

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Texasgirl,the baby is adorable.:flowerforyou: :drinker:
    Day 3 of waiting to hear from drs office,so frustrating.:sad: :sad:
    The ones who were talking about the cadbury eggs,I can relate.Last night I asked my hubby to bring some chocolate back.He brings a 2#bag of hersherys.I had 1 serving and another,but stopped.I know Im shouldn`t ate any,my way of coping with stress.
    I guess the good thing is I din`t eat the whole bag.
    Have a great day!
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,644 Member
    All – Sorry if I came across badly – yes my friend with the super small dinner for me was being very supportive:smile: , and I thanked her…. I guess I was seeing it as ironic that I had saved all these calories planning on her great big awesome meals and to leave so starving ! :laugh:
    Also someone said they would not have chosen the chocolate bundt cake – and in retrospect I should not have chosen that, old eating patterns reared it's ugly head:angry: – but lesson learned – wonder how many times I will have to re-learn this lesson. :blushing:

    Sylvia – How scary!!! Glad you caught it before anything bad happened – but the science about blowing air being strong enough to move the stream of water shows some neat curiosity on her part.

    Heather – so glad your mini vacation was good; but this comment is not translating to California English very well - The hotel we stayed in has a package for a 48 hr E type hire with half board for 2 nights – what is “ E type hire” and “half board” :ohwell:

    Gloria - I would be so furious I would be calling the superintendent, the PTA, the newspaper!! GRRRR – that would not fix anything – but I’d be bubbling mad. The hitter should have been the one in trouble; and all kids surrounded by adults and put on the spot will “go along” which is exactly what Aaron did – that proves only one thing Aaron wanted out. If this child (hitter) is a regular problem there is probably a lot more going on – and that needs to be addressed. And the principal knew from past experience that Aaron was most likely telling the truth; what a bad administrator. :grumble:

    Sylvia – you are a firecracker! Punching out the principal!!! WOW – I bet he was too embarrassed to report it. :bigsmile:

    Checked in today and did lose "release" one pound this week; but really looked at the week and while I stayed within calories all week; I fulfilled the "letter of the law not the spirit" I did way more sweets/junk carbs then I want to be doing and less veggies/fruits/ good carbs; I really need to work harder at making changes that will allow me to maintain good habits for times when I don't log every bite.... Oh well I'm a work in progress.

    Off to take a walk between rain showers -
    Smiles Kim in N. CAL
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,295 Member
    Kim - the E type hire refers to hiring an E type Jaguar for 48 hrs. They have a silver one! ! ! ! ! Half board means breakfast and dinner, but not lunch. This package would be two of each meal.
    We didn't use their package this time because it is VERY expensive and we only wanted the 24 hr hire. However, given our experience this time, and the convenience of having the car waiting for us at the hotel, we might go for it. They throw in free tickets for an arboretum and Blenheim Palace (Churchill's ancestral home) as well as a wine tasting. It would be a great extravagance, but could take the place of a big birthday celebration or anniversary. Cheaper than our trip to NYC in October anyway! Anyone who doesn't know of the Cotswolds - it's very oldy worldy, thatched roofs and honeyed stone, little villages with streams running through and lots of sheep!
    As I get older I value great service more and more. Americans have a reputation for good service, but over here it is an exception. Going to a place with exceptional service is like falling into a warm bath and I am prepared to use my life savings to enjoy it on rare occasions. I askl myself, what am I waiting for? Do I want to wait until I am dead? DH used to have a lot of trouble getting his conscience to spend that sort of money, he says he wasn't brought up that way, but I think I have won him round. I come from a humble background also, but I know I can't take it with me.:laugh:

    Deedee - your renovations sound great!

    Love Heather UK
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Kim in CA: I had a visual of dozens of little abandoned pounds rambling up and down the candy aisles looking for their person. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Thanks for the laugh.:flowerforyou:
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,644 Member
    thanks for the translation :wink: I was in England in 1992, and spend a tiny little time in the Cotswolds and loved it! I think that it sounds way worth it! and 2 meals is great! you could bring health snacky things from home to cover the middle meal... It sounds great! I loved all that I saw in England; I have not done a ton of traveling but a bit; and I loved England and Scotland as while there are language issues they are minor compared to some places.

