
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI!From rainy IL
    Day 2 ,trying to get appt.
    The only good thing was,I didn`t eat over this.:drinker: :drinker:
    Hope to get somewhere today.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Here's today's joke of the day:


    A famous scientist developed a formula to bring statues to life.

    He went to a local park to try it out on a statue of Gen. Ulysses Grant.

    After application, Gen Grant began to move and soon was completely alive.

    The scientist asked, "What's the first thing you'll do, General?"

    The general answered while drawing his pistol "I'm going to kill about a million damn pigeons!"


    By the way, did anybody else think it was funny the other day when the ad off to the side of the Women 50+ thread was an offer to save $250 on Prenatal Vitamins? I was rolling on the floor over that one.
  • velocity60
    velocity60 Posts: 83 Member
    I was so happy to see this post , this morning it was just what i needed ! time to strap on the fitbit and get moving !
  • babs4me
    babs4me Posts: 1 Member
    I have just joined MFP this past week, so am still working on learning the site. I had been with WW for several years and did reach my goal weight. I have gained 4-5 lbs. since last fall and would like to get rid of that. I also need to increase my activity level and upper body strength.
    I would appreciate any hints and advice.
  • velocity60
    velocity60 Posts: 83 Member
    I'm Valerie O from Los Angeles ! Originally from MA, but aiming to nudge my way back to the East Coast.
    Last year I replaced my job with the gym and although i had the trainer, went to the gym at least 4 days a week i lost no weight.
    Want to know why ? because i refused to give up wine ! Well that's my guess anyway, but i was in better shape than this year, and considering it was so traumatic after working for 25 years i feel i did just fine! ( lied to 3 trianers all about that no wine point and feel a little bad about that but oh well !)
    This year im in great shape mentally , and about the same weight ( ok a little heavier) but not in great " gym" shape , so back to MFP added the app on phone, and hopefully head in the game, less wine ( ok much less ) , much diet ginger ale, and all of you great friends will find me fitter for our Summer ahead.
    I just found BarbieCat this morning and i have to tell you , my last MFP round, she was such a source of astounding motivation that i have missed , that finding her feels like i hit a winning scratch ticket !
    Have a great day all , im going to wake up my snoring french bulldog and push Bella around the Block !:flowerforyou:
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Sylvia – you are handling your diagnosis like a pro. Don’t be so hard on yourself. At least you know what you are up against and you can do as much as you can preventative. Thanks for the jokes :happy:

    Allison – wow, I’m so sorry to hear about all the stress in your life. Cut yourself some slack it’s been a rough few months for you. I’m so happy to hear that your DB didn’t reach for a drink. What a huge step for him and I bet a big relief for you. :flowerforyou:

    Jane – yuck, sorry to hear about the arthritis in the knee. It’s not fun. Sorry you are having such a time with dr’s.

    Katla – thank you for the support. I was looking at Vitamin D when I was in the store the other day because I remembered you talking about it. I didn’t get any but maybe it’s about time I did. Sorry that you haven’t been feeling well.

    Brenda from Md – I take notes otherwise I can’t respond to everyone. My memory is nowhere near what it was…guess that’s age taking over

    Joyce – I hope you have a great time with DD & grandkids. I really hope the storm isn’t as bad as they say it’s supposed to be.

    Tere – that’s so awesome. I love the hair colour, I bet it looks wonderful. Good for you Cherry Tere :laugh:

    Kim in NCal – 2 ounces of turkey? That’s not a serving and certainly not enough for dinner…I’d be starving too

    Viv – good luck on your decision about your job. I can only imagine how hard it would be deciding to quit or stay esp with a pay raise
    DeeDee - oh a yikes icon would be wonderful.

    Patty – oh no, so sorry to hear about DGDs reaction. It’s hard esp when they are so little. Congrats on your PT test.

    Cindy in OK – I drink lemon water as well, it’s a nice change from plain water.

    Rachel – I too love the smiling & laughing more

    Margaret – your new notebook…does it have notepad or something like a generic “word” program? If not you could download a free version called Open Office. It has a word & spreadsheet program.

