new year's resolutions: lose 5-15 pounds by valentine's day



  • if anyone wants to do a challenge this weekend, it is: TO WRITE OUT YOUR NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS AND POST THEM. i will post the challenge on thursdays after the weigh-in. it will be a random idea and you can chose to participate or not. if you do, have fun setting goals to improve yourself! :)

    This is a great first challenge! I will submit mine on Saturday most likely as that will be the first time I will have to slow down a little and think.

    Remember that the best way to make goals is to make them SMART: specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely.

    Looking forward to seeing what people hope for their 2011!!

    Oh and ps: I weighed myself this morning and wouldn't you know I'm at 167.6 (down .2 instead of yesterday's up .4)! Typical! LOL Oh well there's always next week!
  • Start weight: -187
    12/15 - 186.4 (-.6) yay! half a pound~!
    12/22 -
    12/29 -
    1/5 -
    1/12 -
    1/19 -
    1/26 -
    2/2 -
    2/9 -
    2/16 -
    goal weight:-- 170 lbs by Valentine's Day!
  • Joyjmb
    Joyjmb Posts: 221 Member
    Hi, I'm Joy, 35 yr old single from St. Louis, musician and massage therapist. I have a bf but we are at a crossroads right now and not sure if staying together. So I need to focus on ME and my health and sexy sexy. =) I've lost 18 lbs on MFP since middle of August and love the group dynamic. I read ALOT for fun, do yoga and step, and really appreciate amazing beer. Namaste~!

    Starting weight- 243
    12/15 -243
    12/22 -
    12/29 -
    01/05 -
    01/12 -
    01/19 -
    01/26 -
    02/02 -
    02/09 -
    02/16 -
    Goal Weight- 228
  • New Year's Resolutions for me (more like hopes and goals):
    -Run with NO walking a half marathon on 5/29
    -Be at my goal weight of 165 by 7/5 (my 25th birthday)
    -Get a job as an RN
    -Then save $2,000 by 9/1
    -Read one fun book each month
    -Have a date night with my boyfriend at least once a month
    -Give up all soda!
    -Cut down my coffee purchase to less than 3 times a week. I can make it at home!
    -Not to use my credit card, unless it is a life threatening emergency, until it gets paid off!
  • Can I join in? I'm also in the 30lbs by St Patrick's Day group, but the more active groups the better, and this one fits in nicely with those goals! I did weigh yesterday anyway, so this works

    start weight: 12/15 - 227
    12/15 - 227
    12/22 -
    12/29 -
    1/5 -
    1/12 -
    1/19 -
    1/26 -
    2/2 -
    2/9 -
    2/16 -
    goal weight: 212
  • cdsledge09
    cdsledge09 Posts: 167 Member
    Hopefully, it isn't too late for another member. I realize I am a week behind, but no better time than the present to get started. I am a 40yr old wife and mom to 2 beautiful young ladies and step-mom to 2 wonderful young men. I have been a member of MFP for about 5 months. I have had some great success but recently it has stalled and I am actually gaining weight again. I am looking forward to joining an active group to get to my long term goal of 145lbs.

    Start Weight 12/17- 172
    Goal weight -162lbs
  • cryslynn1980
    cryslynn1980 Posts: 111 Member
    Im in..... My name is Crystal. I have 2 kids. 6 and 3. I work fulltime and have a hard time trying to fit in exercise. I think this challage will help me try harder.

    Start weight: 185
    12/15 -
    12/22 -
    12/29 -
    1/5 -
    1/12 -
    1/19 -
    1/26 -
    2/2 -
    2/9 -
    2/16 -
    goal weight: 170
  • I'm interested in joining up! My name is Tatiana. I have lost 55 lbs over the past 3 years. I am trying to take the slowly but surely route to my last 5-15 lbs...which i have gained and lost at least 3 i am looking to simply loose 5 lbs by Valentine day...and to keep them off. And, I may just be happy with that as my final weight. I know the weight looks low, but I'm under 5 ft, so...its not. According to the BMI charts, I'm currently overweight!

