Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Good morning!
    I just noticed that MFP censored my previous post about a triple chocolate CHUNK cookie. No idea what kind of typo prompted that! :laugh:

    Weber Grill was delicious last night. I ate way too much, but at least a group of us decided to walk the mile and a half back tothe hotel, so burned a few extra calories.

    Today the weather is gorgeous!! I'm really hoping for enough time at some point to go run on the lake path. I so rarely have that opportunity.

    Heading down to the assembly floor, but I will check back later.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @RobinB~That is so sad about those babies drowning. I understand the parents were sleeping, but seems to me they shouldn’t be sleeping while two babies are awake and why wasn’t the front door latched enough to keep them from escaping?! I don’t understand how people can be neglectful of baby proofing a home. I get on the same bandwagon with young children that die here ever summer because someone left them in the day care van after an outing – I don’t understand how that happens! :explode: It’s such a tragedy. Now, you need to take some action regarding these shin splints – please ice both of your shins after working out, 20 minutes on then 20 minutes off for an hour. Also, are your sneakers new? If you have very much mileage on them it may be time to invest in a new pair.

    @Robin~I’m so sorry that your pending surgery is affecting you so much right now. It sounds like you have a great group of docs on the “payroll,” so remember that you are in good hands. Just remember to stay positive, it is a tremendous help while healing. I call Valium “Vitamin V,” it truly works miracles when you really need to taken down a notch or two.:wink: Hang in there!

    @L2T~Enjoy your weekend!

    AFM~:grumble:, one of my scales must be on the fritz – couldn’t believe the weight it read this morning, said I was 5# up from yesterday. WTH?! Maybe it needs a new battery, I should be using the BF scale anyway - according to it I’m down a little, just a couple of more pounds and the vacation weight should be gone which is my goal for April. No exercise yesterday, I got stuck in a late meeting. I’m meeting a friend/co-worker after work for dinner/drinks at a steak place, should be fun. Tomorrow is a long workout the gym, menu planning for the week and more paint sample shopping, I may work on a project around the house if I have time. I try to lay low on Sunday's, so just a session with my trainer in the afternoon.

    April Renaissance:

    1. Planks 10/30 days (30s)
    2. Under Calories 9/30 days

    Exercise Goals:

    Sunday~Training DONE!
    Monday~Cardio/agility drills outside DONE!
    Tuesday~ Cardio (hopefully) NOT DONE! I did take a short walk, but it didn’t amount to much.
    Wednesday~Training DONE!
    Thursday~ Cardio NOT DONE! :frown: (stuck at work late)
    Friday~Rest Day
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Happy Friday everyone!

    I had a really busy day yesterday and didn't get a chance to get on here. I started cleaning at 7:30 and next thing I noticed it was after 12. I stopped to grab lunch, hop in the shower and head to work. After work Brian and I went for another long walk. I was exhausted by 9:30 and ended up calling it a night. I am working in my student's homes today and don't have to head out until 2 today. I plan on doing some more cleaning and laundry before I go out. At some point today I would like to get in some strength training as well.

    There is still so much dust all over my house from grinding of the floors. John has 1 last grinding to do next week before putting down the rest of the floors. Yesterday I ended up cleaning the walls and ceilings in the bathroom and laundry room (Laundry room is room off bathroom that you access from inside the bathroom - it's weird.) Then I scrubbed down the bathtub/shower, toilet, sink, lighting, vanity and doors to both the bathroom and laundry room. I did 3 loads of laundry ( shower curtain, towels and kitchen rugs). Then moved everything out of the kitchen, swept both kitchen and bathroom/ laundry room floors and went over with vacuum. Then began mopping. The bathroom floor had to be done 3 x and the kitchen needed to be mopped 4 x. I started to put everything back into the bathroom but ran out of time. Today's goal is to get the bathroom completely set back up and begin to tackle another room (not sure which one yet). This weekends goals are to paint where John patched the walls, dust everything (again), vacuum (again) and bathe the cats. (They feel so gross from all of this.) After John finishes next week I plan on dusting (furniture, walls and ceilings again), vacuuming everything and then shampooing all the rugs. I feel like all I have been doing since this disaster started is clean, clean and clean. I cannot wait to be able to sit down and feel relaxed because my house is back in order. As you can imagine this mess is hitting me, the anal retentive one, pretty hard. I have not had an adult meltdown yet but I feel like I am on the verge of one. I really hope Brian begins to pitch in a bit on the cleaning this weekend or I may lose it. :frown:

