My husband hates healthy!?



  • outdoorsgirl13
    Let him cook his own meals
  • TheDoctorDonna10
    He likes home cooked everything. I love to cook & there are very few options for restaurants near us anyway so we only eat out once every other week when we have to go to the next town. We live in the middle of nowhere in the middle of nowhere. He DOES like vegetables, he just likes them super buttery & preferably with bacon added. When I call him wonderful it isn't sarcasm, he's amazing! He fully supports me getting healthier & in shape & is open to making some changes in the way we eat. He comes home for lunch everyday & I always make us separate meals since lunch is simpler. He works six, sometimes 7 days a week on a cattle ranch & he works HARD. I don't want him to have to give up anything he loves just because it's bad for me to eat. I have no problem having a salad at night & just a tiny portion of the fried stuff or whatever it is he's really wanting. I don't want him to have to sacrifice anything for me if I can help it.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Just because you want to change the way you eat, doesn't mean he has too.

    I'm not trying to change the way he eats, I just don't want to have to cook two separate meals every night. If we had kids I wouldn't mind cooking one meal for them & something small for me but it's just the two of us & that seems a little ridiculous. I'm just trying to find a way to compromise that will still keep him happy & satisfied without making me continue to gain weight.

    Ahhhh ok. Whatever you make for yourself, make it smothered/salted for him. Boom done.

    I like it. Just pop open a can of gravy and dump it on his plate.
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    No one hates all healthy food.
    Southern food -- try okra, greens (collard, kale, etc.), rice and beans. Use less butter or fat, but you can still add some -- maybe a bit of bacon or some of his fresh meat. Like tabasco sauce?
    Google healthy, southern food and you'll find hundreds of suggestions.
    Lots of ways to bake chick that tastes as good or better than most fried (although really excellent fried chicken is hard to beat, but also uses less oil and is better drained.
    Don't change things all at once. If your dinner is usually a meat course, bread and vegetables, change one of them at a time. Use some whole wheat, not 100%. Try wild rice. Use spices. Add vegetables to dishes… like some lettuce and tomato in a sandwich or some zucchini in soup.
    Try spaghetti squash with a sauce you already like.
    Try different kinds of rolls. Traditional corn bread doesn't have added sugar, but it can have some spice.
    Mashed potatoes don't need butter, use a meat-broth gravy or some parmesan cheese. Use sweet potatoes with cinnamon instead of white potatoes?
    Put things like butter, salt or parmesan cheese on at the end of cooking instead of mixing them in. When they're on top, you taste them more, and need to add less.
    USE THE WEB and see what ideas you like. Look on the recipes board here.
    Let him cook for himself sometimes if he doesn't like what you make.
    YELLOWGREEN1234 Posts: 13 Member
    Damn. I'm 18 and I live with my family and they always eat unhealthy, fried, and high calorie foods and I feel like there's almost no way to stop them. Your hubby needs to understand that one day his metabolism won't be as high and the foods that he eats now will at one point catch up with him . Food is fuel for your body and no matter how fast your metabolism, if the fuel you're putting in your body is unhealthy, your body will also be unhealthy.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    He likes home cooked everything. I love to cook & there are very few options for restaurants near us anyway so we only eat out once every other week when we have to go to the next town. We live in the middle of nowhere in the middle of nowhere. He DOES like vegetables, he just likes them super buttery & preferably with bacon added. When I call him wonderful it isn't sarcasm, he's amazing! He fully supports me getting healthier & in shape & is open to making some changes in the way we eat. He comes home for lunch everyday & I always make us separate meals since lunch is simpler. He works six, sometimes 7 days a week on a cattle ranch & he works HARD. I don't want him to have to give up anything he loves just because it's bad for me to eat. I have no problem having a salad at night & just a tiny portion of the fried stuff or whatever it is he's really wanting. I don't want him to have to sacrifice anything for me if I can help it.

    Well, it sounds like maybe you should do that. Load up on vegetables and have a smaller portion of the delicious fried stuff. Since he'll eat veggies, you could try cooking them with a little oil, maybe broiling them and adding a spice rather than completely smothering them in butter. If you make a casserole or something, add a lot of veggies. If he doesn't want as many he can pick around them, and you can eat more of them.
  • spicegeek
    spicegeek Posts: 325 Member
    Alternate healthy days and his food days - on healthy days cook 3 portions and put one in the fridge - on his food days - cook his food - and warm the food you made yesterday for yourself

    I cook all my food a week in advance and reheat it as needed
  • aqualeo1
    aqualeo1 Posts: 331 Member
    When I cook for myself and boyfriend I make mine a healthier version of whatever the food is. Like if it's chicken parm I bread & I fry his and just sautée mine with Pam and put less cheese on my piece. You don't have to make two completely different meals but yeah you might have to spend a little more time on it if you are serious about eating healthier.
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    I don't want him to have to sacrifice anything for me if I can help it.
    So he's wonderful, but you're ok with helping him develop illness and die sooner because of unhealthy eating? Ok, that was an extreme statement, but you started this thread with a rather extreme statement too. :-)

    Since he does hard physical labor, he can use the calories, but he still needs the nutrition. As long as he's getting the nutrients, he can add extra butter, but if he's not eating "healthy" food -- especially vegetables, he's probably not meeting his nutritional needs. In other words, he is potentially sacrificing something -- his health.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Just because you want to change the way you eat, doesn't mean he has too.

    I'm not trying to change the way he eats, I just don't want to have to cook two separate meals every night. If we had kids I wouldn't mind cooking one meal for them & something small for me but it's just the two of us & that seems a little ridiculous. I'm just trying to find a way to compromise that will still keep him happy & satisfied without making me continue to gain weight.

    Ahhhh ok. Whatever you make for yourself, make it smothered/salted for him. Boom done.

