Focus T25 - Summer Slim Down!



  • kimsciolino
    kimsciolino Posts: 240 Member
    I am on day 3 of T25, I am very determined to lose weight and get in shape. I will follow the program as instructed and hoping I see some great results.
  • DLo_122
    DLo_122 Posts: 96 Member
    I am on week 4- no weight loss yet .... My body looks slimmer but the scale is up... I know about water retention and all that, but 4 weeks in and no weight loss ? did this happen to any of you guys ?

    I love the program, and i can see that endurance is much much better, i can do stuff that couldn't do the first few weeks. but the freaking scale isn't moving :huh:

    This is the reason why I don't weigh myself....I get very discouraged. I measure myself once a week and as I long as I see results that way, that's all I care about. I'd rather be thinner than lighter ;)
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    I'm also doing T25. I'm starting Beta next week. Pretty excited!

    It's a good workout, but doesn't make you want to kill yourself like insanity lol. Except for that total body circuit work out in the alpha round. Ugh!!
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    I am on week 4- no weight loss yet .... My body looks slimmer but the scale is up... I know about water retention and all that, but 4 weeks in and no weight loss ? did this happen to any of you guys ?

    I love the program, and i can see that endurance is much much better, i can do stuff that couldn't do the first few weeks. but the freaking scale isn't moving :huh:

    Make sure you're eating appropriately. Overeating can wipe out any deficit created through exercise. That being said though, I understand. I actually went through that with Insanity. I nearly killed myself and saw maybe 1 or 2lbs lost. But my body changed considerably. And I have very little to lose so that's part of the reason for that. Just stay patient and make sure you are eating and measuring your food correctly. Also, start taking body measurements. The scale does not tell the whole truth. You'll get there!!
  • Soundwave79
    Soundwave79 Posts: 469 Member
    Except for that total body circuit work out in the alpha round. Ugh!!

    I dread that one. I'm on the final week of Alpha and I have to do it three times this week including tonight! The oblique knee pushups at the end are just plain evil!
  • FarTooJones
    ^ I start week 5 of Alpha today. Down 8 lbs so far. No idea on inches yet. Haven't measured. It's tough but it works. The Alpha phase is very focused on lower body. Be weary of your calfs and achilles. I tweaked my achilles in week 2 doing the high kicks in Alpha cardio. Don't push yourself to hard to early. I also recommend doing a "zero week" which you just do the week 1 schedule of videos at 75% intensity and let your body get over it's initial soreness. Then repeat week 1 at full intensity. Going full out from the start is going to be a tough transition for your lower body.

    Mine should be arriving in the mail today, and was planning on starting Monday, but this seems like sounds advice, I may try to get a workout or two in this week yet to lessen the pain of next week. Thanks for the tip.
  • Soundwave79
    Soundwave79 Posts: 469 Member
    Mine should be arriving in the mail today, and was planning on starting Monday, but this seems like sounds advice, I may try to get a workout or two in this week yet to lessen the pain of next week. Thanks for the tip.

    Yea try the Alpha Cardio vid and see how sore you are after. I personally haven't been able to work out for the past year because of hernia issues. So for me the initial soreness was extreme. If you have been working out all along it may not be so bad for you. I'm glad I did the zero week though because jumping into those vids at 100% off the start I would have been bed ridden after the first day. :D
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Except for that total body circuit work out in the alpha round. Ugh!!

    I dread that one. I'm on the final week of Alpha and I have to do it three times this week including tonight! The oblique knee pushups at the end are just plain evil!

