If cutting cal= losing,y do people want ketosis?



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Ketogenic diet is not about cutting on calories.... you gonna loose weight even by eating more calories then your bmr+actv requires.

    But its a pretty hard diet... im not sure if you were talking about the specific keto diet here or just low carb, but

    keto diet = about 10-15g carbs a day MAX
    low carb = anything under 30/40% carbs

    The keto diet is a pretty sadistic diet i have to say, i could only do it for a little over 2 weeks then i had to quit..

    heres a calculator wich shows you how many calories fat etc you have to eat :


    But just to emphasize this again, its not about cutting calories... its about not eating carbs.

    so I can do Keto..eat 1000 calories a day over maintenance and I will lose weight..really?

    Well, this unlikely, unless you are training extremely heavy and burn those extra food calories right off. However, looking at the macro ratios, the protein percentage is higher, and the body needs extra energy to process protein, compared to carbs or fat. It's more like an extra hidden benefit, and if you're not going over your set calorie allowance, this will give you a few safely calories to manage your daily goal. But don't count on it.

    but you stated in your original post that "you will lose weight on Keto even if you eat more" ...now you are saying that is not the case?
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    Excess calories are stored as fat. Even if you eat carbs, you will still burn body fat if you are in a calorie deficit.

    Except sometimes you get stuck and things stop working. Plus different people just react differently to things. If I net at a 500 deficit at 40/30/30 (CPF) or 50/30/20, I don't lose anymore, haven't lost at that for years. If I go a few weeks eating exactly the same number of calories at 5/30/65, I'll lose body fat. Everything is precisely weighed so I know my numbers are right, it's not just a case of "you're losing because you're eating less", 1,800 net with no carbs I lose, 1,800 net with plenty of carbs I don't. I don't claim to have a conclusive scientific reasoning for this, it's just how my body seems to work. I don't stay in keto for long anyway, I like my carbs, but it's useful just to fire up for a few weeks when I'm getting annoyed by some extra wobble.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    This might help answer your questions.


    Oh and be prepared for the keto/lowcarb/paleo haters. They flock to these posts like sharks to a bloody nosed child swimming in the ocean.
  • h7463
    h7463 Posts: 626 Member
    Ketogenic diet is not about cutting on calories.... you gonna loose weight even by eating more calories then your bmr+actv requires.

    But its a pretty hard diet... im not sure if you were talking about the specific keto diet here or just low carb, but

    keto diet = about 10-15g carbs a day MAX
    low carb = anything under 30/40% carbs

    The keto diet is a pretty sadistic diet i have to say, i could only do it for a little over 2 weeks then i had to quit..

    heres a calculator wich shows you how many calories fat etc you have to eat :


    But just to emphasize this again, its not about cutting calories... its about not eating carbs.

    so I can do Keto..eat 1000 calories a day over maintenance and I will lose weight..really?

    Well, this unlikely, unless you are training extremely heavy and burn those extra food calories right off. However, looking at the macro ratios, the protein percentage is higher, and the body needs extra energy to process protein, compared to carbs or fat. It's more like an extra hidden benefit, and if you're not going over your set calorie allowance, this will give you a few safely calories to manage your daily goal. But don't count on it.

    but you stated in your original post that "you will lose weight on Keto even if you eat more" ...now you are saying that is not the case?

    Sorry, even though I responded to your question, I'm not the one who made the statement that you are referring to. Generally, there is no sugar coating it, weight loss is a matter of calorie deficit, regardless of where the calories come from. Keto diets are targeted diets for body fat loss. Often, overall weight loss is not desired, because it would indicate a loss of lean muscle mass.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Excess calories are stored as fat. Even if you eat carbs, you will still burn body fat if you are in a calorie deficit.

    Except sometimes you get stuck and things stop working. Plus different people just react differently to things. If I net at a 500 deficit at 40/30/30 (CPF) or 50/30/20, I don't lose anymore, haven't lost at that for years. If I go a few weeks eating exactly the same number of calories at 5/30/65, I'll lose body fat. Everything is precisely weighed so I know my numbers are right, it's not just a case of "you're losing because you're eating less", 1,800 net with no carbs I lose, 1,800 net with plenty of carbs I don't. I don't claim to have a conclusive scientific reasoning for this, it's just how my body seems to work. I don't stay in keto for long anyway, I like my carbs, but it's useful just to fire up for a few weeks when I'm getting annoyed by some extra wobble.

    how much more do you lose when you go "low carb"?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Ketogenic diet is not about cutting on calories.... you gonna loose weight even by eating more calories then your bmr+actv requires.

