30 day unbiased Shakeology review



  • How does that taste?
  • hkristine1
    hkristine1 Posts: 950 Member
    I actually did herbalife before I started drinking shakeology. Last year when I was drinking herbalife, I definitely got results. However, you have to drink two shakes a day and I love food. It was good while it lasted. Once I got off of herbalife, I gained twice the weight I lost. I lost about 20 pounds and gained about 45 pounds. I didn't notice until I started working out and focusing on my fitness again since I was really depressed. That's when I started looking into other options and started doing t25 and drinking shakeology. At first, the taste was definitely not to my liking but it's because it's so potent. So now I just use more liquid. 8oz of almond milk and 8oz of water with my shakeology packet and I'm good to go. The price I thought was expensive in the beginning but honestly, it's $4.33 a day. I spend more than that on a weekend shopping for some shoes, drinking at the club and eating fast food! I will tell you however, that I just recently became a coach just because of how much I believe in these products. However, everyone has their opinions. Hope this helps someone! :)

    Uhmmm... if once you stopped taking herbalife, you gained twice the weight you lost back... why do you believe anything different will happen when you stop drinking shakeology?
  • RhineDHP
    RhineDHP Posts: 1,025 Member
    Thank you for the review! For all of those that say there are better multivitams that are cheaper out there you can take, can you please list a few. I need the nutrients but not sure about spending the money on Shakeology right now. So what are the vitamins that you take that are good quality and where can I buy them? Thanks!
    Ultimate Woman Gold from Vitamin Shoppe is good (I'm guessing, I use Ultimate Man Gold, and love it, so I'm guessing the woman one is just as good for women.) Also, Optimum Nutrition makes a good multivitamin, I believe it's called Opti-Women. You should be able to get both from the Vitamin Shoppe, or Amazon.

    BAHAHA, Ultimate Man Gold sounds like a hilarious euphemism, and I just guffawed for a good minute or two.

    I was looking into different multi-vitamins as well, thanks for the suggestion!
  • Timelordlady85
    Timelordlady85 Posts: 797 Member
    I love my shakeology but I cannot justify the cost each month. Plus it is made with whey protein. After I finish my month supply that I ordered, I ordered Sun Warrior rice protein powder and sun warrior hemp vanilla protein powder, both cans cost less than the shakeology combined. If shakeology was made with a different protein and half the cost id order one for my husband and myself each month but its just too expensive in my opinion.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member

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  • I've also been on shakeology for 6 months now
    I though it was expensive at first
    When I realized what I was saving on what I didnt buy
    Is when it made sence
    Shakeology has defenitly curbed my intake of sodas and coffee
    And all the late night snacking all gone
    I used to drink a 30 pack of coke per week!
    I dont even have one in my fridge now
    I am a coach I did it for the discount
    Helped a few friends get it also and now it's free
    Haha can't go wrong with that
    Not to mention all the nutrients I take in now
    I feel better I wake up fresh and ready to work
    It was worth every penny!
  • i like to keep it simple- i went to costco and use a scoop of whey, a scoop of muscle milk, 2 scoops of grinded oatmeal, some milk water ice mix and eat - unless of course there is some magic **** in shakeology that im missing
  • hkristine1
    hkristine1 Posts: 950 Member
    i like to keep it simple- i went to costco and use a scoop of whey, a scoop of muscle milk, 2 scoops of grinded oatmeal, some milk water ice mix and eat - unless of course there is some magic **** in shakeology that im missing

    My understanding is that the shakeology mix supposedly has every (or most) vitamin/mineral, etc. that your body "needs" to function at its optimum ability. This, apparently, is supposed to help curb cravings for less-healthy foods because your body will have everything it needs in one nice neat little shake package (I have never tried it so I can't speak from personal experience in whether it works or not).
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member

    "My understanding is that the shakeology mix supposedly has every (or most) vitamin/mineral, etc. that your body "needs" to function at its optimum ability. This, apparently, is supposed to help curb cravings for less-healthy foods because your body will have everything it needs in one nice neat little shake package (I have never tried it so I can't speak from personal experience in whether it works or not)."

    No...there is no such product and if their was it would not be sold thru MLM.
  • Just started Shakeology myself. Reg Chocolate. I add half a banana, cup of almond milk, mixed frozen berries and water. Love the consistency and flavor. It does help me with sweets cravings and I do have more energy. It's expensive, so I'll monitor my gains over the next few months
  • Jennicia74
    Jennicia74 Posts: 31 Member
    I love my shakeology but wish it wasn't so expensive! I use the Strawberry in the morning blended with water, 1/2 frozen bananna, 1/2 cup mixed frozen berries and 1/2 C greek vanilla yogurt. I drink it on the way to work and it satisfies me for a couple of hours til my AM snack. Previous shakes have given me stomach aches and that bloaty feel. Shakeolgy is my go to breakfast and I'll be sad when I cant afford it anymore.
  • muse1717
    muse1717 Posts: 1
    Thank you for your honesty. I think I'll give it a try.
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    @LeahLexis What type of protein you use can depend on your need at the time. I add a scoop of Isopure to my water and drink it during my workout. That's half a serving--25 grams of protein, plus potassium, sodium and some vitamins with no sugar/carbs (I have enough stored carbs to work from right now, lol).