    I am a graduate student working on her dissertation full time. Exercising is my nemesis...I believe I was a rock in a past life. For fun, I like to read science fiction and people-watch. Watching people is what I do for a living, and its what I like to do for fun. How convenient. Notice, both activities require sitting absolutely still. Like a rock...

    start weight: 118.5
    12/15 - 118.5
    12/22 - (-)
    12/29 -
    1/5 -
    1/12 -
    1/19 -
    1/26 -
    2/2 -
    2/9 -
    2/16 -
    goal weight: 109
  • Hello Everyone!!! My name is Brandie and I'm getting married in April.
    I would like to loose about 15-20 pounds for the big day. I am 26 years old and a doctor. I work around 80 hours a week and am constantly on my feet. I love to work out but I make excuses that I am way to tired. I would like to weigh in on Fridays. My starting weight will be found out tomorrow.

    start weight: around 146
    12/24 -
    12/31 -
    1/14 -
    1/21 -
    1/28 -
    2/11 -
    2/18 -
    goal weight: 125
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    Hi I would like to join. My name is Robyn I am 31 years old. I work full-time night shift at a hospital. I have been married for less than a year to a wonderfull man, who has decieded to go back to school. This was a bit of a suprise, "hi hon I quite my job":sick: Its working out well, but it was a bit of a shock. We have a great dane to keep us company. Over the 6 years we have been together I have been slowly gaining weight. So now I have to reverse the process.

    Start weight: 204.0
    12/15 - 204.0
    12/22 - (GW 202.0)
    12/29 - (GW 202.0 I don't have very high expectaions for post christmas)
    1/5 - (GW 198.0)
    1/12 - (GW 197)
    1/19 - (GW 196)
    1/26 - (GW 195)
    2/2 - (GW 194)
    2/9 - (GW 193)
    2/16 - (GW 192)
    goal weight: 192
  • kizzy_muss
    kizzy_muss Posts: 585 Member

    - weigh 162 (15 ib loss by 2/14/2011)
    - weigh 150 (by may 26, 2011)
    - go to oklahoma to visit mom (havent seen her since january 2010)
    - get second job
    - personal bible study every day
  • vwgurl2
    vwgurl2 Posts: 52 Member
    New Year's Resolutions :
    1) be the best mom and wife I can be
    2) hit my goal weight by the end of the year
    3) start doing some form of exercise 3x a week

    start weight: 214
    12/15 - 212 (-2 lbs)
    12/22 -
    12/29 -
    1/5 -
    1/12 -
    1/19 -
    1/26 -
    2/2 -
    2/9 -
    2/16 -
    goal weight by Valentine's Day: 200
    final GW: 155
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    Starting weight: 210.8

    12/17 - 211,2 (+) -- sodium from yesterday, I'm hoping -- ugh!
    12/22 -
    12/29 -
    1/5 -
    1/12 -
    1/19 -
    1/26 -
    2/2 -
    2/9 -
    2/16 -
    goal weight: 199

    New Year's Resolutions to come!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    great resolutions everybody! keep them coming!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    I know the weight looks low, but I'm under 5 ft, so...its not. According to the BMI charts, I'm currently overweight!

    i hear ya! i am 4' 11 1/2", but i lie and say 5 foot exactly. :) my weight range should be between 95 and 115, probably less if i went with 4' 11" instead of 5'.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    Hello Everyone!!! My name is Brandie and I'm getting married in April.

