enjoy pity parties as there's usually cake) as soon as you give me the "go ahead!" Hmm, that seems weird, but hey, that's what we're here for, is it not? Kicking butt when it's needed and cheering on when it's due, that's the non-mom way!

    Hi Jade and Jackie and welcome! Jade, our goal weight is the same and we are at almost the same weight right now! I'm at 162. Also, I just checked out your profile and we're the same age.

    P.S. I (really really really really really hate) do not like goat's milk!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I'm sick. :sad: Apparently we tried a bit too hard to change my non-mom status this weekend... ehem... :blushing: Anyhoo... I'll be sucking down cranberry juice like it's going out of style, so I imagine by the end of the week, I'll be up again, but at this point I don't even care.

    Welcome to the newbies!
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    I'm sick. :sad: Apparently we tried a bit too hard to change my non-mom status this weekend... ehem... :blushing:

    well, i don't know whether to feel sorry that you're sick or to cheer you on for your extended....session! joking aside, i do hope you feel better - i'm waiting for my turn to be down and out. there's a lot of stuff going around, and i know it's just a matter of time. wear fuzzy shoes, stay warm and watch 80's movies...preferably those starring molly ringwald, except in the case of 'better off dead', of course. feel better!
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    16 days now on this plateau first official plateau. It's making me insane.
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    I'm sick. :sad: Apparently we tried a bit too hard to change my non-mom status this weekend... ehem... :blushing: Anyhoo... I'll be sucking down cranberry juice like it's going out of style, so I imagine by the end of the week, I'll be up again, but at this point I don't even care.

    Wow! Congratulations/condolences. I don't know what else to say, but it kind of makes me want to start trying for a baby. Well, not that much. Ok, maybe a little.
    16 days now on this plateau first official plateau. It's making me insane.

    Argh. I'm on my way to a plateau. I can feel it. The closer I get to a healthy BMI, the slower it goes. I'm lucky to have started/stopped enough times to never have hit an actual plateau until well, whenever it starts, and it's coming. I'm on the scale every day and I'm losing nothin' this week. As frustrating as it is, I'm feeling ok. I keep telling myself "you've lost almost 90 pounds now. This can only be a learning experience." I fear it's going to be a test of my already fragile sanity, but I'm holding it together so far. Good luck with yours. When all else fails, bust out the tape measurer and see if you've lost inches.

    One more cup of coffee and I'm off to week 4 day 2 of c25k. I gotta tell ya, ladies, goat's milk is not good in coffee. I do, however, feel a lot better now that I'm drinking it instead of cow's milk. I miss cow's milk. :frown:
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    @ ickybella - Thank you, hun! :D I appreciate the encouragement and advice. :) Yeah, I have a feeling I'm still losing inches even though I'm not losing any pounds, but I guess I need to get the tape-measure out and see. I've lost almost 70 lbs but I'm still over 300 so I know it's WAY too early for my weight loss to be slowing down this much. :( It's depressing. Oh well, I know that if I just keep sticking with it the pounds will eventually stop coming off again. I just have to be patient.

    By the way, awesome job on the C25K! I started that but found that the running is a bit harsh on my knees right now - I think I need to lose some more before continuing the program, as they say that you put 3-4 times your weight on your joints when you run. So for someone my weight that's probably not a good idea. lol

    hahah I totally "LOL'd" over the goat's milk! Too funny!
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    @ ickybella - Thank you, hun! :D I appreciate the encouragement and advice. :) Yeah, I have a feeling I'm still losing inches even though I'm not losing any pounds, but I guess I need to get the tape-measure out and see. I've lost almost 70 lbs but I'm still over 300 so I know it's WAY too early for my weight loss to be slowing down this much. :( It's depressing. Oh well, I know that if I just keep sticking with it the pounds will eventually stop coming off again. I just have to be patient.

    By the way, awesome job on the C25K! I started that but found that the running is a bit harsh on my knees right now - I think I need to lose some more before continuing the program, as they say that you put 3-4 times your weight on your joints when you run. So for someone my weight that's probably not a good idea. lol

    hahah I totally "LOL'd" over the goat's milk! Too funny!

    No problem, that's what we're here for. 70 pounds! You should be proud of yourself for that. That's almost an adult penguin. Unfortunately, we have no control over when/why/how our bodies decide to fight back and maintain or gain, it seems. Keep at it! About c25k, I know some people have just walked it, like a normal walk, a very fast walk, a normal walk, etc...and that seems to work. I still find it a little hard on my knees too. Actually, running is harder for me now than it was when I was 250. I don't really know why! I think I might just be a wimp. Good day, ladies. Gotta find a Christmas dress. Ugh.
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    16 days now on this plateau first official plateau. It's making me insane.

    i'll start by congratulating you - 70 pounds! wonderful! i hit a plateau at about 15 pounds in, and it was one of the most frustrating things i've ever been through. i'm sure there will be plenty more where that one came from! but just try to keep your focus on how much good your are doing for your body aside from the numbers on the scale - your heart and lungs are most appreciative of your efforts, i'm sure, right along with your waistline! are you taking measurements? it's very possible that you are losing inches while maintaining the same weight - that's something you could check out. are you working out at all? try mixing something up, even if it's really simple. like, say you walk for 30 minutes and then do some strength training. just reverse the order - that might be just enough to get your body back in gear. but even if you don't change anything....your body will eventually comply if you keep doing what you've done to lose the previous 70 pounds - it's a matter of physics! it will happen, just stay the course!