    smiles Kim

    PS - I was so curious so got on line and googled around, did you stay and Lords of the Manor? OMG it sounds devine!!!!!!!!!!!:smile:
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    We are in what is regarded as the best city in our region for education........however, some schools at every level are much better than others. I drove my DD for 6yrs. a half hour away for K thru 5th and I'm proud to say she was never late once. I sweated getting that "out of zone" approval each and every year...........and I was even asked by one teacher "how in the world did you get her in here?".......and not in a nice way. But I had read the school profile reviews for the entire city and applied for a school in a more stable area with high test scores, looked at the number of years the teachers had been there, the number with advanced degrees, the student sick days taken, student numbers class-wise, even the amount of money raised for the PTA budget by the parents at that school etc., etc. etc. I'll never regret taking her to that school.
    Middle school was another story---big mistake to let her go where we were zoned----still transported her, no way was she getting on a bus with the zoned kids; a much rougher group. As my mother would have said, "She learned more than her prayers there." She missed out on a city wide award because the school never filed paperwork, made some very questionable "friends", didn't get into her IB program for h.s. for grade 9 because the guidance teacher left out three pieces of the application.........this was after I called her to make absolutely sure it was complete and correct (this person and I had clashed before). When I found out what had happened (thanks to the only academy head who would listen to me that something HAD to be wrong and investigate) and called the middle school principal and laid it out for him (this was well after HE said he would look into it and did zero), his reply was, "Well, don't worry, she (the guidance teacher) won't be back next year". At that point I told him it was a very good thing for him that I had not come in person. (Might have done a Sylvia!!). I volunteered in some capacity every year and met tons of dedicated, over-worked teachers who did their very best each and every day; it was the ones who had a little "power" that seemed to most abuse it.
    Once in the h.s. IB program it was pretty much smooth sailing and throughout ALL the years she encountered some fabulous teachers, but the bumps in the road and the battles are, sadly, still in my memory because they were so petty and targeted against a child.
    Best advice: If you think something is wrong, it probably is, be proactive and tenacious.......it took me about 3 months to discover what had happened with the IB application, go at it sideways---the academy head who solved it for me had nothing to do with the IB program. Gloria.........go higher, go sideways, be tenacious if you decide this is worth it........but, as they say, pick your battles. Aaron learned a sad but valuable lesson........that not all school authority figures are honest and fair or deserving of respect or the position they hold.

  • ballito
    ballito Posts: 81 Member
    Good morning everyone. Denise from New Zealand. I joined in 2012 but wasn't at all serious but became real serious in February this year. This thread is a great idea. Hopefully I can contribute.
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    OMG Sylvia, what a horrible experience for you and your son! There are some things that will stick with us forever and that sure sounds like one of them.

    Kim, unfortunately in a charter school, there's no "higher up" to go to since they pretty much stand alone. I was pretty proud of my self control because I really did want to go in that office and let that principal have it good. I'm good with knowing my son told the truth and we've taken from it what we can.....right out the door.

    I agree 100% yanniejannie. We've never been late once in 3 year either. I will be driving him again about the same distance in the new school but for all the right reasons. There's no perfect school, public or private, but looking for the best fit is what I'm aiming for. THOUGHT I had it with this school but between the mis-information I was initially given and the changes over the past couple of years looks like lots of folks are jumping ship after this year.

    Live and learn, isn't that what life's all about? :smile:

    P.S. thanks Kayzoola! Sometimes a momma just needs to hear that:heart::flowerforyou:

    Thank you all for "listening". xo

    Gloria in Metro Detroit
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Alison - so sorry about your SIL's father. I'm keeping you and your family in my thoughts. So glad to hear Sean stood firm. An NSV for him, for sure! We don't have peepers, but the finches are singing and the male goldfinches are turning bright yellow, so I know spring must be here.

    Rita in Ct - glad you're still with us, as much as you can be right now. Have missed you :flowerforyou: Long distance hugs!!

    Welcome to all the newcomers too! This is a good place to be.

    Heather - enjoy the trip! Cotswald sounds a lot like a small Irish village my brother and I stumbled upon a few years back. It was all thatched roofs, winding streets, lovely parks.

    DH and I will be heading out next week and I may not have consistent access to wifi, so will post as I can. Looking forward to meeting with Meg from Omaha on this trip!!!

    I followed the tomato-planting discussion with some interest. We generally can't put tomatoes and similar plants in the ground until the end of May, early June, so I don't think it would be too late elsewhere. :laugh:

    Enjoy the weekend all

    Jill in western MA
  • Cyclingbonnie
    Cyclingbonnie Posts: 413 Member
    I don't have enough battery to read everyone's entry. Just wanted to stop by and say, hope you are all having a good weekend. I got 40 miles in on my bicycle today. Had hoped for 50, but huge headwind. Beautiful otherwise.

    Bonnie in NC normally the mountains, but today on the coast :laugh:
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Having yummy taco salad for dinner, no shell, just salad stuff.

    Texasgal - what a cutie!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Here's today's joke:


    Q: What does every woman call an intelligent, attractive, caring, loving and sensitive man?