    I like it. Just pop open a can of gravy and dump it on his plate.

  • tealgrove
    tealgrove Posts: 36 Member
    My BF is italian and the big struggle has been the pasta and the bread. We have compromised on spelt pasta. He REALLY likes it and didn't even notice that it wasn't the "normal" pasta. As for bread, I stopped obsessing over it and just tried to get him to eat one piece rather than 3. I also started baking my own bread. I figured that so long as I knew what was in it then it was healthier than what I bought at the store.

    We also eat a lot of wild game and quite frankly it's got way less fat than farmed meat. I make meat loafs, hamburgers and bbq all the time. I've perfected the art of bbq'ing wild game so that it's medium rare, really flavourful and extremely tender. Spices and marinades can be your friend. You can eat that too and not worry about the fat content.

    Maybe make a bean salad to go with a meal and you can have it with some added bits to make it your full meal if you're intent on having some vegetarian meals. Not everyone likes beans....

    As for the fried stuff....that may be a battle you don't win. If he's thin and doesn't need to lose weight then he can eat what he likes.

    The best quote I ever heard was "I can't change anyone and I can't fix everything".

    Go with the flow...he's not going to change. You can't make him. LOL Good Luck.
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    He works six, sometimes 7 days a week on a cattle ranch & he works HARD.

    That's why he can get away with eating whatever he wants and not gain. What's your exercise routine like? Since I started resistance training, I've been able to keep my weight off and maintain at 2600 calories a day. Because I like my green beans sautéed with bacon, too. Just a random thought for you...
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    What I do, OP, is to make the main part of the meal something we'll both eat. My husband won't eat veggies and I don't always want to use my calories on rice or cheese so I generally make a couple of sides.

    Like tonight I made shrimp skewers, black beans/rice, and peas. He had all three. I just had skewers and peas. Tomorrow night I'm making a rosemary chicken thigh skillet with carrots and potatoes. Then he'll also have bread. Things like tacos are great because they're easily customized and the portions are so simple to adjust. Homemade pizza is simple because I can make half with lots of meat/cheese and half with less cheese and more veggies. It just takes a problem solving.

    One thing I've almost completely given up is frying things. Mostly because I've never figured out how to log it. So if he wants fried we go to a restaurant.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    I don't want him to have to sacrifice anything for me if I can help it.
    So he's wonderful, but you're ok with helping him develop illness and die sooner because of unhealthy eating? Ok, that was an extreme statement, but you started this thread with a rather extreme statement too. :-)

    Since he does hard physical labor, he can use the calories, but he still needs the nutrition. As long as he's getting the nutrients, he can add extra butter, but if he's not eating "healthy" food -- especially vegetables, he's probably not meeting his nutritional needs. In other words, he is potentially sacrificing something -- his health.
    okkkkk then.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Yes. Leave him alone. Why is it always the overweight spouse complaining about the "skinny" spouse's love of "unhealthy" food? Does no one figure out that perhaps, just maybe, they're wrong?
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I don't want him to have to sacrifice anything for me if I can help it.
    So he's wonderful, but you're ok with helping him develop illness and die sooner because of unhealthy eating? Ok, that was an extreme statement, but you started this thread with a rather extreme statement too. :-)

    Since he does hard physical labor, he can use the calories, but he still needs the nutrition. As long as he's getting the nutrients, he can add extra butter, but if he's not eating "healthy" food -- especially vegetables, he's probably not meeting his nutritional needs. In other words, he is potentially sacrificing something -- his health.

    You're right. That is an extreme statement.
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    Ok so my wonderful husband has a super high metabolism & can eat anything without gaining weight. He's very southern & literally claims i'm trying to poison him every time I try to cook a healthy dinner. He thinks everything should have fat & grease & the more fried food the better. He also has to have bread with every mean & absolutely refuses to eat whole grains. He also refuses to have any vegetarian meals, he's a hunter & grinds most of our meat himself so it's very lean at least. We both love pasta & I got him to compromise on the noodles so now we only eat veggie noodles. Does anyone have any ideas for any other swaps I can make while still keeping him satisfied? Or any great recipes or sites with recipes that he'll eat without complaint?
    My husband's a lot like yours (minus the grinding his meat and hunting) - doesn't eat veggies. He's very picky and prefers bland, flavorless, fried foods. I cook what I want to eat and if he doesn't like, tough toasties. He can eat cereal, or starve on his usual cigarettes and diet coke plan. He's more than welcome to cook for himself but he never does. We've been together for 11 years and I learned many years ago not to let it bother me anymore.
  • Veronikkka
    Veronikkka Posts: 19 Member
    I agree with others who advise you to cook for yourself, because not everyone has snooper high metabolism.
    I want to share some new to me information, more like shocking news to my family.

    My mother in her mid 60th now, she always had high metabolism, loved her yammy fat food, and she is a smallest person in our family. We went to a Doctor for general check up and her cholesterol and blood sugar is very high, needs medication. It was big surprise for all of us. The Doctor said that its very common for people with high metabolism, they can eat unhealthy and they think that they are safe. Unfortunately despite good weight control unhealthy food still do damage to your inside.

    Being sick, had a diabetes, or heard disease is very unpleasant and very expensive as well.
    I understand that your husband quite young, but its going to be too late to do something when sick condition is already there.

    Try to give him this info, if he wants to live long and happy he might rethink his approach.
  • Veronikkka
    Veronikkka Posts: 19 Member
    Oh, in addition, people who are " hunters" and eat a lot of meat not balanced with vegetables often develop condition called "Gaut" .
    It's very painfull condition with no treatment, just a pain relief and some unti inflammatory med, which is hard for the stomach.
    Ppl struggle to walk, it can be developed as soon as 35-40 years old, and its not old age.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Get a different husband.