    KJefferies - (Plugs my ears and yells LALALALALA) Please don't tell me that. I will go crazy if I cannot get this dust under control. It's absolutely disgusting. :sad:

    Laurie - Hope you get your break fixed soon so you can get riding. That must have been frustrating when you realized what happened.

    Hansea - Reading your post about your run put a huge smile on my face. How wonderful that the woman cheered you on! It must have been a great feeling! Congrats. :flowerforyou:

    Robin - Glad to hear they scheduled your surgery date and you have some friends who agreed to help you post surgery. I love your gift that you found in Target. (I love those bins in the front of Target!) The sound like they will be just perfect. I am sure your neighbors will enjoy it.

    Rain - I ran into a similar situation where I stopped losing. I did the regular self evaluation: weigh everything (check), log everything (check), staying within my range (check), getting water in (check), exercising (check). Still nothing, that scale wouldn't budge. The only other thing I could think of is my last loss prompted the MFP calorie change message. I allowed it to lower my calories. I ended up bumping mine back up and sure enough after a few days the scale started cooperating again. I would suggest doing the self eval first then maybe try changing up your calories? Good luck to you!

    Lives - That is great that your friends complimented you. Even though the scale may not be moving your body is still changing. Sometimes it is often difficult to see changes in ourselves but others notice right away. Keep up the fantastic work. You are doing an amazing job. Congrats on your recent loss!

    Tracy - I hope your boss lets you adjust your hours.

    Kah - Wahoo for the compliments from your coworkers. It does put things into perspective when you try to lift something that weighs the same as what you lost and struggle to do so. I am always blown away when I lift something roughly 30 lbs. I imagine I will be even more so amazed when I shed more weight.

    aimee - Congrats on winning the diet bet!

    RobinB - Oh my goodness. My heart goes out to the family of the twins. What a horrible situation. :cry:

    Katie - Welcome.

    Skinny - Glad to hear you are having a good time. Too bad you didn't find the painting first.

    Tanya - Sorry to hear about your bad eating day. I hate when days like that happen. LOL good thing you finished them and have no more temptation haunting you! :wink:

    Humble - Welcome back!

    April Renaissance:
    I took planks and wall sits off because I have not done them yet and probably at this rate won't get around to doing them. I would like to attempt them at one point but I don't think this is the right time for me.

    Protein Goal at least 80 grams: 8/30 days
    Exercise goal:9/25 days (Allowing 1 rest day a week)

    Exercise goal:
    Sunday: Gardening - 2 hours
    Monday: Rest Day
    Tuesday: Walk with Brian (2.78 mi - 53 minutes) & 1 hour of cleaning construction h*ll
    Wednesday: Walk with Brian (3.62 mi - 1 hr and 14 min)
    Thursday: Walk with Brian (2.68 mi - 54 minutes) & 5 hours of cleaning construction h*ll
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    Hi all...just a quick check in as I won't be on much this weekend.

    Trying something different where I plan out my meals for the next week. Fingers crossed it works.

    The BF and I are going hiking tomorrow. WOO! :)

    My knees are killing me though. I worked out yesterday and today pretty hard. Biked 8 miles in a half hour, which isn't too shabby.

    Still waiting for the scale to go back down. :(
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Friday fitness: I'm surprised with how well I'm doing with planks. I've missed three days yet I'm up to 45 seconds (granted these are straight arms and not on my elbows)!! The 20 seconds on the 1st and 2nd felt like an eternity and now I just made 45???!!! How crazy is that? It's amazing what our bodies can do if we just push them. My goal is to take every Sunday off and then hit 2 minutes by the 30th. I used to think that was out of reach, but now I'm hopeful.