    A: A dream.

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,765 Member
    Hello all!

    Have been reading with interest. I've had my share of run-ins with the school system over the years ... some quite horrific ... never actually decked anyone though. Hats off to Sylvia! Never mess with a Mama Bear's cubs!!

    I joined one of the challenge groups last month and here again in April. Really shouldn't have been that difficult... track everything, stay within my calorie budget and be active in some way for 20 minutes every day. Made it until March 11th last month and have already been eliminated from April's challenge! Sheesh! :huh:

    Tomorrow is another day.

    Hoping to get some order to my house this weekend. Always seems to help all aspects of my life when the clutter is gone!
    Enjoy your weekend!
    Beth in WNY
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Finally!!an appt with ortho dr on wed.
    Thanks for all the love and support.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Did an hour of HIIT on the elliptical today (sprint for 30 sec, regular stride/min for one minute). Tomorrow's plan is to do Jillian Michael's Shred it With Weights DVD

    Amanda - that's why I like the spiro-tein protein mix. There aren't any aritificial sweeteners. I try to avoid artificial stuff, too. I'm pretty good about that. I don't like the aftertaste that aspertame leaves in your mouth, so I absolutely avoid that stuff. If I must have an artificial sweetener, I tend to go with Truvia. And even then it's very rare that I use it. I would rather have nothing in my tea. Hope you're feeling better.

    Heather - so glad you had such a great time

    DeeDee - start investing in a company that makes sunscreen (one that doesn't contain coconut oil -- Coppertone is one that I know doesn't, Banana Boat is another, Hawaiian Tropic does). We'll probably open the pool in a couple of weeks and then I'll be using the sunscreen almost every day. Today I don't think I've been coughing as much as I had previously...or is it just all in my mind?

    Went to mahjongg today, then stopped to get Vince his Dunkin Donuts. I'd seen this ad on the internet that they have Peeps Easter donuts, so I asked them for one with chocolate frosting with a Peep on it. They normally don't have a chocolate iced one, but they iced one for me and put a Peeps on top. Then went to the Busy Hands, then to Aldi for a few things. Now home.

    Sylvia - unbelievable!!!! lol the dream

    Denise - welcome!

    Beth - you are so right, don't mess with mamam bear. I always said that if they wanted to find Osama BinLaden in record time, just send a bunch of mothers to find him. If you tell the mother that either he is found or their sons will go to war and possibly get killed, there's no stone OBL could hide under

    jane - good luck to you Wed.

    Michele in NC
  • SueTN2
    SueTN2 Posts: 79 Member
    Hello my name is Sue and I am from Fayetteville, TN. I'm 62 and now retired from work so I'm trying to learn how to be at home and cook more healthy. My goal for April is to lose 10 lbs and walk and get more active. I'm really glad I found the message boards I've tracking my food for a few weeks but never looked at the community... I sure hope I can find you again, thanks for starting this post.
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,861 Member
    Hello to all: Good day today, so far have gotten at least 8000 steps each day this month but have had to work at it. Last night we were supposed to have wintry weather but the storm passed further south and east and we only had a little snow. Glad as we had practice for our Palm Sunday Cantata and she kept us late. Five of our Methodist choirs in town get together each year and do a cantata with a guest conductor. Last night was the first rehearsal together. Great music and a good sound I think.

    Really tired tonight. I think I will do a little crocheting and meditation on the prayer shawl I am making and then to bed. DH is spending most of tomorrow at a Masonic thing so I will have the house to myself. Yeah!!

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    I've been reading as fast as I can... such a busy week for me, so no time to respond. Now on to the weekend.

    Have a great one.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I feel like I have been gone a week although it has been less than 2 days.:yawn: :yawn: :yawn: I walked and waled and walked some more today. We took the tour of my daughters work place, went home, had lunch and went grocery shopping. All in all I think it was equivalent to 5 flights of stairs, about 2.5 miles and over 5000 steps. Plus Thursday night, that was just last night wasn't it, when we drove down there it rained and rained and poured. Here in out city we got 6 inches. Anyway we hit a huge puddle and did something to our catalytic converter so that was on our minds all day today that we needed to get it fixed and would the car do OK on the ride home. I usually sleep mot of the way, mainly because I can't stand Charlies cussing at drivers, but I stayed awake just because I was worried about the car. Yesterday I stayed awake because of the rain. Our tour was moved from 4 PM to 9 AM so we didn't get to sleep as late this morning as we normally would have. I don't do well in just standing and many times during the tour we just stood. It makes the neuropathy in my feet really hurt and I get dizzy. I don't always get dizzy, usually don't but today I did. My daughter saw I was trying to hide something so she kind of cut the tour short, we then toured her office where I could sit down and then walked back to our car, which was about 1/2 mile so we could finish the tour back into the cave in the car. There are two companies in the cave, the Underground Storage and Hybridge spring water. I saw the actual spring and because of the rains it was flowing extremely well. We saw where the resorvior is where they pipe all to and then bottle it. A lot of the interior of the cave is used by the Underground storage where people store their RVs and big boats. There is a very highly technical dehumidifying system in the cave and a lot of people store stuff in there. There were several vaults where a lot of wine and whiskey is stored. That room smells pretty good because one of the workers broke one bottle of wine and you can see where the box was wet at one point in time although these boxes, about 500, are stored.

