Help! I need a fast weight loss plan



  • DianaGabriela2013
    DianaGabriela2013 Posts: 108 Member
    Eat healthy and work out will not potentially harm her. That is basically the advice I have given.
    I actually think eat healthy and work out will do her lots of good!
  • PattyinVA
    PattyinVA Posts: 1 Member
    Ideal Protein Protocol. You can go to their website and find a weight loss clinic near you that you can work with. It's low carb, low fat, balanced protein. I lost 15 pounds in 3 weeks.
  • ccam99
    ccam99 Posts: 119 Member
    Lower your carbs

    Up your protein, fruit & veg

    Drink lots of water + green tea

    And buy some nice decent pull in tummy knickers, they work wonders with fitted clothes and look live you've lost inches : )

    I agree. and do some sort of exercise and you should lose 1-2 lbs a week and accept that's all you will lose. How you dress can also play a role in how you look to others as far as weight goes. Try not to stress about it. You already know that you can't really drop lbs just like that so like others said, do what you can in 5 weeks and work on the rest later. Try to think about the reason you are going on your outing and don't focus too much on what you can't change in such a short amount of time.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Try eating "raw til dinner", meaning you fill your day with uncooked fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds, and then have a healthy cooked dinner if you like, with whole grains and lean protein (ie chicken with quinoa and steamed veggies). OR - you can eat a raw dinner too, if you feel like it ! Try it for a week and see how you feel. Here's a one-day example: Make a coconut water-mixed berry smoothie for breakfast, have almonds for a snack, have a salad with avocados for lunch, have veggie sticks and an apple for snacks in the afternoon, drink herbal tea, have a few sunflower seeds before dinner so that you're not starving/tempted to eat something unhealthy, and then make a lovely warm healthy dinner! You can even have a 80 % dark piece of chocolate after dinner for a treat. Stick to this structure and you'll be sure to lose some weight in 5 weeks.

    Are Cheez-Its considered raw?
  • jrose1982
    jrose1982 Posts: 366 Member
    Don't know how much you're trying to lose, but low-carb diets can work pretty quick. However, if you've never done one, there's some trial and error to figure out what works for you, and that could take a few weeks.

    I went on a cruise two months ago and, like you, wanted to look my best (at 230 lb). I settled for feeling my best by increasing my exercise. I've found that when my muscles are just a little bit sore, I feel stronger and slimmer (even if I'm not).

    That's what I suggest you do. Don't focus on the pounds, that takes time. Use these five weeks to start an exercise routine that includes some resistance training (i.e. weights). You might just lose some inches instead (or fractions of inches anyway).

    Good luck!
  • daw0518
    daw0518 Posts: 459 Member
    Thanks to those who actually gave me some answers :-)

    But for the rest of you there was no need to be nasty,as your here same as me to 'lose weight' it's bullying.
    Why the nastiness?

    It's true that most of us are also here to lose weight, but most of us have also spent A LOT of time learning how to do it in a healthy manner. Most of us, with a lot of experience doing it the wrong way and it being a waste time, aren't going to help you do it that way. We're going to try to give you advice on how to do it the right way the first time to maximize your gains. If that's 'bullying', then I don't know what to tell you. If you spend even a few days on the forums, you'll see why people respond in such a sarcastic manner - people ask these ridiculous questions like 6 times a day. You probably could have just done a search and then you would have known what to expect and saved yourself from being butthurt.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Amputation and cut your head off is not a factual response. It's being ridiculous.
    Losing weight quickly is not "mere inpossible" task, it can be done! By working your *kitten* off, just like with anything in life.
    God, how lazy are we that the best we can come up with is, cut your head off?
    Like JM says "Set your goal than kick it in the face, dont half *kitten* your work out"

    Amputating a leg will lose you about 40 pounds.

    Doing a juice fast or other VLCD where you lose an equivalent amount of weight will also cause loss of lean mass: muscle, bone density, etc.

    The two strategies have very similar results.

    Buy a wardrobe full of great fitting, flattering clothes and feel confident in your body. It'll do more for people's perception than giving yourself osteoporosis in an attempt to lower an arbitrary scale number.
  • disasterman
    disasterman Posts: 746 Member
    Amputation and cut your head off is not a factual response. It's being ridiculous.
    Losing weight quickly is not "mere inpossible" task, it can be done! By working your *kitten* off, just like with anything in life.
    God, how lazy are we that the best we can come up with is, cut your head off?
    Like JM says "Set your goal than kick it in the face, dont half *kitten* your work out"

    Amputating a leg will lose you about 40 pounds.

    Doing a juice fast or other VLCD where you lose an equivalent amount of weight will also cause loss of lean mass: muscle, bone density, etc.

    The two strategies have very similar results.

    Buy a wardrobe full of great fitting, flattering clothes and feel confident in your body. It'll do more for people's perception than giving yourself osteoporosis in an attempt to lower an arbitrary scale number.