    On the downside of my fitness, I'm pretty sure that I pulled/strained my achilles tendon. Based on where the pain is, that's what it says it is. I'm icing it religously (love flexible ice mats), but I think I'm going to have to replace some of my exercises today during our workout. Probably no curb jumps (that's when I felt it start hurting on Tuesday) and we'll see. My sister really wants to do the workout. I will try each exercise she gave us but if it's not do-able without significant pain, I'll replace it with something else.

    @kelley...I've watched the Biggest Loser for years with the last challenge of them having to carry/tow/wear the weight they had lost and it's amazing.

    @aimee...that's a REALLY GREAT workout you got in yesterday.

    @ushkii...good for you. This has really become just the way you are living -- that's a huge step (I'm not there yet!) :flowerforyou:

    @RobinB...that is a horrible tragedy! :frown: Looking at it from afar, the worst part is that it could have been prevented. The complex knew about the broken latch and should have fixed it (I agree with you that I see a future litigation against them). The parents shouldn't be sleeping with such young children up. Unfortunately, it is something they are going to have to live with the rest of their lives.

    @KJeffries...I would have picked Outback -- I really miss that place and you can find a steak dinner for about $12 on the menu.

    @Tanya...if 200 calories is the worst you've gone over since starting -- you are ROCKIN' IT!!!

    @Kaye...I sure wish I would catch your cleaning bug. I'm hoping after the Cantata I'll feel a little more relaxed and then possibly more motivated. :bigsmile: Last year we worked on our Cantata for 4 months. This year, we've only spent about 5 weeks on it, but we are definitely cramming it in. I'm excited to perform it as I think it is such a wonderful message and powerful songs. I told my mom to bring tissues to the service on Sunday :love:

    @Laurie...enjoy spring break!

    AFM...I got the change. Starting Monday I will be working 7-3:30 Monday through Friday. Right now I work 7:30 - 5 Monday - Thursday and then 7:30 - 12:30 on Fridays. I'm going to really miss my Friday afternoons off, but I think overall this is just a better solution for me and my family.

    Yesterday was such a wonderful experience. At The Banquet, we served approximately 310 people. I went and helped prepare the meal (there were 5 of us cooking all day, but at service time we had about 45 folks). We made meatloaf, potatos, gravy and green beans. My arms got a good workout as I mixed a batch of 20 pounds of meatloaf and did all the gravy making (that's a lot of whisking!! :smokin: ) Our church also contributed pans of peach cobbler and bread. It's all served family style so tables were loaded with condiments, dessert etc. Some people served the food. Some cleared tables. Some reset. Some filled water glasses. Amazing organization!!

    I told you all that my company has been a backer of this in Sioux Falls for many years. I was talking to them here in Bismarck about that and found out that Bismarck went down and studied the Sioux Falls Banquet and have used it as a blue print for their own program. It was wonderful to see the families especially with young children as you knew that they were getting at least one hot meal a week. They also collect donations and provide food for take home. This week they had tons of veggies, crackers, bread, etc. It changes each week and while I didn't get to see it directly (I was too busy serving up the meatloaf), they said you can see excitement when there is something extra special (sometimes a candy bar even finds its way there). I'm excited to do it again when my son can come volunteer with me. You have to be in 7th grade before you can help out, but I know it's going to be a great experience for him. Not only helping others, but recognizing just how lucky we really are.

