40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Ruby, thank you! I know I'm an emotional wreck right now. :flowerforyou:
    Sdereski I love your picture, so sweet!!
    Beeps my goodness get better soon!!!
    Kelly :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: those are some awesome news!!! Keep up the good work!

    My referral for PT has not processed yet. My daughter works for a chiropractor and he offered to see me tomorrow for free!! So I'm coming in, he also has a physical therapist in the office. :drinker: in the meantime ice ice baby Motrin and compression. Rest?? :noway: not so much there's so much walking everywhere I go for work!!!

  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Beeps- I hope you are feeling better soon.

    Alf- you too! Take it easy at work!

    I am heading to the gym in just a bit. It's lifting day! Then hubs and I are heading for some adventure! Nothing too exciting. Probably a ride somewhere and lunch. It's usually pretty interesting.

    Happy Friday!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    All i can say is TGIF. I am at work, but barely functional. I am not sleepy, though....just completely exhausted.

    Anyway, no work-outs since Monday, as you can imagine. We are hosting a dinner party tonight (my nanny did all the cooking and I handled none of the food so nobody is at risk) - and it will be nice to see people, but then it is off to bed, for me!

    Have a good weekend, all!
  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    Is it too late for me to join this group? I''m fairly active but my eating habits have been out of control this winter. I'm hoping with the warmer weather coming, I'll get out more and eat less. This week has been a struggle in the exercise front and have been quite moody. I'm training for a 10 miler in 2 weeks and have barely ran twice this week. I'll need at push myself this weekend even though I'm supposed to taper. Last long run was last Friday at 9 miles and my heel has been bothering me. I'll try to run on Sunday since it's supposed to rain all day tomorrow.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Happy Monday Cool kids.

    Welcome dcresider! Not too late to join at all. We sound rather similar - active, but eat too much, and both like to run. :happy:

    Beeps, hope you took time to recover this weekend. Whatever is going around, is a doozy and seems to knock folks out for a good week.

    Kelly - hope you and your husband enjoyed your adventure. Always nice to do something different together.

    Alf - feeling better? Was the chiro treatment helpful?

    I had a busy, fun weekend curling. Ladies bonspiel is always a lot of fun. Saturday we curled 3 full games. I was on the go all day. Our team's job was to prepare breakfast for Sunday morning (fruit & muffins), so after Saturday morning's game, I rushed home to bake muffins, shower, pack my clothes for the after party and back to curl my next game. We lost that game, so we were on to curl again at 9 p.m.! So, just enough time to get cleaned up at the rink, have our dinner & drink and we were back out on the ice again. We won that game, which meant we curled Sunday morning at 11. :happy: By the time we finished, the after party was in full swing. So we danced up a storm and was home by 2:30 a.m.:noway: Lots of fun, but this old body was moving a whole lot slower on Sunday. :yawn: We lost our game in the morning by a LOT. Thank goodness none of us were hung-over as we were drinking water most of the night, but we still had a late night, whereas the other team was snug in their beds by 10 I'm sure. :laugh:
    It was all fun and I walked away with two beautiful bar stools that match the 4 I already have. Everyone loves to sit around my counter, so two is bonus. :happy:

    Now, it's back to the grind. Did I say Happy Monday? :wink:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    dcresider - stick around - it's FUN!

    sdereski - I had the FLATTEST tummy I have ever had this past weekend - I guess that's what NOT eating does! I LOVED it and now I will make SURE I don't eat back anything that I lost during fever/chill week. I am recuperating just fine....back at work, small cough but nothing too serious, and I will go lift, today, although I won't be too aggressive....

    sdereski - I have heard that ladies' bonspiels ARE fun! BOOM!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Happy Monday!!

    Beeps~ Glad to hear you are feeling better. Enjoy your lifting session today.

    Sdereski~ Sounds like you had a great time!!

    As for me, I am back at work today. My time off was nice, but I was busy the whole time. Friday after working out, Hubs and I headed out for a drive and ended up going to the Heluva Good cheese store in Sodus, NY. We, of course, bought cheese! We then went out to lunch and to the Mennonite market for some produce. Saturday was another busy day. The gym, lunch and then to buy some fun stuff for Jacob for Easter!! He is sooo spoiled!!! Sunday was just as busy- Church then grocery shopping- not my favorite task, but one that must be done!

