Super skinny boyfriend comments on my weight ALL THE TIME



  • Sounds like you should focus on losing more than just weight.

  • nineteentwenty
    nineteentwenty Posts: 469 Member
    You can lose 120lbs in one day by dumping him. BAM.
  • tech_kitten
    tech_kitten Posts: 221 Member
    I know a way you could lose 120 lbs in an instant. Dump the idiot. I know it may not seem like something you can do, but anyone who doesn't love ALL of you is not worth having.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    You could lose nearly 120lbs instantly by dumping him
    this- he is a *kitten* whose been leeching off you- have some self respect and walk away from that tool bag.

    You are a creator of life. A woman who is cherished, loved and held in high esteem
    The fact that a woman can give birth does not make her special. Our self worth is not and should never be tied to popping out a kidlet. Don't even go there. so rude and respectful.

    "people" are to be respected and to be civil to. A person you know- whom you respect and care for- should be cherished and loved and held with respect- unless they prove that they are not worthy.
  • The_Godwin_72
    The_Godwin_72 Posts: 102 Member
    Hi- I will not bash him because that will not get you were you want to be! If you are happy and healthy screw what others say. If you are not make some changes. If you want some support without judgment add me.
  • dianalee9
    dianalee9 Posts: 134 Member
    A living thing that shows up when there's food and leaves after it has devoured all of it is NOT a "boyfriend", that is a parasite! Do your health and sanity a favour and get rid of it!!
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    You are a creator of life. A woman who is cherished, loved and held in high esteem
    The fact that a woman can give birth does not make her special. Our self worth is not and should never be tied to popping out a kidlet. Don't even go there. so rude and respectful.

    "people" are to be respected and to be civil to. A person you know- whom you respect and care for- should be cherished and loved and held with respect- unless they prove that they are not worthy.

    So, I was listening to a news broadcast this morning about women and children and how we should spend our time in college finding a husband so that we can have kids before we are 30. Because, you know, after 30 our bodies shut down (sarcasm). Anyway, it gave me a sad.

    Thanks for posting this. It's a great reminder about what should, and what should not, define us as women.

    Edited for comment to OP: Been there, dated that, busted him, painful much happier out of that lifestyle. Some relationships work, some relationships don't work....but you should NEVER be in a relationship where you are mistreated and you should NEVER be in a relationship for the sole reason that you are scared to be alone.
  • gracielynn1011
    gracielynn1011 Posts: 726 Member
    You sound about 120lb overweight. Kick him to the curb, then put your sexy pants on and hit the club to celebrate!

    He's tearing you down. What he's doing is abusive and manipulating. You don't deserve that. No one does.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    Sounds like you should focus on losing more than just weight.

    ^ This
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    So, I was listening to a news broadcast this morning about women and children and how we should spend our time in college finding a husband so that we can have kids before we are 30. Because, you know, after 30 our bodies shut down (sarcasm). Anyway, it gave me a sad.

    Thanks for posting this. It's a great reminder about what should, and what should not, define as women.
    I'm sorry that it gave you a sad. It would've given me a :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :sad: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :sad: :laugh: :laugh:

    Imagine a world where news broadcasts implied that the worth of a man was in the ability to inseminate women (and without that, they might as well have one foot in the grave).

  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    So, I was listening to a news broadcast this morning about women and children and how we should spend our time in college finding a husband so that we can have kids before we are 30. Because, you know, after 30 our bodies shut down (sarcasm). Anyway, it gave me a sad.

    Thanks for posting this. It's a great reminder about what should, and what should not, define as women.
    I'm sorry that it gave you a sad. It would've given me a :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :sad: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :sad: :laugh: :laugh:

    Imagine a world where news broadcasts implied that the worth of a man was in the ability to inseminate women (and without that, they might as well have one foot in the grave).


    LOL. Awesome.

    Of course, this is why we argue over health insurance covering birth control but Viagra is totally legit.
  • BL_Mark
    BL_Mark Posts: 183 Member
    Sounds like you should focus on losing more than just weight.

    Yeah... this dude is an a-hole... and it's only gonna get worse. One day you'll have kids and gray hair... what's he gonna say about you then. This dude is poison.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    So, I was listening to a news broadcast this morning about women and children and how we should spend our time in college finding a husband so that we can have kids before we are 30. Because, you know, after 30 our bodies shut down (sarcasm). Anyway, it gave me a sad.

    Thanks for posting this. It's a great reminder about what should, and what should not, define as women.
    I'm sorry that it gave you a sad. It would've given me a :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :sad: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :sad: :laugh: :laugh:

    Imagine a world where news broadcasts implied that the worth of a man was in the ability to inseminate women (and without that, they might as well have one foot in the grave).

    it gives me a :explode: :mad: :explode: :mad: :explode: :mad: :explode: not so much a sad.