    Yesterday I wanted to go to bed before 10:00. I didn't quite make that, but was in bed by 10:30 and actually feel so much better. Amazing how you feel when you treat your body well. Huh? :blushing:

    April Goals:
    30 Day Plank – 8/30 (45 seconds)
    Remember why I want to do this!!!
    Drinking my water – 7/30
    Calorie intake – 7/30 (missed again yesterday --- focus Tracy)

    This week’s activity goals:
    Monday – Cake Decorating class DONE
    Tuesday – Gym with Trainer DONE
    Wednesday – Water Aerobics DONE
    Thursday – Cooking and Serving at The Banquet (I’ll be on my feet from 1-7:30 --- I think that’ll be enough) DONE
    Friday – Gym with sister
    Saturday – Cantata practice, Jacob is at a music festival and then I’m helping with an Easter event at church…no time for a formal workout
    Sunday – gym with sister

    Goals for today:
    **stay under calorie goal
    **drink my water
    **Movie night with my kids
    **plan meals and grocery shop for two weeks
    **gather all required documents for mortgage application

    Have a wonderful Friday and a great weekend!!
  • CindileeHinds
    CindileeHinds Posts: 4 Member
    great job!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Happy Friday all. I have had a fairly good week and been keeping somewhat busy. I have got out to walk the dogs everyday for varying lengths of time depending on how my ankle is feeling. I went and did some grocery shopping with my mom this morning and picked up a nice ham they had on sale so i decided to make a ham dinner for the whole family tonight.

    Robin I am happy to hear they have been able to start figuring out the root of the problems you have been having. I know surgery is scary but sounds like you have a pretty good dr. I was so mad when i heard about your insurance not covering the hospital stay you should have. I really hate the medical feild sometimes. I wish I lived closer I would definitley come help you out. :flowerforyou:

    It sounds like everyone else is trucking along pretty well so heres to hoping we all keep up the good work:drinker: :drinker: Have a great day everyone.:heart::heart:
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Thursday Truth: I’m ready for vacation and that’s it.
    Friday Fitness: What fitness? I’m ready for vacation and that’s it. LOL!!!

    @ Laurie – I’m not a jumper either. Even when I was thinner it wasn’t my thing. I hate jumping jacks. Yuck! Social life? What exactly is that? Local friendships are important. I wish you were closer. Sigh. I love how your being an inspiration to others. It’s those little comments and compliments you are giving that will keep pushing me in the right direction. I did have to chuckle at your driver’s license photo. It is hard to tell it’s the same person. You really may want to get it changed soon. LOL!!!

    @ Kaye – Enjoy every single compliment. You earned it!!!!

    @ Ushkii – It’s so important to have all the support you can get. With you MFP friends and your wife joining the journey, you can do this!!

    @ L2T – Girl, that’s happened to me so many times. You take the time and do personals then POOF it’s gone. It’s the thought that counts. Thanks for thinking of us!! LOL!! I’ve been to Chapel Hill and it is a beautiful campus that’s for sure. There are definitely some amazing college campuses around this country that’s for sure. Have a wonderful weekend and soak up some sun!!

    @ Kelly – Hail storm? Seriously??!! Yikes!! You guys have had some whacko weather that’s for sure.

    @ Nettie/Jtconst – Thanks guys!!! I’m going to enjoy these 7-nights and try to totally disconnect and get myself re-energized!!!

    @ Aimee – Hugs! It sounds like you were having a rough start to the week. I hope it’s gotten better.

    @ Tammy – Actually, this is Spring Break for Cyrus so it worked out perfectly. It’s a super late Spring Break, but luckily he will not miss anything. I know this has been a tough year for Jacob. Keep doing what you’re doing and pushing him along. I know there are some days tougher than others that’s for sure. Hang in there!

    @ KarenL & Tanya – Good for you!!! It’s those tough choices we have to push through and I’m proud of you both for passing on the sweet treats. You girls rock!

    @ KJ- Hugs to you too. I know my friends who are battling cancer have run into issues. They live in a small town and he has to drive 1 hour just to get to chemo. Since January 2012, he’s been going every 2 weeks. It’s taken a toll on them as well. So frustrating. You’re battling for your life and have to deal with all the other stuff too. Thoughts to your sister and all of her care givers during this tough time.