    ps~my name's stacy too, and we spell it the same way! coolness!
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    well, i'm about to cheat, ladies (and the occassional lurking gents)...but just a little bit. today is my weigh in day, but i'm going to postpone it until tomorrow because we had such a heavy meal last night with company over. yes, i know, i'm a pansy...but i'm going to wait a day anyways after i eat my trusty baked potato for dinner tonight! in an unofficial way, i'm still in ONEderland, though i'm showing an up of 2 ounces. if that's where it stands tomorrow, i'll log it in like a good girl. also, i won't be doing my usual workout today - one of the kids i nanny for is sick today, so i'll be watching him all day long. i'll try to do a dvd of some description when i get home this evening. 30 minute shred if i'm tired (not that it's easy for me...just that it's only 20 minutes long!) or p90x plyo if i'm feeling groovy. anyhoo, happy hump day to all!
  • Purplegal32
    Purplegal32 Posts: 85 Member
    I'd like to join the non moms group sad to say even though I have been overweight since I was prolly nine or ten the reason I have rreally gained and went into the three hundreds is because I can't have kids! But I turned over a new leaf after three blood clots in my lungs nearly killed me! Talk about a lifechanging experience! :) Happy Wednesday everyone!
  • kksn
    kksn Posts: 122 Member
    Good Wednesday Morning Everyone! :smile:

    Well, I had my official weigh-in this morning and I'm happy, but confused. I lost 3.8 pounds since last Wednesday - which is about 2 or 3x what I typically lose in a week. My scale has always been really accurate and gives me the same weight as the doctors' scales, and it has the % body fat and hydration levels (which have been almost spot on with the calculations I've gotten from a bodpod reading at my gym)... so anyway, I was really hydrated this morning (on the higher end of my normal), so I didn't lose the extra weight from water. I guess I just have a hard time believing it - I want to, but my brain is skeptical and afraid. I was really sick for most of this last week with a bad cold, so I wasn't able to exercise for 3 days, and on those days I didn't meet my calorie goal (but I still had a calorie deficit, just not my goal). Is it possible to suddenly lose MORE weight by eating a little more and having a bad cold? I am going to just keep doing what I've always been doing - exercising daily and eating to my calorie goal - but I'm worried that next week when I weigh in, the scale will go back up because today was a fluke.

    Has anyone else ever had this happen? Are there any thoughts or insight? I know I should just be happy and enjoy it... but weight loss is a funny process... my body adapts a lot more quickly than my mind.
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    I have been migraine free for several days now, thank God! I woke up with a small headache this morning, but it's also PMS time too. Not to mention to dam@ dog has been keeping us awake by pacing around and jumping on us so my sleep has been interrupted about three times a night. If it wasn't so cold out, we'd kick him out into the outdoor kennel.

    Now, I'm trying to monitor if my migraines are coming from sugar substitute or not. I thought it might be Red 40 because of a diet soda I drank, but nothing happened when I ate other products in it, so scratch that. It could be that I just stuffered from a nasty migraine, worse than usual too. We'll see.

    I went back to the gym on Monday and did a 30 minute cardio/30 minute weight training session, alternating every ten minutes. It keeps things interesting for me. Although I use certain weight machines (I made a mini-routine for now, but I use free weights and other things too at times), I still mix it up on a daily basis in an attempt to keep me from plateauing. I didn't make it yesterday because I was so sleep deprived (five days of the dog pacing around), that I just crashed. Hoping to get there tonight!

  • jade_85
    hi all :) ur all doin soo well. ive never hit a plateau either lol i always end up slipping up about a week into a diet BUT this time i am so determined to do it. ive had enough of being chubby, u have all lost so much weight i wish i had ur will power :( all everyone seems to be doing at work is bringin in chocolates and sweets. thats not really a prob for me as i hate eating in front of people any way so i always refuse. im shatterd but still managed a small work out so im quite pleased. hope ur all having a lovely evening :)
    nite nite
    jade xx
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    I weighed in this morning and I've lost 2.6 pounds this week. Yeah! Just .4 pounds to meet my original goal for the month of 153. So now I am changing it to 150.

    angel_eyes: the property manager at work brought in a huge basket of all kinds of sweets. A couple things were talking to me. I used to have problems eating in front of people too...a very handy problem to have in cases like that! Unfortunately, I don't suffer from that naymore. But I have resisted...I've even resisted the chocolate cake that's been sitting in the break room all day.
  • Jackiemal
    Jackiemal Posts: 63 Member
    Congrats to all of you resisters out there! I'm not one of you. The potato soup from Panera Bread did me in. :ohwell:

  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Even after my bad weekend I weighed in today and just one pound away from goal. I am tempted to give up for the rest of the year, though, and start in January with HIIT and better diet. It is not really about the weight on the scale, it is about my belly. I might try the carb cycling.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I have been migraine free for several days now, thank God! I woke up with a small headache this morning, but it's also PMS time too. Not to mention to dam@ dog has been keeping us awake by pacing around and jumping on us so my sleep has been interrupted about three times a night. If it wasn't so cold out, we'd kick him out into the outdoor kennel.

    So what did the Doctor say it was? did he change your meds? can it be the weather? i'm glad you're migraine free now, i bet that's a lot of tention lifted
  • rmkorama
    rmkorama Posts: 232 Member

    It's really Wednesday again? Already? Really, really?!


    Well, it's Finals time and I have been swamped at work. I'll work on getting caught up today/tomorrow on the December Goals check-ins. So sorry for the delay.

    I can at least note my progress outside of work has been going fine. I have exercised for 14 days in a row, and have finally managed to get through Level 1 of 30-Day Shred without modifying anything (though I did have to take a short break, but I paused the video so I would still do the full time).

    My just-out-of-curiosity weigh-in yesterday morning showed that I had lost .5 pound. Unfortunately, then I had lunch AND dinner out yesterday, so we'll have to see where things stand later on this week after the sodium has flushed out of me.

    How's everyone else been?