    I just want to point out that this post works *for me*. By going the extra mile and adding a positive, realistic suggestion it takes what could have come across as being *mean* or *bullying* and takes turns it into something helpful. For the record, I'm not opposed to telling people what they need to hear, I'm not opposed to honesty, and I don't believe in supporting fantastic, unrealistic, or plain ridiculous notions people have. But I think if we keep in mind that many people are coming here with years and lifetimes worth of misinformation, product and diet plan marketing, and bad science all mixed up together. Unlearning all of that and developing a deeper understanding of the whys behind a set of behaviors and attitudes that can really work isn't going to happen overnight. Furthermore, many people will respond negatively if they feel (rightly or wrongly) they are being picked on . If taking a moment to be a little more patient and understanding is such a burden I don't understand why bother responding at all. THAT was the point I was trying to make.

    ETA: change word order for clarity
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Eat healthy and work out will not potentially harm her. That is basically the advice I have given.
    I actually think eat healthy and work out will do her lots of good!

    Actually, you told the OP to up their cardio and eat a VLCD....
    kick up your cardio, she said you could do cardio twice a day, and ummm lots of salads
  • Jewlz280
    Jewlz280 Posts: 547 Member
    The reason for all of the sarcasm is the 'doing it fast and you don't want to hear how it isn't safe', thing. The truth is, you can lose about 2lbs. per week for the next five weeks. You may get lucky and have a couple of weeks with more. Especially the first week. Or, you may have a week of little or no loss. There is no 'quick fix' that won't bite back almost immediately and make you miserable. If you do a cleanse or low carb or anything like that, then go on your weekend and have those items, your intestines are NOT going to be happy. You will either blow up with gas or have diarrhea or any other number of issues. Been there, done that. THAT is why people are so sarcastic. They KNOW that the 'get skinny fast!' stuff doesn't work. What you CAN do is just reduce your cals to a decent amount (like, what MFP tells you) get in some exercise (cardio AND strength training) and eat some of those cals back and give yourself TIME. In 5 weeks if you are doing these things, you may only lose 10lbs., but you will LOOK smaller than that and feel good that you are making progress. Then you can reward yourself with a new haircut, some fresh make-up or shoes and maybe a new outfit. There is no fast fix. They don't work. They make you miserable. They make you feel like a failure when they backfire. They waste your time. And in the end, you just have to start over and do what you should've done in the first place! The biggest thing is to just START. NOW. Good luck.
  • palmerdanielle
    palmerdanielle Posts: 341 Member
    Time machine?

    And if you don't have a time machine, we could always do the time warp again...


    And this is why I love MFP.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    The head weighs about 10lbs. Get rid of that for a great start.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
    You wouldn't be getting rid of your head, you'd be getting rid of everything below your neck.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Am I the only one who is actually angered by posts like this one?*

    These posts imply that it's possible to achieve meaningful weight loss in a short amount of time, and the only thing stopping someone from doing it is either knowledge or commitment. This is remarkably insulting to those who work for months and months (and years) to achieve results as if they are either lacking some readily available information or they lack the commitment or dedication to do what needs to be done. (There were even some posts earlier in this thread that didn't just imply it, but actually said it.)

    * I'm not meaning to pick on OP specifically, because she isn't alone in these kinds of posts that seemingly show up at least daily, but my admonishment applies nonetheless.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Hi, I'm 27 and weigh 177 pounds and iim 5ft 2. Basically I'm going on a girly weekend and want to look my best. Has anyone had any success in losing weight quick as I'm going in 5 weeks. I don't want the 'its dangerous to lose weight quick' I need help.

    Thanks :-)

    I'm going to try a different tact here...

    Did you ever stop to think that the other girls on your girls weekend might be struggling with similar body issues and concerned about what everyone is going to think of them? I'm not saying to blow off your goals, but maybe a different approach would be to think about what your girls weekend is normally like (lots of eating and wine if they are anything like mine) and suggest to the group that maybe you guys could consider other options. Not sure where you are going, but maybe start each day with a long walk or hike, choose healthier food options or cook meals for yourselves instead of eating out all the time, and drink in moderation. On my recent girls weekend with college roommates, it was enlightening to realize that 4 out of the 5 were actively working on making healthier choices and it dramatically changed our itinerary. We walked everywhere rather than taking cabs. We chose different restaurants and went to the spa instead of day drinking. It was still lots of fun and no one was self conscious, even when we were in the hot tub!
  • morteetee
    Try 1200 calories a day - you might be able to lose about 8 to 10 pounds in five weeks (i did).

    Good luck and have fun no matter what you weigh:wink:
  • krawhitham
    krawhitham Posts: 831 Member
    Hi, I'm 27 and weigh 177 pounds and iim 5ft 2. Basically I'm going on a girly weekend and want to look my best. Has anyone had any success in losing weight quick as I'm going in 5 weeks. I don't want the 'its dangerous to lose weight quick' I need help.