    Barb – I do that with my dinner as well, ½ for dinner and ½ for the next days lunch. Makes meal planning easier too

    Diane- welcome – I too am an emotional eater. My worst time is after dinner when things are quiet. I try to brush my teeth right after dinner and then I chew gum if I need to. But making sure that I’m satisfied with dinner and drinking enough water has helped the most.

    Carol – my car is getting older too and oh I so hope it hangs on for awhile longer. I have a love-hate relationship with my car. Hugs from another survivor :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart:

    I am working on the "act how you want to feel" part of my life. I'm good at it all day long at work but when I get home I just want to isolate myself. I am still going to the gym daily and getting my workouts in. My eating hasn't been too bad though did have ice cream for dessert last night but it fit within my calories for the day.

    Tonight is cardiofit box class. I'm hoping that it will get easier with each week that passes.

    This week's new thing for my exercise is going for a walk down at the lake this weekend. Sunday is supposed to be absolutely wonderful out.

    Back to work :laugh:

    :heart: Sandy in ON
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    By the way, did anybody else think it was funny the other day when the ad off to the side of the Women 50+ thread was an offer to save $250 on Prenatal Vitamins? I was rolling on the floor over that one.

    I noticed and thought it was pretty funny, too. That ship has sailed.
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Heyyyyy . .. . . I'm still here. Had to start over a few weeks ago, was actually over my starting weight of last year. Oh well, Illinois is warming up finally and I'm out and riding again so should be a lot easier to lose now. I have a wedding to go to in my home town of New Orleans in November. No one down there has ever seen me fat and they aren't going to!!

    Nice to see so many of the familiar names still here.

    Cheryl from NE Illinois
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    Jb in Portland: “*Treat yourself kindly, with compassion (this is getting easier, with practice)” and “*Make time for self-care, including paying attention to this list! (yes!)” really hit home with me.:smile: I went and had a pedicure and my eyebrows shaped for the first time in almost a year. I had to stop and figure out how I had let myself go and promise to make sure it doesn’t happen again. Typically I am ready to tell other people “Make sure you take care of yourself because if something happens to you who is going to take care of them”. Well I promise to take my own good advice.

    Tina: I loved the poem too!:love:

    DeeDee In Absolutely Gorgeous NC and Cindy in OK: I am addicted to sweets. :sad: The ice cream was a major battle. I bet I stood in that aisle for 5 minutes debating. I finally decided that I had cake at home (Sorry DeeDee:wink:). I tend to bake a lot when I am on track- I made a Lemon Curd Pound Cake Saturday . The funny thing is that if I bake it I don’t eat it – one slice and I’m done. I’ve never been able to figure it out.

    A Word From Cherry Terry: I was a little scared to look in the mirror this morning. I am happy to report that I am still happy. As a matter of fact I even think it could be a little more intense. The SO looked at it and smiled then he said “If you are now Cherry Terry I guess we’ll have to put a pole in the bedroom”. I said that would be fine as long as he had a stack of twenties to put into my g-string.:laugh: No issues here! I can’t wait to see his face when I sign up for motorcycle classes next month! :blushing:

    Diane Davidson: Loved your post! I would name various parts after my kids too but I just don’t have enough kids!:laugh: I use my Wii for a crutch to keep me from emotional eating because my hardest time is at night, the Wii is there and after a couple of bowling games I’m over the urge.

    MollyWhippet: Great joke today!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Sandy in ON: You are working on the "act how you want to feel" part of your life and I’ve decided to work on doing whatever I’m old enough to legally do at 56! I don’t think I have time to sit around being scared anymore and I’m sorry I wasted so much time being scared. Hence Cherry Terry’s motorcycle classes next month.:tongue:

    Have a great day Ladies!
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    Tried something new (to me) last night and highly recommend it -steamed Kale. It was out of this world delicious. I usually chop it up and cook it down like I do turnip greens, collards, or spinach, but this looked so young and tender that I steamed it whole, drizzled just a smidge of olive oil and sprinkled it with a little salt. It went a lot further, too, because it didn't cook down. We had it with Parmesan encrusted talapia and a baked potato. I had the other half of my potato and the leftover kale for lunch today. We will definitely be having that again.