    For meal replacement, I often use Manitoba Harvest Hemp Protein (or Hemp/Fiber formula) and blend with some unsweetened soy milk, veggies and fruits. I like the protein/fat/carb combo and the pure ingredients. I also have egg white protein powder, chocolate whey concentrate and vanilla whey concentrate. What one I reach for usually depends on what macros I'm going for at the time.

    Never used Shakeology.
  • catmc4
    catmc4 Posts: 1
    I personally stay away from any type of shakes, vitamins tablets, etc because you just never know what these companies put in plus your body doesn't absorb most of the stuff in it anyways. Their objectives is to make money, so they will cut the cost down and try to sell you more. I keep it simple when it comes to nutrition and diet, just eat good healthy food with a purpose of making your body healthy, fight diseases and feeling great. I always ask myself before I eat something, what is this food will do for me? Even from a medical point of view, some food help reduce heart diseases, cancers, etc, so just know them and eat loads of them.
    I am not a nutritionist or a doctor, but I just don't trust shake products, vitamins, and pre made food sold in grocery stores (they put way too much salt, preservatives, bad fat, etc!) and they are bloody expensive!!!
    Honestly, when I do my grocery shopping, I shop only in 1/3 of the aisles. Go to the veggies, fruits section then get your milk/low fat yogurt and good proteins, (fish, lean meat), some multi grain bread and leave! Your waist and bank account will thank you!

    My comment might not help much anyway on advice on shakes...but perhaps rethink the way you eat!
  • I'm attempting to get back into P90x training after tearing my ACL and I need something for energy. I've adjusted my diet in every way, shape, and form and the level of energy I'm receiving just isn't high enough. I should probably add that I'm naturally a very lazy person (not that it's an excuse, just clarifying as to why I may be looking for more energy). I get kidney stones so I can't really live on a diet that's too high in protein and too low in carbs. I should also point out that I'm not actually looking to lose weight, just looking to tone muscle and look better in a bikini (and like every other human being - as fast as possible!).

    So is the general consensus that Shakeology is fine but not quite worth the money? Because I've read through quite a few of these and the opinions are kind of all over the place but I keep seeing the same complaint about Shakeology...the $$ isn't worth it for such low quality vitamins. Is there a *specific* alternative someone would like to recommend that I can find at GNC or some other supplement store?
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I'm attempting to get back into P90x training after tearing my ACL and I need something for energy. I've adjusted my diet in every way, shape, and form and the level of energy I'm receiving just isn't high enough. I should probably add that I'm naturally a very lazy person (not that it's an excuse, just clarifying as to why I may be looking for more energy). I get kidney stones so I can't really live on a diet that's too high in protein and too low in carbs. I should also point out that I'm not actually looking to lose weight, just looking to tone muscle and look better in a bikini (and like every other human being - as fast as possible!).

    So is the general consensus that Shakeology is fine but not quite worth the money? Because I've read through quite a few of these and the opinions are kind of all over the place but I keep seeing the same complaint about Shakeology...the $$ isn't worth it for such low quality vitamins. Is there a *specific* alternative someone would like to recommend that I can find at GNC or some other supplement store?

    Correct, Shakeology is overpriced and mediocre at best. As for your energy levels, if you've already tinkered with your diet I'd look towards the wonderful world of stimulants and pre workouts
  • mc1344
    mc1344 Posts: 3
    Did you workout very often. I am trying Shakeology for the first time but can not workout because of an injury. do you think I will still get results?
  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Did you workout very often. I am trying Shakeology for the first time but can not workout because of an injury. do you think I will still get results?
    If you're trying to lose weight, your results will come from a calorie deficit. You can achieve that whether or not you work out. Although, you'll probably be happier with your results in the long run if you work out. As far as Shakeology goes, it's a dietary supplement, not a weight loss formula. It won't help or hinder your results in and of itself.
  • silken555
    silken555 Posts: 478 Member
    You would get more bang for your buck just buying a high quality protein powder for convenience. The vitamins in the good quality ones are a higher caliber than Shakeology, it's cheaper per serving and it tastes a heck of a lot better.
  • GreatDepression
    GreatDepression Posts: 347 Member
    Out of my own curiosity, I want to try the new strawberry flavor. How can I try this without getting a whole month's supply? I was extremely disappointed with vanilla.