Any geeks?



  • shrinking_cylon
    shrinking_cylon Posts: 33 Member
    Hmm, I love BSG with a passion. And I'm into sci fi movies & books. Does that count? c:
    Oh, and I watch Orphan Black religiously! That's kind of geeky right?
  • RoxyDisaster
    RoxyDisaster Posts: 112 Member
    I went to an IT school! And I love WOW and Halo. I also watch anything on weather and dream to be a meteorologist!!! That might be nerdy!! :)
  • a_frayn
    a_frayn Posts: 7
    I work in IT, I'm a photographer and music nerd.

    Currently watching a Jon Pertwee episode of Doctor Who.
  • Left4Good
    Left4Good Posts: 304
    HUGE gamer, video game and comic book collector, batman fan girl, dc comic fan girl, adventure time fan girl, trekkie... and many more...
    Favorite video game is Fallout 3 played it so many times. Have been playing the sims series since i was in elementary school as well.
  • Docfloyd
    Docfloyd Posts: 11 Member
    I have a max level character of every class in World of Warcraft and Star Wars MMO's. As well as a Master's in Computer Science. Does that make me nerdy? I suck at magic (the card game) if that helps! And i'm currently on a mission to collect them all in Pokemon Y.

    But besides that i'm always looking for friends to help keep me honest and motivated!
  • crystalcrosstx
    crystalcrosstx Posts: 11 Member
    I love anime, I read books, and I am a PC gamer.. so.. yeah, I am pretty nerdy! :glasses:
  • DienhartDotCom
    DienhartDotCom Posts: 292 Member
    I'm an Electronic Engineer and love writing software and enjoy being a geek. Especially when it comes to making cool stuff.
    I also kinda like to track everything to remove the variables from the equation so that I can get the results that I want. Learning about good health, a healthy lifestyle, and running (although, I've been running for a few years now) are my personal goals.

    I'm always happy to provide support and guidance if I can. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • jbm20607
    jbm20607 Posts: 8 Member
    Need a dorky friend? You seem to have a lot of nerds and a few geeks. I can provide some balance to your group.
  • yukino3006
    yukino3006 Posts: 34 Member
    do anime and game nerds count?
  • Allisonfitness99
    Allisonfitness99 Posts: 128 Member
    Well I was apart of LARP, while it was still in my town lol, no shame.
  • shinkalork
    shinkalork Posts: 815 Member

    Star Wars Mega fan !...Collecting Movies,toys,books,and more...
    Sci-fi geek
    etc etc
  • Quarkles
    Quarkles Posts: 69 Member
    I absolutely love anime, manga and Japanese culture in general, to the point that I'm semi-fluent in Japanese (self-taught!)
    Not sure if these count, but I'm also a big fan of heavy metal, and am a horror movie junkie.
    Methinks that there are lots of geeky/nerdy people on MFP - just another reason to love this site.
  • Obi_Cory_Kenobi
    Obi_Cory_Kenobi Posts: 20 Member
    Add me if you want!!!!! I'm pretty new here, but i feel my screen name should probably qualify me as a geek.
  • Azoth658
    Azoth658 Posts: 1
    Yep total geek here working on their weight :)

    Gaming geek (FFX HD Remaster anyone... so many hours...)
    Music geek (Pop Punk, Indie, Alternative, Rock, Random rock with rap bands e.g. Zebrahead)
    Comic geek (Marvel mainly Spidey, Walking Dead and chuck in some Scott Pilgrim which technically not a comic but kind of is)
    Computer nerd (work with spreadsheets all day long)

    Started losing weight a couple of years ago lost three stone and have put it all back on. Started being healthy again for about two weeks now and I'm in the region of half a stone lost... Happy to chat to anyone about geeky or stuff or motivational stuff :)

    Oh and I'm UK based if there are any other UK geeks out there :)
  • Andibenni
    Andibenni Posts: 408 Member
    Work in HR for digital and IT technology. Love space and stargazing, amateur physics geek. Trekkie, and trying to lose weight to get back into my uniform, Game of Thrones (books, TV and online Game), Marvel comics , Lord of the Rings, D&D hope it counts.
  • I really like science haha :P not sure if geek, nerd, dork? Feel free to add though :)
  • HI :) uk geek right here

    the walking dead (comics and tv show, comics are better) Marvel, LOTR, Anime (mainly studio ghibli though) etc etc. add me if you like! i need more geeky motivation!
  • quantonio
    quantonio Posts: 7 Member
    I think so, I work as a research scientist :smile: Oh yeah, and my first post is in a geek thread.
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    What qualifies as a geek? haha
  • hush404
    hush404 Posts: 95 Member
    *raises hand. Most Scifi, batman, video games, cyberpunk, books, anime and so on :)