    In more good news, I got my forearm to supinate 70 degrees today in physical therapy. It's moving about 5 degrees a week, so there is definite hope for return of full range of motion. My PT thinks I'm ready to add weights at home, so I'm going to do that 3 times a week. Maybe my bat wings will be collateral damage in the quest to recover from a broken wrist. Wouldn't that be something?

    I got the results back from my Thyroid test. I guess my tiredness is from being fat after all. I hate it when the dr is right!

    Take care, all!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,990 Member
    afternoon dear friends~
    , I have been running around since about 6 this morning,Hell bent for election as my grandpa used to say.. just getting a few minutes to stop and check in...
    as I was kvetching about gaining, what did I have for breakfast? a big hunk of chocolate chip cake:embarassed:
    and for lunch a hard roll with ham and cheese.. and a diet coke.... swore off soda and you know what ,it didnt taste all that hot, so no more...
    started off with a load of laundry,DH sheets,FIL clothes etc.... went to Lowes and got a beautiful plant and planter for my SIL family ,instead of flowers something for them to keep...
    on to Wally world and lemon cake mix, and blueberries for the cupcakes, also had to get lounge pants for my FIL to sleep in,they have been putting him to bed in a johnny....found a nice jacket type thing for $3.00, and pants for $7.00, shirt to go under $10.00.. what cost the big bucks is the underpinnings:laugh: tummy controller ,and bought a nice pair of flats...
    came home took the dogs for a quick walk,made the cupcakes because I have to work tomorrow... and asked the manager if I could work 8:30-4 so that I could come home and get ready for wake, she said she would rather have me there 9-4:15, well that gives me 1/2 hr to get home and ready to go, plus she is stiffing me out of 15 minutes of pay... heaven forbid it was her family there would be all sorts of drama and she would come and go as she please, ticks me right off:grumble:
    Jean(SIL) and my brother need clothes for all this ,but need someone to watch mama, so guess who that would be?went up there for a few hrs, now my SIL and her younger brother dont really get along.. he is a take charge kind of guy and basically out for himself.. where as Jean and Sean have been there for her mom and dad, so as soon as they left guess who comes strolling in and asks mom for the key to the safe and all sorts of other stuff. now I am texting Jean and she keeps calling her mother to tell her not to let Wally get into stuff, and here I am stuck in the middle.OY.
    anyway made Faith(momma) some lunch and got her settled for a nap while Wally was rummaging... then when they got home took my FIL clean clothes to nursing home with the lounge pants, he seems to be getting used to the place so thats good... then stopped to pick up Milk for the DH,oh in between Walmart and going up to SIL had to stop and pick up registration for the new car at the dealership.
    came home and raked part of the yard,but Homer the poodle mix was whining so had to pick him up , and take the boys for a walk....after that made the DH dinner and lunch and made up his bed...
    hopefully I can park it the rest of the day..
    Jean would like me to I guess skip the service and go to her parents house and help the caterers set up stuff, would like to be at the service,but if it helps the family out more to be at there home I will do that also...
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Hello. My 1st post flew away....so this will be short. Welcome to new ppl.Come back & tell us more.

    My husband had gout in one foot this wk.Seems much after using 2 meds.Sure Hope so ,as he is due to go on Honor Flight ......
    He would hate to miss it.

    Made Zuppa Toscanna soup yesterday ,having the leftovers today. So good.
    My goals are the same

    Keep on keeping on
    Drink 80oz of water a day.....check!
    Eat as healthy as I can
    Lose 2 pds this mo
    Read MFP often

    Hope you are all having a good MFP day. Pat in Ohio
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hi ladies, long day, had to walk/bike/climb stairs/stand too long (knee arthritis) and I'm pooped. Just skimmed through the last couple of pages on my way to bed. I notice quite a few of us are having health problems. Thinking of you even if you don't see your name here.