    Glad I posted it- I just get really angry when people reduce my self worth to a broad mare. Creating life is not that special. Any rodent or vermin can do it as well. Yes yes magic and miracle of life- every sperm is a good sperm bla bla bla. But it's not for everyone and you shouldn't put me on a pedestal because I have a vagina- put me up there because I'm fit- fabulous- charming successful smart and hot- but not because of my vagina- it's not doing *kitten*- I"m doing all the hard work here!!!

    LOL- yes- men's worth- knocking women up- heh- they already have self esteem issues with size- cant' imagine what that would do to their brains.
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    For those TLDR Folks;

    this stuff is really triggering- it either makes me want to fast all day, or sometimes it makes me binge for some reason- because it sounds like he's saying I should go back to eating nothing at all and I guess a part of me rebels and yells internally "HEY I buy my OWN food I should be able to eat if I want to!!" He used to not eat all day until 6pm or so and then he'd just eat 1000's of calories at once - mainly by going to relatives houses and eating everything in their cupboards b/c he never has a job or money.

    Whenever I bought food he ate it all (this didn't happen just once, like on a regular basis) so I at first I didn't eat all day and made up for it by having a bag of candy at night to get my calories in, and tried not to buy food to save money.

    So I've gotten into the bad habit of -whenever he says he might come over- eating all the food I can eat just so he doesn't eat it! But whenever i eat healthy food around him I feel self conscious because I can eat SO much of certain things and still have low calories, but he'll comment on how it looks like I'm eating a lot.
  • amyfullbrook
    amyfullbrook Posts: 97 Member
    Dump him, what an *kitten*! Maybe he should be looking at bulking up instead of putting you down!!
  • thatpixichick
    thatpixichick Posts: 77 Member
    My boyfriend has a BMR over 300 calories above mine and struggles to gain, he's currently trying to bulk and he is definitely slowly gaining, but it's painfully slow, like a pound a month!
    I put on a stone or 2 since living with him because he was dishing up these massive portions for us both, and it was too much for me, partly because I don't need as much fuel as him and partly because I wasn't exercising.

    Your boyfriend sounds like a bully. Putting you down, using you, abusing your hospitality and the kindness of your heart, making you feel crummy about yourself.. You don't need that! You want your other half to be your number one fan, your biggest supporter!

    I would seriously consider ditching him if I were you, or at least attempting to talk to him about how he's making you feel. Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • Josh_lol
    Josh_lol Posts: 317 Member
    I didn't read the entire thing so sorry if I missed something. But if it bothers you so much, just tell him that it does. He'll understand.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    So, I was listening to a news broadcast this morning about women and children and how we should spend our time in college finding a husband so that we can have kids before we are 30. Because, you know, after 30 our bodies shut down (sarcasm). Anyway, it gave me a sad.

    Thanks for posting this. It's a great reminder about what should, and what should not, define as women.
    I'm sorry that it gave you a sad. It would've given me a :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :sad: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :sad: :laugh: :laugh:

    Imagine a world where news broadcasts implied that the worth of a man was in the ability to inseminate women (and without that, they might as well have one foot in the grave).

    it gives me a :explode: :mad: :explode: :mad: :explode: :mad: :explode: not so much a sad.

    Glad I posted it- I just get really angry when people reduce my self worth to a broad mare. Creating life is not that special. Any rodent or vermin can do it as well. Yes yes magic and miracle of life- every sperm is a good sperm bla bla bla. But it's not for everyone and you shouldn't put me on a pedestal because I have a vagina- put me up there because I'm fit- fabulous- charming successful smart and hot- but not because of my vagina- it's not doing *kitten*- I"m doing all the hard work here!!!

    LOL- yes- men's worth- knocking women up- heh- they already have self esteem issues with size- cant' imagine what that would do to their brains.

    :laugh: :drinker:

    It gave me a sad because discouraging women from reaping the full benefits of higher education goes against everything I believe in - and I'm appalled that in this day and age that drivel is allowed to hit the airways.
  • cmcrawf1
    cmcrawf1 Posts: 3

    It is time to move on, I know this wont be an easy thing to do because you have been with him for years but there are so many other MEN out there who will treat you like a queen! The only person who should be commenting about your weight is you and if your 100% happy with the way you look that's all that matters. He is an addition to your life and he can be subtracted at anytime! He is a child and will never meet your needs. Move on and eat that pasta!

  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Why isn't he buying any food?

    He sounds like a jerk and a mooch to me. But have you actually had a sit-down conversation about any of this? Because people are jerks without realizing it, and until you've actually talked about these problems with him, I can't say he's entirely at fault.