    @ Hansea – Enjoy your couple time. It’s so important. I know that’s one thing we didn’t do enough in our 10-year marriage, which of course was over years ago. With work, kids, life in general, couples really need to find that time. Also, one thing I have also learned is to dedicate a certain amount of time to talk NOT about kids, work or money. It’s harder than you think. Have fun!!! Also, loved your little old lady cheering – you go girl!!!!

    @ Karen – Glad you’re enjoying the conference even if it’s downtown Chicago. Always good to take a breather from the classroom. You’ve been edited – oh my!!! Potty mouth Karen. LOL!!!

    @ Robin – Wow!!! I know every single one of us wish we lived closer so we can be your nurse maids. You’ve been such an encouraging force for so many of us and hence Robin’s Thread. Because you started this little group we’re all friends. You’ll be in my thoughts and prayers that hopefully, FINALLY we have a diagnosis and treatment. Also, no apologies needed. I can’t even begin to fathom what you’ve been going through. You vent, scream, cry, or make whatever comments you need to make. HUGS!!!!

    @ RobinB – I feel the same way when I can’t log on or find the time. I really miss everyone and we’re like family now. Glad to see you jumped on. But, I can’t believe your story about the drowning. Both twin girls? I can’t even fathom this loss. How would you ever get over it? So incredibly sad.

    @ Tanya – Been there done that. One little bite adds to a BUNCH of bites. Thank goodness that day is over. Toda is a new day.

    @ Humble – Good to see you my friend. I’m there with you. Hanging on by a thread, but hanging on. You can too!!!
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    I really don't know what kind of funk I was in yesterday, except that I thought back and realized I had been hungry the last 2 days. That might have triggered it. Anyway, new day and it was much better. There were cakes in the lunchroom again and I passed it up easily. I kicked butt at physio... Boxing punches mixed with squats, jumping jacks, sit ups. Ended up doing 100 of each (200 squats-- they are so easy now!) in between rounds of boxing. It was so much fun, better than walking top incline on a treadmill for sure.

    I also have many NSV's to share, which are adding to my mood today after last night's binge...

    Body fat dropped 2.2% down to 45%
    Muscle massed increased to 114.4 lb from 110 .2 lb
    Visceral fat rating down one point and just point above "safe" range.
    BMI down to 37.6 from 38.1
    I can feel my triceps again, they are big!
    My neck, chin and shoulders are thinning.
    I have not eaten above my TDEE since I started MFP... Just realized that today. Every time I eat over calories I think I am going to gain weight, but if still eating below TDEE, that reality is impossible. I have to keep that in my mind.
    I seriously have to go shopping for new jeans and yoga pants, they are so loose in the butt and waist.

    Laurie: enjoy your spring break!

    Kaye: yay for having your taxes done. Mine are not going to get done despite me giving myself today as my deadline. I am procrastinating big time, and my excuse is that Canada Revenue Agency has shut down their filing site because of that huge internet security virus... "Bleed" something or other. I'm now telling myself that I will do them the day they have the site back up and running safely.

    Robin... Your needs come first. I hope that this surgery fixes any/some of the problems you've been dealing with lately. I don't think I could deal with something like what you are going through, you are so strong!

    Humble: welcome back, that's half the battle.

    Lives: congrats on the loss. I see patterns with my weight too, and can expect when the drop is going to come. For me it's usually every Saturday... And that's tomorrow!:happy:

    Nettie: that's exactly what I was thinking when I started eating them, and that's why I finished them :ohwell:

    Aimee: meal planning is my saving grace, probably why I have been able to lose consistently this time. If I don't plan my meals for the week I go off the rails very quickly. I am lazy and tired when I get home from work and tend to fall back into old habits.

    Tlh: well done on the planks! I would love to see you get up to 2 min... I think my best time is 40 or 45 seconds. If you want a challenge later on, do alternating planks from forearms to straight arms, no pausing in between. Just up, down, up... Start with a set of 10, then increase sets. It really shows your strength. As for the Achilles strain, I had one before Christmas... Quite painful. Thankfully it's healed now.