    Wishing everyone a good night's sleep,
    Cynthia :flowerforyou:

    P.S. Alison: good job on the clothes shopping! I can hear the satisfaction when you write 'nice flats'. Wear them with pleasure!
    P.P.S. Alison: I think men are excellent bed-makers! :wink: :wink:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,596 Member
    Hi girls,
    I had a wonderful time!:bigsmile: Check in with you tomorrow.:drinker: :flowerforyou:
    Heather UK
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Happy day to all,

    Just have a few minutes to pop in and try to skim through what I've missed. Aaron's doing homework/story problems so it's only a matter of time before he calls for help.

    I did go buy the XBOX today but found out that I need the bigger memory 360 with the hard drive for him to play one of the games he wants. Thankfully I didn't open the box and will go trade it in the morning.

    Did my T25 and some time on the treadmill before errands and having to pick him up early for his 1/2 day. Just roasted a chicken for dinner with some beets and....um, mac n cheese:blushing: I didn't get too crazy.

    Kim, I'm afraid that ice cream did not have to be eaten. Type 2 diabetes runs rampant in my family and I try to really pick and choose my sweet treats. On the occasion that I do decide to splurge, I prefer it to be something made with real food instead of that Bryer's garbage. Either way, I ate it and will think 2, 3 or 4 times before doing something like that again.

    Yay for cherry cola colored hair!

    I prefer my kale raw or lightly steamed. I was growing it last summer and would "massage" it with olive oil before added a little grated romano, some fresh tomato, artichoke hearts, etc.

    Did some research today on Aaron's potential new school for next year. While I've already decided, for the right reasons, that he needs to change the drama of the past 2 days it's making it hard not to pull him out and home school him for the rest of the year. Yes, I'm THAT angry because I'm not a supporter of home schooling and, personally, I'd rather eat bugs than do it.

    Might be back later but if not, have a great night.

    xo-Gloria in Metro Detroit
  • Hi all!
    Im Trin. Ive been on MFP for a couple of years off and on. I lost almost 60 pounds three years ago, but due to work related travel (a lot of it!) about 30 has been regained. I want to feel as terrific as I did when I had that 60 off... and have the energy to do my job. So, I'm back at it! I had success before but being in the 50's and trying to loose sure aint for sissy's!

    So, my goals for the month of April are:
    Log religiously...as if my life depended on it.. which in essence it does.
    Limit myself to 2 diet cokes a day. (Im an addict plain and simple)
    Walk the Furry Guy an hour a day (He's gained weight too, so it will be good for him as well)
    Zumba twice a week.
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Had corn tortilla pizza tonight with a salad for dinner. I did finish it.

    Katla- I do measure and weigh all my food. I just was full last night and couldn't finish. I through it away, a break through for me, I usually save it to eat later or the next day. I don't like cold fish, and leftover salad is gooey, so into the trash.

    Love the daily joke, and the smile more statement I'm for that too.

    Tigress in GA
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 540 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Welcome Trin, you will have support here!

    Settling in for the evening. Watching OKC Thunder basketball with Hubby.

    Sylvia, I see it is stormy in Kansas. Thinking of you.

    Have a wonderful night everyone, sleep well.

    Prayers and Hugs,

    Cindy in OK :heart:
  • kayms13
    kayms13 Posts: 47 Member
    A gloomy evening here. We're supposed to get snow tonight & tomorrow. Fortunately the worst of it will be north of us. They say the robins get snowed on 3 times before spring is really here. So we're not out of the woods yet :grumble:

    Kim in N Cal - Edgar is probably more than 100 miles from where I am. I remember being there for a playoff football game once when my son was in high school.

    Carol - hope you enjoy Jersey Boys. I saw it a few years ago, and thought it was awesome.

    Kay in NW Wash - glad to see another Kay :smile: We're a select group!

    I also don't like setting a specific number of lbs to lose in a month. Some months the weight is just more stubborn than other times, and I don't want to set myself up to fail. I had to laugh about measuring the wine, as I do the same thing now :bigsmile:

    Have a good evening everyone!
    Kay - Wis.
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Just worn out tonight - as I was last night. That work stuff really can get in the way! I've been reading along, though.

    Gail, metro ATL