    I dearly love my grand daughters but the youngest one is hyper.She is a super charged energizer bunny with long lasting high powered batteries in her. They don't have a working TV so toys are in the living room and she will go from one thing to another. But she is extremely intelligent. She told me her Daddy is 4 decades old. When I asked her how she figured that out she said he is 40 and a decade is ten years. So I told her that I was 64 so how old was I. I am 6 decades and 4 years. So I gave her a tougher problem to see how she would answer it. I told her that Grandpa was 65 so how old is he? I thought she would say 6 decades and 5 years. But she said he is 6 and 1/2 decades because 5 years is 1/2 of a decade. Her Mom is always giving her little life lessons. After wew ent grocery shopping she gave her the big pack of toilet paper and told her to put an equal amount in each bathroom. So she immediately separated them into 3 piles of 3 for the 9 roll pack. She will show her on the grocery shelves what she wants and to make sure she picks the cheapest so she can be reading the prices on the bar codes on the shelf. This little one is 7. She loves art, reading and math the most. She can give you almost any fact about snakes and spiders which are her favorites!

    When we got home from the tour there was a garter snake in their little tiny yard. We were always big lovers of any kind of snake, bug, animal, anything. So Mom pickes up this little snake and takes it in the house so the kids and play with it and hold it so as not to be afraid and see that a snake isn't the slippery slimy thing most people think it is. (Youngest daughter had an 8 foot boa which I would play with while daughter cleaned it's cage). Anyway while they are playing with this snake it promptly throws up the worm it had just eaten! :laugh: :sick: Time for play time to be over.

    So we are home. I'm sure since I am as ired as I am I will do my normal and sleep until around 5 PM tomorrow night. ONe time years ago before I got myself in better health with my MS I slept 72 hours except to get up and get a drink and go to the bathroom. My husband just looks in on me and makes sure I'm breathing. The whole family is used to it and leaves me alone.

    I'm not even going to pretend to read all the pages I missed. Good job to those who have found victories in any way and for the others, well this to shall pass. You always got to remember it.

    Joyce, indiana
  • Mountainsong129
    Hello All!

    I made a decision that had been bubbling for a while--to NOT let my weight gain in the past year--unprecedented amount for me, but went from very active job to way too sendentary--get any more out of control. Plus, I am trying to use exercise to combat depression. Kind of a Catch-22, as exercise requires a least a shred of motivation, and depression kills motivation.

    I live in central NY State, and as most Americans have, had way too long and cold of a winter, so am eagerly "unlocking" myself to welcome Spring! A few minutes of raking leaves off the gardens yesterday felt like heaven! Some snow flurries tomorrow, but I'll try to enjoy some time knitting. Gardening will take over soon enough!

    :happy: So happy to find such a cheery group.
    :grumble: Y'all will be good for my Eeyore nature!
    :flowerforyou: I am keeping a gratitude journal, and was grateful today to get to the gym (despite my resistance), receive my prescription for physical therapy (newly diagnosed arthritis, both knees), and make an appointment to get started learning how I will make the best of this, and have a sweetie who cooked dinner when the mood was down and pain was up.

    :bigsmile: I will keep reading your posts so I can get to know you better.

    :ohwell: I had a sudden retirement after 25 years of teaching elementary school. That was a year ago, and I am starting to create some order and structure out of the chaos of the past year, and too many household moves in a short time (3 in 5 years). I had a stroke at 46, and deal daily with some of the "brain static" that left me with. That I am even able to be expending energy on fitness is a miracle, and I am grateful again for that.

    :bigsmile: My goals for April:
    *Gym workouts (weights and elliptical) 2-3 x's/week
    *Yoga days opposite gym days, with walking those days, too.
    *Continue to build routines for household management, financial management, etc. Keep it simple, and work for progress, not perfection.
    * Be open to opportunities to re-discover joy and play.
    *Keep charting calories and exercise, employing the "Eat Up" day strategy.
    *I hope to lose 1-2 pounds/week. Three weeks left, so maybe 5 pounds for April.