    Susan: enjoy your vacation!! Im on vacation too, but just staying around home... Maybe take a few day trips or hikes with my BF (he's on vacation too!)

    Ah, yes... I almost forgot. I am taking an exercise break next week while on vacation. No strength training, DVD's, squats or lunges. Just walking or hiking. Due to my DOMS, I should be waking up pain free by Tuesday or Wednesday. I am really looking forward to letting my body rest and recover, I've put it through a lot in the past 9 months or so.
  • JessG11
    JessG11 Posts: 345 Member
    Is it too late to get into this group?

    Love that it is so positive and supportive!
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Welcome back, Humble!

    JessG- Join right in! :flowerforyou:

    Robin- It's your party. You can cry if you want to! I hope the next couple weeks aren't TOO hard on you as you wait for surgery. I can't imagine all that you're dealing with. I'm proud of you for cleaning even though you were so down. Aside from stress eating, cleaning is my outlet for stress.

    Skinny- I just thought you were eating offensive ARE in a big city where anything could happen! :laugh: I'm glad it was just chocolate chunk and not chocolate...ahem. :wink:

    Nettie- I'm a cleaner, raised by a neat freak. But, I think you are better at it then me, so if you can't stand your house any more, you are welcome to come scrub mine for a while! :laugh:

    The kids are gone to my in-laws' house. I made a delicious salmon with dill sauce, green beans and beer bread for dinner. Now DH is washing the dishes while I put my feet up! :heart: On deck for tomorrow is exercise, hotel, dinner and a movie. Tonight is laundry and packing.

    Have a great weekend, everyone!

    April Renaissance:

    1. Under calories: 7/30
    2. Wall sit: 6/30, 50 sec.
    3. Forearm Plank: 6/30, 30 sec.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Nettie- Great job with the cleaning. That is one task I want to tackle during my break.

    Karen- Happy that you are having fun at the meeting. Good luck getting your run in this weekend.

    Robin E- Your emotions are right on for what you are facing. It is okay to focus on yourself right now without worrying about all of us here.

    Susan- I will renew my license next year. The nice thing about that picture is that I have a constant reminder of how far I have come. Enjoy your vacation.

    Welcome back Humbleheart, it is great to see you again.

    Jess G- Welcome and jump right in.

    Tanya- Those are great NSV. Great job.

    Fitness- I did some great climbing tonight and I pushed myself a little harder than normal. The good news was that I made it over the ledge on the first try tonight. That is awesome for me since I usually have trouble getting over the overhangs the first time. In addition, this was at the end of my climbing time so I was surprised that I still had the strength and energy in my arms and legs to accomplish the task.

    Tomorrow, I will be doing water aerobics and going for a swim. Then I will pick up my bike from the shop since it is ready. I will also go pick up a new battery for my heart rate monitor/watch and maybe a run? It will be a busy weekend but at least the weather will be nice.

    Have a great weekend. TGIF
  • tcl1mbd1
    tcl1mbd1 Posts: 1
    Hello everyone!!!

    I"m new here. I am just getting started on this journey. I could use any and all suggestions.

    I had thyroid cancer two years ago. Ugh. I NEED help and advice. How do i lose weight and

    what has worked for all of u?


    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Finally got to water aerobics and DH came along. He admitted that he felt so much better going and is recommitting to going three times a week. That will help me. I stayed over and did my yoga poses in the pool. Neighbors called and invited us out to Frontera (again!!) Bill really wanted to go because of the invite but I knew it was going to be pitsville for me. I wish I were more assertive but didnt want to disappoint DH. Had fajitas, a few bites of refried beans, passed over the rice, still slightly under but I was hoping for an excellent loss this week. Starting to tell my loss by ways clothes fit, but I have so far to go. Did insist hubby walk with me when we got home