    But its a pretty hard diet... im not sure if you were talking about the specific keto diet here or just low carb, but

    keto diet = about 10-15g carbs a day MAX
    low carb = anything under 30/40% carbs

    The keto diet is a pretty sadistic diet i have to say, i could only do it for a little over 2 weeks then i had to quit..

    heres a calculator wich shows you how many calories fat etc you have to eat :


    But just to emphasize this again, its not about cutting calories... its about not eating carbs.

    so I can do Keto..eat 1000 calories a day over maintenance and I will lose weight..really?

    Well, this unlikely, unless you are training extremely heavy and burn those extra food calories right off. However, looking at the macro ratios, the protein percentage is higher, and the body needs extra energy to process protein, compared to carbs or fat. It's more like an extra hidden benefit, and if you're not going over your set calorie allowance, this will give you a few safely calories to manage your daily goal. But don't count on it.

    but you stated in your original post that "you will lose weight on Keto even if you eat more" ...now you are saying that is not the case?

    Sorry, even though I responded to your question, I'm not the one who made the statement that you are referring to.

    sorry, I mixed you up with the original poster.
  • h7463
    h7463 Posts: 626 Member
    No problem. Go back, I edited the post again... :)
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    Excess calories are stored as fat. Even if you eat carbs, you will still burn body fat if you are in a calorie deficit.

    Except sometimes you get stuck and things stop working. Plus different people just react differently to things. If I net at a 500 deficit at 40/30/30 (CPF) or 50/30/20, I don't lose anymore, haven't lost at that for years. If I go a few weeks eating exactly the same number of calories at 5/30/65, I'll lose body fat. Everything is precisely weighed so I know my numbers are right, it's not just a case of "you're losing because you're eating less", 1,800 net with no carbs I lose, 1,800 net with plenty of carbs I don't. I don't claim to have a conclusive scientific reasoning for this, it's just how my body seems to work. I don't stay in keto for long anyway, I like my carbs, but it's useful just to fire up for a few weeks when I'm getting annoyed by some extra wobble.

    how much more do you lose when you go "low carb"?

    Not a lot. Maybe 2-3kg over the course of a month. But it's more than nothing. And since I don't notice any adverse effects, no real harm in it. I don't see carbs as evil, nor would I preach that what I do is what anyone 'should' do, but if you're stuck in a plateau and short on ideas to jump-start it's worth trying.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Excess calories are stored as fat. Even if you eat carbs, you will still burn body fat if you are in a calorie deficit.

    Except sometimes you get stuck and things stop working. Plus different people just react differently to things. If I net at a 500 deficit at 40/30/30 (CPF) or 50/30/20, I don't lose anymore, haven't lost at that for years. If I go a few weeks eating exactly the same number of calories at 5/30/65, I'll lose body fat. Everything is precisely weighed so I know my numbers are right, it's not just a case of "you're losing because you're eating less", 1,800 net with no carbs I lose, 1,800 net with plenty of carbs I don't. I don't claim to have a conclusive scientific reasoning for this, it's just how my body seems to work. I don't stay in keto for long anyway, I like my carbs, but it's useful just to fire up for a few weeks when I'm getting annoyed by some extra wobble.

    how much more do you lose when you go "low carb"?

    Not a lot. Maybe 2-3kg over the course of a month. But it's more than nothing. And since I don't notice any adverse effects, no real harm in it. I don't see carbs as evil, nor would I preach that what I do is what anyone 'should' do, but if you're stuck in a plateau and short on ideas to jump-start it's worth trying.

    more then likely it is just water weight/glycogen then ...

    so when you increase you gain some water weight and then you decrease you lose said water weight...
  • LadyHomestar
    LadyHomestar Posts: 16 Member
    Well eating lots of protein does make you feel full for longer, but in the end it's still a calorie deficit.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    my facination with low carb ended when:

    A) i tried it and didn't lose weight any faster (maybe slower)

    B) i realised that while its true that your body will burn fat as a primary energy source, this does not mean that you will metabolize body fat any faster then you otherwise would.

    The amount of body fat you lose is dependent on how much energy you use in a day (week, month) vs. how much energy you eat in that time. same as any other diet.
  • h7463
    h7463 Posts: 626 Member
    One important aspect of an extremely low carb diet has not been mentioned here...lol
    i have been training next to competitive bodybuilders several times, and let me tell you, when they are getting close to the competition date, they can turn into the most unpleasant and dangerous bunch in a split second. Low carb diet has mood-altering tendencies, and the safest spot in the gym is beyond the distance to which they are able to throw their dumbbells..... =)
    Anyone who intends to go this way, has to have an extremely tolerant, patient, and supportive social network.....
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    actually, extream low carb is good at one thing: elminiating water weight.

    thats probably its best use, contest prep for bodybuilders etc.
  • h7463
    h7463 Posts: 626 Member
    actually, extream low carb is good at one thing: elminiating water weight.

    thats probably its best use, contest prep for bodybuilders etc.