    Those are the worst- I can barely do those!
  • ldocampo
    ldocampo Posts: 34
    All of these reviews have me itching to check this out! I may have to join you guys on the T25 train
  • auburngirl06
    auburngirl06 Posts: 153 Member
    I'm on week 4 alpha. I didn't lose any weight until week 3 but I've definitely dropped inches! I haven't measured but I'm pretty close to have going down an entire pant size. I feel much stronger and my endurance is so much better. I was running and doing the 30DS prior to starting this and I didn't have any problems with soreness. So if you are coming from another program you should be ok to just jump right in. And those oblique knee push-ups, oh my god. I did TBC last night and I knew they were coming and they sucked just as bad as I thought. But I LOVE it :) I'd love to have some more T25 friends!!
  • Papaya81
    Papaya81 Posts: 90 Member
    Just started on Monday - so three days in. Took my before pictures and measurements, so I am hoping that by the end of this I can share results. I'd like to lose about 20 pounds in general and I know that these programs aren't designed as a "weight-loss" program, but I am hoping I can use it in addition to eating good to see some lbs drop :) wishful thinking? maybe....didn't lose any weight with insanity, but bailed out after the first month. T25 is great so far!
  • Lucilu75
    Lucilu75 Posts: 14 Member
    I am on week 5 alpha. I too dread TBC! Can't do spider push ups! Follow tania most of the time on TBC. Nailed abs this week for 1st time. Not lost any weight and am only now seeing some visible results. Bit off hips but most noticeably 2cm off the muffin top. Husband said my abdomen looks more toned. I definitely feel fitter. Not following the diet but eating at a deficit.Looking forward to beta for a bit of a change despite not really completely nailing every single workout - but definitely better than at the start of the programme.
    Love Shaun T! Bring on beta! After the dreaded TBC (still 2 this week to go) that is....
  • gerla_k
    gerla_k Posts: 495 Member
    I am on week 4- no weight loss yet .... My body looks slimmer but the scale is up... I know about water retention and all that, but 4 weeks in and no weight loss ? did this happen to any of you guys ?

    I love the program, and i can see that endurance is much much better, i can do stuff that couldn't do the first few weeks. but the freaking scale isn't moving :huh:

    This is the reason why I don't weigh myself....I get very discouraged. I measure myself once a week and as I long as I see results that way, that's all I care about. I'd rather be thinner than lighter ;)
    I have a problem :) i weight myself every morning lol - i forgot to measure myself before i started the program . stupid me :laugh:
  • gerla_k
    gerla_k Posts: 495 Member
    I am on week 4- no weight loss yet .... My body looks slimmer but the scale is up... I know about water retention and all that, but 4 weeks in and no weight loss ? did this happen to any of you guys ?

    I love the program, and i can see that endurance is much much better, i can do stuff that couldn't do the first few weeks. but the freaking scale isn't moving :huh:

    Make sure you're eating appropriately. Overeating can wipe out any deficit created through exercise. That being said though, I understand. I actually went through that with Insanity. I nearly killed myself and saw maybe 1 or 2lbs lost. But my body changed considerably. And I have very little to lose so that's part of the reason for that. Just stay patient and make sure you are eating and measuring your food correctly. Also, start taking body measurements. The scale does not tell the whole truth. You'll get there!!
    Thanks, I guess I'll have to be more patient. I am trying to keep an accurate track of my food.
    I did Insanity as well - well the first part only , i lost about 8 lbs with it.
  • Mpgirl78
    Mpgirl78 Posts: 11 Member
    Nice!... I think I can fit in 25 minutes. I have hardwood floors, guess I should invest in a mat for those abdominal exercises huh?... LOL
  • Mpgirl78
    Mpgirl78 Posts: 11 Member
    I've been thinking of getting this myself and starting it, but although I see a lot of positive comments on it, is it really worth the money and do you have a workout partner to keep you motivated?

    Totally worth it! The workouts are not horrible and it's over in 25 minutes! Plus you get Saturdays off and it's only an awesome Stretch workout on Sunday! It's on sale this month, too!

    Did you say "Sale"?... I'm gonna check this out ASAP!... LOL
  • fitfan11
    fitfan11 Posts: 544 Member
    Finished Beta about a month ago but you can add me for support if you like.
  • seismicmuffin
    seismicmuffin Posts: 160 Member

    Did you say "Sale"?... I'm gonna check this out ASAP!... LOL

    yes I got my challenge pack for 180 when its normally 205 I think!
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    I'm on day two of the schedule (after re-starting several times).

    I love the workouts!
  • Mpgirl78
    Mpgirl78 Posts: 11 Member

    Did you say "Sale"?... I'm gonna check this out ASAP!... LOL

    yes I got my challenge pack for 180 when its normally 205 I think!

    Where would I find this? Is there a specific site?