    Thanks :-)

    If you had come to this site on Jan 1st, like I did, you'd already be about 20 lbs down from 177. So, you'd actually weigh 157. Still overweight for 5'2", but considering your girly weekend is 5 weeks away, you might be able to have lost 6 more lbs in those 5 weeks, bringing you to 151 for your girly weekend. That's almost 30 lbs lower than your starting weight!

    Say your ideal weight is around 115-120 lbs, you'd be halfway to your goal by the time you reached your girly weekend, and you'd look and feel healthier!

    My point is, NOW is always the best time to start. If you start now, imagine what you'll look and feel like by Christmastime - you'll be a WHOLE NEW YOU! And imagine what you'll look like for girly weekends NEXT year! A completely different person, potentially. But only if you want to start now and put in the time and effort to exercise and eat in moderation.
  • disasterman
    disasterman Posts: 746 Member
    Am I the only one who is actually angered by posts like this one?*

    These posts imply that it's possible to achieve meaningful weight loss in a short amount of time, and the only thing stopping someone from doing it is either knowledge or commitment. This is remarkably insulting to those who work for months and months (and years) to achieve results as if they are either lacking some readily available information or they lack the commitment or dedication to do what needs to be done. (There were even some posts earlier in this thread that didn't just imply it, but actually said it.)

    * I'm not meaning to pick on OP specifically, because she isn't alone in these kinds of posts that seemingly show up at least daily, but my admonishment applies nonetheless.

    Our whole culture is based on instant results and fast, faster, fastest and hundreds of millions of dollars are spent annually to convince us that we can lose weight quickly (and spot reduce too) so I guess I wonder why wouldn't a lot of people think that? It's the message they've heard their whole life and it takes time and, in my case at least, a good deal of effort to unlearn that. And it's something people really want to believe too - I sure wish there was a quicker fix.

    So I understand what you're saying but it doesn't make me angry. I just don't take it personally because I know people don't really mean it that way and they're not thinking about me but they're thinking about themselves.

    Just my 2cents.
  • Keep_The_Laughter
    Keep_The_Laughter Posts: 183 Member
    Am I the only one who is actually angered by posts like this one?*

    These posts imply that it's possible to achieve meaningful weight loss in a short amount of time, and the only thing stopping someone from doing it is either knowledge or commitment. This is remarkably insulting to those who work for months and months (and years) to achieve results as if they are either lacking some readily available information or they lack the commitment or dedication to do what needs to be done. (There were even some posts earlier in this thread that didn't just imply it, but actually said it.)

    * I'm not meaning to pick on OP specifically, because she isn't alone in these kinds of posts that seemingly show up at least daily, but my admonishment applies nonetheless.

    Not to be rude, but all of this seems like a lot of investment in someone else's perception/misperceptions. If the OP takes the good advice in the thread, she could be on her way to sexypants. If she decides to crash diet, she could be setting herself up for weight gain and health problems. Nothing about either choice invalidates anyone else's experience.

    If someone chooses to make his or her life harder by ignoring what they know to be true, why not consider the source and move on? Ultimately it is her body, her perception and her choice.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Am I the only one who is actually angered by posts like this one?*

    These posts imply that it's possible to achieve meaningful weight loss in a short amount of time, and the only thing stopping someone from doing it is either knowledge or commitment. This is remarkably insulting to those who work for months and months (and years) to achieve results as if they are either lacking some readily available information or they lack the commitment or dedication to do what needs to be done. (There were even some posts earlier in this thread that didn't just imply it, but actually said it.)

    * I'm not meaning to pick on OP specifically, because she isn't alone in these kinds of posts that seemingly show up at least daily, but my admonishment applies nonetheless.

    Not to be rude, but all of this seems like a lot of investment in someone else's perception/misperceptions. If the OP takes the good advice in the thread, she could be on her way to sexypants. If she decides to crash diet, she could be setting herself up for weight gain and health problems. Nothing about either choice invalidates anyone else's experience.

    If someone chooses to make his or her life harder by ignoring what they know to be true, why not consider the source and move on? Ultimately it is her body, her perception and her choice.

    You know what? I'm an Instructional Designer. It really, truly takes a Master's degree (or the equivalent) to be a good Instructional Designer. However, people assume that they can slap together a PowerPoint with some words and have it be the same as what I do. And it pisses me off. I mean, I let it roll off my back. But it has an impact on the expectations of the people around me. It does have an effect on what I do.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    You CAN absolutely lose 15pds in 5 weeks, is it healthy? prob not & it will be hard work but it is possible. You'll need to cut all fried foods, white carbs & sugar & limit your calorie intake to 800-1000 a day (you will be hungry) Your also need to work out 7 days a week for at least a hr..maybe get 30 day shred or t25 & do that for 30 mins & then do the treadmill for another 30.

    7 pounds of it will be fat and the rest will be lean mass. But we don't want to hear how unhealthy this is for you....