Do you need friends?? Post up!



  • amaexo
    amaexo Posts: 12 Member
    Feel free to add me! Looking for MFP friends for help, support and accountability!
  • r123u
    r123u Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I'm Roo, 23 and just joined today and i'm looking for friends to motivate me to achieve my goals. (Pref female friends)

    CW 182lbs
    GW 120lbs

    Add me :)
  • soatwd
    soatwd Posts: 19
    Looking for people to help keep each other accountable. Feel free to add me. Lost 72lbs once, gained it back. Need motivation to keep me focused.
  • jones6168
    jones6168 Posts: 5 Member
    hi everyone im looking for friends for support..feel free to add me ..thanks :)
  • Sam5995
    Sam5995 Posts: 46 Member
    Hiya, I would love some support too :) Please add me xx
  • emilysinny
    emilysinny Posts: 7 Member
    I'm in need of friends! Anyone can add me, and should.
  • Lizwhitaker86
    Lizwhitaker86 Posts: 7 Member
    Im just looking to find some tips from other full time working moms who lost weight. I had my last baby last summer and working a full time job and being a mother to three is making it really hard for me to get to my goal weight. If anyone out there can give me some tips please friend me!!!
  • Annamarie3404
    Annamarie3404 Posts: 319 Member

    SW: 158
    GW: 120
  • hdkinsey10
    hdkinsey10 Posts: 3 Member
    Back on the "MFP Train" after a long hiatus. Trying to get a better handle on what I eat and how I fuel my body on a daily basis. Could definitely use some supportive friends here to help me reach my wellness goals! :)
  • I am a new member who just had a beautiful baby boy three months ago. I am the heaviest i've ever been. I need support and encouragement from active members. I'll do the same for you!
  • I just joined. Feel free to add me. Thank you
  • zakiyaabdul
    zakiyaabdul Posts: 4 Member
    Hey I'm 25 and also looking for motivation!:smile:
  • I'm always open to new friends!
  • Sjarkey15
    Sjarkey15 Posts: 57 Member
    You can never have too much support and motivation :-)
  • ElyseHerz
    ElyseHerz Posts: 12 Member
    I need new friends too! I'm 5 days in and 7 lbs down. I got engaged a year ago and am putting off wedding planning until I can get down to a healthy weight. I've finally reached a point in my life where I can focus on ME and begin my weight loss journey. I would love inspiration and support from friends trying to lose weight too!
  • Im new and would love new friends and encouragement :)
  • lozzatao
    lozzatao Posts: 53 Member
    Hey hey hey !!!! anyone can add me .. new but log daily .. thanks !! ;)
  • R_Woodruff
    R_Woodruff Posts: 74 Member
    I need some new motivating friends :D
  • TRIX5884
    TRIX5884 Posts: 318 Member
    Hellloooooooo everybody! 29/f from Maryland! I'm looking to make some new friends to help keep me motivated. I will gladly return the same! I'm open to any and all friends! Please add me :) I promise I don't bite (hard) lol
  • Pmsylvester
    Pmsylvester Posts: 36 Member
    Hi, all! Zilch for friends, relatively new here thinking having some friends and being a friend might be helpful in reaching goals. No picture yet, coming soon though. Looking to lose around 50 lbs total, I'm 5' tall, 154 lbs, mother to 4 adult children, grandmother to 2 babies. Feel free to add me. I'm from Maine.