    Today was my circuit workout. I run laps and in between laps I do squats, sit ups and push ups. Then it's lunges with dips in between. It's tough going sometimes, but I feel good when it's all done!!

    Hope everyone is having a great day!!
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Oh Mondays hurt!!! I am home after a long day at work. Work has been so busy lately I have been barely getting a lunch and no time to get any cardio in. I wish I had more time but a busy business is good too I guess. I am still getting in the morning workouts thank goodness!

    Beeps - I hope you are doing better & have a stronger week. At least you have a flat tummy after being sick, that is one positive. I took your advice and am staying away from the scale except for the once a week weigh in. I will take my measurements this weekend after my 1st 30 days of heavy lifting.

    Sdereski - sounds like you crushed it curling, OMG, you have a ton of energy! That sounds like you are with a fun group of ladies. That is a great way to burn calories and & have fun while doing it.

    I hope you all are having a great day! Let's start April off with a bang and push up our personal goals another notch. Set them high!:smile:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    I did lift and it felt good!

    Any april fool's jokes planned?
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello everyone!!! I have been busy and also kinda lazy lately...my first treatment session went very well. When I woke up on Sat I was a new person. I didn't have any pain and could go up and down the stairs like a normal person. LOL I was feeling great on Sunday morning as well. Then I go shopping with my daughter and hardly sat down for hours so my calf started hurting again!!! I had another treatment today (electro stimulation, ultrasound and laser) but my calf is still sore from Sunday. :( I am hoping I feel better tomorrow. They asked me to come in everyday this week.

    Beeps, I am glad you feel better!!! Yeah!!

    Ruby, how is that training going?
  • mumofbugpickle
    mumofbugpickle Posts: 20 Member
    I was wondering if another 40+ person could join this fun group?

    My name is Patti and I am trying to lose weight AGAIN. I am from the Pittsburgh area, married to a very awesome guy and we have two daughters.

    A good friend of mine talked me into doing a gladiator run in September so I am trying to get myself in shape. I do cardio every day but I know I need to do strength training too. I need to find a fun way to do this. Any tips or advice is really appreciated!!

    I do have an April Fools Day joke planned for my kids. I put their milk and cereal in a bowl and stuck it in the freezer. I am looking forward to seeing their faces in the morning when they can't get the spoon through.

    Happy Fools Day everyone!
  • Nice2BFitAgain
    Nice2BFitAgain Posts: 319 Member
    Welcome to our newest Cool Kids!

    mumofbugpickle that is too funny.

    Ruby - good job on keeping those morning workouts going - is your business cyclical? Hopefully you get a break soon. Maybe keep a protein bar like a quest bar with you for an on the go lunch just in case.

    Beeps - nice to hear you're feeling better!

    KellySue - that sounds like a great weekend. I know I hate food shopping as well...maybe not the shopping part so much as putting it away LOL

    Alf - good to hear the therapy helped a bit, you still need to take it easy to give it time to heal! Be a good girl and rest it! :smile:

    Sdereski - that sounds like a great time and way to stay active while having fun!!

    I've been feeling punky yesterday and today, stomach is sick :cry: DH picked my up from work early yesterday, I got sick to my stomach on the way home and proceeded to sleep from 6pm-6am. Just feeling blach today...hopefully it passes soon.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    Time for ALL sickness to LEAVE the premises!!!!

    My daughter tried an "april fool's prank" this morning....she got up early (on spring break?!?!?!? who does THAT!) and dressed like the zombie apocalypse and came to scare me. It worked! Mind you, by the time I got rolling out of bed, she'd de-make-uped so I didn't even get a picture!!!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Good Morning cool kids!

    I love all the April fool's pranks planned! :laugh:
    With our kids grown and gone, and a B&B guest in the house, there were no pranks. I miss them.

    Beeps, glad to hear you are feeling better and got your lifting in. The flat tummy - definitely a bonus for being so darn sick!

    Alf, obviously the calf was not healed. Ouch! As soon as things start feeling better, we do tend to over do it. Take care.