    Actually, if you are eating more protein, you will have to drink more water...it will help your digestive system.... However, if you are actually drinking up, your body will eventually dump all the excess water that it has kept around in the tissue.
    Contest prep is often a lot less glamourous...involving water pills and such.....leading to extreme dehydration, just to look properly conditioned to the last minute.
  • obmckenzie
    obmckenzie Posts: 75 Member
    I have PCOS. I've tried the calories in -calories out = losing and it didn't work, at all, for me. For my body, there is a lot more too that math problem. My WL isn't any faster then before, but is faster then other attempts simply because its working.

    Before Keto/LCHF I was eating sugars breakfast cereals, sugary milk, heavy grain filled lunches, grain heavy pasta dinners. We ate very little veggies, except maybe a salad at lunch. My diet now is 4-8 CUPS of veggies a day, protein shakes, bacon, heavy whipping cream in place of milk, steak, pork, salami, peperoni, ect.

    My body doesn't handle carbs right, I try to stay under 30 but if I go over, so long as under 50 not a big deal. I've lost 20lbs since the beginning of January, and now with the WL I'm adding in, I'm the strongest I've ever been.
  • lowfyr
    lowfyr Posts: 9
    Again, the real Keto diet is pretty much zero Carbs. You are left with eating:

    -Cheddar Cheese

    and thats pretty much it. All the carbs have to come from veggies, wich you have to be eating to on mass since you are not taking in any vitamins with that diet, the stuff you are left to eat is very low in vitamins, and its a very one sided nutrition plan.

    Also what people just mentioned is very true, you have to drink ALOT of water, im talking about 3-4 liters a day.

    Im abit surprised that there is so less knowledge about how the Keto diet works. It doesnt work because you eat less, it works because your Body, specially your brain needs Carbohydrates to function properly.

    If your body doesnt have those Carbohydrates anymore (eg. how Humans ate 10.000bc) it will start to produce body own carbohydrates in the Liver.

    This is because in the evolution of man, agriculture is a very new thing. The number of generations of Homo Sapiens that have eaten Carbohydrates on a daily basis is very very small, compared to the number of humans that didnt know about cultivation and simply went hunting for food ( eg. eating mostly meat)

    Your body does not need Carbohydrates, there is no health risk involved if you are not eating them.

    In short, your body is gonna start burning fat super SUPER fast because there are no Carbs to burn. Just use that calculator i posted if you wanna try it out yourself. Like i said, its the most effective way of loosing weight there is, yet the most hardcore i know.. its super super difficult to maintain.

    Also in general, its not about loosing weight, its about having a healthy lifesteal, and i would encourage anyone who wanna loose weight to start doing sports daily and eating enough food. The reason most of you are overweight is because a sedentary lifestyle. Just stop being lazy and change that and you will loose weight much faster.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    I have PCOS. I've tried the calories in -calories out = losing and it didn't work, at all, for me. For my body, there is a lot more too that math problem. My WL isn't any faster then before, but is faster then other attempts simply because its working.

    Before Keto/LCHF I was eating sugars breakfast cereals, sugary milk, heavy grain filled lunches, grain heavy pasta dinners. We ate very little veggies, except maybe a salad at lunch. My diet now is 4-8 CUPS of veggies a day, protein shakes, bacon, heavy whipping cream in place of milk, steak, pork, salami, peperoni, ect.

    My body doesn't handle carbs right, I try to stay under 30 but if I go over, so long as under 50 not a big deal. I've lost 20lbs since the beginning of January, and now with the WL I'm adding in, I'm the strongest I've ever been.
    So, before you were on a sugary junk food based diet, now you added large amounts of veggies, and you are losing because this is ketosis? ooookay....
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Again, the real Keto diet is pretty much zero Carbs. You are left with eating:

    -Cheddar Cheese

    and thats pretty much it. All the carbs have to come from veggies, wich you have to be eating to on mass since you are not taking in any vitamins with that diet, the stuff you are left to eat is very low in vitamins, and its a very one sided nutrition plan.

    Also what people just mentioned is very true, you have to drink ALOT of water, im talking about 3-4 liters a day.

    Im abit surprised that there is so less knowledge about how the Keto diet works. It doesnt work because you eat less, it works because your Body, specially your brain needs Carbohydrates to function properly.

    If your body doesnt have those Carbohydrates anymore (eg. how Humans ate 10.000bc) it will start to produce body own carbohydrates in the Liver.