  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Starting Weight (12/10): 190.9
    12/17 ~ 187.8 (-3.1) :bigsmile:
    12/24 ~
    12/31 ~
    1/7 ~
    1/14 ~
    1/21 ~
    1/28 ~
    2/4 ~
    2/11 ~
    2/18 ~
    Goal Weight: 175 (-15.9)

    New Year's Goals:
    ~Spend more quality time with husband (no kids)
    ~2 new activites a month with the kids
    ~Cook 2 new recipes a month
    ~Read 2 books a month
    ~Watch less TV (this will help with the reading)
    ~Spend more quality time with extended family
    ~Visit Great Grandma several times a month
    ~Meet my weight loss goal by April 1st (this may be a stretch but if I dont reach it by this day, hopefully Im close)
    ~Take a bubble bath 2x's a week
    ~Stretch more (Im bad at this...after exercising I just keep moving on to whatever I need to do next. No time for stretching. :frown: But Im going to find time because my body needs it)
    ~Get 8 hours of sleep a night
    i am 4' 11 1/2", but i lie and say 5 foot exactly. :) my weight range should be between 95 and 115, probably less if i went with 4' 11" instead of 5'.

    LOL...I thought I was the only one who did that. According to my doctor, Im 5' 6 1/2". Everyone swears Im taller than that so I just round it up to 5' 7"
  • My new years's resolutions are:

    - To save enough money for a fabulous beach holiday with my boyfriend
    - To walk the West Highland Way (This is a 95mile walk up the west of Scotland)
    - To be 130lbs by my 30th birthday in September
    - To go Kayaking in the summer on the loch near my house
    - To begin my Masters in advanced nursing practice
    - To take my mum and sister away for a girls weekend
  • Okay - My New Year's Resolutions Are:

    1. Walk more = every day on the weekends, and to/from work once the weather warms up.
    2. Write more = journal and/or write one page of something creative or inspirational at least 3x/week
    3. Weight more = do strength training at least 2x/week.
    4. Water more = drink at least 4 glasses of water on purpose EVERY day (even weekends)
    5. Wonder more = limit my internet usage to one hour per evening to allow more time for creativity and reading.

    Hosted a party last night for the ladies at work. I was proud to have been too busy to drink and eat too much. Today however is a bit of a different story. I let myself get too hungry at lunch and gave into temptation when a co-worker offered to pick up burgers and fries. Luckily, the joint left out my cheeseburger but the HUGE order of poutine fries went down soooooo fast (I felt ill after). I can't even log it, but I'm sure it must have been about 800 calories and way over on fat and sodium. Only nibbled at supper because of it and I feel like I could just go to bed. I might as well have been hungover! LOL

    At least it's "out of my system" and I am reminded why I don't want to eat like that anymore!

    Have a great weekend everyone! xo
  • wilkyway
    wilkyway Posts: 151
    Hi there! My name's Holly (19). I'm currently staying in the US visiting my aunt in D.C (till mid Jan. 2011)...I'm a british born German (sounds funny, I know :D).
    I'd love to make this my first MFP challenge, I know I'm a bit late though...
    I'm going to uni october 2011, until then I'll be jobbing, visiting family members in the UK, look for my own flat etc.
    I've always been fairly sporty, did some martial arts, field hockey, working out at the gym regularly... for many years I haven't payed much attention to my diet, just eating what's good for me or what I fancy. Never had any major weight issues, just some up and downs.
    While being here in the States I've been working out more than normally, eating better, getting toned. BUT (and there always is one) things have been a bit tough (emotional eating bladibla). Now I've changed my MFP diet manually to a low carb-high protein (clean)diet, eating 6 small meals a day (check out my diary, it's public- would appreciate any comments :) ). It feels great!
    Must admit, I have a tough sweet tooth, and do tend to satisfy it ;)
    So, my first goal is : Build attractive musclemass, lose about 5% body fat (currently 25%) and weigh 130 pds.
    I think that's do-able till valentine's day and my bf sure wouldn't mind me showing off my new bod in cute dessous ;)

    start weight: 140
    12/15 - 140
    12/22 -
    12/29 -
    1/5 -
    1/12 -
    1/19 -
    1/26 -
    2/2 -
    2/9 -
    2/16 -
    goal weight: 130

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