    JNETTIE: WHAT KIND OF FLOORS ARE YOU GETTING? CERAMIC? WE HAVE DELAYED GETTING OUR BECAUSE OF THE DUST. After enduring so much dust from wood floors, we found out that the carpenter could have stopped a lot of this by putting an attachment on his saw to catch the dust. We asked the ceramic guy about that and it doesnt work with ceramic, but we do want ceramic in our kitchen. We have solid cherry wood floors and they get wet too much

    Aimee Marie - The best sucess I ever had with weight loss was when I planned and prepared my meals for the week on sunday nights, refrigerated them and just heat them up when I got in from work. Really helped

    TLJ0407 - Ouch!! That can be really painful and can be serious. Glad you are changing exercises to accommodate. I should have picked Outback. Doing the banquet sounds like lots of fun. thought for time with kids -- Could you walk and have them walk with you? Would that work for you?

    Susan - You are so nice. I really appreciate your encouragement. Enjoy that vacation. Is your son going with you

    Tanya - Good job of skipping the cookies. The workout probably helped vent some of the desire for food. It does for me

    Jessg11 - Welcome aboard. The train hasnt left

    Lives - Congrats on the loss. Good job!!! That is how you have suceeded in losing over 100 lbs. You are an inspiration

    Robin - I know this surgery is going to be sucessful and you will be so much better when it is over and you are recuperated. You are in my prayers and I am glad you have such good friends to help out.

  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Friday fitness-I have had my longest walks this week. Tonight was the longest to date, 4.3 miles. I'm still in awe of those of you who are doing so much fitness, but I am grateful that I can walk.
    Teresa, my formula for success is pretty simple. I count my calories, log everything, and walk. I try to not use many of my exercise calories, and rarely go over my daily goal. You need to be accountable to someone. My friends here on Robin's thread keep me accountable.
    Everyone have a great weekend. Susan, enjoy your vacation. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Thanks all for the support, had a good Thursday and Friday got water and under cal. but no walk. It has been a great week.

    3 under cal 4/7 days
    1 Walk 30 min 4/7 days
    2 Drink 8cups 4/7 days

    Mon: 123 = 6
    Tue: 123 = 6
    Wed: 123 = 6
    Thur: 123 = 6
    Fri: 23 =5

    Weak total: 29
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Good Morning and Happy Saturday!

    Last night Brian and I went out for another walk. I use Digifit (app on my phone) to track out walks. It uses the GPS to map out your route and calculate miles. We did 3.9 miles in an hour and 14 minutes. This was our longest walk to date. I was looking at the log on the app and noticed that it seems like out pace has quickened a bit. I never realized it but think it is fantastic.

    Which brings me to my Fitbit. On the home page of the app I have it set up to tell me active minutes. Fitbit and Digifit sync together and both also sync with MFP. I have noticed though all week long Fitbit is not logging active minutes for me. After I synced last night it gave me the steps but only put in 2 active minutes. It's not a huge deal because I know what I did and also tracked with another app. Though, I couldn't help feeling disappointed that it only registered my walk as 2 minutes. Has anyone else experienced this before with their Fitbit?

    Aimee - Hope your knees are feeling better soon. Have a great time on your hike!

    Tracy - I am sorry about your injury. Hope you feel better soon.Great job with the planks! Congrats on getting the change for work. I am glad your boss was willing to work something out with you.

    JtConst - Glad to hear you had a good week.

    Tanya - Congrats on your NSVs. You must be so proud of yourself. I was just noticing the past few days that all my yoga pants are loose in the tush too. I told my husband that I am starting to get that diaper butt look and it's not pretty. LOL

    Jess - Welcome. Jump right in and join us!

    Hansea - LOL thanks on the offer but I think I will pass. :wink: I have my hand full over here and it's exhausting. :laugh: I hope you and your hubby have a fun weekend.

    Laurie - I cannot remember, are you on Spring Break this upcoming week too? I have a question for you regarding your HRM. Is yours a chest strap? If so, how comfortable do you find the strap? Do you find it annoying when you are working out? I've been curious about them and down the road would love to purchase one.