    Ruby, good job keeping your workouts up even after long busy days. I was supposed to run yesterday, started getting changed and then said "the heck with it!" I was so tired from my weekend and my body was sore. I had planned to head home for a nap, but that didn't happen. I got doing stuff (like dinner / dishes, ironing, etc.) By 9:30 I was feeling like I could do something, so I got my strength training workout in. It was GOOD! I was sweating and huffing & puffing by the time I was done. :happy:

    Have an out of town meeting tonight, so plan to stay over night and visit with my youngest and his wife. Tomorrow will run some errands and do a bit of shopping and then home before it gets dark. It will be nice to have a day away by myself. Since my husband has been home, he is always with me. Cramps my style sometime. :laugh: I love him dearly, but I got so used to "my alone time" all the years he worked out of town, that this "together time" takes some adjusting again. :tongue:

    Have a great day all!:flowerforyou:
  • mkgr3gory
    mkgr3gory Posts: 18
    Hi, can I join you all?

    Happy April Fools Day everybody!

    I haven't had a chance to read everyone's story yet, but I will. I'm a single mom to twin 8 year old girls (love them, LOVE THEM!) and I'm trying to get in better shape and lose 10 - 15. I'm getting to the point where I don't really care so much what the scale says,but I want my face to be slimmer and my arms as well (and I have a closet full of clothes that miss me, LOL) ... I would also like to run a 5K sometime this year, although I'm not super excited about running. Just seems to be a goal I keep pushing out there.

    I'm also a 5 year breast cancer survivor, and I know that the #1 thing I can do to prevent a recurrence is excercise, so I'm trying to make MFP my big motivator! I'm already finding that having friends out here keeps me motivated!

    Looking forward to getting to know you all!
  • Lundatica
    Lundatica Posts: 16 Member
    I'm just five months short, can I join? Or should I come back in August?

    Incidentally, Beeps2011, my main fitness goal is to be zombie apocalypse ready*. (Re: your daughter's April Fools joke)

    I really have no excuses whatsoever, I have the time and apart from migraines (that, er, tend to improve with increased activity level) I am embarrassingly healthy despite taking such disgustingly poor care of myself. Good health has been free up until now and I'd like to have a little put away for when it starts to cost. Right here is where I start paying: in sweat. (Sorry for the Fame reference. It's kind of a tic.)

    * That means I'm in crap shape and want to be at least able to outrun a walker.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Happy April Fool's day! No good April Fool's gags as of yet today. I had Jacob at the house this morning so no am workout, but I just managed to get out for a walk on my lunch break. A solid two mile walk. It's not a sunny day here but definitely warmer than it's been a while. I will take it while I can get it!!!!

    Alf- I know that it is so easy to want to get up and go when you are feeling better, but remember to still take it easy for a while. I hope the therapy continues to help!!

    Welcome to the new folks!

    Have an Awesome Day!! :bigsmile:
  • Laureegi
    Laureegi Posts: 15 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    I'm NEW to your group but just wanted to say that I've noticed what a wonderful and caring group you are! Kelly Sue, you're amazing, having lost 88 pounds thus far....all I can say, is WOW! It makes my turtle like struggle to lose another 38 pounds seem like child's play, but that's another story.

    I've lost 23 pounds since the first week in August of 2013 so you can see that we're not setting any records with quick or even consistent weight loss but I plug along anyhow because the only other way to go is UP and I don't want to do that again under any circumstances. Right now I'm at 213 and just Jones-ing' to get under 200 but based on my current rate of weight loss, I guess we're talking Christmas time, for heaven sakes! :ohwell:

    Anyway, I'm glad to be here and get inspiration and motivation to stay the course with all of you!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    $9k quote for my daughter's orthodontics! We wait until Thursday for son's quote...

    Let's just say I am OFFICIALLY in a "no spend" month. Perhaps a "no spend" year.


    Can't lift tomorrow due to all the dr/dentist/ortho check-ups we crammed into kids' spring break week, lol!

    I will lift on friday.
  • handyandy9x
    handyandy9x Posts: 93 Member
    Still not home yet.. had to work a few more days... so no weigh in until after the weekend....

    Beeps - My daughter's were $6000 .. but we get $2000 back through health insurance.... still a big hole in the family budget....

    Welcome to all the new cool kids....and keep on going everyone!