    This is because in the evolution of man, agriculture is a very new thing. The number of generations of Homo Sapiens that have eaten Carbohydrates on a daily basis is very very small, compared to the number of humans that didnt know about cultivation and simply went hunting for food ( eg. eating mostly meat)

    Your body does not need Carbohydrates, there is no health risk involved if you are not eating them.

    In short, your body is gonna start burning fat super SUPER fast because there are no Carbs to burn. Just use that calculator i posted if you wanna try it out yourself. Like i said, its the most effective way of loosing weight there is, yet the most hardcore i know.. its super super difficult to maintain.

    Also in general, its not about loosing weight, its about having a healthy lifesteal, and i would encourage anyone who wanna loose weight to start doing sports daily and eating enough food. The reason most of you are overweight is because a sedentary lifestyle. Just stop being lazy and change that and you will loose weight much faster.

    LOL. Yes. People did eat carbs 10,000 BC. They ate fruit and nuts and berries and vegetables and shoots and ferns and inner tree bark and even grasses/grain.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    Again, the real Keto diet is pretty much zero Carbs. You are left with eating:

    -Cheddar Cheese

    and thats pretty much it. All the carbs have to come from veggies, wich you have to be eating to on mass since you are not taking in any vitamins with that diet, the stuff you are left to eat is very low in vitamins, and its a very one sided nutrition plan.

    Also what people just mentioned is very true, you have to drink ALOT of water, im talking about 3-4 liters a day.

    Im abit surprised that there is so less knowledge about how the Keto diet works. It doesnt work because you eat less, it works because your Body, specially your brain needs Carbohydrates to function properly.

    If your body doesnt have those Carbohydrates anymore (eg. how Humans ate 10.000bc) it will start to produce body own carbohydrates in the Liver.

    This is because in the evolution of man, agriculture is a very new thing. The number of generations of Homo Sapiens that have eaten Carbohydrates on a daily basis is very very small, compared to the number of humans that didnt know about cultivation and simply went hunting for food ( eg. eating mostly meat)

    Your body does not need Carbohydrates, there is no health risk involved if you are not eating them.

    In short, your body is gonna start burning fat super SUPER fast because there are no Carbs to burn. Just use that calculator i posted if you wanna try it out yourself. Like i said, its the most effective way of loosing weight there is, yet the most hardcore i know.. its super super difficult to maintain.

    Also in general, its not about loosing weight, its about having a healthy lifesteal, and i would encourage anyone who wanna loose weight to start doing sports daily and eating enough food. The reason most of you are overweight is because a sedentary lifestyle. Just stop being lazy and change that and you will loose weight much faster.

    LOL. Yes. People did eat carbs 10,000 BC. They ate fruit and nuts and berries and vegetables and shoots and ferns and inner tree bark and even grasses/grain.
    Come on, are you really saying people 10 000 years ago were not eating mainly bacon and cheddar cheese? No way.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Again, the real Keto diet is pretty much zero Carbs. You are left with eating:

    -Cheddar Cheese

    and thats pretty much it. All the carbs have to come from veggies, wich you have to be eating to on mass since you are not taking in any vitamins with that diet, the stuff you are left to eat is very low in vitamins, and its a very one sided nutrition plan.

    Also what people just mentioned is very true, you have to drink ALOT of water, im talking about 3-4 liters a day.

    Im abit surprised that there is so less knowledge about how the Keto diet works. It doesnt work because you eat less, it works because your Body, specially your brain needs Carbohydrates to function properly.

    If your body doesnt have those Carbohydrates anymore (eg. how Humans ate 10.000bc) it will start to produce body own carbohydrates in the Liver.

    This is because in the evolution of man, agriculture is a very new thing. The number of generations of Homo Sapiens that have eaten Carbohydrates on a daily basis is very very small, compared to the number of humans that didnt know about cultivation and simply went hunting for food ( eg. eating mostly meat)

    Your body does not need Carbohydrates, there is no health risk involved if you are not eating them.

    In short, your body is gonna start burning fat super SUPER fast because there are no Carbs to burn. Just use that calculator i posted if you wanna try it out yourself. Like i said, its the most effective way of loosing weight there is, yet the most hardcore i know.. its super super difficult to maintain.

    Also in general, its not about loosing weight, its about having a healthy lifesteal, and i would encourage anyone who wanna loose weight to start doing sports daily and eating enough food. The reason most of you are overweight is because a sedentary lifestyle. Just stop being lazy and change that and you will loose weight much faster.

    LOL. Yes. People did eat carbs 10,000 BC. They ate fruit and nuts and berries and vegetables and shoots and ferns and inner tree bark and even grasses/grain.
    Come on, are you really saying people 10 000 years ago were not eating mainly bacon and cheddar cheese? No way.

    Well, duh. Of course they were. They were just eating everything else that didn't poison them as well.