    Teresa - Welcome. MFP definitely does work. I found it is best in the beginning to work on 1 goal at a time rather than trying to focus on everything at once. Set your goals for something that you know you can do such as get in some type of physical activity at least 3 times a week. Once you accomplish that build upon that goal making it a bit more challenging. Another thing that has helped me tremendously was investing in a digital scale. I weight everything and log it right before I am about to sit down and eat. This has helped me relearn what portion sizes should be rather than what I think they are. Don't be afraid to experiment with different things until you find what works best for you. Best of luck to you!

    Katrena - We had ceramic floors originally. The dust is from the floors being ripped up, then sanding down the concrete. (We have a slab house) We are replacing it with Bamboo in a cherry red color. It is going to be beautiful once it is done. We also had to have our bathroom done. We replaced it with another ceramic floor. We picked the cheapest thing we could find in a neutral color for that room because we plan on gutting the bathroom in a few years and remodeling it. When the plumbers had to break through the floors they used the attachment. It did cut down significantly on the dust but you still get enough to annoy the heck out of you. LOL Brian decided to rip out the rest of the floor himself and didn't use an attachment so we got a lot of dust from that. Then when John came in he had to go back over and meticulously level out the floors. He used an attachment but again there still was a lot of dust. This project has been going on since February. :grumble: We had to wait for the insurance check to come in before we could move forward. This gave us time to remove the rest of the flooring to save costs. But thankfully next week it will finally come to an end.
    :love: :love: :love:

    Kaye - Congrats on the long walk. I have not broken 4 miles yet but I feel it is coming soon.

    April Renaissance:

    Protein Goal at least 80 grams: 9/30 days
    Exercise goal:10/25 days (Allowing 1 rest day a week)

    Exercise goal:
    Sunday: Gardening - 2 hours
    Monday: Rest Day
    Tuesday: Walk with Brian (2.78 mi - 53 minutes) & 1 hour of cleaning construction h*ll
    Wednesday: Walk with Brian (3.62 mi - 1 hr and 14 min)
    Thursday: Walk with Brian (2.68 mi - 54 minutes) & 5 hours of cleaning construction h*ll
    Friday: Walk with Brian (3.9 mi - 1 hr and 14 minutes), 2 hours of cleaning, played outside with my student (mostly running)
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Ushkii - isn't amazing how many times we have to start anew at this diet thing before we really get the hang of it. You are doing head and hands better than me this time. I am SO PROUD of you for all the effort you are putting it this time. You are going to be a success. For all the bouncing around I have done, and even with the setback of my sickness, I am still down weight overall. You will be too!

    KJeffries - How do you like LUMINOSITY? is it worth the money? Is it helping you? I was thinking of giving it as a gift to my guy pal because he is 10 years older than me and worryed about getting Alzheimers. I see no sign of that but his dad got it at a late age. So I value your opinion!

    Laurie - sorry your bike got smashed. I always thought those bike racks were silly, now they make sense.

    tih - I have one friend who splits his exercise throughout the day. He even rides a sttionary bike right before bed. He says it doesn't make him feel like staying awake! Go figure.

    Kah - interesting comment about the 20lb weight vest! you rock!

    Whoops just looked at the clock and gotta go - about to go see Captain America with some friends. WIll do more personals later.
  • littleshadowfeet
    littleshadowfeet Posts: 109 Member

    Just me, heading out for an 8 mile training walk... I should buy shares in KT Tape. Current tape job is for a fibial nerve entrapment, and extensor tendinopathy. We rocked the 8 miles, but frig it hurts. :tongue: Getting discouraged, as I've been dealing with ankle pain for almost 3 years now and have been in physio for almost a year. Has anyone else dealt with chronic injuries?

    Also, I'm down one toenail and have another one just about ready to fall off... the joys of a distance walker. :) Our half marathon is on May 11th and then we have a two month break before starting training for the next one - might be enough time for my toenails to grow back!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member